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Locating and forecasting water needs can assist the location of water in dry regions, and improve the management of reservoirs and the canal network. Satellite, ground data, and agrometeorological data were combined to forecast the volume of irrigation water needed during 1993 and 1994 in an irrigation district of 327 km2 located in the Ebro basin, Spain. The main crops were rice, alfalfa plus forage, winter cereals (barley and wheat), sunflower and maize. Their extent was estimated every year by frame area sampling and a regression estimator with satellite data. Initial crop area statistics were obtained by expansion of the sample areas to the entire study area and then a regression estimator with the multitemporal supervised classification of two Landsat-5 TM images was applied. This procedure improved the precision of the estimates by expansion. Net water requiremets (m3 ha-1) of the above mentioned crops were computed from reference evapotranspiration estimates, crop coefficients and effective precipitation. These computations were performed for an average year, i.e. by using long-term averaged meteorological data. Crop hectarage and net crop water requirements were multiplied to obtain, for the entire study area, the volume (hm3 106 m3) of the net crop water requirements. After subtraction of water taken directly from the rivers and non-productive sunflower, the irrigation water volumes were estimated. The comparison of these forecasts with the volumes of water invoiced by the Ebro Basin Water Authority confirmed the feasibility of forecasting the volume of water applied to an individual irrigation district. This is an objective and practical method for estimating the irrigation water volume applied in an irrigated area.  相似文献   

Soil erosion is the most important reason of sedimentation load of water reservoirs in the world. In Pakistan, Mangla dam is one of the most important water reservoirs used for the production of electricity and for the supply of water for irrigation purposes. However, the capacity of Mangla dam reservoir has reduced by more than 20% since its construction. This study highlights the impact of rainfall on soil erosion and consequently on sedimentation deposition in Mangla dam reservoir. Sedimentation, annual rainfall, and normal rainfall data of 39 years were used in this study. Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission data were used to calculate the total drainage area of the Mangla watershed region. The sedimentation data of Mangla reservoir from 1967 to 2005 were retrieved from Water and Power Development Authority in Pakistan. The meteorological observatories in the Mangla watershed region are identified. Annual rainfall data from 1967 to 2005 for the meteorological observatories in the Mangla watershed regions were retrieved from Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD). In addition, normal rainfall data for the years 1949 to 1978 and for the years 1979 to 2008 were also retrieved from PMD. The impact of annual rainfall is observed on sedimentation load in Mangla dam. The correlation coefficient between annual rainfall and sedimentation load is 0.94. This study shows that with an increase in rainfall, the soil erosion of the area increases which subsequently is responsible for the increase in the rate of sedimentation load in Mangla dam. This study further demonstrates that better soil management can reduce the sedimentation load in the Mangla reservoir.  相似文献   

The irrigation water quality and the associated hazards to soil characteristics and crop yield is often a complex phenomenon that involves the combined effect of many parameters. From a management point of view, it is sometimes necessary to analyze all related parameters as a combination rather than focusing on a single isolated parameter. With this objective in mind, a new GIS-integrated tool is proposed in this study to evaluate the quality of irrigation waters with regards to potential soil and crop problems. The proposed procedure is mainly an index method that utilizes five hazard groups: (a) salinity hazard, (b) infiltration and permeability hazard, (c) specific ion toxicity, (d) trace element toxicity; and, (e) miscellaneous impacts on sensitive crops. A linear combination of these groups is formulated to form the so-called IWQ index, which is a technique that could be used to classify irrigation waters with respect to three suitability classes. The proposed technique is applied to assess the irrigation water quality of the Simav Plain located in western Anatolia, Turkey. The Simav application is implemented by using a GIS database developed for the plain. Based on the results of this application, the general groundwater quality in the surfacial aquifer is found to be fairly good and the aquifer waters are mostly suitable for irrigation purposes.  相似文献   

The use of sewage-contaminated municipal water for irrigation of crops is an old practice in many big cities of Pakistan. Since the wastewater is rich in nutrients, it increases crops yield substantially but at the cost of food quality. The objective of this study was to investigate sewage water irrigation as a source of accumulation of heavy metals in soil and its subsequent transfer to crops and underground water. Sewage water, soil, groundwater, and crop samples were collected from selected areas around Peshawar city and analyzed for heavy metals concentration by atomic absorption spectroscopic method. Analysis of data revealed a considerable impact of the irrigation practices in the peri-urban Peshawar. Statistical analysis of the data showed a positive correlation between heavy metals concentration and soil carbon contents on the one hand and cation exchange capacity on the other. A strongly negative correlation was observed between metal contents and soil pH. The vertical movement of heavy metals from contaminated soil has polluted crops and underground water. The results indicated higher concentration of toxic metals in soil accumulated due to long-term sewage-contaminated water irrigation and their subsequent transfer to our food chain. The practice, if continued un-noticed may pose a threat of phytotoxicity to the local population.  相似文献   

