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Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) provides an important source of livelihood for rural communities throughout the world. These activities are frequently accompanied by extensive environmental degradation and deplorable socio-economic conditions, both during operations and well after mining activities have ceased. As gold is easily sold and not influenced by the instability of local governments, it is the main mineral extracted by artisanal miners. Mercury (Hg) amalgamation is the preferred gold recovery method employed by artisanal gold miners and its misuse can result in serious health hazards for miners involved in gold extraction, as well as for surrounding community inhabitants, who may be exposed to mercury via the food chain. The rudimentary techniques characteristic of ASM result in a number of occupational hazards, other although most risks are primarily attributed to machinery accidents and ground failure, such as landslides and shaft collapses.Several technologies and methods commonly utilized by large-scale mining operations can be downsized to smaller scale operations. However, the likelihood that miners will adopt these large-scale methods, or those developed specifically for ASM, depends upon some key factors. For an artisanal miner, these factors include: (1) increased or comparable simplicity, (2) quick recovery of the economic mineral, and (3) demonstrated financial gain. Other practical aspects, such as the availability of materials (chemicals, steel rods, piping, generators, etc), capital and operating cost requirements and access to technical support, also influence acceptance of new techniques.This article will review four inter-related areas: first, the limitations and benefits, for ASM, of a number of specific technologies; second, the role of Processing Centers in education, information dissemination and provision of “clean” services; third, benefits and challenges associated with formalization of ASM activities; and fourth, the contribution of ASM to the development of sustainability of communities, primarily through diversification of livelihoods. The appropriate application of technologies, particularly given the diversity of ASM communities around the world, will also be explored.  相似文献   

Inrecentyears,mercurycontaminationhasbeen paid greatattentiontoovertheworld(Zilloux ,1993;Monamy ,1993;Guan ,1994;Yang ,1992 ;Li,1993;1994;SCOPE ,1994) .TheprincipalfocusistodecreaseHgcontaminationinordertoprotecttheecosystemenvironmentandthehuman’shealth .Itisdifferentfrom“mi…  相似文献   

IntroductionSiberiaandtheFarEastaretheoldestandtherichestgold miningareasofRussia .Intensivegold miningherestartedinthebeginningofthe 19thcentury(Vyazelshchikov ,1963) .Forthemostpartgold bearingoresandsandswereprocessedwiththeuseofamalgamationmethodforgolde…  相似文献   

The study aims to assess the commercial viability of a potential crop insurance market in Bangladesh. In a large scale household survey, agricultural farm households were asked for their preferences for a hypothetical crop insurance scheme using double bounded (DB) contingent valuation (CV) method. Both revenue and production cost based indemnity payment approaches were applied to assess the commercial viability of a crop insurance program assuming a partner-agent (PA) model of insurance supply. Crop insurance is found marginally commercially viable in riverine flood plain areas. The expected indemnity payable consistently exceeds the expected insurance premium receivable by the insurer for the households living in wetland basin and coastal floodplain. We conclude that a uniform structure of crop insurance market does not exist in Bangladesh. The nature of the disaster risks faced by the farm households and the socio-economic characteristics of the rural farm communities need to be taken into careful consideration while designing such an insurance scheme.
Sonia AkterEmail:

IntroductionSincetheearly 1980’s,rapidincreasesingoldminingactivitiesusingmercuryamalgamationtechniqueinmanydevelopingcountrieshasbeenoneofthemainsourcesofmercurypollution ,particularlyintheAmazonandothertropicalregions(Malm ,1990 ;Ramel,1996;Ikingura,1996;Lacerda,…  相似文献   

 Salinity variations can be considered as a potential source of information for orientation in the marine environment. To use this kind of environmental information marine animals must be able to detect these salinity differences. Therefore we determined salinity-difference thresholds of two harbour seals for the discrimination of seawater solutions as a function of the salinity level (15–35‰) and compared them with the thresholds of human subjects. Whereas in humans thresholds increased with increasing salinity level, thresholds of seals decreased with increasing salinity level. Both seals achieved best sensitivity at 30‰ salinity, where they detected a salinity difference ≤4%. These data indicate that the ability of seals to detect salinity differences of seawater is well tuned to the natural occurrence of this environmental information. Their high gustatory resolving power for differences in seawater salinity is suggested to meet the basic requirements for chemosensory orientation of seals in the marine habitat. Received: 10 February 2000 / Accepted in revised form: 19 September 2000  相似文献   

Since the completion of the Management of Myelomeningocoele Study, maternal-fetal surgery for spina bifida has become a valid option for expecting parents. More recently, multiple groups are exploring a minimally invasive approach and recent outcomes have addressed many of the initial concerns with this approach. Based on a previously published framework, we attempt to delineate the developmental stage of the surgical techniques. Furthermore, we discuss the barriers of performing randomized controlled trials comparing two surgical interventions and suggest that data collection through registries is an alternative method to gather high-grade evidence.  相似文献   

