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能值理论研究中存在的几个问题探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
能值理论与研究方法是当前生态经济学研究中的一个热点问题.被认为是连接生态学与经济学的桥梁,具有重大的理论和实践意义.尽管能值分析有效的将自然环境的价值纳入了产品的生产,更能真实地揭示产品的真实价值,从而克服了传统能量分析和经济分析的诸多缺陷.但其在理论和研究方法仍存在一些不足之处.综合国内外有关能值理论与研究方法的相关文献,对当前能值理论研究中能值转化率的计算问题、多产品或复合产品系统的能值流计算问题、能值价值论与市场价值论结合问题、能值与可持续发展研究问题等几个方面进行了探讨.  相似文献   

生态经济系统的一种整合评价方法:能值理论与分析方法   总被引:34,自引:4,他引:34  
能值理论与分析方法是目前系统生态学和生态经济学发展的新成果,为复合生态系统开拓了一条定量研究途径,是连接生态学和经济学的桥梁。其理论研究与实践应用具有重要的科学意义和应用意义。文章论述了能值分析理论与分析方法的产生背景、过程、主要的基本概念、特点,指出了其需要解决的问题;并以种植业系统为例,简要介绍了能值分析的基本方法和步骤以及能值指标的计算。  相似文献   

北京城市生态系统的能值动态分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用能值理论与分析方法,对北京市1990~2001年间的能值结构动态进行了分析,并采用人均能值、能值密度、生态功能潜力、人口基本承载力、能值自给率、能值货币比率、环境负载率、输入能值比等重要能值指标对该时期北京市城市生态系统的能值状况作了详细分析。研究表明,北京城市生态系统正处于较高发展水平,已基本跨入发达国家水平的行列;但高强度、快速发展给本市带来了巨大的生态环境压力,未来北京的可持续能力建设已势在必行。文章也提出了北京城市生态系统可持续发展能力建设的基本方向。  相似文献   

深圳市滨海湿地两个观光农业系统的能值整合研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用能值研究方法对深圳市海上田园旅游区的芦花湖和农家小院两个观光农业系统进行了生态经济分析.从系统和子系统两个层面,进行了能值产出、环境负载、可持续发展能力的评价与比较;与珠三角另一个观光农业系统(百万葵园)、两个基塘农业系统(菜-鱼、菜-猪-鱼)和一个巴西基塘系统(谷-猪-鱼)进行了横向比较.从货币收益的角度看,农家小院系统的费用使用效率、商品生产获利能力要优于芦花湖系统.但能值整合分析却显示出不一样的结果:两系统内旅游业子系统的能值交换率较高,而二者的农牧业子系统及农家小院系统的水产业子系统的能值交换率均较低,其生产效率仍有待提高.芦花湖系统的环境负载率为7.31,能值可持续发展指标为0.255,分别是农家小院的0.25倍和2.26倍,因而更具长远发展优势.与传统农业相比,观光农业的能值交换率和环境负载率整体偏高,表明其在经济效益创造上优于传统农业,但在自然资源利用和环境压力,以及可持续发展能力等方面与传统农业尚存在差距,在今后的发展中需借鉴传统农业的经验并加以改善,防止观光农业发展中绿色产业褐色化现象的发生.  相似文献   

广州与上海城市生态系统能值的分析比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用能值分析理论和方法,从自然—社会—经济复合生态观角度对广州和上海的各种生态流进行比较研究。结果表明上海的经济发达程度、居民的能值福利和环境压力都比广州的高,广州在自然可更新资源和人口承载量方面明显优于上海,具有更大的可持续发展潜力。从能值理论和可持续发展角度分析,广州应加强科技力量和提高自然资源的利用效率,上海应在控制人口的基础上探讨更合理的发展模式。  相似文献   

三唑酮的酸性、中性和碱性水解动力学研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
三唑酮在不同pH值和温度条件下水解动力学的测定结果表明:三唑酮在酸性条件下比较稳定,不易水解,但随体系pH值的升高,水解速度加快。温度升高有利于三唑酮的水解反应,酸性条件下水解活化能最大,温度升高对反应速率的影响最大。  相似文献   

