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加强安全生产监察队伍能力建设探讨   总被引:5,自引:11,他引:5  
强化国家安全生产执法监察是建立我国安全生产法治体制和实现安全生产形势明显好转治本之策。安全生产监察员是代表国家意志对生产经营单位实行监督、检查和处罚,任务的严肃性和艰巨性对监察队伍素质提出很高要求,提高监察员的品质和能力是非常重要的基础建设。建议在国家安监系统内把机关行政管理和日常现场监察执法工作逐渐分离,最终实现监察队伍专业化和职业化;制定监察员基本业务素质标准,包括学历、专业背景和工作业绩等方面的要求;建立规范化的安全生产监察员选拔、聘用、考核和辞退管理程序;编制安全生产监察员执法工作手则与监察技术指南,规范执法行为,提高专业技术水平;同时还应加强对监察员的业务培训和知识更新,全面提高监察队伍的能力。  相似文献   

Dr. M. Sam Mannan is one of the true pioneers in the process safety area, spending almost his entire lifetime in process safety and risk research. He was dedicated to ‘make safety second nature’ and published an impressive body of work. An overview of his research helps understanding the process safety area and provides insight in the legacy of this process safety pioneer. In this paper, 327 publications authored by Dr. Mannan from 1999 to 2019 in Web of Science core collection were downloaded and visually analyzed from four perspectives: his publication outputs, collaboration networks, topic areas, and highly cited papers and cited references. The results show a rapidly increasing trend in his research activity, mostly through journal publications. He published in 53 different outlets, with Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries being most frequently selected. Dr. Mannan had a very active and diverse worldwide network, and collaborated with 18 different countries/regions, nearly 90 different institutions and 387 authors. His publications addressed process safety-related topics widely, including safety related to liquefied natural gas, explosions, runaway reactions, inherent safety, flammability and aerosol, and more recently resilience. Dr. Mannan's most cited paper focused on ‘fuzzy risk matrix’, whereas the most frequently cited reference in his work is ‘thermal hazard evaluation by an accelerating rate calorimeter’ by Townsend DI in 1980. Based on his most recent research activity, promising future directions for process safety research include resilience linked to risk assessment and management, for instance through the ‘safety triad’ concept he promoted shortly before passing away.  相似文献   

Management of safety, and barriers in particular, includes using information expressing performance, i.e. use of safety performance indicators. For this information to be useful, the indicators should demonstrate adequate quality. In other words, they should satisfy some predefined set of quality criteria. Without showing adequate quality, the indicators are generally unable to provide sufficient support for barrier management, which could result in poor decisions. In this article, the use of the SMART criteria is considered to assess the quality of safety performance indicators in process industries. SMART being an acronym for ‘specificity’, ‘measurability’ or ‘manageability’, ‘achievability’, ‘relevancy’ and ‘time-based’, covering five key aspects and criteria for assessing the quality of an indicator. A discussion on whether the indicators are able to demonstrate adequate quality by satisfying these criteria has been conducted. The finding is that all of the SMART criteria should be satisfied for a safety performance indicator to demonstrate acceptable quality and to be regarded as useful to support barrier management decision-making. However, it has also been observed that including the ‘M’ criterion in the assessment of quality is not needed. When all the other criteria are satisfied there is no way the conclusions could be misleading as a result of measurability or manageability aspects. Hence, for safety performance indicator quality, only four of the criteria are assessed and suggested for such situations to shorten the acronym to ‘STAR’. A key safety indicator used in downstream process facilities, i.e. ‘dangerous fluid overfilling events’, motivated from the 2005 Texas City refinery accident, is used to illustrate the situation. The indicator is also applied to another incident, the Buncefield oil storage depot's accident in 2005, to provide a broader context for using it. The findings in this article could also be applied beyond the context studied. This means that, despite focusing on safety indicators in the process industries, the findings are considered as relevant and applicable to other types of performance indicators and to other energy industries.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2004,42(7):569-586
Construction is one of the most hazardous industries due to its unique nature. Measured by international standards, construction site safety records in China are poor. This paper aims to examine the status of safety management in the Chinese construction industry, explore the risk-prone activities on construction sites, and identify factors affecting construction site safety. The findings reveal that the behavior of contractors on safety management are of grave concern, including the lack of provision of personal protection equipment, regular safety meetings, and safety training. The main factors affecting safety performance include ‘poor safety awareness of top management’, ‘lack of training’, ‘poor safety awareness of project managers’, ‘reluctance to input resources to safety’ and ‘reckless operations’. The study also proposes that the government should play a more critical role in stricter legal enforcement and organizing safety training programs.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to conduct an ex-post evaluation of the OSH Enforcement Act. The focus of the study was to collate the views of occupational safety and health (OSH) inspectors on how the OSH Enforcement Act and the practices of the governmental OSH inspectorate operate from an effectiveness perspective. The questionnaire included open questions addressed to OSH inspectors. The results indicated that there is a tension between the quantitative performance targets, e.g., the number of inspections and the effectiveness of the practical enforcement work. Harmonizing the enforcement practices should be implemented at two levels: OSH local agencies and individual inspectors. OSH inspectors believe that developing the professional skills of OSH inspectors and the monitoring of OSH management systems are important ways of promoting the effectiveness of OSH enforcement.  相似文献   