Secondary copulatory structures are well-known in male dragonflies and spiders. Here I report a secondary copulatory organ in female ground weta, Hemiandrus pallitarsis (Ensifera, Orthoptera - crickets and allies). The organ, located on the underside of the abdomen, appears to secure the male's genitalia during the transfer of a spermatophylax nuptial meal to this location, an area quite separate from the female's primary copulatory structures, where the sperm ampulla is attached.  相似文献   

The use of science to inform and underpin decision-making on natural resources is not self-evident as stakeholders often use science in a selective and strategic way. Scientific analyses of science utilisation often focus on how the science–policy interface is organised and from this perspective provide recommendations to scientists about how they can increase their contribution to decision-making. Yet in this paper we argue that a wider perspective on the science–policy interface, in particular by analysing the roles and interactions of actors other than those directly involved, provides both additional explanations and new points of application for strategies aimed at enhancing science utilisation. We illustrate our claim by means of an analysis of decision-making on cockle fisheries and gas mining in the Dutch Wadden Sea between the 1990s and 2004. For many years, scientific studies addressing the ecological effects of these activities were not used to meaningfully contribute to decision-making. In 2004 this situation changed radically. Explanations include the role of intermediaries between scientists, stakeholders and decision-makers and new legislation. Scientists could enhance the chances of knowledge utilisation both by creating a more open science–policy interface and by reframing the policy problems at issue.  相似文献   

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was originally tailored for restructuring rules and values regarding environmental protection, through interdisciplinary work. EIA has developed as a tool for decision-making for the implementation of projects which potentially pose significant environmental impacts. This paper reviews the sustainability and interdisciplinarity assumptions inherent in EIA. It illustrates through a case study of a proposed landfill extension in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, that these principles can arise more from informal knowledge processes than from legal ones. It can be shown that interdisciplinarity is often misunderstood as multidisciplinarity or simple knowledge clustering, and sustainability has no common definition amongst EIA practitioners, but that there predominates an understanding which delivers weak sustainability, driven primarily by social and economic goals. The conclusion is that EIA cannot achieve the original vision set out in the world's first legislation adopted in 1970 unless a learning-organization approach is taken whereby: the critical role of informal knowledge is recognized; informal knowledge is properly managed by EIA teams to engender a common understanding of sustainable development goals; interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary working practices are adopted.  相似文献   

Bats are most diverse in the tropics, but there are no quantitative data on torpor use for energy conservation by any tropical bat in the wild. We examined the thermal biology, activity patterns and torpor use of two tree-roosting long-eared bats (Nyctophilus geoffroyi, 7.8?g) in tropical northern Australia in winter using temperature telemetry. Bats commenced activity about 20?min after sunset, ended activity about 2.5?h before sunrise and entered torpor everyday in the early morning even when minimum ambient temperatures (T a) were as high as 23°C. On average, bats remained torpid for almost 5?h, mean minimum skin temperature (T skin) measured was 22.8?±?0.1°C and daily T skin minima were correlated with T a. Our study shows that even in the tropics, torpor is frequently employed by bats, suggesting that worldwide most bat species are heterothermic and use torpor for energy conservation. We propose that the ability of employing torpor and the resulting highly plastic energy requirements may partially explain why these small insectivorous bats can inhabit almost the entire Australian continent despite vastly different climatic and likely trophic conditions. Reduced energy requirements also may permit survival in degraded or modified habitats, reduce the need for foraging and reduce exposure to predators. Thus, the ability to employ torpor may be one important reason for why most Australian bats and other heterothermic mammals have not gone extinct whereas many obligatory homeothermic mammals that cannot employ torpor and have high energy and foraging requirements have suffered high rates of extinctions.  相似文献   

Human rights abuses, environmental predations and governance failures plague artisanal gold mining in Tanzania. Gold's exchange value and the illegality of most artisanal gold product challenge the traditional fair trade model, a potential solution. Additionally, memories of the government's earlier failed effort to serve as a sole purchaser of artisanal gold undercut enthusiasm for statist interventions. This paper presents an alternative: a public–private partnership (PPP) that would engage one or more private banks, an agency within the Ministry of Energy and Minerals and NGOs or international initiatives specifically aimed at improving conditions for artisanal mine operators. The concept of transformational exchange, wherein a set of business transactions substantially affects societal expectations, modifies behavior and promotes sustainable mechanisms, frames the proposal.  相似文献   

