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Desiccation enhanced nitrogen uptake rates in intertidal seaweeds   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Desiccation increased nitrate and ammonium uptake rates upon resubmergence in late summer populations of the intertidal macroalgae Gigartina papillata (C.Ag.) J.Ag., Enteromorpha intestinalis (L.) Grev., Fucus distichus L., and Pelvetiopsis limitata (Setch) Gardn. The ratio of nitrogen uptake rates in desiccated plants to rates in hydrated plants (controls) was correlated with the position of the species in the intertidal zone. Gracilaria pacifica Abbott., the species occurring at the lowest shore level, showed no enhancement of nitrogen uptake following desiccation. The high intertidal species such as P. limitata and F. distichus showed a two-fold enhancement of nitrate and ammonium uptake following more extensive desiccation (>30%) and continued uptake even following severe desiccation (50 to 60%). After the plants had been desiccated, the increase in nitrate uptake rates upon submergence lasted much longer than a similar enhancement of ammonium uptake. The duration of the enhanced nitrate uptake was similar to the time required for total rehydration but the uptake rates were not related to the state of rehydration. The potential contribution that this enhanced nitrogen uptake following desiccation could make to total nitrogen procurement for growth is discussed. The experiments were carried out in 1979 or 1980 and repeated in 1981.This paper is dedicated to Dr. R. F. Scagel on the occasion of his retirement for his outstanding contribution to phycology  相似文献   

In order to study taxon richness, biodiversity and abundance patterns in the North Atlantic from temperate latitudes through Arctic to high Arctic latitudes, we recorded the faunas (at ELWS level) colonizing 20 cobbles from three sites at each of seven boulder-field localities (south-west England, 50°N; Wales, 51°N; west Scotland, 56°N; Iceland, 64°N; Tromsø, 70°N; Svalbard, 77°N, 79°N). Inverse correlations were found between latitude and all measures of richness (species, orders, and phyla numbers) and biodiversity (S–W, P). However, these correlations were driven mostly by the consistently impoverished Arctic sites; an even cline of decreasing diversity from south to north did not exist. Multidimensional scaling revealed two communities, temperate–subarctic species-rich and high arctic species-poor. Evenness as measured by Pielou’s index was similar across all latitudes. Abundance data exhibited a similar trend to the species richness and diversity data with a significant negative correlation with latitude, but when Arctic data were excluded the correlation vanished.  相似文献   

Low level liquid radioactive waste discharges from the Sellafield nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in north west England had generated environmental inventories of about 3 × 1016 Bq of137Cs, 6.8 × 1014 Bq of239,240Pu and 8.9 × 1014 Bq of241Am by 1990. Most of the239,240Pu and241Am and about 10% of the137Cs has been retained in a deposit of fine marine sediment close to the discharge point. The quantities of radionuclides discharged annually from Sellafield decreased by two orders of magnitude from the mid-1970s to 1990 but estimated critical group internal and external exposure decreased by less than one order of magnitude over this period. This indicates that during the period of reduced discharges, radionuclides already in the environment from previous releases continued to contribute to the critical group exposure and highlights the need to understand processes controlling the environmental distribution of the radionuclides. Redistribution of the contaminated marine sediment is potentially of major significance in this context, in particular if it results in transport of radionuclides to intertidal areas, where contact with the human population is relatively likely. A review is presented of published work relating to Sellafield waste radionuclides in Irish Sea sediments. Data on temporal and spatial trends in radionuclide concentrations and activity ratios are collated from a number of sources to show that the dominant mechanism of radionuclide supply to intertidal areas is by redistribution of the contaminated marine sediment. The implications of this mechanism of supply for trends in critical group radiation exposure are considered.  相似文献   