Introduction: A critical aspect of occupational safety is workplace inspections by experts, in which hazards are identified. Scientific research demonstrates that expectation generated by context (i.e., prior knowledge and experience) can bias the judgments of professionals and that individuals are largely unaware when their judgments are affected by bias. Method: The current research tested the reliability and biasability of expert safety inspectors’ judgments. We used a two-study design (Study 1, N = 83; Study 2, N = 70) to explore the potential of contextual, task-irrelevant, information to bias professionals’ judgments. We examined three main issues: (1) the effect that biasing background information (safe and unsafe company history) had on professional regulatory safety inspectors’ judgments of a worksite; (2) the reliability of those judgments amongst safety inspectors and (3) inspectors’ awareness of bias in their judgments and confidence in their performance. Results: Our findings establish that: (i) inspectors’ judgments were biased by historical contextual information, (ii) they were not only biased, but the impact was implicit: they reported being unaware that it affected their judgments, and (iii) independent of our manipulations, inspectors were inconsistent with one another and the variations were not a product of experience. Conclusion: Our results are a replication of findings from a host of other professional domains, where honest, hardworking professionals underappreciate the biasing effect of context on their decision making. The current paper situates these findings within the relevant research on safety inspection, cognitive bias and decision making, as well as provides suggestions for bias mitigation in workplace safety inspection. Practical Application: Our results have implications for occupational health and safety given that inspection is an integral aspect of an effective safety system. In addition to our findings, this study contributes to the literature by providing recommendations regarding how to mitigate the effect of bias in inspection.  相似文献   

近些年发生的一些危险化学品重大事故和石化项目的群体性事件暴露出我国重大危险源监管体系还存在很多问题。对我国和欧美在重大危险源安全监管进行对比分析,总结出我国重大危险源安全监管存在几方面问题。重大危险源的土地利用规划未纳入城市规划控制程序;重大危险源建设项目公众参与不足;部分法规对一般危险化学品企业安全监管要求过高,重点不突出;某些安全监管提法相互重复、混乱;政府监管和企业管理界限不清晰;缺乏安全监察程序、指南,安全监察落实不到位;对化工园区安全发展认识不足。在吸收、借鉴美国和欧洲发达国家在重大危险源管理方面的经验和良好做法基础上,提出相对应的措施建议。政府部门应加快重大危险源的立法工作,在制定重大危险源的相关法规和政策时应科学、合理。  相似文献   

为了更为客观、全面地评估高危行业中企业的安全文化建设真实状况,分析哪些方面有进一步提高空间。在构建高危行业企业安全文化评价指标体系基础上,提出AHP-云模型组合测度模型,并以某集团为实例进行研究,结果表明该集团企业安全文化等级为可管理级,安全价值和安全制度2个维度的表现差强人意,下一步需要着重进行改善。研究结果表明:提出的评价体系与测度模型兼具科学性与可操作性,可为同类高危行业企业的安全文化建设工作提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

我国安全生产监管队伍能力建设对策   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
分析了国内安全生产监管队伍建设现状,总结提出了我国在安全生产监管队伍建设方面存在的职责界限不清、内部监察工作不规范、人员能力不高、安全生产监管信息系统建设滞后等问题。结合国外安全监管队伍建设经验,制定了覆盖从"入"到"出"、全过程的能力培养和保障框架,提出了制定安全生产监管条例、实施监督与管理分离、合理设置各级监督机构职责分工、实施分级监督、强化监管队伍能力建设、建立安全生产监管信息系统、实施安全生产内部监察制度的对策。研究结果对增强我国安全监管队伍能力,提高安全监管水平具有参考意义。  相似文献   

