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为了将故障模式影响和危害性分析FMECA(Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis,FMECA)与故障树分析FTA(Fault Tree Analysis,FTA)故障模式失效理论引入电站锅炉承压部件安全工程评定领域,建立了以电站锅炉承压部件失效模式分析的正向FTF(FMECA To FTA,FTF)分析模型,对电站锅炉承压部件进行模糊FMECA综合评价。分析了电站锅炉承压部件的失效机理和多因素影响,确定了承压设备的评价因素集合和模糊评价矩阵,以及各级指标因素权重分配的规则,并对电站锅炉承压部件失效的综合评判矩阵模型进行一级评价。采用模糊综合评价的危害度分析CA(Criticality Analysis,CA)结果提供底事件概率并开展定性、定量FTA,以此对电站锅炉承压部件系统失效的发生概率、危害严重程度进行故障模式分析,选择电站锅炉承压部件的故障模式作为顶事件建立事故树,采用Bow-tie模型对电站锅炉蒸汽管道、给水管道、省煤器管、过热器及再热器管、水冷壁管、高温集箱、减温器、锅筒、启动分离器9类主要承压部件失效进行定性和定量分析。结果表明,通过正向FTF法将Bowtie模型引入风险致因并与危害后果相关联,对FMECA进行了系统全面的补充,从而进一步推进了该方法在电站锅炉承压部件系统安全可靠性及失效模式分析中的应用。  相似文献   

首先对炼油厂的常压炉系统进行了火灾爆炸事故的FTA分析,在此基础上进行了深入的FMECA分析,绘制出分析表格,并提出将这两种方法结合起来应用的优点以及一般步骤.综合两种分析方法深入分析了引起火灾爆炸事故的原因,指出系统运行的潜在危险因素,根据分析结果提出综合性的安全改进和预防措施.  相似文献   

聚合釜爆炸事故树模糊数学分析法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在计算聚合釜爆炸事故概率时,针对传统事故树分析中对不精确事件不能够得到有效处理这一问题,基于模糊数学理论的L-R型模糊数,采用正态型隶属函数,将事故树和模糊理论有机结合,解决了以往事故树无法解决的基本事件发生概率值的问题.在事故树及模糊算子的基础上,得出顶事件模糊概率可能性分布,对聚合釜爆炸事故进行分析,使得事故树分析的范围得以扩展和延伸.利用结构重要度系数近似值法进行结构重要度分析,确立了影响系统的最主要因素,为系统可靠性研究提供了技术支撑.  相似文献   

为了找出导致加油站发生火灾爆炸事故的基本事件及其可能性大小,以加油站火灾爆炸故障树为基础建立相应的贝叶斯网络风险模型。在FTA向BN转化算法的基础上对条件概率做出了修正。利用GeNIe软件计算加油站火灾爆炸事故基事件的后验概率,同时进行灵敏度和影响力分析。最后通过实例分析,找出了导致某加油站发生火灾爆炸事故危险性最大的因素集为:加油站接打手机、机械碰撞、给塑料容器加油、加油冒油、油枪渗漏等。结果表明,注重基事件的多态性和事件间逻辑关系合理性的新模型,能推算出更准确的基事件概率分布,同时可以找出导致事故发生的最有可能途径,为加油站事故预防,系统改进提供较为合理性建议。  相似文献   

针对库存弹药安全的特殊性,在分析国内外库存弹药典型事故案例的基础上,指出FTA、ETA等传统概率计算方法存在的局限。提出一种基于模糊影响图(FID)的库存弹药事故概率分析方法,并对FID模型的构建过程和算法进行概述;以弹药被盗事故作为实例分析,并得到事故概率分布图和累积概率曲线。结果表明,FID的算法理论及建模过程能较好地克服FTA、ETA等传统方法的局限性,实例分析指出弹药被盗事故在10-4数量级的隶属度最高,且事故发生概率更趋向于10-3~10-1数量级,从而得到一旦仓库安全防范措施不到位,就很有可能发生弹药被盗事故的结论。  相似文献   

为探究机场飞行区外来物(FOD)入侵安全风险,集成事故树分析(FTA)和贝叶斯网络(BN),构建风险致因分析模型;运用FTA分析FOD入侵的风险致因结构,结合BN表达风险的多模态性,通过FTA的结构推理和BN的双向推理分析、诊断和评价系统风险。研究结果表明:从系统的致险结构来看,违章因素的位置最关键;从系统的敏感性来看,道面破损、航班流量因素最敏感,2个节点最危险状态发生概率分别提升3.57%、0.43%即可导致顶事件发生;从系统的贡献度来看,违章、技能欠缺节点贡献最大,2个节点处于最危险状态时,顶事件发生概率最高,分别为4.18%、1.50%。样本机场FOD入侵发生概率为0.13%,增加飞行区作业人员的经验更能有效降低FOD入侵事件发生的概率。  相似文献   

