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Environmental and Ecological Statistics - This paper aims to explore the main determinants of environmental quality in Egypt by utilizing the data covering the years from 1971 to 2014. These...  相似文献   

This study examines the dynamic causality relationship between international tourism and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from transport, real gross domestic product and energy use. The vector error correction model and Granger causality test approach have been used to investigate these relationships for the top ten international tourism destinations spanning the period 1995–2013. Results reveal a unidirectional causality running from CO2 emissions to economic growth without feedback; a bidirectional causality between economic growth and energy use; a bidirectional causality between international tourism and economic growth; and a bidirectional causality between international tourism and energy use. They also suggest that energy use and international tourism both contribute to the decrease of emissions level coming from transport sector, while economic growth leads to the increase of CO2 emissions. This study can be used in policy recommendations by encouraging countries to use clean energy and to stimulate tourism sector for combating global warming.  相似文献   

Environmental and Ecological Statistics - This study empirically investigates the nexus among energy use, agricultural land expansion, deforestation, and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in Malaysia....  相似文献   

Energy is one of the most important elements required for poverty alleviation and socioeconomic development, and it has a particularly strong impact on households in rural areas. An extensive survey on household energy consumption patterns that interrelates socioeconomic and demographic factors was conducted in the disregarded villages of Lijiang City by using the stratified random sampling technique for 120 households. This study focuses on household energy consumption and the related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the study area. Firewood, biogas, and electricity were identified as the main energy sources of the rural households. This study demonstrates that 100% of the households use firewood, 52% use biogas, and 95% use electricity as fuel types. On average, each household consumed 1752 kg of firewood, 280 m3 of biogas, and 392 kWh of electricity annually. All households generated an annual average amount of CO2 emissions of 3851 kg, of which 85.08% come from firewood, 7.66% from biogas, and 7.26% from electricity. Family size, income, and educational level were found to be the major factors that influence CO2 emissions. The results of this study may be useful in explaining the energy consumption characteristics in the rural areas of Lijiang City and are expected to be useful in policy formulation for energy consumption and environmental protection.  相似文献   

利用静态箱/气相色谱法对成都平原蔬菜地土壤-作物系统CO2的排放通量变化进行了观测,并分析了作物系统CO2排放速率与环境因子间的关系。多元逐步回归及单因子分析结果表明:施氮与不施氮处理的CO2排放速率与地下5 cm处土壤温度呈极显著正相关,土壤温度是影响蔬菜地CO2排放的主导因子;二者的Q10值分别为3.67和3.55。  相似文献   

In 2017 the paper ‘The Sustainable Development Oxymoron: Quantifying and Modelling the Incompatibility of Sustainable Development Goals’ was published, showing that there is a conflict between socio-economic development goals and ecological sustainability goals using cross-country time-series data. The authors looked at production-based CO2 emissions to measure and model the 13th SDG goal addressing climate change. Their models showed that production-based CO2 emissions were stalling or even decreasing in rich countries, which suggests that other countries are also likely to see stalling and decrease in their CO2 emissions once they become rich. However, this conclusion can be challenged when accounting for consumption-based CO2 emissions rather than production-based CO2 emissions. In this follow-up paper, we re-run some of the analyses performed in the original paper making use of consumption-based CO2 emissions. The analysis confirms the inherent SDG conflict between socio-economic and ecological SDGs. But, this new analysis demonstrates that from a consumption perspective the trend of stalling or decreasing CO2 emissions is reversed, with natural depletion costs being exported to poorer countries. Despite this new perspective on CO2 emissions, the conflict between SDG goals can still be avoided by making investments in public health, education and renewable energy, as suggested in the original paper.  相似文献   

We used a biogeochemistry model, the Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM), to study the net methane (CH4) fluxes between Alaskan ecosystems and the atmosphere. We estimated that the current net emissions of CH4 (emissions minus consumption) from Alaskan soils are approximately 3 Tg CH4/yr. Wet tundra ecosystems are responsible for 75% of the region's net emissions, while dry tundra and upland boreal forests are responsible for 50% and 45% of total consumption over the region, respectively. In response to climate change over the 21st century, our simulations indicated that CH4 emissions from wet soils would be enhanced more than consumption by dry soils of tundra and boreal forests. As a consequence, we projected that net CH4 emissions will almost double by the end of the century in response to high-latitude warming and associated climate changes. When we placed these CH4 emissions in the context of the projected carbon budget (carbon dioxide [CO2] and CH4) for Alaska at the end of the 21st century, we estimated that Alaska will be a net source of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere of 69 Tg CO2 equivalents/yr, that is, a balance between net methane emissions of 131 Tg CO2 equivalents/yr and carbon sequestration of 17 Tg C/yr (62 Tg CO2 equivalents/yr).  相似文献   

