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采用富集培养的方法,从未受苯酚污染的自然土壤中分离得到5株能以苯酚为唯一碳源生长的细菌.根据生理生化特性和系统发育分析对它们进行了初步鉴定,菌株PHD-2为Ralstonia sp.,菌株 PHD-4为Acinetobacter sp.,菌株PHD-5 为Microbacterium sp.,菌株PHD-1和PHD-3均为Pseudomonas sp.,16S rRNA基因序列的同源性比较和系统发育分析表明自然土壤中的苯酚降解菌具有丰富的多样性.  相似文献   

耐低温苯酚降解菌的降解动力学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究耐低温菌在15℃水温条件下对不同浓度苯酚的生物降解作用,采用反应动力学方程拟合其降解过程。结果表明:菌株在低温下可降解苯酚,当菌体质量浓度一定时,苯酚降解率及平均降解速率主要与苯酚初始浓度有关。当初始浓度〈350 mg/L时,在48 h内可完全降解,菌株降解过程中没有出现苯酚毒性抑制作用,遵循Monod方程;当初始浓度〉350 mg/L时,苯酚降解率及降解速率均有所下降,由于初始浓度高对菌体产生了抑制作用,降解过程以基质抑制型的Hal-dane方程为主。  相似文献   

从本溪市某焦化厂的活性污泥中分离驯化得到一株高效苯酚降解菌C1,初步鉴定为假单胞菌。该菌能在以苯酚为唯一碳源的无机盐培养基中生长,且最高可耐受2 000 mg/L的苯酚。对该菌降解性能研究表明,该菌具有较强的苯酚降解能力,在苯酚浓度为400 mg/L、30℃、pH值7.0、摇床转速120 r/min、接种量5%的条件下,培养24 h后苯酚降解率可达99%以上。葡萄糖对该菌体的生长及苯酚降解能力均有一定的影响;低浓度(0.5 g/L)葡萄糖可以提高该菌对苯酚的降解速率。  相似文献   

苯酚降解菌的分离及降解特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从扬子乙烯集团废水处理系统曝气池中的活性污泥驯化分离得到一株能快速降解苯酚的菌株,初步鉴定其为假单胞菌属菌株。该菌株在5℃-35℃范围内时都可以有效降解并矿化200mg/L的苯酚,最适宜的生长温度为25℃左右;菌株在pH为5~9范围内可以降解200mg/L的苯酚,偏碱性的条件下比酸性条件更适合细菌生长;培养过程中振荡速率大于120r/m时降解速率最大。当苯酚的初始浓度超过1000mg/L时,降解菌的生长受到抑制,不能有效降解苯酚。  相似文献   

苯酚是造纸、塑料、农药、医药合成等行业生产的原料或中间体。随着经济的发展,未经处理的含酚废水对人类的生存环境已经造成了严重的威胁。利用微生物降解的方法处理含酚废水是一种经济有效且无二次污染的方法。论文通过从被苯酚废水污染的污泥和污水中进行筛选细菌,得到11株耐受菌和降酚菌,在以苯酚为单碳源的培养上筛选降酚菌,通过药物培养得到7株高效降解酚菌。选择8号菌为研究菌种,进一步测定苯酚降解的影响因素。考察了温度、pH值、苯酚初始浓度、接种量对苯酚降解的影响。得出该菌的最适温度为30℃,最适降酚pH为8.0~9.0,最适初始苯酚浓度为200—240mg/L,最适接菌量为10%~15%。通过对8号菌降解苯酚的应用价值进行研究,得出8号菌的苯酚降解率可达到90.01%,耐酚浓度可达1.6g/L。  相似文献   

苯酚降解红球菌的分离鉴定及降解特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用富集培养的方法,从唐山污水处理厂附近的植物根际土中分离得到1株高效苯酚降解菌11-111。该菌株为革兰氏阳性菌,可以在以苯酚为唯一碳源和能源的无机盐培养基上生长,能够耐受最高浓度为2 000 mg/L的苯酚。对该菌株的降解性能研究表明,在温度24~32℃,pH值6.5~8.5,装液量≤20 mL(100 mL摇瓶)范围内,摇床转速为160 r/min,菌株对初始浓度500~1 500 mg/L的苯酚均能有效降解。根据该菌株的形态、生理生化特性和16S rRNA基因序列同源性分析结果,鉴定为红球菌属(Rhodococcus sp.)菌株。该菌株具有较强的环境适应能力和苯酚降解能力,有较高的研究价值及应用前景。  相似文献   