Agricultural systems have experienced rapid expansion and intensification in the last several decades. In Uruguay, since the beginning of 2000, the most common cropping systems have included soybeans. Currently, this crop is expanding towards lowlands traditionally occupied by rice in rotation with pastures. However, the environmental effects of agricultural intensification and diversification are not well known. Thus, some indices have been proposed to quantify the changes in agricultural production systems and assess water quality. The main goal of this study was to develop a water quality index (WQI) to assess the impacts of the diversification of rice production systems in northwest Uruguay. The study was carried out in an agricultural basin where other summer crops have been incorporated in the rice-pasture sequence. Agriculture intensification and crop diversification indices were calculated using information provided by farmers. Water samples were collected downstream of the production area before crop sowing and after crop harvest (2008–2009 to 2010–2011 and 2016–2017 to 2017–2018). Biochemical oxygen demand, nitrates, total phosphorus, fecal coliforms, and total suspended solids were the variables that mainly explained the effects of the agricultural activities on water quality. The proposed water quality index included these unweighted variables, which allowed for the pre-sowing and post-harvest to be differentiated, as well as the degree of diversification. Therefore, the proposed WQI constitutes a tool that can be used to evaluate the water quality in an agricultural basin. Likewise, it can be used to select agricultural sequences that generate the least possible impacts on the associated water resources.  相似文献   

Boron toxicity is an important disorder that can be limit plant growth on soils of arid and semi arid environments through the world. High concentrations of Boron may occur naturally in the soil or in groundwater, or be added to the soil from mining, fertilizers, or irrigation water. Off all the potential resources, irrigation water is the most important contributor to high levels of soil boron, boron is often found in high concentrations in association with saline soil and saline well water. Although of considerable agronomic importance, our understanding of Boron toxicity is rather fragment and limited. In this study, Boron content of Great Menderes River and Basin was researched. Great Menderes Basin is one of the consequence basins having agricultural potential, aspect of water and soil resources in Turkey. Great Menderes River, water resource of the basin was to be polluted by geothermal wastewater and thermal springs including Boron element. Great Menderes Basin has abundant geothermal water resources which contain high amounts of Boron and these ground water are brought to surface and used for various purposes such as power generation, heating or thermal spring and than discharged to Great Menderes River. In order to prevent Boron pollution and hence unproductively in soils, it is necessary not to discharged water with Boron to irrigation water. According to results, it was obtained that Boron content of River was as high in particular Upper Basin where there was a ground thermal water reservoir. Boron has been accumulated more than plant requirement in this area irrigated by this water. Boron content of River was relatively low in rainy months and irrigation season while it was high in dry season. Boron concentration in the River was to decrease from upstream to downstream. If it is no taken measure presently, about 130,000 ha irrigation areas which was constructed irrigation scheme in the Great Menderes basin will expose the Boron pollution and salinity. Even though Boron concentration of river water is under 0.5 ppm limit value, Boron element will store in basin soils, decrease in crop yields, and occur problematic soils in basin.  相似文献   

Agriculture can be a major nonpoint source (NPS) of nutrient and pesticide contamination in the environment. Available databases do not provide accurate and dynamic data on fertilizer and pesticide application, which limits the ability of complex watershed models to simulate contaminant loads into impaired water bodies. A model for estimating agricultural nutrient and pesticide input for watershed modeling has been developed. Climate, soils, and major agricultural operations are considered within the model, so that it can be adapted to any watershed or subregion within a watershed. The timing of the agricultural operations is a function of the weather data, providing realistic results at daily, monthly, or annual application rates. The model also predicts irrigation demand and biomass production, which can be used to calibrate the model. Model output can be used in any watershed model that considers agricultural land uses. Two case studies were evaluated, using grape vineyards in the Napa River and strawberry production in Newport Bay as examples. The predicted time to maturity corresponded well with actual data. Irrigation and fertilizer needs were very sensitive to weather input. Although the model can generate weather from long-term averages, the simulated results are best when at least observed precipitation and temperature are provided, to capture extreme events. The model has data for 98 crops and 126 pesticides, based on the California Department of Pesticide Regulation database. The databases are easily modifiable by the user to adapt them to local conditions. The output from AgInput is much needed for watershed modeling and for development of total maximum daily loads (TMDLs), based on realistic targets of irrigation, nutrient, and pesticide inputs. The model is available for free download at .  相似文献   