庐山地区底栖大型无脊椎动物耐污值与水质生物学评价   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
自1996年至1999年,对庐山自然保护区22个采样点的底栖大型无脊椎动物进行了调查.完成了庐山底栖大型无脊椎动物大多数科与部分属的耐污值核定工作,在Hilsenhoff(1988)与Lenat(1993)工作基础上,新增73科的耐污值.首次提出了蜚蠊目B1attodea、脉翅目Neuroptera、半翅目Hemiptera及鞘翅目Coleoptera水生类群的耐污值.其它主要水生昆虫11个目,凡在中国有分布记录或可能在中国及邻近地区有分布的科均收入并提出耐污值.摇蚊科中国常见的16属引用了Lenat(1994)推荐的耐污值,增加了甲壳纲Crustacea、寡毛纲O1igochaeta、腹足纲Gastropoda、腮瓣纲Lemellibranchia、蛭纲Hirudinea、涡虫纲Turbellria与蜱螨纲Acarina水螨总科Hydrachnoidea等的耐污值.利用上述耐污值系统,对22个采样点中的13个进行了连续水质生物监测,对其余9个采样点水质进行了评估.1996年5月至1999年9月期间,13个采样点水质由重污染至极清洁排序可分6类:如琴湖、东谷溪流、电站水库属重污染水体;天桥由轻污染至重污染;2级站、1级站、3级站由很清洁或清洁至一般;芦林湖、电站水库南支流很清洁;黄龙潭由很清洁至轻污染;三叠泉、第四纪冰川遗址、大月山水库为极清洁.多数采样点1996年11月水质好于5月份的水质.1999年所有采样点水质均比1996年2次调查时差,说明庐山水质污染呈加重趋势.图2表2参18  相似文献   

环境标准是实施环境管理的重要依据。我国现行土壤环境质量标准(GB 15618—1995)已不能满足土壤环境管理的实际需求,研究提出我国适宜的土壤环境标准值体系显得十分迫切和必要。结合国家关于"严格控制新增土壤污染"、"确定土壤环境保护优先区域"、"强化被污染土壤的环境风险控制"和"开展土壤污染治理与修复"的土壤环境政策,分析了我国土壤环境保护和综合治理重点任务及对土壤环境标准值的迫切需求,调研综述了发达国家和地区土壤环境法规及标准值体系现状和经验,初步提出了包括土壤环境质量标准、土壤环境风险管控标准和针对特定污染土壤的治理修复标准的标准值体系,提出了针对"老污染"和"新污染"土壤分别建立不同的土壤环境监管制度,该研究可望为完善和建立我国土壤环境标准值框架体系提供参考。  相似文献   

On the behaviour of the residence time at the bottom of the mixed layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To understand why the findings of Deleersnijder et al. [(2006), Environ Fluid Mech 6: 25–42]—the residence time in the mixed layer in not necessarily zero at the pycnocline—are consistent with those of Delhez and Deleersnijder [(2006), Ocean Dyn 56:139–150]—the residence time in a control domain vanishes at the open boundaries of this control domain—, it is necessary to consider a control domain that includes part of the pycnocline, in which the eddy diffusivity is assumed to be zero. Then, depending on the behaviour of the eddy diffusivity near the bottom of the mixed layer, the residence time may be seen to exhibit a discontinuity at the interface between the mixed layer and the pycnocline. If such a discontinuity exists, the residence time is non-zero in the former and zero in the latter. This is illustrated by analytical solutions obtained under the assumption that the eddy diffusivity is constant in the mixed layer.  相似文献   

知识经济时代,企业最宝贵的财富是知识型员工。知识型员工是生产力的代表。知识型员工的工作效率决定了企业的竞争能力.因此。如何激励知识型员工成为企业探讨的一个重要问题.本文从知识型员工的特点入手。按有关知识管理专家提出的激励因素,从四个方面阐述了对知识型员工的激励策略。并提出了对知识型员工的管理对策.  相似文献   

