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In order to improve the performance and maintain the interconnection components of the subsea pipeline ram blowout preventer system, the idea of importance analysis can be used to solve this problem. This paper uses an extended joint integrated importance measure to effectively analyze the characteristics of component failures of the blowout preventer system. The interaction between two components is considered to improve system performance while the failed component is being repaired. In order to facilitate subsequent maintenance and repair work, the effects of changes in different parameters on the importance value are considered. Finally, the analysis of a numerical example of the submarine pipeline ram blowout preventer system is carried out to verify the proposed method. 相似文献
隧道底板隆起的成因、分类与控制 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
在工程实践的基础上 ,全面地分析了隧底隆起的成因、分类与控制技术途径 ;总结和分析了隧底隆起破坏的 3种基本外在表现形式 ;在对引起隧底隆起的物理、力学与结构原因分析的基础上 ,提出了隧底隆起分类的 4种基本形式 ;同时也给出了按隆起破坏力学特征分类的 4种基本形式 ;总结归纳了隆起控制的一般原则 ,并提出了隧底隆起控制的技术途径。 相似文献
浅析建立、实施职业安全卫生管理体系的重要性 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
介绍职业安全卫生管理体系的由来及发展趋势,论述国内部分企业已经具备了建立、实施职业安全卫生管理体系的条件,分析建立、实施职业安全卫生管理体系对企业安全管理工作的促进作用。 相似文献
Sang Hwa Jin Yeong-Koo Yeo Kwang Ho Song In-Won Kim 《Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries》2002,15(6):439-444
Although reliability analyses have been used to improve the reliability of industrial systems, generic reliability data from publications, such as component failure intensities and repair times, are used to calculate reliability measures instead of the real reliability data collected from the plant. One reason is that the repair history of the components is not well managed in the plant. In this work, the effect of extreme reliability parameter values on system reliability and unavailability is studied. To do this, importance and uncertainty analysis of the components of flue gas scrubber systems is carried out, and results calculated with the extreme reliability parameter values are compared with those with the mean reliability values of the systems. The different reliability parameter values can give us totally different ranks of the components critical to the reliability of the representative scrubber system. Consequently, the effort to establish a reliable database is emphasized to perform accurate reliability analysis of the system. 相似文献
祁南煤矿通风系统分析与优化 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
笔者在祁南煤矿通风技术测定的基础上 ,对该矿井通风系统的稳定性、通风阻力分布情况和主要通风机工作性能进行了详细分析。根据该矿井生产实际和计算机模拟结果 ,指出祁南煤矿通风系统优化的首要任务是在中央风井系统迅速果断地采取有效的降阻措施 ,以实现主要通风机的安全稳定运行。并从相对长远的观点考虑 ,对通风系统优化的总体规划和实施方案作了必要的分析。 相似文献
本文介绍了在丰山铜矿选矿破碎系统电气改造设计中,注重安全,在系统功能、控制原理、设备构成、工程实施和操作维护等方面的措施和实际效果。 相似文献
企业污染,环境利益受损,政府买单在很长一段时间内成为生态环境损害的解决路径,从2018年起,全国开始试行生态环境损害赔偿制度,实现损害担责是生态环境问题的解决之道。山东作为全国生态环境损害赔偿制度改革的7个试点省市之一,开展了生态环境损害赔偿制度的积极实践探索。山东省对"10.21济南章丘重大非法倾倒危险废物事故"生态损害赔偿案件的处理对于我国生态环境损害制度的发展提供了重要的实践创新经验。本文以山东省的改革实践作为研究视角,面对我国生态环境损害赔偿制度现存问题,结合山东的试点实际分析了实施成效,从赔偿磋商、鉴定评估、资金管理三个方面对生态环境损害赔偿制度提出完善建议。 相似文献
Importance Measures (IMs) are used to rank the contributions of components or basic events to the system performance, e.g. its reliability or risk. Most times, IMs are calculated without due account of the uncertainties in the model of the behavior of the system. The objective of this work is to investigate how uncertainties can influence IMs and to develop a method for giving them due account in the corresponding ranking of the components or basic events. The uncertainties considered in this work affect the model parameters values and are assumed to be described by probability density functions. The method for ranking the contributors to the system performance measure is applied to the auxiliary feedwater system of a nuclear pressurized water reactor. 相似文献
为减轻城市灾害损失,提出城市防灾减灾规划编制方法,将减灾规划分为准备、风险分析、编制和实施4个步骤.依据风险分析结果,制订防灾减灾规划目标、减灾措施及策略.给出典型的地震灾害风险分析方法.以某市为例,算出其各区域的地震风险.根据风险等级划分标准确定各区域的地震风险可接受水平.基于此结果在GIS平台上的表达,可知市内旧城区的地震风险很高,须立刻采取风险减缓措施.对减灾措施进行优化,结果表明:加快现有设防不足工程的抗震加固,严抓新建工程的抗震设防水准是提高该市抗震减震能力的关键. 相似文献