硝基苯降解菌的分离、鉴定及其对硝基苯的降解   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过选择性富集培养,从武汉制药厂排污沟污泥中分离出四株以硝基苯为唯一碳源生长的细菌,经初步鉴定,它们分属于葡萄球菌属(Stapylococcus)、链球菌属(Streptococcus)和棒状杆菌属(Corynebacterium)。葡萄球菌在含0.1%硝基苯的培养基中培养3天,可将硝基苯降解44%。其余菌株降解能力稍差。所有菌株经肉汤培养基转代,其降解能力都不降低。经检测4株菌均未发现质粒。  相似文献   

焦化废水因其60%以上的有机物为最难降解有机物苯酚而成为了研究热点,且苯酚自身的毒性还会抑制氨基氮和COD的去除,所以焦化废水能否达标排放的关键就是苯酚能否有效降解.苯酚的多种去除法中生物降解法由于其低成本、无二次污染的突出优势而成为众多研究者的研究方向,他们已从环境中特别是酚类物质污染的环境中分离出多种高效苯酚降解菌...  相似文献   

一株苯酚降解菌的分离和鉴定   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
:从工业废水中分离到一株高效降解苯酚的菌株PHEA 2 ,它能够在以苯酚为单一碳源和能源的无机培养基上生长 ,其最高苯酚降解率为 394nmol/ (mg·min) .经Biolog细菌自动鉴定仪鉴定 ,该菌株为醋酸钙不动杆菌 (Acinetobactercalcoaceti cus) .采用PCR扩增获得的该菌 16SrDNA片段 ,核苷酸序列分析结果表明 ,该菌株的 16SrDNA的核苷酸序列与醋酸钙不动杆菌同源性为 98% .在细菌系统发育分类学上 ,PHEA 2归属变形细菌γ亚类、不动杆菌属、醋酸钙不动杆菌 .  相似文献   

焦化废水处理中酚、氰降解细菌的分离选育   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
针对焦化废水为含酚、氰废水的特性,从焦化厂处理焦化废水的活性污泥和油泥中分离出能降解酚的细菌7株,降解氰的细菌8株,并对其降解能力进行了测定,结果表明,当酚浓度为150mg/L,经6h处理后0512菌株对酚的去除率达96.84%,当CN^-浓度为25mg/L经8h处理后,0501菌株对CN^-的去除率达99.96%。  相似文献   

The potential health risks of airborne bacteria emission from a wastewater treatment process have been concerned. However, few studies have investigated the differences in community structure between indoor and outdoor bacteria. In this work, the characterization of airborne bacteria was studied in a municipal wastewater treatment plant in Beijing, China. Two indoor (i.e., fine screen room and sludge dewatering house) and two outdoor (i.e., aeration tank and control site) sampling sites were selected. An Andersen six-stage impactor was used for collecting culturable airborne bacteria in the air, and Illumina MiSeq sequencing was conducted to track the emission source of the culturable airborne bacteria. The results indicate that, compared with the outdoor aeration tank site, the concentrations of culturable airborne bacteria in the indoor fine screen room with poor ventilation were more than ten times higher and the particle size was about twice as large. The community structures of indoor and outdoor culturable airborne bacteria were obviously different. Enterobacteriaceae and opportunistic pathogens were detected in indoor culturable airborne bacteria, with wastewater and sludge dewatering machine identified as the primary sources. Conversely, Enterobacteriaceae and opportunistic pathogens were not detected in outdoor culturable airborne bacteria. Outdoor high wind speed might have resulted in rapid dilution and mixing of culturable airborne bacteria generated from the aeration tank with the ambient air. The results of the present research suggest that covering pollution sources, increasing ventilation rates, and using protective measures for personnel should be implemented to decrease the exposure risk to indoor culturable airborne bacteria.  相似文献   

污水处理厂二级出水中四环素抗性菌的生长特性与耐药性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗生素抗性菌的扩散已成为全世界面临的重要公共卫生安全隐患.本文从某城市污水处理厂二级出水中分离出21株四环素抗性菌,对其种属、生理生化特性、抗生素耐受性进行了研究.结果表明,21株四环素抗性菌均属于肠杆菌科,分别属于气单胞菌属(9株)、埃希氏菌属(5株)、肠杆菌属(3株)、克雷伯氏菌属(2株)、柠檬酸杆菌属(1株)和哈夫尼菌属(1株).这些菌大多属于条件致病菌,且有18株携带质粒.21株四环素抗性菌中,气单胞菌、埃希氏菌的平均最大生长量显著高于肠杆菌,大部分菌株的迟滞时间在2 h以内.抗生素耐受性试验结果表明,四环素抗性菌对氯霉素耐受能力最强,对β-内酰胺酶类抗生素(青霉素、氨苄青霉素、头孢噻吩)的耐受性次之,对利福平的耐受性最弱.75%以上的四环素抗性菌同时表现出对其它5种抗生素具有抗性.以上结果为我国污水处理厂抗生素抗性菌的风险分析与控制提供了参考数据.  相似文献   