豪猪消化系统的解剖研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了了解豪猪的消化生理,为豪猪的人工饲养技术研究提供基础依据,以达到高效饲养豪猪的目的,笔者对豪猪的消化器官进行了系统解剖研究.结果表明:豪猪的胃为单室胃.盲肠很发达,这与其能够消化植物纤维有关.豪猪肝脏很发达,其重量为402 g,是其体重的4.59%,肝脏分叶多而明显.  相似文献   

Our research indicates that, due to the depletion of conventional, and hence cheap, crude oil supplies (i.e. peak oil), increasing the supply of oil in the future would require exploiting lower quality resources (i.e. expensive), and thus will most likely occur only at high prices. This situation creates a system of feedbacks where economic growth, which requires more oil, would require high oil prices that will undermine that economic growth. We conclude that the economic growth of the past 40 years is unlikely to continue unless there is some remarkable change in how we manage our economy.  相似文献   

通过田间试验,研究广东省粤东河源灯塔盆地的粉砂坭地和粤北阳山县石灰岩山区的黄泥地氮、磷、钾养分的供应特性;高产玉米不同生育期吸收氮、磷、钾的规律,以及在不同土壤上氮、磷、钾肥的不同配比对玉米产量和经济效益的影响。根据试验结果进行统计,提出了高产玉米因土高效施肥技术方法。  相似文献   

Very high resolution imagery from an airborne multi-spectrål scanner has been used to estimate the distribution of different salt-marsh communities along a 30-km stretch of the North Norfolk coast. Field observations have been used to develop a mathematical relationship between the vegetation, physical environment and sediment accumulation. This relationship has been used to produce provisional sediment accretion maps for the north Norfolk coast.  相似文献   

Our behaviour towards the environment depends on our beliefs about the environment. Beliefs, however, are a subject of change, particularly during important life transitions such as the transition to adolescence, because this is a period when an individual develops the ability of complex and abstract reasoning. Understanding this transition is therefore crucial for understanding and predicting the attitudes and courses of action in terms of sustainable development later in life. Due to many methodological constraints, the number of empirical studies examining these issues is very limited; the current study aimed to collect empirical data to explore the origins of our beliefs about the environment-related issues. We devised a picture association test and used it to compare children’s and adolescents’ beliefs about our environment in the context of the means of transportation. A large sample of 2264 participants aged 6–18 years took part in the study. The data supported the claim that children’s beliefs about environment share egocentric properties. The findings represent an important puzzle into the whole picture of children’s thinking and offer us great insight into the origins of beliefs about environment-related questions in adults. Educational implications are addressed.  相似文献   

The idea of saving the water lost in the ‘Sudd’ swamp through evaporation was conceived by Egypt and Sudan for their own interests, but not for those of the Nilotic peoples living in the flood plain. Concern for the local development was only taken into consideration after the 1974 Juba riots, when three people were killed and 200 arrested. The canal has caused displacement of people from their settlements and is blocking the seasonal movement of livestock and wildlife. Conflict may arise over the use of land for grazing or irrigation. The Nilotics are concerned about the possible negative environmental impact, and the loss of their cultural identity. They maintain that Egypt should pay them monetary compensation for the disruption that the canal has caused to their livelihood.

This paper assesses the impact that the Jonglei canal project will have on the economy of the Nilotics; traces the historical development of the project; outlines the social, political and economic organization of the Nilotics; and assesses the impact the project will have on the local population. The paper concludes by casting doubt on the benefits the canal will bring to the Nilotics.  相似文献   

刍议医院资产管理的现状及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医院的固定资产和流动资产是医院赖以生存和发展的基础,是一项非经营性国有资产.目前公立医院固定资产、流动资产管理现状不容乐观,针对这种状况,首先分析问题形成的原因,然后提出管理的措施或建议,从而使资产管理工作规范化、制度化、科学化,使有限的卫生资源发挥出最大的社会效益和经济效益.参3.  相似文献   

浅谈校园网ARP欺骗攻击与防御   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ARP欺骗木马病毒是校园网络中经常出现的病毒攻击形式.基于ARP协议的概念和工作原理,并通过分析ARP欺骗的工作原理,提出了几种可行的解决ARP欺骗攻击的实用方法,以达到防范并解决ARP欺骗的目的.参5.  相似文献   

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