The intertidal crabs Chasmagnathus granulatus and Cyrtograpsus angulatus coexist across the SW Atlantic intertidal. Previous studies in this region suggest that C. granulatus displace C. angulatus in soft sediment, where C. granulatus build burrows (“burrowing beds”). We examined variation in abundance, size-frequency distribution, sex ratio, incidence of autotomies, and diet of both species in C. granulatus crab beds and adjacent areas without burrows. We also experimentally tested the hypothesis that in the absence of C. granulatus, C. angulatus will build burrows. Only large sized individuals of C. angulatus venture into C. granulatus crab beds. The sex ratio of C. angulatus was always biased towards females, with higher bias outside crab beds (1:8 outside, 1:2 inside). Although the items consumed in the crab beds did not differ from those consumed outside, the males of C. angulatus had a higher frequency of empty stomachs in crab beds. The incidence of limb autotomies of C. angulatus was higher outside C. granulatus crab bed areas. After a long rainy period in which C. granulatus was absent from these areas, the pattern of habitat use of C. angulatus changed. During this period C. angulatus showed higher abundance in the areas, where C. granulatus previously constructed burrows, and there were no differences between areas in any of the measured parameters. In the absence of C. granulatus, C. angulatus built their own burrows and never used C. granulatus burrows. The interaction between C. granulatus and C. angulatus may be a good example of competitive exclusion, when the shared resource is the access to surface soft-sediment.  相似文献   

Different ways of obtaining information about minimal area are studied. The classical species-area curve lacks objectivity. Curves based on similarity indices are objective, in so far that a critical threshold can be defined, where one admits that the minimal area is reached. Comparison is made between Sørensen's qualitative similarity index (based on presence-absence) and Kulczynski's quantitative similarity index (based on numbers of individuals and/or percent cover). In the shallowwater rocky habitats studied, two types of community were distinguished. The first, miniaturized communities are found in dark caves. Their minimal area is about 4,000 cm2. The second, coarser, communities occur on open rocks, either horizontal, sloping or vertical. Their minimal area is 20,000 cm2. Calculations were based mainly on Octocorallia (Coelenterata) which are assumed to be characteristic of the community as a whole.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation in biogenic fluxes of NH4 +, PO4 3? and SiO2 calculated from the nutrient excretion rates of dominant bivalves (Ruditapes philippinarum and Arcuatula [=Musculista] senhousia), and pore-water nutrient (NH4 +, PO4 3?, SiO2 and NO3 ? + NO2 ?), sedimentary acid-volatile sulfide (AVS) and benthic chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentrations was assessed on an intertidal sandflat in the Seto Inland Sea (Japan) from summer 1994 to autumn 1995. In spite of the large variability between sampling dates and stations, significant correlations between biogenic nutrient fluxes and pore-water nutrient concentrations were found, suggesting a seasonal linkage between bivalve-mediated biological processes and chemical features of sediments. This linkage was stronger in surface (0–0.5 cm) than subsurface (0.5–2 cm) sediments, consistent with the autoecological characteristics of R. philippinarum and A. senhousia inhabiting the uppermost sediment layer. Significant temporal variation in pore-water NO3 ? + NO2 ?, sedimentary AVS and benthic Chl-a concentrations was also found, which was related to both occasional extreme events (e.g., dystrophy) and alternating periods of production and decomposition. This study may serve twofold in (1) contributing to unravel the ecological structure and functioning of natural tidal flats, and the scale of seasonal variability in biotic and sedimentary parameters and (2) providing useful information for assessing the effectiveness of the physico-chemical and biological structure of artificial tidal flats which are growing in number and extension worldwide.  相似文献   

Cross-boundary flows of energy and nutrients link biodiversity and functioning in adjacent ecosystems. The composition of forest tree species can affect the structure and functioning of stream ecosystems due to physical and chemical attributes, as well as changes in terrestrial resource subsidies. We examined how variation in riparian canopy composition (coniferous, deciduous, mixed) affects adjacent trophic levels (invertebrate and microbial consumers) and decomposition of organic matter in small, coastal rainforest streams in southwestern British Columbia. Breakdown rates of higher-quality red alder (Alnus rubra) litter were faster in streams with a greater percentage of deciduous than coniferous riparian canopy, whereas breakdown rates of lower-quality western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) litter were independent of riparian forest composition. When invertebrates were excluded using fine mesh, breakdown rates of both litter species were an order of magnitude less and were not significantly affected by riparian forest composition. Stream invertebrate and microbial communities were similar among riparian forest composition, with most variation attributed to leaf litter species. Invertebrate taxa richness and shredder biomass were higher in A. rubra litter; however, taxa evenness was greatest for T. heterophylla litter and both litter species in coniferous streams. Microbial community diversity (determined from terminal restriction fragment length polymorphisms) was unaffected by riparian forest or litter species. Fungal allele richness was higher than bacterial allele richness, and microbial communities associated with lower-quality T. heterophylla litter had higher diversity (allele uniqueness and richness) than those associated with higher-quality A. rubra litter. Percent variation in breakdown rates was mostly attributed to riparian forest composition in the presence of invertebrates and microbes; however, stream consumer biodiversity at adjacent trophic levels did not explain these patterns. Riparian and stream ecosystems and their biotic communities are linked through exchange and decomposition of detrital resources, and we provide evidence that riparian forest composition affects stream ecosystem catabolism despite similarities in microbial and invertebrate communities.  相似文献   