采用自动连续测量系统,对不同施肥情况下稻田甲烷排放通量进行了监测。结果表明:施肥是影响稻田甲烷排放的重要因素。增施有机肥会导致甲烷排放量增加.应用化肥可降低甲烷排放,有机肥加倍处理,32d甲烷总排放量16.40gCH_4/m ̄2,是化肥加倍处理的1.56倍;常规施肥处理介于两者之间。略高于常规加倍处理。肥料种类对甲烷排放量也有影响。全施有机肥高于有机肥加化肥(1:1)组,施沼渣肥组次之,全化肥组排放量最低,不到全有机肥处理排放量的1/5.有机肥又以施人畜粪的甲烷排放率最高,绿肥次之,沼渣肥和稻草的甲烷排放率最低。有机肥的多级利用是减少稻田甲烷排放的一条重要途径。  相似文献   

Zak DR  Holmes WE  Pregitzer KS 《Ecology》2007,88(10):2630-2639
Anthropogenic O3 and CO2-induced declines in soil N availability could counteract greater plant growth in a CO2-enriched atmosphere, thereby reducing net primary productivity (NPP) and the potential of terrestrial ecosystems to sequester anthropogenic CO2. Presently, it is uncertain how increasing atmospheric CO2 and O3 will alter plant N demand and the acquisition of soil N by plants as well as the microbial supply of N from soil organic matter. To address this uncertainty, we initiated an ecosystem-level 15N tracer experiment at the Rhinelander (Wisconsin, USA) free air CO2-O3 enrichment (FACE) facility to understand how projected increases in atmospheric CO2 and 03 alter the distribution and flow of N in developing northern temperate forests. Tracer amounts of 15NH4+ were applied to the forest floor of developing Populus tremuloides and P. tremuloides-Betula papyrifera communities that have been exposed to factorial CO2 and O3 treatments for seven years. One year after isotope addition, both forest communities exposed to elevated CO2 obtained greater amounts of 15N (29%) and N (40%) from soil, despite no change in soil N availability or plant N-use efficiency. As such, elevated CO2 increased the ability of plants to exploit soil for N, through the development of a larger root system. Conversely, elevated O3 decreased the amount of 15N (-15%) and N (-29%) in both communities, a response resulting from lower rates of photosynthesis, decreases in growth, and smaller root systems that acquired less soil N. Neither CO2 nor 03 altered the amount of N or 15N recovery in the forest floor, microbial biomass, or soil organic matter. Moreover, we observed no interaction between CO2 and 03 on the amount of N or 15N in any ecosystem pool, suggesting that 03 could exert a negative effect regardless of CO2 concentration. In a CO2-enriched atmosphere, greater belowground growth and a more thorough exploitation of soil for growth-limiting N is an important mechanism sustaining the enhancement of NPP in developing forests (0-8 years following establishment). However, as CO2 accumulates in the Earth's atmosphere, future O3 concentrations threaten to diminish the enhancement of plant growth, decrease plant N acquisition, and lessen the storage of anthropogenic C in temperate forests.  相似文献   

