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《南京晨报》以《燕子矶66家化工厂“顺势而退”》为题报道,2012年年底,南京市栖霞区江南小化工66家化工污染企业全部关停;自此,2010年以来南京史上最大规模的环境保护战画上句号。  相似文献   

"毒土地"如隐形"杀手",难以察觉却可能直接危害人体健康,将处于食物链顶端的人类置于危险境地。此一悲剧性在于,人类是这一悲剧的总导演。天作孽犹可恕,自作孽不可活。自从有历史记录以来,人类从来就没有为脚下的土地担心过。这就如同人类从来没有担心过空气一样。历史上,人类也曾担心过水,担心没有水引起的干旱和因水过多而引起的洪灾,但从来没有担心过水会有毒。  相似文献   

世界十大环境污染事件中,有两起是重金属污染损害人体健康:一是水俣病事件,1953—1956年日本熊本县水俣市因石油化工厂排放含汞废水,人们食用被汞污染和富集了甲基汞的鱼、虾、贝类等水生生物,造成大量居民中枢神经中毒,  相似文献   

本文通过对居室环境概念的阐述,剖析了人与居室环境功能的关系,并指出了居室环境对人行为的规范作用及营造良好居室环境的重要性。  相似文献   

蓝楠 《绿色视野》2008,(10):42-45
一方说你开山采石,毁我环境;一方称我手续齐全,合理合法,正可谓公说公有理,婆说婆有理。为了保护自己的生存环境,230多户村民开始向强势群体发起挑战。  相似文献   

雷虎  汪寅仙 《绿色视野》2011,(12):64-66
5月21日,中国嘉德2011春季拍卖会开槌。顾景舟、韩美林合作的"提梁盘壶"以1150万元摘得近现代及当代紫砂桂冠。这让紫砂壶被多方关注的同时,也迎来了多重质疑。  相似文献   

曹宇 《绿色视野》2012,(7):65-66
徽州人的生活处处透着点精致的味道。青青石板两侧的民居中,在漏窗院墙里总会旁逸斜出三两枝绿叶红花,而门扉、窗罩、瓦当则全是精雕细琢的山水花鸟。这些坚硬的东西被赋予了太多的灵性。  相似文献   

2月10日凌晨,江苏响水县有传言称:化工厂毒气泄漏,马上要爆炸,致使当地万名群众外出逃命.在逃离过程中,由于马路拥堵,发生多起事故,最终导致四人死亡.目前,这一案子,有了"突破性进展"——2名涉嫌编造、故意传播虚假恐怖信息的犯罪嫌疑人已被刑事拘留,另有2名违法行为人被行政拘留.(新华网2月13日)  相似文献   

蓝楠 《绿色视野》2013,(5):42-46
【案情】2010年5月18日,记者从包头乘车出发颠簸4个小时后到达白云矿区长途汽车站,当记者以买稀土矿的身份想联系卖家时,一群"黑车"司机便主动为记者联系。据记者了解,真正被客户青睐的是毗邻白云矿区,位于白云矿区东北边的菠萝头(地名)。菠萝头的探矿权属于包钢集团,目前这个矿点包钢集团尚未  相似文献   

胡迟 《绿色视野》2011,(1):57-58
我从来没有看过目连戏,只知道它曾在徽州盛行。徽州人不论是喜事还是丧事,都要演一场目连戏来表示纪念。  相似文献   

搞好大学生思想政治工作对促进学校的建设工作意义重大.针对当前我院迎评促建工作中的学生思想上存在的误区,应进一步加强宣传、加强思想政治工作队伍建设以及不断总结过去和创新现在,根据当前迎评促建工作的实际,采取一定措施.  相似文献   

我国经济处于高速增长期,建设日新月异,中小城市的光污染问题日趋明显,防治显得十分重要。文章以中山市城区为例,对道路照明、建筑照明、广告照明、绿化照明,以及玻璃幕墙反射等光污染情况进行了调研和评价。根据中山市城区的光污染情况,从制定和完善光污染防治法规体系、加强规划和宏观管理、提高公众参与力度和监督力度、加大人才培养和政策扶持力度、加大清洁生产推广力度以及实施照明设计单位资质认证等多方面提出了对光污染的防治对策。  相似文献   