In Tunisia, reclaimed water is increasingly used for irrigation in order to mitigate water shortage. However, few studies have addressed the effect of such practice on the environment. Thus, we attempted in this paper to assess the impact of irrigation with reclaimed water on the nitrate content and salinity in the Nabeul shallow aquifer on the basis of satellite images and data from 53 sampled wells. Ordinary and indicator kriging were used to map the spatial variability of these groundwater chemical parameters and to locate the areas where water is suitable for drinking and irrigation. The results of this study have shown that reclaimed water is not an influential factor on groundwater contamination by nitrate and salinity. Cropping density is the main factor contributing to nitrate groundwater pollution, whereas salinity pollution is affected by a conjunction of factors such as seawater interaction and lithology. The predictive maps show that nitrate content in the groundwater ranges from 9.2 to 206 mg/L while the electric conductivity ranges from 2.2 to 8.5 dS/m. The high-nitrate concentration areas underlie sites with high annual crop density, whereas salinity decreases gradually moving away from the coastline. The probability maps reveal that almost the entire study area is unsuitable for drinking with regard to nitrate and salinity levels. Appropriate measures, such as the elaboration of codes of good agricultural practices and action programs, should be undertaken in order to prevent and/or remediate the contamination of the Nabeul shallow aquifer.  相似文献   

Groundwater recharge and available groundwater resources in Chithar River basin, Tamil Nadu, India spread over an area of 1,722 km2 have been estimated by considering various hydrological, geological, and hydrogeological parameters, such as rainfall infiltration, drainage, geomorphic units, land use, rock types, depth of weathered and fractured zones, nature of soil, water level fluctuation, saturated thickness of aquifer, and groundwater abstraction. The digital ground elevation models indicate that the regional slope of the basin is towards east. The Proterozoic (Post-Archaean) basement of the study area consists of quartzite, calc-granulite, crystalline limestone, charnockite, and biotite gneiss with or without garnet. Three major soil types were identified namely, black cotton, deep red, and red sandy soils. The rainfall intensity gradually decreases from west to east. Groundwater occurs under water table conditions in the weathered zone and fluctuates between 0 and 25 m. The water table gains maximum during January after northeast monsoon and attains low during October. Groundwater abstraction for domestic/stock and irrigational needs in Chithar River basin has been estimated as 148.84 MCM (million m3). Groundwater recharge due to monsoon rainfall infiltration has been estimated as 170.05 MCM based on the water level rise during monsoon period. It is also estimated as 173.9 MCM using rainfall infiltration factor. An amount of 53.8 MCM of water is contributed to groundwater from surface water bodies. Recharge of groundwater due to return flow from irrigation has been computed as 147.6 MCM. The static groundwater reserve in Chithar River basin is estimated as 466.66 MCM and the dynamic reserve is about 187.7 MCM. In the present scenario, the aquifer is under safe condition for extraction of groundwater for domestic and irrigation purposes. If the existing water bodies are maintained properly, the extraction rate can be increased in future about 10 % to 15 %.  相似文献   

This study aims in linking the biophysical and socioeconomic data base layers with the technical coefficients or simulation models for agri-production estimates and land use planning under normal and extreme climatic events, and exploring the resource and inputs management options in village Shikohpur, Gurgaon district located in the northwest part of India. The socioeconomic profile of Shikohpur is highly skewed with mostly small and marginal farmers. Though the areas under wheat in Shikohpur are increasing, the productivity is declining or remaining stagnant over the years. Most of the area during kharif season (June-September) remains fallow. Pearl millet based cropping systems (pearl millet-mustard and pearl millet-wheat) are predominant. Soils are mostly loamy sand to sandy loam with average of 70-80% sand content. Organic C content in soil is less than 0.3%, due to high prevailing temperature with little rainfall and also intensive agriculture followed in this region. Though the annual average seasonal rainfall in Gurgaon did not have much variation over the years, occurrence of extreme climate events has increased in the last two decades. The crop intensity is low and the water table is declining. Water and nitrogen production functions were developed for the important crops of the region, for their subsequent use in scheduling of the inputs. InfoCrop, WTGROWS and technical coefficients were used for crop planning and resource management under climate change and its variability, extreme events, limited resource availability and crop intensification. These will help in disseminating necessary agro-advisories to the farmers so that they will be able to manipulate the inputs and agronomic management practices for sustained agricultural production under normal as well as extreme climatic conditions.  相似文献   

