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粉尘爆炸事故模式及其预防研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
随着粉体工业的发展,粉尘爆炸发生的危险性也随之增大。为了探讨粉尘爆炸发生的规律,笔者对粉尘爆炸发生的点火源类型、事故原因进行了统计、排序;在对已发生的典型的粉尘爆炸事故分析的基础上,总结、归纳了影响粉尘爆炸发生的,诸如粉尘自身的可燃性、粉尘所处的状态、粉尘所处的外部环境等因素;提炼出了7种粉尘爆炸事故模式,并对各种模式下粉尘爆炸发生的条件、机理进行了初步研究分析,然后提出了相应的事故预防措施。笔者所研究的成果,对粉体工业的安全生产具有实际的指导作用,对今后防灾决策的深入研究也具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

随着我国聚烯烃粉体生产的迅猛发展,粉体生产过程中的静电爆炸事故也相应增多。该文介绍了国外粉尘静电爆炸研究的进展和国内粉尘静电爆炸事故的主要现象。近期国外的研究特点主要是逐渐采用工业规模的实验装置取代实验室的基础研究,着重开展了料仓放电的危险研究和与放电燃爆有关的基础研究,包括安全评价和工业控制条件的推荐研究。国内粉尘静电爆炸事故主要存在的现象有设计缺欠或不合理,装置扩能改造时忽视了脱挥或通风的配套改造,处理不合格料或过渡时应急处理不当,操作失误或不规范,破坏料仓通风控制,料位计选型不当,增加高能放电引燃几率。针对分析出的问题和现象,文章提出了查清运行装置的具体事故隐患,进行防止聚烯烃料仓粉尘静电爆炸的可接受研究和可操作性研究,开展粉尘静电爆炸的危险教育,提高员工的安全意识和应急处理能力等应对策略。  相似文献   

本刊讯(记者超 青)“粉尘爆炸是现 代化大生产的伴生 物。在现代化生产中, 由于粉末产物增多, 粉体加工深度增大, 以及由于劳动条件、职业卫生和环境状况要求不断提高,而出现的某些除尘工艺上的缺陷,致使粉尘爆炸的危险越来越大。我国重大粉尘爆炸事故已发生过多次,造成的生命财产损失极为惨重。值得注意的是,我国发生粉尘爆炸事故的频率将远高于欧美各国。这种情况应该引起我们的高度重视。”这是劳动部副部长李沛瑶于1990年12月27日在全园粉尘防爆标准化技术委员会成立大会上讲的一番话。 国家技术监督局标准化司司长金光、劳动部科技委副…  相似文献   

<正>本文对比了国内外粉尘防爆安全标准体系的发展情况,提出目前我国粉尘防爆存在的问题与在安全标准上的缺失,并提出展望。粉尘防爆是安全生产的一个重要领域,涉及到工业生产众多行业和企业,粉尘爆炸事故的预防也受到世界各国高度关注。近年来,随着我国国民经济发展步入新常态,产业结构不断调整升级,新工艺、新材料、新领域不断涌现,粉体工业及伴随可燃粉尘产生的各类加工  相似文献   

<正>粉尘防爆是安全生产的一个重要领域,涉及到工业生产众多行业和企业,粉尘爆炸事故的预防也受到社会各界高度关注。近年来,随着我国国民经济发展步入新常态,产业结构不断调整升级,新工艺、新材料、新领域不断涌现,粉体工业及伴随可燃粉尘产生的各类加工生产企业不断发展,粉尘爆炸事故风险也随之增高。本期《劳动保护》杂志"特别关注"栏目从不  相似文献   

正粉尘爆炸是可以预防的,通过消除"可燃性粉尘""氧化剂""点火源"中一个或多个要素,来实现。近年来,随着粉体制造加工企业越来越多,尤其是工贸行业中涉及产生粉尘的工艺环节越来越多,由于管理缺陷、安全意识薄弱、粉尘爆炸科学知识缺乏等原因,粉尘爆炸事故频发。科学合理地评估粉尘爆炸风险性,一直是企业和政府各级安全生产监管部门当前应高度  相似文献   

6氨基青霉烷酸(6-APA)是生产阿莫西林的重要中间体,在生产过程的离心机分离及干燥等环节存在粉体燃烧爆炸的危险。利用Hartmann管式粉尘最小点火能测试装置,研究6-APA干粉状态及丙酮存在环境粉体最小点火能变化规律。实验结果表明,6-APA粉体在分散质量为0.6g时,最小点火能为14mJ,参照VDI2263的规定,属于一般着火敏感性粉尘。向粉体中加入丙酮溶剂模拟实际生产环境,实验结果显示粉尘云最小点火能下降明显,且混合物着火能力增强。质量为1g的6-APA粉体与0.5mL丙酮溶剂配比条件下,混合物分散质量为0.6g时,最小点火能为6mJ,在此环境中混合粉体属于特别着火敏感性粉尘。实验结果阐明了6-APA在丙酮存在环境条件下混合粉体燃烧的爆炸危险性,为采取相应的爆炸防护措施提供了实验依据。  相似文献   

