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Ozonation of pentachlorophenol in unsaturated soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A heterogeneous model was developed to describe interactions between ozone and hydrophobic organic compounds, exemplified by pentachlorophenol, in highly gas-saturated vadose zones where water moisture was limited to a thin film on soil particle surfaces. The soil was assumed to be free of soil organic matter. The model included a set of transient equations considering diffusion with simultaneous chemical reaction and hydrophobic partitioning. From dimensionless analysis, it was found that the film concentrations of ozone and the hydrophobic organic component were dependent on the Damk?hler numbers. Effects of Damk?hler numbers on the film profiles of components were examined. With the interfacial flux of ozone calculated from film profiles, dimensionless governing equations of ozone transport and contaminant removal across an experimental column were established. These equations were dependent on the Stanton number. One-dimensional column experiments were conducted to test the model. The optimal time for flow rate adjustment during the process was approximated. Finally, effects of ozone velocity and ozone gas concentration on the Stanton number were evaluated.  相似文献   

GOAL, SCOPE AND BACKGROUND: Pentachlorophenol (PCP) is the second highest volume pesticide used in the United States. It is a mutagenic compound whose exposure poses significant health effects, One of the most desirable, environmentally friendly treatment methods is bioremediation. For soil-based contamination, the effectiveness of bioremediation will also be affected by the presence of an active indigenous population, sorption of the contaminant onto the soil, and environmental parameters. METHODS: Two pure strains and their mixed culture were used to evaluate PCP biodegradation in two different field soils, Columbia (CO) and New Mexico (NM). Biostimulation of the indigenous microbes was evaluated by adding nutrients. The efficiency of adding bacteria strains (bioaugmentation) for degrading PCP was determined with Arthrobacter sp., Flavobacterium sp. and a 50:50 mixture of the two bacteria strains. RESULTS: In CO soil, only 24%, 12% and 25% of the initial PCP concentration were degraded by Flavobacterium sp., Arthrobacter sp. and mixed culture, respectively. Arthrobacter sp. was used in NM soil with two initial concentrations and achieved degradation efficiencies of 57% and 61% for 361 and 95 mg kg- concentrations, respectively. Discussion. Analysis via statistical methods showed that the bacteria had different efficiencies on PCP degradation in each soil. 2 CONCLUSIONS: All bacteria catalyzed a higher PCP degradation when present in NM soil. Second, Flavobacterium sp. degraded more PCP than Arthrobacter sp. in CO soil. The mixed culture achieved the highest degradation efficiency regardless of the initial concentration or soil origin. RECOMMENDATIONS AND PERSPECTIVES: The effect of the soil properties, such as the soil organic matter (SOM) on PCP biodegradation should be investigated. Future work can also investigate the effect of aging time on biodegradation.  相似文献   

Liu PY  Zheng MH  Xu XB 《Chemosphere》2002,46(8):1191-1193
The phototransformation of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) by photolysis of pentachlorophenol (PCP) on soil surface under irradiation of UV light in the laboratory has been investigated. Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) and heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (H7CDD) were detected from the products of the photoreactions. The effects of soil types with different basic soil physicochemical properties were varied from silt loam, silt clay and clay soil on the formation of PCDDs by irradiation of PCP on soils surface. Fulvic acids can prevent phototransformation of PCDDs by photolysis of PCP on soil surface.  相似文献   

He Y  Xu J  Wang H  Zhang Q  Muhammad A 《Chemosphere》2006,65(3):497-505
Sorption of pentachlorophenol (PCP) by pure minerals and humic acids were measured to obtain additional perspective on the potential contributions of both clay minerals and soil organic matter (SOM) to contaminants retention in soils. Four types of common soil minerals and two kinds of humic acids (HAs) were tested. The sorption affinity for PCP conformed to an order of HAs > K-montmorillonite > Ca-montmorillonite > goethite > kaolinite. Such a difference in sorption capacity could be attributed to the crucial control of HAs. Clay minerals also had their contribution, especially K-montmorillonite, which played an important, if not dominant, role in the controlling process of PCP sorption. By removing 80% (on average) of the organic carbon from the soils with H(2)O(2), the sorption decreased by an average of 50%. The sorption reversibility had been greatly favored as well. Considering the uncharged mineral fractions in soil before and after H(2)O(2)-treated, the main variation in sorption behavior of the soil might thus be related to the removed organic carbon and the reduced pH. This testified rightly the interactive effect of SOM and clay minerals on PCP sorption as a function of pH.  相似文献   