海南岛北部潮间带红树林对重金属的累积特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对海南岛北部潮间带红树林湿地7种红树植物(根、茎、叶)及其根系沉积物中重金属元素含量进行了分析,结果表明:研究区湿地沉积物中Ni、Cu、Zn、As和Cd的变异系数大于0.50,沉积物中重金属分布很不稳定。其中Cr、Cu、Zn、As和Cd的含量均高于海南水系沉积物背景值,可能存在外源的输入。仅有Pb的含量略低于海南水系沉积物背景值。总体来看,大部分植物显示了对Cd元素的较强的富集能力(BAC〉1),瓶花木对重金属元素的吸收能力总体上要比其他红树植物强一些,木果楝对重金属元素的吸收能力总体上最弱。其中,瓶花木(Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea)对Cr、Zn、As和Cd的吸收能力较强,莲叶桐(Hernandia sonora)对Cr和Ni的吸收能力较强,角果木(Ceriops tagal)对Pb的富集能力较强。角果木(Ceriops tagal)和桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)对Cd和Pb的运输能力较强,瓶花木(Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea)对Cu、Zn和Cd的运输能力较强,尖瓣海莲(Bruguiera sexangula)对Cr、Ni、Cd和Pb的运输能力较强,木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)对Ni、Cu、Cd和Pb的运输能力较强,木果楝(Xylocarpus granatum)对Cr、Zn和Cd的运输能力较强,莲叶桐(Hernandia sonora)对Cr也有较强的运输能力。但此次所研究的红树植物对As元素的运输能力均很弱,建议适量引入适宜在研究区生长并且对As元素富集能力较强的植物。  相似文献   

Detailed surveys of intertidal sediments have been performed along the north and south shores of the Inner Clyde estuary, UK. Surface sediment data reveal significant spatial variation in Cr content and an association with major sediment characteristics and location within the estuary. Depth variation for Cr and other heavy metals cannot be explained by variation in major geochemical controls such as grain size and organic matter and highlights the impact of historical contamination on sediment quality. These elevated levels at depth may still have environmental impact through redox-reactivity, in association with iron and manganese. Sequential extraction of sediments and pore water analysis of Cr(VI) and Cr(III) provide detailed information on release potential from the sediments. The implication of Cr mobility for biota in the estuary has been assessed by the analysis of a common marine bivalve, Mytilus edulis (Blue Mussel) and a burrowing polychaete, Nereis diversicolor (rag worm) from a number of survey sites. Bioconcentration factors for Mytilus indicate that the weakly held portion of sediment Cr is available for uptake and in the case of Nereis, bioaccumulation appears to be inhibited by sediment organic matter.  相似文献   

The decay of non-native and native seaweed mixing may modify sediment biogeochemistry and organic matter transfers within benthic food webs according to their composition and biomass. The non-native species Sargassum muticum was deliberately added to the sediment of an intertidal sandflat at different biomass and mixed to the native species Ulva sp. and Fucus vesiculosus. The sediment porewater was then 13C and 15N enriched to test whether both detrital diversity and biomass influenced the transfer of porewater carbon and nitrogen to the sediment and to the macrofauna consumers. More 15N-nitrogen was mobilized to sediments and macrofauna when the 3-species detrital mixing was buried, probably because this mixing provided species-specific compounds such as polyphenols due to the presence of S. muticum and F. vesiculosus, as well as large amounts of nitrogen due to the presence of Ulva. Our study revealed the importance of detrital diversity and non-native seaweeds for the nitrogen cycling in the benthic food web.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the biomass of the invertebrate megafauna at 22 stations on the continental slope in the Porcupine Seabight (PSB) (northeast Atlantic Ocean). Samples were collected between 1980 and 1982. Several units of biomass are used, all of which illustrate a decrease by a factor of about 30 from 500 to 4100 m. Lognormal curves were fitted to the data, the gradients of which were very similar for all biomass units and similar to the value for a transect down the continental slope in the western Atlantic. Biomass levels in the PSB are compared with those from other deep-sea environments. Some published values are more than ten times higher than the values reported here, while others are less than a tenth. The reasons for these differences and trends are discussed in terms of food supply. Sampling variability was examined at two stations, but by chance one (at 1300 m) appeared to encompass a sharp faunal discontinuity of the dominant fauna and the other (at 4000 m) contained very small numbers of large animals. For these reasons, sample variability was high at the repeat stations. Suspension-feeders and crustaceans dominated the biomass at upper-slope depths, while echinoderms were dominant on the middle and lower slope. As a result of this phyletic change, there was a small but insignificant decrease in mean body weight with increasing depth. Within phyla there was also a small but insignificant decrease with depth. If large species are excluded from the biomass/depth regression, the gradient changes considerably, demonstrating the increasing importance of small species at greater depths. The size distribution of megafaunal biomass was examined at several stations. This indicated that the megafauna form a functional group distinct from the macrofauna, just as the macrofauna are distinct from the meiofauna.  相似文献   

