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"环保管家"模式的提出和推广是贯彻落实绿色发展的生动实践。本文在分析园区环境管理现状的基础上,探讨了园区"服务管家"的服务内容以及"环保管家"模式推广的建议,对完善"环保管家"服务园区体制机制具有积极的现实意义。  相似文献   

公路领域环境保护工作内容多、要求高、技术性强,传统环境保护管理模式不再适应新形势,近年来公路环境保护问题频现。在梳理当前环境保护工作新形势的基础上,针对公路规划建设过程中面临的环境问题,提出在公路领域引入全过程环境保护管理服务模式——“环保管家”的破题思路,并根据服务对象特点将该模式划分为行业级环保管家、企业级环保管家和项目级环保管家3个层级,给出其职责定位和服务内容,同时对其发展提出应强化交通行业主管部门职责、深入探索“环保管家”服务模式、加强相应工作经费保障等建议。  相似文献   

赵原 《环境与发展》2020,(2):246-247
环保管家通过系统化、专业化、精细化、定制化的环保服务,可统筹解决环境问题,降低环境风险,提高环境管理体系和水平,是近年来出现的一种新型服务模式。本文以江西省某县级市工业园区为例,分析了传统工业园区在环保管理实际工作过程中存在的问题,同时探讨了环保管家服务应用于工业园区的服务内容和意义,该服务模式可以作为解决园区环保问题的新途径。  相似文献   

吴凯 《环境与发展》2020,(2):248-248,250
环保是我国在发展中较为重视的一个工作内容,为了能够顺利地做好城市环保工作,在2016年提出了"环保管家"这个环保概念,通过这个理念推动环保服务业的发展。但是由于该理念提出的时间尚短,所以在实施阶段出现了较多的阻力,导致环保管家并没能实现方案提出的预想效果。鉴于环保管家对工业园区工作的重要性,本文将分析环保管家在工业园区开展的意义以及途径,希望能对相关从业人员的工作有所启发。  相似文献   

为进一步提高企业安全管理水平和能力,提升政府安全监管力度,本文阐释了安全管家的概念与内涵,提出了以安全管家为核心,构建"安全管家+政府"和"安全管家+企业"的双重安全管理与服务模式,探析了安全管家在以"安全管家+政府"和"安全管家+企业"为两个主线的政府和企业全生命周期中的专业技术服务内容与重点问题。该模式通过在烟台市芝罘区部分企业进行实践,收到了良好的效果,表明了安全管理服务模式的科学性,安全管家能够作为安全智库,为企业和政府提供全生命周期的专业技术服务,能够促使政府、企业、安全管家形成安全管理的合力,有助于形成良好的安全生产局面,促进经济社会和谐健康安全发展。  相似文献   

正日前,以"变革创新,共享其赢"为主题的e井在线战略升级发布会在北京举行。e井在线是专业的安防全产业链服务平台,以网络营销为基础,集在线电子交易,产业链协同服务于一体,通过运用先进技术和创新商业模式,打造互联网+安防的增值服务平台,持续为全产业链各利益攸关方创造最大价值。e井董事长黄建建就e井在线互联网战略做了深度阐述,发布了最新的一站式安防管家服务功能,其中攘括了找项目、找施工、找方案、找资金、找专家、找检测、找资质等增值服务,  相似文献   

中圣环境科技发展有限公司是陕西环保产业集团有限责任公司所属的全资子公司,是中国环境保护产业协会环境影响评价行业分会副理事长单位,也是西北五省唯一一家拥有6个方向环境影响评价报告书甲级资质的评价机构。公司还拥有环境工程设计、环境工程咨询资质,开展了地下水环评、场地环境调查评价、项目水资源论证报告等业务。依托集团公司环保产业集群的优势,拓展了"环保管家"业务,为企业一切环保问题及时提供解决方案,帮助企业排忧解难。  相似文献   

本文论述了内蒙古自治区"以云技术为核心"的"智慧环保信息化系统"的建设思路、方法及内容,阐明了云技术在基础架构即服务、软件平台即服务和环保业务应用软件按需服务三个层面的应用,总结了"以云技术为核心的智慧环保信息化系统"在内蒙环境管理中的作用。  相似文献   

通过对环保项目管理进行科学的界定,阐述了环保项目管理水平的全面提升是实现环保产业成效的关键和建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的重要保障.结合我国目前环保项目管理的实际情况进行了分析,提出了提升我国环保项目管理的建议和策略.  相似文献   