Pot-culture experiments were conducted to evaluate the phytoremediation potential of a wetland plant species, Phragmites australis in cadmium (Cd) and pentachlorophenol (PCP) co-contaminated soil under glasshouse conditions for 70 days. The treatments included Cd (0, 5 and 50 mg kg?1) without or with PCP (50 and 250 mg kg?1). The results showed that growth of P. australis was significantly influenced by interaction of Cd and PCP, decreasing with either Cd or PCP additions. Plant biomass was inhibited and reduced by the rate of 89 and 92 % in the low and high Cd treatments and by 20 and 40 % in the low and high PCP treatments compared to the control. The mixture of low Cd and low PCP lessened Cd toxicity to plants, resulting in improved plant growth (by 144 %). Under the joint stress of the two contaminants, the ability of Cd uptake and translocation by P. australis was weak, and the BF and TF values were inferior to 1.0. A low proportion of the metal is found aboveground in comparison to roots, indicating a restriction on transport upwards and an excluding effect on Cd uptake. Thus, P. australis cannot be useful for phytoextraction. The removal rate of PCP increased significantly (70 %) in planted soil. Significant positive correlations were found between the DHA and the removal of PCP in planted soils which implied that plant root exudates promote the rhizosphere microorganisms and enzyme activity, thereby improving biodegradation of PCP. Based on results, P. australis cannot be effective for phytoremediation of soil co-contaminated with Cd and PCP. Further, high levels of pollutant hamper and eventually inhibit plant growth. Therefore, developing supplementary methods (e.g. exploring the partnership of plant–microbe) for either enhancing (phytoextraction) or reducing the bioavailability of contaminants in the rhizosphere (phytostabilization) as well as plant growth promoting could significantly improve the process of phytoremediation in co-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

Long-term mercury dynamics in UK soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A model assuming first-order losses by evasion and leaching was used to evaluate Hg dynamics in UK soils since 1850. Temporal deposition patterns of Hg were constructed from literature information. Inverse modelling indicated that 30% of 898 rural sites receive Hg only from the global circulation, while in 51% of cases local deposition exceeds global. Average estimated deposition is 16 μg Hg m−2 a−1 to rural soils, 19 μg Hg m−2 a−1 to rural and non-rural soils combined. UK soils currently hold 2490 tonnes of reactive Hg, of which 2140 tonnes are due to anthropogenic deposition, mostly local in origin. Topsoil currently releases 5.1 tonnes of Hg0 per annum to the atmosphere, about 50% more than the anthropogenic flux. Sorptive retention of Hg in the lower soil exerts a strong control on surface water Hg concentrations. Following decreases in inputs, soil Hg concentrations are predicted to decline over hundreds of years.  相似文献   

The dissipation of hexazinone (Velpar) in two tropical soil types in Kenya was studied under field and semi-controlled conditions for a period of 84 days. The dissipation was found to be very rapid and this could be attributed to adverse weather conditions including high initial rainfall as well as to low soil-organic-matter content, volatilization, surface run-off and biodegradation. The DT50 values of dissipation obtained by first order kinetics were 20 days and 21.3 days in clay and loam soil types, respectively. The influence of bargasse compost (1000 μg/g dry soil) was also studied and was found to enhance dissipation to some extent, giving DT50 values of 18 days and 18.3 days in clay and loam soil types, respectively.  相似文献   

Pentachlorophenol, depending on the applied concentration, reduces the activity of some microorganisms, as measured by the iron reduction test. The test is more sensitive, if the procedures reported in literature are modified, including the use of glucose as a source of energy instead of yeast extract.  相似文献   

Plant uptake and dissipation of weathered PBDEs in the soils of e-waste recycling sites were investigated in a greenhouse study. Eighteen PBDE congeners (tri- through deca-) were detected in the plant tissues. The proportion of lower brominated PBDEs (mono- through hexa-) in plant roots was higher than that in the soils. A concentration gradient was observed of PBDEs in plants with the highest concentrations in the roots followed by the stems and lowest in the leaves. Reduction rates of the total PBDEs in the soils ranged from 13.3 to 21.7% after plant harvest and lower brominated PBDEs were associated with a higher tendency to dissipate than the higher brominated PBDEs. This study provides the first evidence for plant uptake of weathered PBDEs in the soils of e-waste recycling sites and planting contributes to the removal of PBDEs in e-waste contaminated soils.  相似文献   