• Emissions from two sedans were tested with gasoline, E10 and M15 at 30°C and -7°C. • As the temperature decreased, the PM, PN and BC emissions increased with all fuels. • Particulate emissions with E10 and M15 were more sensitive to the temperature. • The PN and BC generated during cold start-up dominated those over the WLTC. Ambient temperature has substantial impacts on vehicle emissions, but the impacts may differ between traditional and alcohol gasolines. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of temperature on gaseous and particulate emissions with both traditional and alcohol gasoline. Regulated gaseous, particle mass (PM), particle number (PN) and black carbon (BC) emissions from typical passenger vehicles were separately quantified with gasoline, E10 (10% ethanol and 90% gasoline by volume) and M15 (15% methanol and 85% gasoline by volume) at both 30°C and -7°C. The particulate emissions with all fuels increased significantly with decreased temperature. The PM emissions with E10 were only 48.0%–50.7% of those with gasoline at 30°C but increased to 59.2%-79.4% at -7°C. The PM emissions with M15 were comparable to those with gasoline at 30°C, but at -7°C, the average PM emissions were higher than those with gasoline. The variation trend of PN emissions was similar to that of PM emissions with changes in the fuel and temperature. At 30°C, the BC emissions were lower with E10 and M15 than with gasoline in most cases, but E10 and M15 might emit more BC than gasoline at -7°C, especially M15. The results of the transient PN and BC emission rates show that particulate emissions were dominated mainly by those emitted during the cold-start moment. Overall, the particulate emissions with E10 and M15 were more easily affected by ambient temperature, and the advantages of E10 and M15 in controlling particulate emissions declined as the ambient temperature decreased.  相似文献   

This paper examines long-run and short-run dynamics of renewable energy consumption on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and economic growth in the European Union. This study employs cointegration tests, Granger causality tests and vector error correction estimates to examine the direction of Granger causality, the long-run dynamics of economic growth and energy variables on carbon emissions. This study analyses time series data from the World Development Indicators over the period from1961 to 2012. The results of this study support a link between renewable energy consumption, economic growth, industrialization, exports and CO2 emissions in the long-run and short-run. The results support that the sign of the long-run dynamics from the endogenous variables to the CO2 emissions variable is negative and significant, which implies that the energy and environmental policies of the European Union aimed at curbing CO2 emissions must have been effective in the long-term. Furthermore, renewable energy consumption and exports have significant negative impact on CO2 emissions in the short-run. However, industrialization and economic growth have positive impact on CO2 emissions in the short-run. The results suggest that both economic growth and industrialization must have been achieved at the cost of harming the environment. The finding suggests that the increasing consumption of renewable energy tends to play an important role in curbing carbon emissions in the region.  相似文献   

In Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from biomass combustion are traditionally assumed climate neutral if the bioenergy system is CO2 flux neutral, i.e. the quantity of CO2 released approximately equals the amount of CO2 sequestered in biomass. This convention is a plausible assumption for fast growing biomass species, but is inappropriate for slower growing biomass, like forests. In this case, the climate impact from biomass combustion can be potentially underestimated if CO2 emissions are ignored, or overestimated, if biogenic CO2 is considered equal to anthropogenic CO2. The estimation of the effective climate impact should take into account how the CO2 fluxes are distributed over time: the emission of CO2 from bioenergy approximately occurs at a single point in time, while the absorption by the new trees is spread over several decades. Our research target is to include this dynamic time dimension in unit-based impact analysis, using a boreal forest stand as case study. The boreal forest growth is modelled with an appropriate function, and is investigated under different forestry regimes (affecting the growth rate and the year of harvest). Specific atmospheric decay functions for biomass-derived CO2 are then elaborated for selected combinations of forest management options. The contribution to global warming is finally quantified using the GWPbio index as climate metric. Results estimates the effects of these practices on the characterization factor used for the global warming potential of CO2 from bioenergy, and point out the key role played by the selected time horizon.  相似文献   

为了研究包膜尿素对水田土壤排放NH3、Nox和CO2的影响,采用水稻盆栽的方法,探讨了在水稻不同生育期内不同种类包膜尿素对水田土壤排放NH3、Nq和CO2的影响。结果表明,包膜尿素处理对水田土壤排放NH3、Nq和CO2均具有抑制作用,与普通尿素相比,包膜尿素LP40、LPSS、BB、SC60NH3的挥发总量降低了5.4%-19.3%,Nox的挥发总量降低了8.1%-23.4%,CO2的挥发总量降低了1.6%-13.O%;施用包膜尿素能够抑制水田土壤NH3、NOx和CO2的排放。  相似文献   

