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李薇 《绿色视野》2015,(4):27-33
环保NGO绿色浙江发起筹建14年来,以废旧利用、节约能源、垃圾分类、创建安静小区、青少年环境教育培训等为主题,理论联系实际,组织志愿者深入社区开展了一系列文化和实践活动,倡导绿色生活方式、传播生态文化理念,逐渐形成众多活动品牌项目。但是,曾经连续11年在社区里开展的系列活动,让他们意识到一个严峻问题:活动仅仅是活动,一次活动完了没有任何持续力,也无法对活动的影响力进行评估。  相似文献   

针对企业在风险管理方面存在危害因素辨识不全面、风险评估不准确、控制措施不具体、管理程序方法与标准不统一等不足,文章探讨生产安全风险防控包括生产作业活动风险防控和生产管理活动风险防控两个方面。企业建立生产作业活动风险防控包括:生产作业活动分解,生产作业活动危害因素辨识,生产作业活动风险评估,生产作业活动风险防控;生产管理活动风险防控包括:生产管理活动梳理,生产管理活动风险分析与风险评估,生产管理活动风险管控。生产安全风险防控是HSE管理体系有效运行的重要抓手,要把风险防控要求落实到日常工作中,做到预防为主。  相似文献   

新形势下开展环保宣传活动的途径探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗斌 《青海环境》2011,21(1):33-35
环保宣传是环境保护工作的重要组成部分,它发挥着先导、基础推进和监督的作用。文章立足宣传活动在现代生活中的作用和环保宣传活动的变化及意义,探讨了新形势下开展环保宣传活动的途径,指出环保宣教部门只有做好宣传活动的定位、策划和组织,开展丰富多彩的环保宣传活动,才能在全社会形成共识,从而达到全民参与环境保护的目的。  相似文献   

<正>河北省张家口市长青路小学校成立于1964年。多年来,学校努力提升教育理念,不断丰富教育内涵,深入开展教育活动,多形式、多渠道地为师生提供环境教育活动阵地,使环境保护这颗绿色种子深深地扎根于广大师生心中,使长青路小学真正成为了师生学习、生活的"长青乐园"。每学年,学校都会组织学生开展丰富多彩的环保教育活动,寓教于乐,并努力使活动序列化、趣味化,注重活动的延续性和实效性。学校每年会开展环保教育月活动。在活  相似文献   

综合实践活动的实施,为学生的身心健康发展提供了开放的活动空间。然而,在开展综合实践活动的过程中,孩子们会遇到各种各样的困难。为了培养学生参与活动的兴趣并提高其实践能力,指导老师要多倾听、巧引导,及时为学生提出可操作性强的实施建议。下面我以几次实践活动为例详细说明。  相似文献   

中共中央政治局召开会议,决定从2008年9月开始,用一年半左右时间,在全党分批开展深入学习实践科学发展观活动。9月19日,全党深入学习实践科学发展观活动动员大会暨省部级主要领导干部专题研讨班开班式上,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席胡锦涛发表重要讲话强调:切实搞好深入学习实践科学发展观活动把贯彻落实科学发展观提高到新的水平。在环境保护部的带领下,环保系统深刻认识开展学习实践活动的重大现实意义和紧迫性,全面把握中央关于开展学习实践活动的指导思想、工作目标、方法步骤、基本要求,坚持理论联系实际,坚持改革创新,坚持群众路线,把贯彻落实科学发展观提高到新的水平。  相似文献   

正走进四川仁寿一中北校区,美丽的校园,绿树成荫、鸟语花香,走在校园内,感受到的是自然的清新。这是学校开展创建绿色示范学校活动后出现的变化。创建绿色学校是仁寿一中北校区去年以来开展的活动。在活动中,学校成立了环境教育课外实践活动小组、环保志愿队和绿色小记者站,还利用好团会课,开展好环保月活动。学校还组织了"物物交换"活动,让学生们将自己暂时不用的物品拿出来和其他学生进行交换,达到物尽其用的目的,养成节约环保的意识。为了向同学们普及环保知识,学校组织各班主办  相似文献   

1月21日下午,宝鸡市环保局联合宝鸡团市委、市青年志愿者行动指挥中心共同启动了“环保实践月”暨绿色环保志愿者总动员活动。活动以“生态环保,和谐发展”为主题,招募了包括儿童、老年人、三口之家及社会各界热心环保事业的集体和个人等300多名志愿者共同参与认养绿地、树苗、清扫路面、在绿色横幅上签字等一系列活动,影响更多人,积极投入到环境保护活动  相似文献   

浅谈大学生社会实践活动的项目化管理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
结合中国环境管理干部学院"千名学生绿色行"活动的项目化管理的具体组织和实践情况,在实际工作中探索大学生社会实践活动项目化管理的科学性和有效性,将项目化管理模式应用于大学生实践活动的管理中,最大限度地利用现有的学生活动资源、规范管理行为、降低管理成本、提高工作效率,实现培养大学生综合素质和创新能力的目的。  相似文献   