This article presents a calculation-based methodology to determine the dominant event class in each of the phases of disasters being analysed, and to address the question of whether different disasters have similarities at crucial times in each phase of the disaster. Our approach is based on event network analysis. Disasters can be modelled using block diagrams and multiphase process trees. We propose trees in this article can be used as a tool for modelling phases of a disaster. The starting point for developing these models was fault tree analysis used for modelling the reliability structure of complex systems. This study demonstrates the possibility of using dual fault trees to describe the process as opposed to the structure. In our analyses, we examined four major disasters of production platforms that occurred in the last 50 years: Ixtoc I, Piper Alpha, Petrobras 36 and Deep Water Horizon. The course of each of these disasters has been described, the basic events of these disasters have been isolated, and assigned to event classes. The hierarchical importance of events was determined using the Birnbaum reliability measure, Birnbaum structural measure, Fussell-Vesely measure, criticality measure and improvement potential. For each phase of the analysed disasters, event importance is ranked, and the most important events that contributed to the phase are identified. General principles on the analysed disasters and the methodology used are also discussed. 相似文献
新形势下我国金融安全预警及安全策略 总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2
在日益融入金融全球化的新形势下 ,我国金融业存在严重安全隐患。这些隐患的形成原因既具有和其他开放发展中国家一致的共性特征 ,也和我国处于经济转型的特定历史阶段相关。笔者对我国新形势下金融安全问题进行了较为详细的分析 ,并结合历次国际金融危机 ,尤其是东亚金融危机的教训和我国的实际 ,提出了构建我国金融安全预警指标体系与预警机制以及相关配套措施 ,以维护我国金融安全。特别是创造性地提出了我国金融安全监测预警指标系统至少应包括 3个层次 ,即国家宏观经济运行指标、金融机构安全监测预警指标和货币安全监测预警指标 ,以及要从全方位、多层次采取措施。 相似文献
基于安全性的特种设备维修策略研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
针对我国目前安全生产形势,对特种设备使用与维修应予以特别重视,分析了特种设备维修管理现状及存在的问题,阐述了特种设备维修中的关键问题并提出了解决这些关键问题维修策略;利用计算机辅助故障树分析,找同特种设备维修重点;以特种设备的安全运行为目标;提出了合理维修周期求解模型;设计并实现了特种设备维修管理信息系统,将故障树分析和维修周期求解融入其中,实现了特种设备维修决策的科学化和规范化。实践证明,该信息系统实现了提出的维修策略,对提高特种设备的安全性和经济性有较大的实用价值。 相似文献
论述了编制企业安全生产发展战略的总体思路,并从管理科学中战略形成机制与安全生产领域中系统安全工程的理念出发,提出企业安全生产发展战略的体系框架即由总论、安全生产理念、战略目标、管理体系、运营机制、绩效考核、保障建设和附则8部分组成,并对其文件内容要素和战略编制技术要点进行解释说明,以期为企业编制安全生产发展战略提供技术指导和参考。 相似文献
未确知测度模型在城市燃气管道安全评价中的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以未确知理论为基础,详细阐述未确知测度模型的建模过程。结合未确知测度模型,对影响城市燃气管道安全的因素进行系统的分析与评价。针对邯郸市城市燃气管道的工程实际,收集实测数据,确定安全评价指标,运用模型对实例进行计算求解,对邯郸市3区10个测点的管道安全级别进行评价。经调查检验,评价结果符合实际。该方法的提出旨在更有效地对燃气管道的安全进行评价,为有关部门提供采取安全措施的依据。 相似文献
This article describes optimization strategy of SMCCM from perspective of utility of coal miner with the method of empirical research. Four elements of SMCCM are put forward which consist of “employee safety knowledge”, “equipment safety knowledge”, “environment safety knowledge” and “rule safety knowledge”. Eight elements of utility are put forward which consist of “benefit satisfaction”, “promotion satisfaction”, “job satisfaction”, “enterprise satisfaction”, “management satisfaction”, “colleague satisfaction”, “relationship satisfaction” and “communication satisfaction”. Then hypotheses of influence path between SMCCM and utility are proposed. JCIA is chosen as the sample to carry out survey, which questionnaire is designed based on the likert six-point scale to avoid the middle tendency of the test samples. Data analysis is done from following angles: analysis of the structure and utility of test samples, variables analysis of SMCCM and utility, model analysis of interaction between SMCCM and utility. And then results are obtained from the analysis of elements of SMCCM and elements of utility. Conclusions: first, “rule safety knowledge” should be strengthened above all; second, “job satisfaction” should be paid more attention to; third, coal miner’s benefit should be concerned specially. 相似文献
旅游安全风险系统研究 总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10
在现代旅游活动中,旅游安全问题日益突出。其活动涉及大、中、小尺度的地域范围,牵涉行业较多,旅游安全存在于旅游行业及其活动的各个环节。当前的旅游安全问题不仅仅是个技术问题,而已成为一个很严重的社会问题。笔者从系统论和旅游地理学的角度,把旅游安全作为一个风险系统进行研究;认为旅游安全风险系统是由旅游者与旅游景区环境共同组成的一个复杂的特定的相互依赖的系统;初步探讨旅游安全风险系统的组成、结构和研究内容;对旅游安全风险系统的安全分析、安全评价和安全措施进行了相关研究;通过研究,以期弄清现代旅游业发展中存在的安全问题,提出旅游安全风险对策。 相似文献