土壤呼吸、农田CO2排放及NEE的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在农田温室效应研究中存在着对土壤呼吸、农田CO2排放及NEE界定不明确、混淆概念的现象.利用箱法在一年两熟及一年一熟区对三者进行了原位测定,结果表明,一年两熟区冬小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)拔节孕穗期土壤呼吸占农田CO2排放的20%左右.作物呼吸排放在此期是主要的CO2排放源,由于光合作用固定C2速率高于呼吸作用排放C2的速率,NEE平均值为-319.88 mg·m-2·h-1,农田表现为大气C2的汇;在一年一熟的农牧交错区.土壤呼吸、农田C2排放通量均明显低于一年两熟农田,NEE平均值为142 mg·m-2·h-1,表现为大气C2的源.本研究通过对土壤呼吸、农田C2排放及NEE的比较,指出通过技术方法的改进,NEE是今后的研究方向.  相似文献   


This article examines the causal relationship among carbon dioxide emissions, energy consumption, per capita economic growth, and international trade using temporal econometric models with serial data for the period 1980–2017 in China. In the Armax model all regressors are significant in having influenced the dependent CO2 variable. Subsequently, unidirectional causalities are identified from energy consumption and from commercial opening to carbon dioxide emissions, from commercial opening to energy consumption, from carbon dioxide emissions to per capita economic growth and from economic growth to commercial opening. These results show that, over time, more energy consumption in China results in more carbon dioxide emissions so there will be more environment pollution.  相似文献   

The erosion, transport and subsequent deposition of particles by wind has been identified as an important environmental problem worldwide. Investigations assessing fugitive dust emissions represent a relevant subject for various applications such as prevention of desert expansion, farmland erosion, quantification of dust emissions due to wind erosion from mining zones or open storage yards of granular materials. The present study, within this latter framework, aims to improve the methods of quantification of fugitive emissions from granular materials stockpiles on industrial sites. The methodology mostly used by the industrial operators to quantify dust emissions from their plants is based on the wind flow analysis and application of emission factors into such pattern. In this paper, three-dimensional numerical simulations were done to simulate wind flow over a real configuration of a power plant to highlight the influence of the surroundings buildings on the real exposure of the granular materials stockpiles. This study emphasizes the necessity to take into consideration the presence of surrounding buildings for the calculation of the particle emissions rate on stockpiles in order to obtain a more accurate and relevant evaluation of fugitive dust emissions from open storage systems on industrial sites.  相似文献   

植物地上部分对大气CO2浓度升高的响应   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
大气CO2浓度升高对植物的影响,主要是促进了植物生长早期的光合作用,同时也增加了对其他资源的需求;植物的光合作用也存在对高CO2浓度的适应,不会一直维持较高的光合水平,而且植物的呼吸作用也可能会增加;大气CO2浓度升高和其他环境条件,如水分,温度和光照等对植物生长和产量存在相互作用,可以部分弥补条件的不足,也影响作物和杂草的竞争关系;自然植物群落由于有很高的多样性和复杂性,对其研究应该在生物群落水平上进行,用外推法回到植物水平,而不是相反,而且自然物种间的竞争是激烈的,CO2浓度升高或其他因素带来的任何改善,都会明显地改变竞争平衡。  相似文献   


Nitrogen (N) application is the main agricultural management that increases nitrous oxide (N2O) concentration in the atmosphere. Freezing conditions are common phenomenon in the northern China that significantly affect soil N2O emissions through alterations in nutrients availability and microbial population. To develop a comprehensive understanding of how N fertilizer managements affect soil N2O emissions during the freezing process, a lab incubation was conducted in three typical cultivated soils (black soil, fluvo-aquic soil, or loess soil) by adding different N fertilizer sources, including ammonium chloride, sodium nitrate, or urea at different N levels (0, 80, 200, or 500 mg N/kg) at the start of freezing. The N2O emissions in the fluvo-aquic soil were significantly higher than in other soils. The application of nitrate in the fluvo-aquic soil promoted N2O emissions by five- and seven-fold higher compared to ammonium chloride and urea, whereas N2O emissions in black soil were enhanced by application of ammonium chloride. Data indicate that denitrification is the major pathway for N2O production in the fluvo-aquic soil during the freezing process, while ammonia oxidation responses accounts for elevated N2O production in black soil. No significant influence of N fertilizer levels on N2O emissions were found during soil freezing. These results suggest that agricultural practices that focus on mitigation of N2O emissions need to avoid selection of nitrate as N fertilizer source in fluvo-aquic soil prior to the freezing season. Future studies need to focus on how the expression of enzymes and/or shifts in microbial communities respond to different N fertilizers during freezing conditions.  相似文献   

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