Pharmaceutical wastewater treatment plants(WWTPs) are thought to be a "seedbed" and reservoirs for multi-antibiotic resistant pathogenic bacteria which can be transmitted to the air environment through aeration. We quantified airborne multi-antibiotic resistance in a full-scale plant to treat antibiotics-producing wastewater by collecting bioaerosol samples from December2014 to July 2015. Gram-negative opportunistic pathogenic bacteria(GNOPB) were isolated, and antibiotic susceptibility tests against 18 commonly used antibiotics, including 11 β-lactam antibiotics, 3 aminoglycosides, 2 fluoroquinolones, 1 furan and 1 sulfonamide, were conducted.More than 45% of airborne bacteria isolated from the pharmaceutical WWTP were resistant to three or more antibiotics, and some opportunistic pathogenic strains were resistant to 16 antibiotics, whereas 45.3% and 50.3% of the strains isolated from residential community and municipal WWTP showed resistance to three or more antibiotics. The calculation of the multiple antibiotic resistance(MAR) index demonstrated that the air environment in the pharmaceutical WWTP was highly impacted by antibiotic resistance, while the residential community and municipal WWTP was less impacted by antibiotic resistance. In addition, we determined that the dominant genera of opportunistic pathogenic bacteria isolated from all bioaerosol samples were Acinetobacter, Alcaligenes, Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Escherichia, Klebsiella, Pantoea, Pseudomonas and Sphingomonas. Collectively, these results indicate the proliferations and spread of antibiotic resistance through bioaerosols in WWTP treating cephalosporin-producing wastewater, which imposed a potential health risk for the staff and residents in the neighborhood, calling for administrative measures to minimize the air-transmission hazard.  相似文献   

Tetracycline-resistant bacteria (TRB) are of concern as emerging microbial contaminants in reclaimed water. To understand the effects of UV disinfection on TRB, both inactivation and reactivation profiles of TRB, as well as 16 tetracycline-resistant isolates from secondary effluent, were characterized in this study. The inactivation ratio of TRB was significantly lower (3.0-log) than that of heterotrophic bacteria (> 4.0-log) in the secondary effluent. Additionally, the proportion of TRB significantly increased from 1.65% to 15.51% under 20 mJ/cm2 ultraviolet (UV) exposure. The inactivation rates of tetracycline-resistant isolates ranged from 0.57/s to 1.04/s, of which tetracycline-resistant Enterobacter-1 was the most tolerant to UV light. The reactivation of TRB, tetracycline-resistant isolated strains, as well as heterotrophic bacteria commonly occurred in the secondary effluent even after 20 mJ/cm2 UV exposure. The colony forming ability of TRB and heterotrophic bacteria reached 3.2-log and 3.0-log under 20 mJ/cm2 UV exposure after 22 hr incubation. The final inactivation ratio of tetracycline-resistant Enterobacter-1 was 1.18-log under 20 mJ/cm2 UV exposure after 22 hr incubation, which is similar to those of TRB (1.18-log) and heterotrophic bacteria (1.19-log). The increased proportion of TRB and the reactivation of tetracycline-resistant enterobacteria in reclaimed water could induce a microbial health risk during wastewater reuse.  相似文献   

城市污水处理厂中抗生素抗性菌的富集和扩散对受纳水体及公共卫生安全造成严重的威胁.本研究从上海某城市污水处理厂活性污泥中筛选得到一株四环素抗性菌株TC-1,基于形态特征、生理生化特性和16S r DNA结果鉴定,菌株TC-1属于节杆菌属(Arthrobacter sp.).对节杆菌属菌株的全基因组分析表明,菌株TC-1含有多种抗生素抗性基因,包括四环素、氯霉素、大环内酯类和青霉素抗性基因.对比节杆菌属抗生素抗性基因的基因簇分析表明,这些抗性基因在节杆菌属中具有普遍存在性,表明其来源于相关菌株的遗传而非单个菌株的偶然获得.鉴于节杆菌属是潜在的病原性微生物,该结论可为废水生物处理系统中含抗生素抗性基因的致病微生物环境行为和风险评估提供参考.  相似文献   

以太湖底泥沉积物为菌源,分离筛选到两株氨化菌,分别命名为AB-1和AB-2。通过形态特征观察、生理生化特性分析及16S rDNA分子鉴定,确定菌株AB-1和AB-2分别为三叶假单胞菌(Pseudomonas migulae)和节杆菌(Arthrobacter sp.)。相同条件下,两种菌都以1%接种量接种至有机氮中培养70 h,结果表明菌株AB-2去除有机氮的效率高于AB-1,去除率为83.15%,而菌株AB-1的去除率仅为67.33%。所分离的AB-2菌株对于湖泊富营养化治理中改善水质环境有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