粉尘爆炸基本特性及防爆措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了粉尘爆炸的条件、机理、特点.为了降低可燃粉尘的危害,根据粉尘爆炸的基本特性及粉尘燃爆的发生、发展规律,重点总结、归纳5种预防粉尘爆炸的措施,以期指导安全生产.  相似文献   

<正>近年来,粉尘爆炸多发生在冶金、汽车制造、军工、煤炭、纺织、纤维、粮食及食品药品等工业方面。据统计,全世界范围内平均每天至少有一起粉尘爆炸事故发生。随着现代工业不断发展,涉及粉体加工以及粉尘产生的工艺情况日益增多。一方面带来职业危害,引起职业病问题;另一方面,绝大多数粉尘存在可燃性,具有爆炸性风险;同时许多企业车间设备、管道、天花板、防护罩上都存在严重的积尘,沉积粉尘将成为粉尘二次爆炸的"尘源",一旦发生粉尘初次爆燃事故,将带来叠加的粉尘爆炸事故。爆炸事故将产生高温气体,形成高速高压冲击波,极大威胁到涉及粉尘生产企业的几乎所有生产工艺及流水线。所以,导致粉尘爆炸的后果严重程度成倍增加,一旦发生将直接造成房顶掀翻、墙壁倒塌、厂毁人亡。粉尘爆炸严重威胁工业生  相似文献   

粉体工业(如食品、塑料、粉末冶金、有机合成、火炸药等)在生产过程中(如风力粉碎、风力分选、采用袋式集尘器等)曾发生过多起粉体爆炸事故。为了防范于未然,我们将事故的原因、条件、规律和预防措施简单介绍如下。 粉尘爆炸机理 散布于空气中呈游离状态的粉尘云,在外界初始能量(包括机械能、热能、电能、辐射能以及化学能等)的作用下,形成局部过热区。这个区域内的粉尘颗粒由于热能的作用,表面温度上升,并被汽化或被分解成气体。显然,如果上述分解或汽化过程为放热反应,而这类粉尘又具有爆炸性,就会使粉尘颗粒由燃烧转为爆轰。如果这种过程…  相似文献   

为了探明外部条件对玉米淀粉粉尘爆炸特性参数的影响,利用20 L球形爆炸装置进行试验测试,探讨了点火能量及粉尘含水量对粉尘爆炸特性的影响,对比研究了CaCO_3和Al(OH)_3两种惰性介质的抑爆效果。结果表明:随点火能量增加,粉尘最大爆炸压力和最大升压速率呈线性上升,在高质量浓度下,粉尘爆炸压力受点火能量的影响更显著;添加CaCO_3和Al(OH)_3能够降低玉米淀粉的爆炸压力,相对于CaCO_3的物理抑爆,Al(OH)_3的物理-化学抑爆效果更佳;玉米淀粉粉尘的最大爆炸压力及爆炸升压速率随粉尘含水量降低而不断增大。  相似文献   

Fireworks are widely used in festivals around the world, but the safety issue during preparation the manufacture, storage, and operation of pyrotechnics has also been highly valued. Human operation error and insufficient recognition of the safety characteristics of pyrotechnics are the main factors in pyrotechnic incidents in Taiwan. This study considers thermal and explosion safety by electrostatic sensitivity, minimum ignition temperature, and explosion characteristics of propellant dust in commercial multi-tube pyrotechnics. The results show that propellant dust is not sensitive to static electricity, but it was ignited at 260 °C environment temperature. The lower explosion limit of propellant dust was 125–150 g/m3, which provided an effective control of the dust concentration in the workplace. It was also found that the explosive level of the propellant dust belonged to St-1, which is exceptionally close to St-2 explosion influence, and that cannot be ignored. The high temperature associated with the explosion reminded that after the firework is launched, it should be cooled before leaving. Combining the above results, this research suggests the environmental operation temperature and dust concentration should be controlled within a safer range to effectively avoid the occurrence of dust fire or explosion and substantially enhance the safety of the pyrotechnic industry.  相似文献   

为探究超细粉体惰化剂对铝合金抛光伴生粉尘爆炸特性的影响规律,利用标准化实验装置及自行搭建的实验平台,在对爆炸基本参数进行测试的基础上,分别研究超细CaCO3粉体对抛光废弃物粉尘点燃敏感度的钝化作用以及对爆炸火焰传播进程的惰化效果,并在相同条件下与同等粒径高纯度铝粉的实验效果进行比对。研究结果表明:铝合金抛光废弃物粉尘最小点火能量为280 mJ,而同等粒径高纯度铝粉最小点火能量为35 mJ;在铝合金抛光废弃物粉尘质量浓度为300 g/m3条件下,发生爆炸的火焰传播速度峰值为7.4 m/s,约为高纯度铝粉的57%,铝合金抛光废弃物粉尘的爆炸敏感度及猛烈度均低于高纯度铝粉;当超细CaCO3粉体的惰化比为30%时,可将铝合金抛光废弃物粉尘的最小点火能量钝化至约1 J,爆炸火焰失去持续传播能力,惰化作用效果充分显现。  相似文献   

