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在20 L爆炸实验装置中,开展了3种不同中值粒径的EVA树脂粉尘/甲烷/空气所组成的杂混物爆炸特性研究,探究了甲烷浓度对粉尘爆炸下限、最大爆炸压力的影响。结果表明,尽管添加的甲烷气体浓度低于爆炸下限,仍使得粉尘爆炸下限得以降低,粒径较大的EVA III粉尘,当甲烷体积分数为1%时,爆炸下限降低约25%;粒径较小的EVA I粉尘,当混入甲烷体积分数为4%时,爆炸下限则降低80%;甲烷体积分数每增加1%,可燃粉尘最大爆炸压力上升约10%,但对于粒径较小的EVA I粉尘,当甲烷体积分数为4%时,最大爆炸压力的上升呈现突变趋势,上升近50%。  相似文献   

生产上,可以被氧化的粉尘如煤粉、化纤粉、金属粉、面粉、木粉、棉、麻、毛等,在一定条件下均能发生着火或爆炸.因此,粉尘爆炸的危险性广泛存在于冶金、石油化工、煤炭、轻工、能源、粮食、医药、纺织等行业.以下是几起比较典型的粉尘爆炸事故.  相似文献   

根据干馏工艺流程配入适量氧气,可以降低载热气体需要预热的温度,以实现低能耗、易于工业生产的特点,设计了一套新型的有氧干馏工艺流程。有氧干馏工艺因其过程中存在可燃性混合物,有发生爆炸事故的可能性,通过实验对所收集的不同温度下的干馏气体的成分与含量进行了分析,结合爆炸极限理论,对该有氧干馏工艺流程的不同温度、不同惰性气体含量条件下可燃气体爆炸极限进行了分析计算。结果表明,可燃气体的浓度在整个反应升温过程中始终没有进入爆炸危险区域,说明该实验装置不具备爆炸危险性;对干馏工艺流程中氧气的输入量的控制,可以防止该工艺流程的火灾爆炸的发生。  相似文献   

对工业可燃粉尘爆炸基础研究进行了综述.对粉尘爆炸领域有史以来的主要基础研究成果进行了高度概括,内容涉及引起粉尘爆炸的可燃物质、影响粉尘云可燃性和爆炸性的因素、粉尘云在空气中的燃烧、引发粉尘爆炸的点火源、一次和二次粉尘爆炸、粉尘闪燃、杂混物的爆炸及粉尘云爆轰8个方面.回顾了粉尘爆炸的预防和缓解措施进展,指出了本质安全设计的意义.最后针对纳米颗粒粉尘的爆炸特性进行了探讨,通常粉尘的最小点火能随粉尘粒径减小而减小、爆炸指数随粉尘粒径减小而增大,这种趋势直到粉尘粒径减小到1~10 μm一直存在,但这种趋势可能不会持续到纳米粉体级别,可能的两个原因是纳米粉体的难于分散和凝并作用.  相似文献   

利用激光粒度仪对三环唑粉尘的粒径分布进行分析,并用20 L爆炸球测试装置、哈特曼管装置探讨了粉尘质量浓度、点火延迟时间、点火能量、粒径分布对粉尘爆炸的影响并总结了相关规律。实验结果表明:粉尘粒度是影响粉尘最小点火能和爆炸下限的单调因素,粉尘质量浓度是影响粉尘爆炸压力的极值因素,点火延迟时间是影响粉尘最小点火能的极值因素。  相似文献   

佟淑娇  靳江红  谢鹏 《安全》2018,39(1):27-29
木材在抛光、打磨、打孔等加工过程中,会产生大量的木材粉尘,在除尘系统、设备内部、加工车间等处容易形成粉尘爆炸环境,具有潜在的粉尘爆炸风险。本文通过对30家木材加工企业的现场调研,揭示现阶段木材加工企业在粉尘防爆方面存在的主要问题,并提出了防控粉尘爆炸事故的对策措施和建议。  相似文献   

Current status and expected future trends in dust explosion research   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In spite of extensive research and development for more than 100 years to prevent and mitigate dust explosions in the process industries, this hazard continues to threaten industries that manufacture, use and/or handle powders and dusts of combustible materials. Lack of methods for predicting real dust cloud structures and flame propagation processes has been a major obstacle to prediction of course and consequences of dust explosions in practice. However, work at developing comprehensive numerical simulation models for solving these problems is now on its way. This requires detailed experimental and theoretical studies of the physics and chemistry of dust cloud generation and combustion. The present paper discusses how this kind of work will promote the development of means for prevention and mitigation of dust explosions in practice. However, progress in other areas will also be discussed, e.g. ignition prevention. The importance of using inherently safe process design, building on knowledge in powder science and technology, and of systematic education/training of personnel, is also emphasized.  相似文献   

