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基于已完成的112例进口含金属物料的固体废物鉴别实践,系统地介绍了进口含金属物料的申报品名及各品名所占比例,种类及各种类的特征、固体废物鉴别关键方法和每种鉴别结果所占比例,其中申报品名主要为矿石(砂),所占比例为51.8%;鉴别结果主要为冶炼渣,所占比例为37.5%。提出对于进口的含金属物料,通过测量主要成分和含量、最主要金属元素及典型重金属元素的含量、物相组成、矿相组成,对于极细的粉末等特殊物料,还需要粒度分析等辅助试验,确定其产生来源。如果确定属于金属冶炼过程中产生的副产物、污染控制设施或环境治理过程中产生的物料、含金属废料简单加工处理产物、矿物采选过程中产生的废弃物,那么鉴别物料属于固体废物。  相似文献   

固体废物加工产物属于产品的条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
借鉴欧盟、经济合作与发展组织、美国提出的固体废物加工产物属于产品需要满足的条件,结合《固体废物鉴别导则(试行)》中鉴别固体废物加工产物不属于固体废物而属于产品时最常用的因素,提出固体废物加工产物属于产品需要同时满足的3个条件,即符合国家、地方或行业通用的产品质量标准,符合国家污染控制标准,以及生产工艺过程和相应设施通过环境影响评价及建设项目竣工环境保护验收,为固体废物加工产物的固体废物监管和鉴别提供参考。  相似文献   

建立了一种进口服务器硬盘固体废物属性鉴别方法。通过外观检测,初步判断样品的来源及属性;通过传感器日志检测,获得硬盘的通电时间和读写量,判断硬盘的使用时间和使用程度;通过读写性能判断硬盘是否具有原有功能,进而判断硬盘的固体废物属性。鉴别结果表明,〖JP2〗抽检的16块硬盘中,18.75%已丧失原有功能,根据《固体废物鉴别标准〓通则》(GB 34330—2017)和《进口货物的固体废物属性鉴别程序》综合判断上述鉴别样品属于固体废物。  相似文献   

对电解铝企业产生的阳极残渣、阳极残极浸出毒性进行了鉴别。鉴别结果表明:电解铝企业产生阳极残渣浸出液中氟化物(不含氟化钙)平均质量浓度为140 mg/L,最高达244 mg/L,且超标试样数达到《危险废物鉴别标准浸出毒性鉴别》中相应规定,鉴别该废物属于危险废物,应按照危险废物进行管理;阳极残极浸出液中氟化物(不含氟化钙)平均质量浓度为74 mg/L,无超标试样数,该废物不属于具有氟化物浸出毒性的固体废物,建议仍按一般固体废物进行管理。  相似文献   

危险废物生态毒性鉴别指标研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生态毒性是危险废物的危险特性鉴别指标之一,生态毒性鉴别指标确定的基础是关于毒性化学物质和固体废物的生态毒理学(评估指标)研究.比较研究了国外毒性物质和危险废物的生态毒性鉴别指标及其制定的方法学,分析了中国的研究现状,对中国危险废物生态毒性鉴别指标制定的方法学提出了建议.  相似文献   

通过对自贡市固体废物的产生量、构成、来源、综合利用率和处置率等现状的分析,结合固废处置利用过程中遇到的问题,对固废防治工作提出相应的控制对策和建议。  相似文献   

一直以来,固体废物非法转移和倾倒等环境违法行为是固体废物管理实践中的首要突出问题。究其原因,根本在于法律对于固体废物产生者的义务和责任只局限于自身,在实践中产生者并不关注固体废物转移后的利用处置状况。新修订的《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》(以下简称《固废法》)确立了工业固体废物产生者连带责任制度,力图从源头减少或避免固体废物非法转移和倾倒事件,倒逼固体废物产生者采取有效措施治理固体废物污染。笔者从固体废物产生者的双重身份入手,深入辨析其中的权利义务关系,阐释产生者连带责任的法律基础和根本原理。从《固废法》关于连带责任关系的法律规定出发,进一步解析产生者义务和受托者义务,并具体分析了连带责任的法律适用。  相似文献   

固体废物由于其自身特殊的理化特性和在产生、排放以及存贮过程中存在着的随机和非随机不均匀性,使得欲采集有“代表性”的样品要比采集大气、水质样品困难得多,如果采样误差大,无论怎样降低采样误差,也很难对污染物有一个正确评价.由此可见,降低采样误差至关重要.1.采样方法带来的采样误差在污染源的固体废物采样过程中,要根据污染物的不同的产生排放形式和采样目的选择  相似文献   