For Dutch sandy regions, linear regression models have been developed that predict nitrate concentrations in the upper groundwater on the basis of residual nitrate contents in the soil in autumn. The objective of our study was to validate these regression models for one particular sandy region dominated by dairy farming. No data from this area were used for calibrating the regression models. The model was validated by additional probability sampling. This sample was used to estimate errors in 1) the predicted areal fractions where the EU standard of 50 mg l−1 is exceeded for farms with low N surpluses (ALT) and farms with higher N surpluses (REF); 2) predicted cumulative frequency distributions of nitrate concentration for both groups of farms.Both the errors in the predicted areal fractions as well as the errors in the predicted cumulative frequency distributions indicate that the regression models are invalid for the sandy soils of this study area.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop techniques to evaluate soil phosphorus (P) sorption capacity (PSC) and determine critical soil P levels to predict P loss potential for calcareous soils. Seventy-five soils mostly from Northern China were analyzed for soil P using four extraction methods (water, Pw; carbonate, POls; ammonium oxalate, Pox; and Mehlich 3, PM3) as well as PSC derived from single-point (PSC150) and multipoint sorption (S t) isotherms. Strong correlation was found between PSC150 and S t (r 2=0.89, p<0.001). The sum of αCaM3 and βMgM3 as an index of PSC (PSC(CaM3 + MgM3)) was most closely related to the maximum amount of P sorbed (S max) as given by the sum of S t and soil initial P setting α=0.039 and β=0.462 (r 2=0.80, p<0.001). The degree of P saturation (DPS) was thereafter calculated from PSC(CaM3 + MgM3) (DPS(CaM3 + MgM3)), to which Olsen P (POls) was significantly correlated (r 2=0.82, p<0.001). In a split-line regression from Pw against DPS(CaM3 + MgM3) (r 2=0.87, p<0.05), a change point was identified at 28.1% DPS(CaM3 + MgM3), which was equivalent to 49.2 mg kg?1 POls and corresponded to a Pw concentration of 8.8 mg kg?1. After the change point, a sharp increase in Pw was observed. Our results reveal a new approach to approximating DPS from CaM3 and MgM3 for calcareous soils without the need to generate a S max. We conclude that in the absence of an environmental soil test criteria for P, the DPS(CaM3 + MgM3) and POls could be used to predict P loss potential from calcareous soils.  相似文献   

Yu XY  Mu CL  Gu C  Liu C  Liu XJ 《Chemosphere》2011,85(8):1284-1289
Pyrolysis of vegetative biomass into biochar and application of the more stable form of carbon to soil have been shown to be effective in reducing the emission of greenhouse gases, improving soil fertility, and sequestering soil contaminants. However, there is still lack of information about the impact of biochar amendment in agricultural soils on the sorption and environmental fate of pesticides. In this study, we investigated the sorption and dissipation of a neonicotinoid insecticide acetamiprid in three typical Chinese agricultural soils, which were amended by a red gum wood (Eucalyptus spp.) derived biochar. Our results showed that the amendment of biochar (0.5% (w/w)) to the soils could significantly increase the sorption of acetamiprid, but the magnitudes of enhancement were varied. Contributions of 0.5% newly-added biochar to the overall sorption of acetamiprid were 52.3%, 27.4% and 11.6% for red soil, paddy soil and black soil, respectively. The dissipation of acetamiprid in soils amended with biochar was retarded compared to that in soils without biochar amendment. Similar to the sorption experiment, in soil with higher content of organic matter, the retardation of biochar on the dissipation of acetamiprid was lower than that with lower content of organic matter. The different effects of biochar in agricultural soils may attribute to the interaction of soil components with biochar, which would block the pore or compete for binding site of biochar. Aging effect of biochar application in agricultural soils and field experiments need to be further investigated.  相似文献   

We used three non-linear bi-phasic models, bi-exponential (BEXP), first-order double exponential decay (FODED), and first-order two-compartment (FOTC), to fit the measured degradation data for six commonly used pesticides (atrazine, terbuthylazine, bromacil, diazinon, hexazinone and procymidone) in two New Zealand soils. Corresponding DT50 and DT90 values for each compound were numerically obtained and compared against those estimated by simple first-order kinetic (SFOK) model. All 3 non-linear models gave good fit of the measured data under both soil depths and were well supported by the values obtained for the respective statistical indices (RMSE, CRM and r 2). The FOTC model gave by far the best fit for most compounds, followed by the FODED and BEXP models. Overall, DT50 values derived by non-linear models for the six compounds in soils from both sites were lower than the values obtained by the SFOK model. Differences in the SFOK and the three non-linear models derived DT90were, however, an order of magnitude higher for some compounds, while for others differences were very small. Although all three non-linear models described most data by giving excellent fits, in a few instances > 5–10% asymptotes hindered the estimation of DT90 values. This work shows that when degradation deviates from first-order kinetic, application of non-linear decay models to describe the kinetics of degradation becomes important in order to derive the true end-points for pesticides in soil.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The accuracy level for reservoir evaporation prediction is an important issue for decision making in the water resources field. The traditional...  相似文献   