Navarrete SA  Broitman BR  Menge BA 《Ecology》2008,89(5):1308-1322
Recruitment variation can be a major source of fluctuation in populations and communities, making it difficult to generalize results. Determining the scales of variation and whether spatial patterns in the supply of individuals are persistent over time can provide insight into spatial generality and the application of conservation and metacommunity models. We examined these issues using eight-year-long data sets of monthly recruitment of intertidal mussels (Mytilus spp., Perumytilus purpuratus, Semimytilus algosus, Brachidontes granulata) and barnacles (Balanus glandula, Chthamalus dalli, Jehlius cirratus, Notochthamalus scabrosus) at sites spanning > 900 km along the coasts of Oregon-northern California (OR-NCA, 45.47-39.43 degrees N) and central Chile (CC, 29.5-34.65 degrees S). We evaluated four general "null" hypotheses: that despite different phylogenies and great spatial separation of these taxa, their similar life history strategies and environmental settings lead to similar patterns of recruitment (1) between hemispheres, (2) in time, (3) in space, and (4) at larger and smaller spatial scales. Hypothesis 1 was rejected: along the OR-NCA coast, rates of recruitment were between two and three orders of magnitude higher, and patterns of seasonality were generally stronger and more coherent across space and time than along CC. Surprisingly, however, further analysis revealed regularities in both time and space for all species, supporting hypotheses 2 and 3. Temporal decorrelation scales were 1-3 months, and characteristic spatial scales of recruitment were approximately 250 km. Contrary to hypothesis 4, for the ecologically dominant species in both hemispheres, recruitment was remarkably persistent at larger mesoscales (kilometers) but was highly stochastic at smaller microscales (meters). Across species, increased recruitment variation at large scales was positively associated with increased persistence. Our results have several implications. Although the two regions span distinct latitudinal ranges, potential forcing processes behind these patterns include similar large-scale climates and topographically locked hydrographic features, such as upwelling. Further, spatial persistence of the recruitment patterns of most species at the mesoscale supports the view that marine protected areas can be powerful conservation and management tools. Finally, persistent and yet contrasting spatial patterns of recruitment among competing species suggest that recent metacommunity models might provide useful representations of the mechanisms involved in species coexistence.  相似文献   

The mechanisms driving genetic structure in marine systems are elusive due to the difficulty of identifying temporal and spatial barriers to dispersal. By studying marine invertebrate species with limited dispersal potential, genetic structure can be directly related to physical and biological factors restricting connectivity. In the northwest Atlantic, the benthic brood-rearing amphipod Corophium volutator is distributed across basins with distinct circulation patterns and has the potential to disperse passively during its adult stage. We analyzed spatial genetic variation and migration rates across C. volutator’s North American range with sequence data for mitochondrial DNA and three novel nuclear markers using frequency and coalescent-based methods. We found low genetic differentiation within basins, but strong subdivision within the Bay of Fundy and a striking biogeographic break between the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine, suggesting that genetic drift may act on populations in which connectivity is restricted due to the limitation of passive dispersal by hydrological patterns.  相似文献   