A water quality model (MERES) is applied in the multi-purpose reservoir of Plastiras in Greece. The model was calibrated with limited field data using the standard trial and error procedure; next, it was applied for four scenarios of reservoir operation, which correspond to four values of minimum water levels (MWL). Model results were combined with landscape aesthetics to establish a “safe” MWL in the reservoir. MWL was proposed to be +784 m, a value that ensures a very good water quality by retaining the reservoir in the status of “a little beyond oligotrophic” and a very good quality of landscape with an acceptable area of dead zones; it also ensures an annual release of 127.5 hm3 of water within a reliability level of 90%. This quantity can be considered as acceptable from the water supply point of view.  相似文献   

在新疆北疆低肥力地区,以膜下滴灌棉花为对象,设置了水肥双因子的大田试验,研究了水肥配合对作物产量、养分吸收、养分及水分利用效率以及对土壤有效氮、磷的影响。研究表明,在旱薄地上,水肥皆有增产效果,在2种肥料中,氮肥效果更显著,作物产量随氮肥增加而显著增加,而FA效果大小则和氮肥配合、灌水量有密切关系。灌水、施肥之间有明显...  相似文献   

为查明某地农田灌溉水井水质污染致使作物生长受损事件的污染来源,对研究区10眼水井进行了水质检测分析,并采用多元统计方法判断污染来源。结果表明:研究区水样中全盐量普遍超过农田灌溉水质标准,总硬度、硫酸盐、氨氮和氰化物等也存在不同程度的超标;水样中全盐量、氨氮与氰化物的含量之间存在显著正相关,具有共同的来源,且与河流A补给关系密切;地下水中盐分过高是造成作物受损的主要原因;地下水中全盐量、氨氮及氰化物等主要污染物来源于上游的焦化企业。基于多元统计方法的地下水污染来源分析结果可为当地地下水污染防治及管控提供环境管理依据。  相似文献   

Readily available nitrogen (N) sources such as ammonium nitrate with excessive irrigation present a potential hazard for the environment. The computer program Nitrate Leaching and Economic Analysis Package (NLEAP) is a mechanistic model developed for rapid site-specific estimates of nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) moving below the root zone in agricultural crops and potantial impacts of NO3-N leaching into groundwater. In this study, the value of NLEAP was tested to simulate N uptake by crops and NO3-N leaching parameters in large lysimeters under the tomato crop. Three seedlings of tomato variety of H-2274 (Lycopersicum esculentum L.) were transplanted into each lysimeter. N fertilizer at the rate of 140 kg N ha–1 was sidedressed in two split applications, the first half as ammonium sulphate and the second half as ammonium nitrate. The lysimeters were irrigated based on programs of C 0.75, 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50, C referring to class A-Pan evaporation coefficients. Parameters such as leaching index (LI), annual leaching risk potential (ALRP), N available for leaching (NAL), amount of NO3-N leached (NL) and amount of N taken up by the crops (NU) were estimated using the NLEAP computer model. To test the ability of model to simulate N uptake and NL, measured values were compared with simulated values. Significant correlations, R2 = 0.92 and P < 0.03 for the first year and R2 = 0.86 and P < 0.06 for the second year, were found between measured and simulated values for crop N consumption, indicating that the NLEAP model adequately described crop N uptake under the varied irrigation programs using an optimal N fertilization program for the experimental site. Significant correlations, R2 = 0.96 and P < 0.01 for the first year and R2 = 0.97 and P < 0.01 for the second year, were also found between measured and simulated values of NL, indicating that the NLEAP model also adequately predicted NL under the varied irrigation programs. Therefore, this computer model can be useful to estimate the NO3-N moving beyond the root zone under conditions in which the present experiment was carried out. Also, the NLEAP-estimated NAL values and other parameters can also be used to improve N management practices and N fertilizer recommendations that will help to decrease the adverse effect of N fertilizer on groundwater quality and farm profitability.  相似文献   