Oxyfluorfen, a diphenyl-ether herbicide is being used to control annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds and sedges in a variety of field crops including onion. The present study was aimed to investigate the dynamics and field persistence of oxyfluorfen in onion plant, bulb and soil under Indian tropical conditions. Application of four rates of oxyfluorfen viz., 200, 250, 300 and 400 g AI ha?1 as pre-emergence gave good weed control in field experiment with onion. The oxyfluorfen residue dissipated faster in plant than in soil respectively, with a mean half-life of 6.1 and 11.2 days. Dissipation followed first-order kinetics. In laboratory column leaching experiments, 17 percent of the applied oxyfluorfen was recovered from the soil and indicates its solubility in water and mobility in sandy clay loam soil was low. A sorption study revealed that the adsorption of oxyfluorfen to the soil was highly influenced by the soil organic carbon with the Koc value of 5450. The study concludes that the dissipation of oxyfluorfen in soil and onion was dependent on the physico-chemical properties of the soil and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The relationship between emission reductions and changes in ozone can be studied using photochemical grid models. These models are updated with new information as it becomes available. The primary objective of this study was to update the previous Collet et al. studies by using the most up-to-date (at the time the study was done) modeling emission tools, inventories, and meteorology available to conduct ozone source attribution and sensitivity studies. Results show future-year, 2030, design values for 8-hr ozone concentrations were lower than base-year values, 2011. The ozone source attribution results for selected cities showed that boundary conditions were the dominant contributors to ozone concentrations at the western U.S. locations, and were important for many of the eastern U.S. locations. Point sources were generally more important in the eastern United States than in the western United States. The contributions of on-road mobile emissions were less than 5 ppb at a majority of the cities selected for analysis. The higher-order decoupled direct method (HDDM) results showed that in most of the locations selected for analysis, NOx emission reductions were more effective than VOC emission reductions in reducing ozone levels. The source attribution results from this study provide useful information on the important source categories and provide some initial guidance on future emission reduction strategies.

Implications: The relationship between emission reductions and changes in ozone can be studied using photochemical grid models, which are updated with new available information. This study was to update the previous Collet et al. studies by using the most current, at the time the study was done, models and inventory to conduct ozone source attribution and sensitivity studies. The source attribution results from this study provide useful information on the important source categories and provide some initial guidance on future emission reduction strategies.  相似文献   

道路交通噪声预测模式预测结果的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了分析实际环境影响评价中常用的各种公路交通噪声预测模型预测结果之间存在的差异,并验证各预测方式与实测值之间的相符性,通过对选取的高速公路和市政快速公路采用各种预测模型计算比较,并用实际监测值对各模型预测结果进行验证,结果发现,不同的预测方式会造成预测结果之间昼间4~9 dB、夜间5~10 dB的差异,采用2006版规范计算车速和单车噪声源强,距离衰减考虑车流量大小的预测方式得到的预测结果与实测值最为接近。  相似文献   

In order to understand the long-term behaviors of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), pentachlorophenol (PCP), and 2,4,6-trichlorophenyl-4′-nitrophenyl ether (chlornitrofen, CNP) in paddy soil, we measured their concentrations in paddy soil samples collected in 1982 and 1984 (1980s) and in 2000 and 2002 (2000s) from the Yoneshiro River basin, Japan. The concentrations of PCP and CNP decreased from the 1980s to the 2000s, whereas the concentrations of PCDD/Fs and their toxic equivalency (WHO2006-TEQ) remained. The major sources of PCDD/Fs in the paddy soil samples were attributed to impurities in PCP and CNP as a result of comparisons of homologue and congener profiles and principal component analysis. Based on the results of comparison of total input and remaining amount, it is estimated that more than 99% of PCP and CNP applied to the paddy fields had disappeared, whereas most of the applied PCDD/Fs and TEQ remained.  相似文献   

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