越南资源环境部日前发布的《2011年国家环境报告》显示,随着经济社会的不断发展,越南正面临着越来越大的环保压力。近年来,越南经济保持了较高的增长速度,但同时城市、工业区及农村地区产生的固体废物也以每年约10%的速度增加,而且成分日益复杂,有害废物在各领域的排放中所占比例为18%至25%。城市是产生固体废物的主要来源,约占总排  相似文献   

研究了中国固体废物环境监测分析方法标准的发展历程及现状。通过分析现行固体废物环境监测分析方法标准现状与需求,发现中国固体废物环境监测分析方法标准存在不能完全满足现行固体废物污染控制标准和危险废物鉴别标准的测定需求,部分标准规范性有待提高,标准基础研究较为薄弱,同一污染物项目不同方法标准之间的可比性研究有待加强等诸多问题。针对存在的问题,建议从加快标准制修订,加强基础科研和顶层设计,加大可比性研究等方面完善中国固体废物环境监测分析方法标准,以期推动中国固体废物环境监测分析方法标准体系的建设与发展。  相似文献   

随着经济快速发展,工业固废、非正规垃圾、未覆盖建筑渣土等固体废物急剧增加,对区域生态环境造成极大威胁。固废堆场具有面积小、分布散等特点,目前国内仍缺少针对各类固废堆场的遥感自动识别研究。为此,基于国产高分辨率卫星遥感数据,根据野外实地光谱采集结果,分别开展了未覆盖建筑渣土、工业固废及非正规垃圾的自动识别方法研究,提取研究区各类固废堆场。结果表明:未覆盖建筑渣土在蓝波段与绿波段分别存在"吸收谷"与"反射峰",基于该特征构建的比值指数模型,结合直方图双峰法阈值分割可以有效提取未覆盖建筑渣土区域;工业固废、非正规垃圾2种固废类型多样,光谱反射率没有明显规律,结合其纹理、色调等特征,采用面向对象多尺度分割、支持向量机监督分类方法能够较好地识别2种类型固废;基于自动化提取技术并结合人机交互判读方法,提取的研究区未覆盖建筑渣土、工业固废及非正规垃圾等3种固废堆场的精度分别达到96.83%、88.26%、85.71%,各类固体废物遥感识别精度较高,极大提高了固废监测效率。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the characteristics and composition of municipal solid waste (MSW) generated in Sangamner city. The composition of solid waste was studied by segregating it into different component, i.e., kitchen waste, paper, earth and fine material, slaughter house waste, leaves, metals, etc. These components were categorised into organic waste and inorganic waste. It was observed that Sangamner city produces around 61% organic waste, and the rest is inorganic waste. The characteristics of organic solid waste, i.e., pH, electrical conductivity, moisture content, organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were evaluated. The analysis of organic content of MSW indicates that it is good source of nutrients for the agriculture sector whereas inorganic material can be used for landfill.  相似文献   

Comparative leaching experiments were carried out using leaching medium with different pH to municipal solid waste in the landfill columns in order to investigate the mobility of heavy metals. The leachate pH and oxidation–reduction potential were measured by oxidation–reduction potential analyzer; the contents of heavy metals were measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. It is very different in leaching concentrations of heavy metals; the dynamic leaching of heavy metals decreased with the rise of the leaching amount on the whole. Acid leaching medium had definite influence on the leaching of heavy metals in the early landfill, but it had the obvious inhibition effect on the leaching in the middle and late period of landfill; the neutral and alkaline leaching medium are more beneficial to the leaching of heavy metals. Due to the influence of the environment of landfill, the differences of the results in cumulative leaching amount, leaching rate, and leaching intensity of heavy metals are very big. The calculation results of the release rates of heavy metals prove that the orders of the release rates are not identical under different leaching conditions. Acid rain made heavy metals migrate from municipal solid waste to soil and detain in soil more easily; approached neutral and alkaline leaching mediums are more beneficial to leaching of heavy metals in the municipal solid waste and soil with leachate. The field verification of experimental data showed that the law of heavy metal leaching in municipal solid waste revealed by the experiment has a good consistency with the data obtained by municipal solid waste landfill.  相似文献   