Fixed station sampling is the conventional method used to obtain data on the median water quality of reservoirs. A major source of uncertainty associated with this technique is that water quality at the fixed stations may not be representative of the ambient water quality in the reservoir at the time of sampling. This problem is particularly relevant for water quality variables such as chlorophyll, which have a markedly patchy spatial distribution. The use of Landsat reflectance data to estimate median chlorophyll concentrations in Roodeplaat Dam was investigated. A linear polynomial regression model for estimating chlorophyll concentrations from Landsat reflectance data, was firstly calibrated with chlorophyll concentration data obtained by sampling seven fixed stations on the reservoir at the time of the satellite overflight to produce an individual calibration. Secondly, the model was calibrated with a pooled set of sampled data obtained from five separate overflights, to obtain a generalised calibration.It was found that median chlorophyll concentrations determined from Landsat-derived data were similar to median chlorophyll concentrations estimated from fixed station data. However, the range of chlorophyll concentrations in the reservoir estimated from Landsat data was considerably larger than that estimated from fixed station data. Landsat derived estimates of chlorophyll concentrations have the added advantage of providing information on the spatial distribution of chlorophyll in the reservoir.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in a large dam reservoir were determined using ultraviolet absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy to investigate spatial distribution of DOM composition after turbid storm runoff. Water samples were collected along a longitudinal axis of the reservoir at three to four depths after a severe storm runoff. Vertical profiles of turbidity data showed that a turbid water layer was located at a middle depth of the entire reservoir. The spectroscopic characteristics of DOM samples in the turbid water layer were similar to those of terrestrial DOM, as demonstrated by the higher specific UV absorbance (SUVA) and the lower fluorescence emission intensity ratio (F 450/F 500) compared to other surrounding DOM samples in the reservoir. Synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy revealed that higher content of humic-like DOM composition was contained in the turbid water. Fluorescence excitation–emission matrix (EEM) showed that lower content of protein-like aromatic amino acids was present in the turbid water DOM. The highest protein-like fluorescence was typically observed at a bottom layer of each sampling location. The bottom water DOM exhibited extremely high protein-like florescence near the dam site. The particular observation was attributed to the low water temperature and the isolation of the local bottom water due to the upper location of the withdrawal outlet near the dam. Our results suggest that the distribution of DOM composition in a dam reservoir is strongly influenced by the outflow operation, such as selective withdrawal, as well as terrestrial-origin DOM inputs from storm runoff.  相似文献   

This paper tackles the increasingly significant problem of irrigation-induced soil salinity within a groundwater management model. Irrigation can result not only in heavier salt concentrations but also in the removal of salt from the soil through return flows. Given these contradictory observations, we are interested in the effects on soil salt concentration if irrigation efficiency is improved. We develop a model of salt concentration patterns in both soil and groundwater. We introduce a negative externality to the production process by assuming that soil degradation due to higher soil salinity affects total factor productivity. Within this framework, we show that in the presence of this externality, increasing irrigation efficiency can lead to higher or lower soil salt concentration, depending on the social cost of transferring salt from one reservoir to another.  相似文献   

制糖废水用于农田灌溉的效果研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
制糖废水富含适宜农作物生长的有机质及营养元素成分,可以作为农业的补充用水,并可以节约能源。节约化肥,提高作物产量,提高土壤肥力。从保护环境的角度看,这是一项极具推广价值和长远意义的工作。对废水用于农田灌溉的不良影响,可通过严格控制灌溉水质、结合作物需求采用合理科学的灌溉制度及灌溉技术等加以解决。  相似文献   

An investigation is reported of the degree of metal pollution in the sediments of Kafrain Dam and the origin of these metals. Fourteen sampling sites located at Kafrain Dam were chosen for collecting the surface, cutbank, and dam bank sediment samples. The sediment samples have been subjected to a total digestion technique and analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometer for metals including Pb, Zn, Cd, Ni, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, and Fe. XRD analyses indicate that the sediments of Kafrain Dam are mainly composed of calcite, dolomite, quartz, orthoclase, microcline, kaolinite, and illite reflecting the geology of the study area. The enrichment factor (EF) and geoaccumulation index (I geo) have been calculated and the relative contamination levels assessed in the study area. The calculations of I geo are found to be more reliable than of those of EF. The enrichment of metals in the study area has been observed to be relatively high. I geo results reveal that the study area is not contaminated with respect to Ni, Co, Cr, Cu, and Mn; moderately to strongly contaminated with Pb; and strongly to extremely contaminated with Cd and Zn. The high contents of Pb, Cd, and Zn in the study area result from anthropogenic activities in the catchment area of the dam site. These sources mainly include the agricultural activities, sewage discharging from various sources within the study area (effluent of wastewater treatment plants, treated and untreated wastewaters, and irrigation return water), and the several industries located in the area. Degrees of correlations among the various metals in the study area are suggested by the results and the intermetallic relationship.  相似文献   

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