The opportunities and limitations of electrically driven mobility are currently widely discussed in public debates on vehicles and future transport. E-mobility has by and large been communicated in the context of sustainable mobility and its central idea is an urban e-car. Questioning the hype for this technology, this paper presents the development of the hegemonic discourse of e-mobility focusing on the actors involved. The study is based on a media analysis of selected German print media. The various phases of the e-mobility discourse were reconstructed by the detailed study of thematic focuses brought about by various actors such as politicians, electric supply companies and traditional automotive industry, and by the temporal distribution of the articles dealing with e-mobility. In addition the actor configuration is clarified by reference to the statements of the actors in the articles. The phases in the e-mobility discourse can be explained by a certain constellation of actors and how they manage to enforce their claims and interests. While the government plays a prominent role in the current development of the e-mobility discourse, the change of the automobile industry's common position towards the electric vehicle and the rising interests of the power supply industry also play an important role. Finally, the paper reveals the internal and external driving forces of the e-mobility discourse and evaluates whether it is promoted in a sustainable way.  相似文献   

Due to both natural and anthropogenic forces, the south west part of the Ganges-Brahmaputra coastal area is facing diverse problems such as waterlogging, salinity, and loss of biodiversity. In order to address these challenges, local people have identified ‘tidal river management (TRM)’ as a comprehensive approach for sustainably managing this part of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Basin. However, due to institutional limitations, mismanagement and social conflicts, application of the TRM approach is not straightforward. In order to identify existing implementation barriers and to effectively apply the TRM approach, a transdisciplinary approach is examined for its potential to inform the re-shaping of TRM governing values and actions. It is argued that a thorough application of a transdisciplinary framework is essential, supported by the active involvement of key agencies and local stakeholders. The proposed transdisciplinary framework can potentially be applied to TRM projects for solving waterlogging and associated problems in order to achieve greater sustainability of the area.  相似文献   

Neonate larvae of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), modify their behavior in the presence of saccharin, monosodium glutamate (MSG), or L(+)-2-amino-4-phosphonobutyric acid (L-AP4) by commencing their feeding earlier. Previously published pharmacological analysis demonstrated that phagostimulatory effects of MSG and L-AP4 (which elicit umami taste sensation in humans) are reversed by adenylate cyclase activator and phosphodiesterase inhibitor. In this study, by measuring the time needed to start ingestion of foliage treated with mixtures of phagostimulants and signal transduction modulators, we show that phagostimulatory effects of l-aspartate (the third hallmark umami substance) are also abolished by both adenylate cyclase activator and phosphodiesterase inhibitor, but not by phospholipase C inhibitor. However, stimulatory effects of hemicalcium saccharin were affected only by phospholipase C inhibitor. The results suggest that codling moth neonates use different transduction pathways for perception of hemicalcium saccharin and umami.  相似文献   

Waterborne exposure to human viruses through contact with sewage-contaminated water environments can result in infections associated with a wide range of illnesses. Gastrointestinal symptoms are the most commonly encountered manifestations of waterborne viral illness. Respiratory diseases, neurological diseases and paralysis can also occur. Whether viral infections resulting in health outcomes like cancer might also be transmitted by the waterborne route is unknown. Recently, viruses belonging to two oncogenic groups—Human Papillomaviruses (HPVs) and Human Polyomaviruses (HPyVs)—have been detected in urban sewages worldwide. The latter have also been identified in other water environments. HPVs are epitheliotropic viruses responsible for several diseases of skin and mucosae, from common warts to squamous intraepithelial lesions that can either heal or progress to invasive carcinoma of the cervix, vulva, vagina, penis, anus or oropharynx. Human PyVs infect different tissues and organs, causing infections that are usually subclinical in immunocompetent individuals but can be serious in immunocompromised hosts. These pathogens belong to a family of DNA tumour viruses. Merkel cell polyomavirus, a HPyV identified in recent years, has attracted much attention due to its link with a rare and aggressive form of human cancer. Merkel cell carcinoma, the incidence of which has tripled over the past two decades. JC polyomavirus and BK polyomavirus are also potentially oncogenic. The observed abundance and wide dissemination of HPVs and HPyVs in water environments strongly suggest the need to shed light on the fate of these viruses in water environments and to elucidate their potential for waterborne transmission. Such information is essential for the improvement of wastewater management programs in terms of both sewage treatment and water quality surveillance.  相似文献   

Mercury(Hg) remains a key contaminant of concern in Arctic biota, and monitoring of Hg concentrations in seabird tissues will be an effective approach to track the effects of implementing the Minamata Convention. We examined trends in total Hg(THg) in liver and egg tissues of two Arctic seabirds, thick-billed murres(Uria lomvia) and northern fulmars(Fulmarus glacialis), between 1976 and 2013 to assess whether both tissues showed similar patterns of Hg change. Hepatic THg was consistently higher than egg THg, and both species had similar egg THg concentrations, but fulmars had higher hepatic THg than murres.Murre THg concentrations showed more relative variation through time than fulmars.We suggest that egg THg better reflects exposure of birds to THg in local, Arctic prey,whereas liver THg may incorporate longer term, year-round THg exposure. Additional analysis of THg distribution in Arctic seabirds post-laying would help inform interpretation of long-term trends.  相似文献   

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