The structure and trophic organization of two intertidal seagrass-bed communities (Halodule uninervis and Thalassia hemprichii) were examined on the southwest coast of New Caledonia (SW Pacific Ocean), from April 1989 to March 1990. Five benthic samples were collected from each site at 2 mo intervals and various environmental parameters were simultaneously monitored. Animal:plant biomass ratios were close to 1 at both sites. Polychaetes dominated in number of species. The suspension-feeding bivalves Gafrarium tumidum and Anadara scapha constituted the greater part of the animal biomass. The evolution of the communities over an annual cycle displayed marked structural and organizational stability, resulting mainly from the absence of distinct recruitment periods for the dominant species, no mortalities during the brief low-salinity periods, and no temporal variations in the granulometry, the organic matter or the chlorophyll a contents of the sediments.  相似文献   

Studying the effects of urbanization on the dynamics of communities has become a priority for biodiversity conservation. The consequences of urbanization are mainly an increased fragmentation of the original landscapes associated with a decrease in the amount of favorable habitats and an increased pressure of human activities on the remaining patches suitable for wildlife. Patterns of bird species richness have been studied at different levels of urbanization, but little is known about the temporal dynamics of animal communities in urban landscapes. In particular, urbanization is expected to have stronger negative effects on migratory breeding bird communities than on sedentary ones, which should lead to different patterns of change in composition. Using an estimation method accounting for heterogeneity in species detection probability and data collected between 2001 and 2003 within a suburban area near the city of Paris, France, we tested whether these communities differ in their local extinction and turnover rates. We considered the potential effects of patch size and distance to Paris' center as a measure of the degree of urbanization around the patches. As expected, local rates of extinction and turnover were higher for migratory than for sedentary species, and they were negatively related to patch size for migratory species. Mean species richness of the sedentary species increased during the study period and their local turnover rate was negatively related to the distance to the urban core, showing a trend to colonize the most urban patches. These results highlight the very dynamic nature of the composition of some local bird communities in fragmented habitats and help to identify factors affecting colonization and extinction.  相似文献   

D. J. Jones 《Marine Biology》1973,20(4):351-365
The absence of species from kelp holdfast habitats is used to establish changes in invertebrate community structure in polluted coastal waters along the shores of North Eastern Britain. The study shows the following changes: (1) Approximately 45% of the species complement studied in clean-water habitats are missing from polluted habitats. (2) Rare species are lost and food chains are missing. (3) Dislocations of the marine food web occur: removal of parts of the primary producer to herbivore food chain; suppression of some carnivores; removal of some omnivores and selection of certain suspension feeders. (4) No new species appear in polluted communities. (5) Recombinations of resistant species compensate for the reduction in energy flow through a damaged food web by proportionally increasing the suspension-feeding pathways. (6) The ecological equilibrium of the suspension-feeding groups which are responsible for maintaining the damaged food web are in a delicate state of balance. The further loss of 1 large food chain could result in the collapse of the remaining fragments of a polluted-water invertebrate community food web.  相似文献   

选择北部湾9个典型采样点,研究了潮间带沉积物中重金属和多氯联苯(PCBs)的分布特征和生态风险.分析结果表明,Hg、As、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr等重金属和总PCBs的平均含量分别为0.100、10.00、19.89、45.97、208.65、0.098、17.86 mg.kg-1和1.48!g.kg-1.重金属和PCBs表现出不同的空间变化规律.相关性分析表明,北部湾潮间带的重金属主要来自人为污染;沉积物的粒度参数和有机质含量等性质特征是影响PCBs分布和迁移的重要因素;重金属和PCBs总量之间不存在明显的相关性.生态风险评价结果表明,PCBs和Cd是北部湾潮间带最主要的生态风险因子,Zn和PCBs是优势污染物;研究区域总体处于中等生态风险等级,表明沿岸港口和临海工业等人为活动已经对北部湾滨海地区造成了一定的环境压力.  相似文献   

Total mercury (Hg) levels in the intertidal surface sediments along the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia were analysed by using heat vaporization method. Total Hg levels in these sediments ranged from 3.00 to 201?µg?kg?1 dry weight with a mean concentration of 60.0?µg?kg?1 dry weight. More than 90% of the samples studied have the total Hg concentrations less than 150?µg?kg?1 dry weight. Compare with the regional data and sediment quality guidelines, the Hg contamination in the intertidal area along the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia was not serious, except for a few sites that might have received anthropogenic Hg in the samples collected between 1999 and 2000. It is suggested that a similar study of heavy metals in the sediments of the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia be conducted regularly.  相似文献   

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