宋玉银 《四川环境》1992,11(4):64-67
城市固体废弃物是人们在工业生产活动、生活活动及商业活动中所产生的固体废物,这种废物随着国民经济的发展、人口的增长、人民生活水平的提高,数量不断增加。它破坏了市容,污染环境,给人民健康带来了极大的危害,因此,需加以处置和处理。本文将系统地介绍现阶段国内外城市固体废弃物的现状及处理技术,并针对我国国情,提出合理化的处理方案。  相似文献   

本文从国家实施可持续发展战略出发,分析了环境统计工作存在的问题。提出了可持续发展的环境,资源统计与核算的新概念。  相似文献   

During the past 25 years the bauxite and alumina industry has grown threefold creating major change in the industry structure and reducing the dominance of the majors. Australia has emerged as the leading producer with a major third party alumina market developed principally by Alcoa of Australia. Future growth while, less dramatic, is likely to be substantial requiring US$50 billion to fund new projects which will be concentrated in developing countries with large bauxite reserves and developed infrastructure.  相似文献   


Smart and eco-cities have become important notions for thinking about urban futures. This article contributes to these ongoing debates about smart and eco-urbanism by focussing on recent urbanisation initiatives in Asia. Our study of India’s Smart Cities Mission launched under the administration of Narendra Modi and China’s All-In-One eco-cities project initiated by Xi Jinpin unfolds in two corresponding narratives. Roy and Ong’s [2011. Worlding Cities: Asian Experiments and the Art of Being Global. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell] “worlding cities” serves as the theoretical backdrop of our analysis. Based on a careful review of a diverse set of academic literature, policy and other sources we identify five process-dimensions for analysing the respective urban approaches. We show how the specific features of China’s and India’s urban focus, organisation, implementation, governance and embedding manifest both nations’ approaches to smart and eco-urbanism. We argue that India’s Smart City Mission and China’s All-in-One project are firmly anchored in broader agendas of change that are set out to transform the nation and extend into time. The Indian Smart City Mission is part of a broader ambition to transform the nation enabling her “smart incarnation” in modernity. Smart technologies are seen as the key drivers of change. In China the framework of ecological civilisation continues a 5000-year historical tradition of civilisation excellence. By explicitly linking eco-urbanism to the framework, eco-cities become a means to enact ecological civilisation on the (urban) ground.  相似文献   

文章分析了油气能源现状、油气开发与环境的关系、油气开发与环境安全的关系,油气开发中的环境保护对策与环境监理。得出:油气开发既要做到和谐生产,又要保护环境;在油气开发中,对环境有影响的应加大修复力度,采取相应的环境保护措施,确保有效、长效的环境保护目标。  相似文献   

塔里木河上游及源流区草原荒漠化及其防治研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
加强生态环境保护和建设是西部大开发的战略重点。针对塔里木河流域环境恶化、草地开发利用失衡、草原荒漠化日趋严重的问题,提出具体规划和综合治理方案。  相似文献   

Carbon-rich biochar derived from the pyrolysis of biomass can sequester atmospheric CO, mitigate climate change, and potentially increase crop productivity. However, research is needed to confirm the suitability and sustainability of biochar application to different soils. To an irrigated calcareous soil, we applied stockpiled dairy manure (42 Mg ha dry wt) and hardwood-derived biochar (22.4 Mg ha), singly and in combination with manure, along with a control, yielding four treatments. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied when needed (based on preseason soil test N and crop requirements) in all plots and years, with N mineralized from added manure included in this determination. Available soil nutrients (NH-N; NO-N; Olsen P; and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid-extractable K, Mg, Na, Cu, Mn, Zn, and Fe), total C (TC), total N (TN), total organic C (TOC), and pH were evaluated annually, and silage corn nutrient concentration, yield, and uptake were measured over two growing seasons. Biochar treatment resulted in a 1.5-fold increase in available soil Mn and a 1.4-fold increase in TC and TOC, whereas manure produced a 1.2- to 1.7-fold increase in available nutrients (except Fe), compared with controls. In 2009 biochar increased corn silage B concentration but produced no yield increase; in 2010 biochar decreased corn silage TN (33%), S (7%) concentrations, and yield (36%) relative to controls. Manure produced a 1.3-fold increase in corn silage Cu, Mn, S, Mg, K, and TN concentrations and yield compared with the control in 2010. The combined biochar-manure effects were not synergistic except in the case of available soil Mn. In these calcareous soils, biochar did not alter pH or availability of P and cations, as is typically observed for acidic soils. If the second year results are representative, they suggest that biochar applications to calcareous soils may lead to reduced N availability, requiring additional soil N inputs to maintain yield targets.  相似文献   

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