Five profiles of a 15-year-old bank containing over three weeks composted municipal solid waste were characterized by means of different parameters habitually applied in waste management (loss on ignition, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, NH(4)-N, pH), and in addition by humic acid determination, FTIR spectroscopy and thermal analysis. Stabilization processes are revealed by humic acid contents. Over the 15 year period organic matter had developed in various ways. Highest humic acid contents were found at 0.5 m below the surface. Below 1.0-1.5 m anaerobic conditions dominated causing a strong decline of humic acid concentrations. Despite similar contents of organic matter at 0.5 m and at 3.0 m organic matter quality differed. These differences were verified by infrared spectroscopic investigations and thermal analyses (differential scanning calorimetry DSC). The spectral pattern of 15-year-old profile samples (municipal solid waste including the biogenic fraction) was compared to current municipal solid waste and abandoned landfill materials. Current municipal solid waste samples comprised different degradation stages from fresh materials to stabilized waste, suitable for landfilling according to Austrian standards. Municipal solid waste originating from abandoned landfills closed in the seventies represented stable material. Principal component analysis was performed to detect similarities and differences. It is evident that the profile samples constitute a particular group in between municipal solid waste and abandoned landfill material. Some differences can be attributed to the divergent composition of municipal solid waste in the eighties when the organic fraction was not separated. Otherwise, landfill materials from the seventies with the same composition regarding the organic fraction were deposited together with construction waste. Heat flow curves (DSC profiles) of municipal solid waste, representing different decomposition stages, illustrate the development of enthalpies and reveal the status of the profile samples. It is evident that mechanical-biological pretreatment leads to a faster stabilization of waste organic matter.  相似文献   

固体废物排放统计对象应覆盖固体废物从原材料到最终处置的整个生命周期的各个环节(机构),即矿业--加工制造业--产品流通领域--用户--固体废物收运体系--固体废物中间处理厂--固体废物最终处置场.统计指标体系包括固体废物排放统计指标和排放管理指标;统计指标区分为指标、主要参数和辅助参数,既便于理解也便于管理.根据固体废物排放量和已知的固体废物资源化技术,对固体废物重新分类、统计并分类填埋,以便将来实现再利用.固体废物排放控制统计的对象主要是规模以上的污染源,实施统计的污染源的规模应当是全国统一的.  相似文献   

As circumstances of operating and maintenance activities for landfilling and composting in Tehran metropolis differ from those of cities in developed countries, it was concluded to have an environmental impact comparison between the current solid waste management (MSW) strategies: (1) landfill, and (2) composting plus landfill. Life cycle assessment (LCA) was used to compare these scenarios for MSW in Tehran, Iran. The Eco-Indicator 99 is applied as an impact assessment method considering surplus energy, climate change, acidification, respiratory effect, carcinogenesis, ecotoxicity and ozone layer depletion points of aspects. One ton of municipal solid waste of Tehran was selected as the functional unit. According to the comparisons, the composting plus landfill scenario causes less damage to human health in comparison to landfill scenario. However, its damages to both mineral and fossil resources as well as ecosystem quality are higher than the landfill scenario. Thus, the composting plus landfill scenario had a higher environmental impact than landfill scenario. However, an integrated waste management will ultimately be the most efficient approach in terms of both environmental and economic benefits. In this paper, a cost evaluation shows that the unit cost per ton of waste for the scenarios is 15.28 and 26.40 US$, respectively. Results show landfill scenario as the preferable option both in environmental and economic aspects for Tehran in the current situation.  相似文献   

中国固体废物的环境管理与环境监测技术现状   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
为加强中国固体废物的环境管理和环境监测技术,回顾了中国自1985年以来制定的固体放心物环境管理法规制度以及1984年至1998年颁布的20多年家或行业的固体废物处置标准体系等固体废物的环境管理状况,着重论述了中国固体废物环境监测技术的发展历史与现状。指出经过20多年的努力,在固体废物环境监测技术与方法上初步形成了该领域框架体系,有固体废物的采样与制样技术;危险废物的有害特性试验鉴别方法,固体废物具  相似文献   

Plastic solid waste has become a serious problem when considering the disposal alternatives following the sequential hierarchy of sound solid waste management. This study was undertaken to assess the quantity and composition of household solid waste, especially plastic waste to identify opportunities for waste recycling. A 1-month survey of 130 households was carried out in Can Tho City, the capital city of the Mekong Delta region in southern Vietnam. Household solid waste was collected from each household and classified into ten physical categories; especially plastic waste was sorted into 22 subcategories. The average household solid waste generation rate was 281.27 g/cap/day. The compostable and recyclable shares respectively accounted for high percentage as 80.74% and 11%. Regarding plastic waste, the average plastic waste generation rate was 17.24 g/cap/day; plastic packaging and plastic containers dominated with the high percentage, 95.64% of plastic waste. Plastic shopping bags were especially identified as the major component, accounting for 45.72% of total plastic waste. Relevant factors such as household income and household size were found to have an existing correlation to plastic waste generation in detailed composition. The household habits and behaviors of plastic waste discharge and the aspects of environmental impacts and resource consumption for plastic waste disposal alternatives were also evaluated.  相似文献   

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