张英 《环境教育》2012,(8):31-32
曹浪波工作勤奋,有较强的组织协调能力,宣传工作年年有创新。几年来紧紧围绕株洲市创建国家环保模范城市这个中心,组织开展了一系列宣传活动,宣教工作取得前所未有的成效。曹浪波工作勤奋,有较强的组织协调能力,宣传工作年年有创新。几年来紧紧围绕株洲市创建国家环保模范城市这个中心,组织开展了一系列宣传活动,宣教工作取得前所未有的成效。组织的环保宣传活动丰富多彩,紧扣创环模主题几年来,她积极组织协调、调动机关单位、社区、学校、企业、媒体等各方面力量,引导和发动公众参与一系列环保宣传活动,在宣传中提高认识,在参与中增强责任感,在互动中达成共识。每年举办的"六·五"世界环境日大型宣传活动成为株洲市环保宣传的"品  相似文献   

New ideas about conserving wildlife are emerging to compete with conventional national park policies. But methods of analyzing wildlife conservation problems in Africa are inadequate for the analysis of complex issues of policy. Much of the analysis of conservation policy attempts to be apolitical on issues charged with social conflict. Analyses are too often ahistorical when history can say a great deal about the origins of present-day ecological problems. Further-more, problems are commonly analyzed within narrow discilinary frameworks which predetermine the nature of conclusions and lead to professionally biased proposals. This case study of the Luangwa Valley, Zambia, is used to demonstrate a method which attempts to remedy these weaknesses,In the first part of the article we examine the role of the Luangwa National Parks in the context of the Zambian political economy, and identify social groups which compete for the resources of the national parks. Next we trace the historical origins of present-day ecological changes. These analyses lead toward a model of the Parks and some of their relationships with the national economy. We end with a proposal for communal use of wildlife which attempts to resolve some of the contradictions inherent in current policy.  相似文献   

We analyze the bipartisan call to ban US exports of commodity mercury. An export ban can generate positive environmental benefits by increasing the scarcity of mercury in developing economies where significant toxic releases occur. We show, however, that a direct mercury purchase and retirement policy can achieve the same foreign environmental goals without adverse impacts on domestic environmental quality. We present qualitative and quantitative evidence that highlight the potential inefficiencies of a mercury export ban as a method of achieving environmental objectives.  相似文献   

Summary This largely philosophical article argues that we need to examine the roots of our cultural worldview if we are to understand the causes of our global crises and current obstacles to desirable change. Calls for a new ethic are likely to be ineffectual in the absence of a challenge to the damaging dichotomy between fact and value that characterises our culture. However, the dominant worldview is under increasingly strong challege from organic systems thinking which has far-reaching implications, and which suggests that Western culture's dominant assumptions are not in accord with reality. If our culture, and individuals in it, are able to become more balanced, decisive desirable change could take place in society. This balance will involve the proper reintegration of ethical dimensions into thinking, based upon the recognition of the importance of the integrity of human communities and natural systems. This constitutes an emergent worldview and coherent philsophical framework to which many groups are already giving expression. It is imperative that this cultural change is understood and supported as it represents genuine hope for the future.After a teaching career in England and Canada, Stephen Sterling joined, as Assistant Director, the United Kingdom Council for Environmental Education (CEE). He was involved in writing the Education Report forThe Conservation and Development Programme for the UK, and has acted in an advisory capacity on a number of national and international documents on environmental education and environmental ethics. He has edited the CEE's journalReview of Environmental Education Developments for six years. The views expressed in this article are his own.  相似文献   

The Neebing-McIntyre floodway in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, has been constructed with a relatively straight and uniform trapezoidal channel, compared with the prechannelized sinuous reaches of the Neebing and the McIntyre rivers. The flow regime of the floodway also contrasts significantly with the prechannelized regime, because of the combination of discharges from these rivers into a new channel and the regulation of flows by a diversion structure. The maximum channel capacity of the floodway is about 284 m3 s–1 (175-year regional flood), compared with about 40 m3 s–1 and 60 m3 s–1, respectively, for the Neebing and the McIntyre. According to regime theories, the construction of a straight and trapezoidal channel has upset the equilibrium of the stream system and therefore should lead to some accelerated erosion and sedimentation processes in the new channel immediately after construction. Erosion potential is particularly high during higher discharge events, when flow velocities are expected to be greater than the prechannelized velocities of the Neebing and the McIntyre. The overall sediment yield of the watershed is low (71t km–2 yr–1), compared with other documented watersheds of North America, but the rates of deposition in the floodway are relatively high, mainly due to the backwater effect of Lake Superior. Unless maintained by constant channel work, the floodway will tend to fill up with sediment, until a postconstructional equilibrium is reestablished.  相似文献   

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