为研究硬脂酸粉尘的爆炸特性,采用20 L球型爆炸仪对4个粒径范围的硬脂酸粉尘进行粉尘爆炸试验研究。结果表明:一定浓度范围内增大粉尘浓度能够提升硬脂酸粉尘的爆炸能量和燃烧速率。增大粉尘浓度,爆炸猛烈度先增强后减弱;减小粉尘粒径,能增强爆炸猛烈度和敏感度。粒径小于58 μm粉尘的爆炸猛烈度和敏感度最大,浓度500 g/m3时,该粉尘有最大爆炸压力1.12 MPa和最大升压速率142.00 MPa/s。  相似文献   

介绍了目前国际上粉尘爆炸强度分级方法及分级判据,并对其存在的问题进行了分析,在此基础上提出新的等级划分及分级判据。  相似文献   

An experimental system including pressure transducer, data acquisition card, computer and electric spark ignition device was set up to research methane-coal dust hybrid explosions in closed tubes with different types of obstacles inside. Its dynamic response time was less than a millisecond and the test precision was 0.1%. The experimental results show that the obstacles had great effects on the explosion characteristics in the tube. Hollow obstacles linked with inner wall of the tube induced faster pressure rising than installed center blocked solid obstacles. Obstacles with more sharp corner induce more violent explosions. The most dangerous explosion occurred when spacing between obstacles almost equaled the inner diameter of the tube for the same size obstacle.  相似文献   

随着涉粉行业各类企业数量的增长,以及粉尘爆炸产生的巨大危害,企业对粉尘泄爆、防爆越来越重视。在粉尘泄爆方面,泄爆装置的泄放面积影响最大泄爆压力,国内外不同标准的计算方法也有区别,因此针对不同标准的计算方法做出了比较并举例计算说明,为泄爆装置尺寸的选择提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Experiment-based investigations of magnesium dust explosion characteristics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An experimental investigation was carried out on magnesium dust explosions. Tests of explosion severity, flammability limit and solid inerting were conducted thanks to the Siwek 20 L vessel and influences of dust concentration, particle size, ignition energy, initial pressure and added inertant were taken into account. That magnesium dust is more of an explosion hazard than coal dust is confirmed and quantified by contrastive investigation. The Chinese procedure GB/T 16425 is overly conservative for LEL determination while EN 14034-3 yields realistic LEL data. It is also suggested that 2000-5000 J is the most appropriate ignition energy to use in the LEL determination of magnesium dusts, using the 20 L vessel. It is essential to point out that the overdriving phenomenon usually occurs for carbonaceous and less volatile metal materials is not notable for magnesium dusts. Trends of faster burning velocity and more efficient and adiabatic flame propagation are associated with fuel-rich dust clouds, smaller particles and hyperbaric conditions. Moreover, Inerting effectiveness of CaCO3 appears to be higher than KCl values on thermodynamics, whereas KCl represents higher effectiveness upon kinetics. Finer inertant shows better inerting effectiveness.  相似文献   

Coal dust explosion is easy to happen in the process of coal pulverization. In order to reduce the risk of coal dust explosion and promote the safety of coal chemical industry, surface modification of the ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (ADP) explosion suppressant was performed with methyl hydrogen-containing silicone oil to obtain modified ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (MADP) powder. The explosion suppression and hydrophobic properties of MADP were tested. The experimental results show that after surface modification, MADP overcomes the defect that the traditional ammonium dihydrogen phosphate explosion suppressant is easily affected by moisture, which results in agglomeration; further, MADP has little or no solubility in water and has excellent hydrophobic properties. After surface modification, MADP has better thermal stability and can withstand higher ambient temperatures. MADP can significantly increase the minimum ignition energy, thus reducing the possibility of combustion and explosion. With the increase in the mass concentration of the explosion suppressant, the maximum explosion pressure gradually decreases and delays. Compared with ADP, MADP has better explosion suppression characteristics and can quickly and efficiently suppress explosion.  相似文献   

为研究储油条件下拱顶油罐油气爆炸的发展过程,设计了中尺度拱顶油罐油气爆炸实验台架,并完成了储油条件下油罐油气爆炸试验。实验结果表明:储油条件下油气爆炸会导致罐顶破坏,超压发展分为多个阶段,并出现强烈的超压振荡和二次爆炸现象,最大超压由二次爆炸所产生;爆炸最大超压随着初始油气体积分数的降低而升高;在储油条件下,油罐油气爆炸后会诱导产生二次爆炸现象,第2次爆炸超压峰值和升压速率均远大于第1次爆炸的数值,且二次爆炸对外场的影响更加明显;火焰强度随时间的变化曲线具有2个明显的峰值,其形成原因分别为第1次爆炸和第2次爆炸。  相似文献   

分析了木制品企业发生粉尘爆炸的潜在危险性,以某木制品企业的一起木材粉尘爆炸事故为例,对事故发生的过程和原因进行了仔细分析,在此基础上从预防和防护两个方面提出了防止类似系统发生火灾及粉尘爆炸事故的措施。  相似文献   

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