运用事故树分析法(FTA),对锅炉超压爆炸事故进行了定性的分析,指出了防止锅炉超压爆炸管理的要点;并以一台型号为SHX25-2.5-AⅡ的锅炉为例,用TNT当量法近似计算锅炉爆炸事故危害半径;同时计算了该锅炉爆炸时的烫伤范围。  相似文献   

根据常规事故树定量计算中基本事件概率的不确定性问题,通过引入模糊集的概念,将常规事故树中基本事件的发生概率模糊化,用三角形模糊数代替确定性发生概率,应用模糊数截集方法,推导了模糊事故树的相关算法.采用模糊事故树方法得到饮食业油烟道火灾事故发生概率,并进行了敏感性分析,找出对顶事件发生概率影响较大的基本事件,确认减小油烟道火灾事故发生的相关措施.研究表明,饮食业油烟道火灾事故概率的模糊事故树分析是切实可行的,有助于对饮食业油烟道火灾的认识、预防和扑救工作.  相似文献   

在对氯乙烯单体槽爆炸事故构建事故树的基础上,根据现场设备实际运行状况的统计及依据专家经验所提供的模糊信息,运用模糊事故树理论,引入L-R型模糊数,应用其尖态型隶属函数,对氯乙烯单体槽进行了模糊可靠性分析,求出了氯乙烯单体槽爆炸事故的模糊概率可能性分布;并利用结构重要度系数近似值法对其进行结构重要度分析,运用对事故树底部事件进行排序分级的加权结构重要度分析法,确立了影响系统的最主要因素,为系统安全分析提供了新的方法和途径。  相似文献   

为了优化确定化工装置安全仪表系统(SIS)安全完整性等级(SIL),分析了现有确定SIL的不足,针对化工装置的失效数据缺失和不确定性特点,提出模糊事故树-保护层(FFTA-LOPA)模型计算安全仪表系统SIL。以某低密度聚乙烯反应釜为例,建立了该反应釜爆炸事故树,运用模糊理论定量分析顶上事件发生的概率,最终确定其安全仪表系统安全完整性等级为SIL 1。结果表明:该方法结合两种风险分析理论,分析结果与实际和理论统计结果符合性较好,具有一定地准确性和实用性,可以为定量确定系统SIL提供理论指导。  相似文献   

模糊概率事件的故障树分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
许多职业事故的基本致因事件多属于模糊事件,其概率很难确定。本文以煤矿典型危害——内因火灾为例,探讨了模糊概率下的故障树分析问题。煤矿内因火灾故障树虽具有确定的结构形式,其基本致因事件的概率却无法统计。经过长期的生产实践,煤矿中一大批防火专家可以用自然语言较准确地描述基本事件发生的可能性,这就为故障树分析提供了有效信息。文中以模糊数学为基础,引入Delphi方法,征集并整理了25位专家对龙凤矿内因火灾致因的意见,确定了基本事件的模糊概率及其临界重要度排序,提出了行之有效的防治内因火灾措施。  相似文献   

为了探索构建城市管道系统安全及可靠性风险管理体系,基于FMECA,FTA&ETA及FRACAS等技术,建立涵盖故障模式辨识、影响及危害度分析、纠正措施执行等内容,且遵循闭环管理原则的科学、完整的风险闭环管理模式。针对城市管道安全及可靠性研究存在的局限性,引入FCE改进的FMECA和模糊灰关联FTA等定量计算方法,克服统计信息匮乏、数据模糊等瓶颈。研究结果表明:基于改进“3F”一体化技术的系统风险闭环管理体系契合城市管道风险管控需求,为多态、多要素耦合、不确定性复杂系统整体风险分析研究提供新思路。  相似文献   

煤矿本质安全化管理体系建立及其应用的探讨   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
运用安全系统工程中的事故树理论,以瓦斯爆炸事故为例分析了煤矿中的7类主要事故,并得出相应的事故树。通过对事故树的定性分析,得出事故树的最小径集和基本事件重要度排序。进而可预测基本事件的发生所能够导致的结果,可根据各基本事件的重要度排序,确定避免发生事故应采取的基本措施,并建立了煤矿本质安全化管理体系。设计出煤矿本质安全化管理体系的软件,并以瓦斯爆炸事故为例,分析了该管理体系在实际中的应用效果。  相似文献   

Explosion accidents of molten aluminium in contact with water during aluminium production often occur and may cause injury and death. In this paper, a fuzzy Bayesian network (BN) was employed to probabilistically analyse the explosion accident of molten aluminium in contact with water. A fault tree-Bayesian network (FT-BN) model was established in the cause-effect analysis of the explosion accident, including three processes: electrolysis, molten aluminium transportation and aluminium casting. Fifty-three nodes were proposed in the model to represent the evolution process of the explosion accident from failure causes to consequences. Furthermore, the occurrence probabilities of basic events (BEs) were determined by expert judgement with weighted treatments based on fuzzy theory. By giving certain occurrence probabilities of each BE, the probability of an explosion accident was estimated. Subsequently, importance measures were assessed for each BE, which could reflect the impact on the occurrence of the top event (TE), and the final ranks were provided. The results indicate that using wet ladles and tools, water on the ground, breakage of the tap hole, damage to the casting mould, and leakage of circulating water are five main problems that cause explosion accidents. Safety advice was provided based on the analysis results. This study can help decision makers improve the safety management of aluminium production.  相似文献   