Coal dust explosion is easy to happen in the process of coal pulverization. In order to reduce the risk of coal dust explosion and promote the safety of coal chemical industry, surface modification of the ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (ADP) explosion suppressant was performed with methyl hydrogen-containing silicone oil to obtain modified ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (MADP) powder. The explosion suppression and hydrophobic properties of MADP were tested. The experimental results show that after surface modification, MADP overcomes the defect that the traditional ammonium dihydrogen phosphate explosion suppressant is easily affected by moisture, which results in agglomeration; further, MADP has little or no solubility in water and has excellent hydrophobic properties. After surface modification, MADP has better thermal stability and can withstand higher ambient temperatures. MADP can significantly increase the minimum ignition energy, thus reducing the possibility of combustion and explosion. With the increase in the mass concentration of the explosion suppressant, the maximum explosion pressure gradually decreases and delays. Compared with ADP, MADP has better explosion suppression characteristics and can quickly and efficiently suppress explosion.  相似文献   

杨帆  马秋菊 《安全》2020,(4):63-67
碳纤维复合材料是应用于航天、航空领域的高性能材料之一,对于该材料的粉尘爆炸特性还未有相关研究报告。为了研究碳纤维复合材料粉尘的爆炸强度特性,本文采用20L球形粉尘爆炸测试实验系统开展了相关实验研究。实验测得碳纤维复合材料粉尘爆炸下限浓度为50g/m 3,最大爆炸压力为0.48MPa。在测试浓度范围内,最大压力上升速率和爆炸指数均随浓度的增大而变大。另外,在其爆炸强度特性研究的基础上,对产尘车间的环境风险进行了初步辨识,提出了相应的防护措施。本文的研究成果对此类碳纤维复合材料粉尘的工业防护具有实际的指导作用,对于该粉尘的爆炸机理的深入研究也具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

The 2007 edition of the National Fire Protection Association Standard 68 for Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting has a new provision to account for the turbulence level in combustible dust or powder processing equipment. This paper explains the development of this new provision for increased deflagration vent area requirements in highly turbulent combustible dust/powder processing equipment. The development includes a review of initial turbulence level effects on vented explosion pressures, and a review of turbulence levels measured in ASTM E1226 and ISO 6184/1 explosion test procedures to determine Kst. A review of operating conditions in some representative spray dryer plant equipment suggests that most equipment of this type probably do not have high enough air flows to require increased explosion vent areas due to turbulence, but some types of equipment with high tangential entrance air flows may well need larger vent areas.  相似文献   

为探究混合金属粉尘爆炸危险性及与单一粉体爆炸特性差异,确保车间安全生产,采用粉尘云点火能量测试系统对车间混合金属粉尘及铝粉最小点火能量在不同影响因素下的变化规律及2种粉尘火焰变化特征进行测试。研究结果表明:混合金属粉尘和铝粉最小点火能量在一定范围内(38~96 μm)与粒径呈正相关性,当混合金属粉尘粒径大于75 μm时,所需最小点火能量大于1 000 mJ,其爆炸敏感性迅速降低,此时铝粉仍有较强爆炸敏感性;2种粉尘最小点火能量随质量浓度增加呈先降低后升高的趋势,最小点火能分别为295,15 mJ,对应的敏感质量浓度为600,1 000 g/m3,混合金属粉尘在质量浓度为500~700 g/m3时具有较大爆炸危险性;同铝粉相比,混合金属粉尘点火能量更高、火焰燃烧时间更短、火焰高度更低、爆炸剧烈程度更弱。  相似文献   

This paper describes dust explosion research conducted in an experimental mine and in a 20-L laboratory chamber at the Pittsburgh Research Laboratory (PRL) of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). The primary purpose of this research is to improve safety in mining, but the data are also useful to other industries that manufacture, process, or use combustible dusts. Explosion characteristics such as the minimum explosible concentration and the rock dust inerting requirements were measured for various combustible dusts from the mining industries. These dusts included bituminous coals, gilsonite, oil shales, and sulfide ores. The full-scale tests were conducted in the Lake Lynn experimental mine of NIOSH. The mine tests were initiated by a methane–air explosion at the face (closed end) that both entrained and ignited the dust. The laboratory-scale tests were conducted in the 20-L chamber using ignitors of various energies. One purpose of the laboratory and mine comparison is to determine the conditions under which the laboratory tests best simulate the full-scale tests. The results of this research showed relatively good agreement between the laboratory and the large-scale tests in determining explosion limits. Full-scale experiments in the experimental mine were also conducted to evaluate the explosion resistance characteristics of seals that are used to separate non-ventilated, inactive workings from active workings of a mine. Results of these explosion tests show significant increases in explosion overpressure due to added coal dust and indications of pressure piling.  相似文献   

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