环保工程项目经理管理方法与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了项目经理管理的必要性,分析了环保工程的特点。针对环保工程的特殊性,提出项目经理的管理职能,内容和方法,最后,通过工程实例,说明了环保工程项目经理管理的成效。  相似文献   

Evidence in the literature suggests that employees can engage in other types of creative behavior at work beyond producing something new and useful for their organization. This paper seeks to advance our understanding of these “atypical” creative behaviors. We conceptualize a typology that encompasses both the commonly studied form of employee creativity (conventional steward‐type) and three other types of employee creativity that have not been previously theorized (critical steward‐type, cunning agent‐type, and innocent agent‐type). We then advance a conceptual model to identify situations that may lead employees to use their creative potential one way versus another. Further, we examine the different implications of these creative behaviors for the organization, employee, and society. Our conceptual framework provides a broader perspective of workplace creativity in which a wider range of behaviors, mechanisms, and outcomes must be considered. It provides new directions for future research as well as implications for managing creativity in different organizational and cultural contexts.  相似文献   

This paper develops and tests hypotheses concerning some psychological correlates of role ambiguity and role conflict in a population that has not been extensively studied in relation to stress, union stewards. Survey data on role ambiguity and role conflict, the indicators of stress, were collected from 285 stewards at the local union steward meeting, with the stewards perceiving a moderate amount of role ambiguity and perceiving a lesser amount of role conflict. The stewards were also asked about their role expectations, their motivations for remaining a steward, their grievance handling strategies, and their affective commitment toward the union and employer. Each of those four sets of variables was hypothesized to be related to role ambiguity and role conflict and each was influential in explaining variance. As predicted, those stewards who were more motivated to remain stewards for personal reasons had both higher role ambiguity and higher role conflict. Further, the conditions of being more motivated to remain a steward to help the union and employees and having higher union commitment were associated with lower role conflict, but, opposite to the hypotheses, higher role ambiguity.  相似文献   

Human activities have impacted the environment since the first toolmakers learned to make fire. As the human population has grown and changed, so has our impact on the environment. Currently the world's population is estimated at 6–7 billion, and that number of people, along with the billions of domesticated animals, and their activities, are large enough to have major global and regional impacts. Climate change, declining fish populations in the oceans, and ever decreasing ranges for “wild” ecosystems are the most obvious impacts. Other impacts may be surprising to many people, especially those impacts that are regional and not raised to the level of international concern.This paper will take a very high level look at a number of global, regional and local human interactions with the environment, and how mitigating those impacts requires a very broad and multi-disciplinary response. Examples will focus on water, carbon and energy, all of which are needed for life, as we know it, to exist. Stewardship will be shown to involve determination and monitoring of many key indicators and environmental processes, followed by the tough decisions on how to steward those processes to maintain a healthy environment for all the planet's inhabitants. Stewardship is not easy, and there are few cases where solutions can be neatly divided into good or bad, positive or negative.  相似文献   

分析了铁路建设项目种类多样化、投资建设主体多元化的新业态,以及新版环境评价技术导则、生态环境领域深化"放管服"改革对铁路建设项目环评的新要求,阐述项目合规性分析是环境评价开展的前提,对工程概况、工程方案环境影响比选,以及生态、声、地表水、地下水、土壤等环境要素评价的技术要点,改建铁路"以新带老"和工程变更环评管理提出了建议。  相似文献   

我国环保产业的发展方向综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从环保服务的角度,对环保产业的管理体系,相关政策,环保市场的整合,促进潜在环保市场的转化,投资融资等需要改进和加强的方面进行了分析论述。  相似文献   

对环保服务业和科技创新进行了科学的界定,论述了科技创新是全面提升环保服务业发展水平和建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的重要保障。结合我国环保服务业发展存在的问题进行分析,探讨了提升我国环保服务业科技创新能力的策略和建议。  相似文献   

Social support has long been considered an important factor in influencing the experience of stress and strain at work (e.g. Cohen and Wills, 1985). Yet the effect of union support on stress and strain has been largely neglected. In the present study we explored the role of social support provided by shop stewards as both a predictor of various indicators of strain experienced by their constituents as well as a buffer of stress–strain relations. These hypothesized relations were evaluated using data provided by rank-and-file members (N = 112) of a large local union associated with the automotive industry located in the midwestern region of the U.S.A. The results were not generally supportive of the main-effect model of steward support, but were consistent with the buffering model.  相似文献   

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