突发事故概率估算研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
以预防、降低和消除化工行业中密封容器爆炸事故为目标,从引发事故的成因分析入手,运用事故树分析,求其最小割集和最小径集。在此基础上,引入相对重要度,确定控制事故发生的关键因子,并讨论了管理因素对突发性事故概率的影响,为企业的安全管理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

The oxygen-enhanced combustor has the advantages of high burning efficiency and low emissions. However, it should not be promoted for industrial use until its reliability and safety have been fully recognized. A new methodology is proposed to assess the risk of an oxygen-enhanced combustor using a structural model based on the FMEA and fuzzy fault tree. In addition, it is applied to a selected pilot semi-industrial combustor. To identify the hazard source comprehensively, the pilot is divided into four subsystems: the combustor subsystem, feed subsystem, ignition subsystem and exhaust subsystem. According to the operational parameters of flow (flow rate, temperature and pressure) and the component functions in different subsystems, the cause and effect matrix can be built using the structural model, and the relationship between the operational parameters and the effects of the change for the operational parameters on the system can be presented. Based on the results of cause and effect matrix, the FMEA can be built to describe the failed models and accident scenarios of the pilot. The main accident forms include leakage, injury, fire and explosion. Accordingly, with the severity and probability analysis of different accident forms, the fire and explosion accidents should be further accessed quantitatively using the fuzzy fault tree analysis. The fault trees can be obtained in accordance with the FMEA, and the qualitative assessments of the basic events can be collected by using expert scoring. A hybrid approach for the fuzzy set theory and weight analysis is investigated to quantify the occurrence probability of basic events. Then, the importance analysis of the fault trees, including the hazard importance of basic events and the cut set importance, is performed to help determine the weak links of the fire and explosion trees. Finally, some of the most effective measures are presented to improve the reliability and safety of the combustion system.  相似文献   

制氧企业安全现状评价技术方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对制氧企业进行的安全现状评价,其评价结果是企业能否获得安全生产许可证的条件之一。因此,如何选择合适的评价方法,得到符合制氧企业实际的评价结果,准确反映企业的安全生产状况,为制氧企业的事故预防和安全管理工作提供有效途径,同时也为国家安全生产监督管理部门安全生产许可证的发放提供技术支撑,是一个十分现实的问题。本文针对制氧企业生产的特点,将其划分为不同的评价单元,综合运用故障模式和影响及严重度分析、故障模式及影响分析、事故统计分析、故障树分析、安全检查表分析、作业条件危险性评价法和事故后果模拟分析等方法,对制氧企业安全现状评价进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Fault tree analysis (FTA) is an important method to analyze the failure causes of engineering systems and evaluate their safety and reliability. In practical application, the probabilities of bottom events in FTA are usually estimated according to the opinions of experts or engineers because it is difficult to obtain sufficient probability data of bottom events in fault tree. However, in many cases, there are many experts with different opinions or different forms of opinions. How to reasonably aggregate expert opinions is a challenge for the engineering application of fault tree method. In this study, a fuzzy fault tree analysis approach based on similarity aggregation method (SAM-FFTA) has been proposed. This method combines SAM with fuzzy set theory and can handled comprehensively diverse forms of opinions of different experts to obtain the probabilities of bottom events in fault tree. Finally, for verifying the applicability and flexibility of the proposed method, a natural gas spherical storage tank with a volume of 10,000 m3 was analyzed, and the importance of each bottom event was determined. The results show that flame, lightning spark, electrostatic spark, impact spark, mechanical breakdown and deformation/breakage have the most significant influence on the explosion of the natural gas spherical storage tank.  相似文献   

Fault tree analysis (FTA) is a logically structured process that can help identify potential causes of system failure before the failures actually occur. However, FTA often suffers from a lack of enough probabilistic basic events to check the consistency of the logic relationship among all events through linkage with gates. Sometimes, even logic relationship among all events is difficult to determine, and failures in system operation may have been experienced rarely or not at all. In order to address the limitations, this paper proposes a novel incident tree methodology that characterizes the information flow in a system instead of logical relationship, and the amount of information of a fuzzy incident instead of probability of an event. From probability statistics to fuzzy information quantities of basic incidents and accident, we propose an incident tree model and incident tree analysis (ITA) method for identification of uncertain, random, complex, possible and variable characteristic of accident occurrence in quantified risk assessment. In our research, a much detailed example for demonstrating how to create an incident tree model has been conducted by an in-depth analysis of traffic accident causation. The case study of vehicle-leaving-roadway accident with ITA illustrates that the proposed methodology may not only capture the essential information transformations of accident that occur in system operation, but also determine the various combinations of hardware faults, software failures and human errors that could result in the occurrence of specified undesired incident at the system level even accident.  相似文献   

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