Disinfection of reclaimed water prior to reuse is important to prevent the transmission of pathogens. Chlorine is a widely utilized disinfectant and as such is a leading contender for disinfection of reclaimed water. To understand the risks of chlorination resulting from the potential selection of pathogenic bacteria, the inactivation, reactivation and regrowth rates of indigenous bacteria were investigated in reclaimed water after chlorine disinfection. Inactivation of total coliforms, Enterococcus and Salmonella showed linear correlations, with constants of 0.1384, 0.1624 and 0.057 L/(mg·min) and R2 of 0.7617, 0.8316 and 0.845, respectively. However, inactivation of total viable cells by measurement of metabolic activity typically showed a linear correlation at lower chlorine dose (0-22 (mg·min)/L), and a trailing region with chlorine dose increasing from 22 to 69 (mg·min)/L. Reactivation and regrowth of bacteria were most likely to occur after exposure to lower chlorine doses, and extents of reactivation decreased gradually with increasing chlorine dose. In contrast to total coliforms and Enterococcus, Salmonella had a high level of regrowth and reactivation, and still had 2% regrowth even after chlorination of 69 (mg·min)/L and 24 hr storage. The bacterial compositions were also significantly altered by chlorination and storage of reclaimed water, and the ratio of Salmonella was significantly increased from 0.001% to 0.045% after chlorination of 69 (mg·min)/L and 24 hr storage. These trends indicated that chlorination contributes to the selection of chlorine-resistant pathogenic bacteria, and regrowth of pathogenic bacteria after chlorination in reclaimed water with a long retention time could threaten public health security during wastewater reuse.  相似文献   

三甲胺降解细菌的分离、降解特性及其系统发育分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分别从稻田土壤和城市污水处理厂的活性污泥中分离得到 2株三甲胺降解菌 2 2和 5 1 .分离菌株为革兰氏染色反应阴性的球菌和短杆菌 ,菌株大小为球菌直径 0 5~ 0 9μm ,短杆菌长 0 9~ 1 2 μm ,不运动 .分离菌株均能在好氧和厌氧条件下利用三甲胺作为唯一碳源 ,生成中间产物二甲胺和甲胺 ,最终将其矿化 .根据其生理生化性状和 1 6SrDNA序列分析结果表明 ,分离菌株为副球菌属 (Paracoccussp .) ,其序列与Paracoccusaminovorans菌株序列的相似性均为 98 8% .  相似文献   

We investigated the communities of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria(AOB) in activated sludge collected from eight wastewater treatment systems using polymerase chain reaction(PCR) followed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism(T-RFLP),cloning,and sequencing of the α-subunit of the ammonia monooxygenase gene(amoA).The T-RFLP fingerprint analyses showed that different wastewater treatment systems harbored distinct AOB communities.However,there was no remarkable difference among the AOB TRFLP profiles from different parts of the same system.The T-RFLP fingerprints showed that a full-scale wastewater treatment plant(WWTP) contained a larger number of dominant AOB species than a pilot-scale reactor.The source of influent affected the AOB community,and the WWTPs treating domestic wastewater contained a higher AOB diversity than those receiving mixed domestic and industrial wastewater.However,the AOB community structure was little affected by the treatment process in this study.Phylogenetic analysis of the cloned amoA genes clearly indicated that all the dominant AOB in the systems was closely related to Nitrosomonas spp.not to Nitrosospira spp.Members of the Nitrosomonas oligotropha and Nitrosomonas communis clusters were found in all samples,while members of Nitrosomonas europaea cluster occurred in some systems.  相似文献   

Cockroaches are worldwide indoor pests carrying microorganisms of medical importance.German cockroaches (Blattella germanica) were sampled in five habitats (hospital, restaurant, office home, and market) in Beijing, and the bacteria were isolated from their external surface and alimentary tract and identified using a Biolog identification system.Cockroach densities significantly differed among habitats (market > home > office > restaurant > hospital).However, no significant differences in bacterial abundance carried by individual German cockroaches (of either sex) were found among habitats.The bacterial abundance in the gut was significantly higher than that on the surface.There were no significant differences in bacterial species richness observed among habitats, sex, carrying position or their interaction.Cluster analysis showed that cockroach densities and bacterial abundance found in the market differed significantly from the other four habitats.The bacterial diversity was not significantly reduced in sensitive facilities such as hospital and restaurant, even though pesticide and bactericide were more frequently applied there.The implications of these findings were discussed in this article.  相似文献   

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