我国现代煤矿安全管理分析与对策   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7  
分析了我国煤矿的安全现状,指出了煤矿安全生产管理中存在的主要问题,并提出了提升现代煤矿安全管理水平的3个关键对策:危险源、生产数据的信息系统动态实时监控;建立基于射频识别技术(RFID)的煤矿安全职能监控系统和基于虹膜技术的煤矿人井人员安全监测管理信息系统的电子监控体系;人机工程学原理和方法在煤矿安全生产中的应用,体现“以人为本”的管理理念。  相似文献   

我国煤矿员工文化程度低一直被看作是煤炭企业的安全生产的重要制约因素之一,而把事故归咎于矿工的文化水平也引起了广泛争议。本文通过广泛收集国内外相关文献信息,将我国煤矿员工与美国、加拿大和南非的煤矿员工及国内其他行业的员工文化程度进行对比,发现我国煤矿员工平均收教育年限较国外少3.3年,与国内其他高危行业持平,但低于全国劳动力平均受教育水平。在现场调研数据的基础上,分析了员工文化程度对安全生产的影响情况,发现煤矿员工的文化程度与企业总体安全文化水平呈正相关关系,而且文化程度与煤矿的安全生产状况互为因果。  相似文献   

Introduction. Navigated safety inspection based on task-specific checklists can increase the hazard detection rate, theoretically with interference from scene complexity. Visual clutter, a proxy of scene complexity, can theoretically impair visual search performance, but its impact on the effect of safety inspection performance remains to be explored for the optimization of navigated inspection. This research aims to explore whether the relationship between working memory and hazard detection rate is moderated by visual clutter. Methods. Based on a perceptive model of hazard detection, we: (a) developed a mathematical influence model for construction hazard detection; (b) designed an experiment to observe the performance of hazard detection rate with adjusted working memory under different levels of visual clutter, while using an eye-tracking device to observe participants’ visual search processes; (c) utilized logistic regression to analyze the developed model under various visual clutter. Conclusion. The effect of a strengthened working memory on the detection rate through increased search efficiency is more apparent in high visual clutter. This study confirms the role of visual clutter in construction-navigated inspections, thus serving as a foundation for the optimization of inspection planning.  相似文献   

Since the inception of the process industries, there have been a great number of process incidents causing significant loss of life and property damage. Even the establishment and implementation of a series of rigorous regulations has not prevented the occurrence of process incidents. In order to protect people, property and the environment a more robust safety program is needed and the safety performance of process industries must continue to improve. In this work, the common ground and the unique characteristics of process safety engineering (PSE) and fire protection engineering (FPE) is reviewed to demonstrate the potential benefits of unifying the two fields or improving the coordination between them to create a more robust safety program, thereby enhancing the safety performance of process industries. Recommendations are made to facilitate and encourage continued discussion and efforts toward the integration of process safety engineering and fire protection engineering.  相似文献   

Many industries are confronted by plateauing safety performance as measured by the absence of negative events – particularly lower-consequence incidents or injuries. At the same time, these industries are sometimes surprised by large fatal accidents that seem to have no connection with their understanding of the risks they faced; or with how they were measuring safety. This article reviews the safety literature to examine how both these surprises and the asymptote are linked to the very structures and practices organizations have in place to manage safety. The article finds that safety practices associated with compliance, control and quantification could be partly responsible. These can create a sense of invulnerability through safety performance close to zero; organizational resources can get deflected into unproductive or counterproductive initiatives; obsolete practices for keeping human performance within a pre-specified bandwidth are sustained; and accountability relationships can encourage suppression of the ‘bad news’ necessary to learn and improve.  相似文献   

重大危险源安全与自动化监控系统   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
对重大危险源实施系统、有效的安全监控是重大工业事故预防控制体系中的关键环节。文中给出了针对重大危险源监控全安全生命周期过程的整体实施流程,提出了重大危险源危险与风险评估的重点,探讨了重大危险安全与自动化监控的三层构建框架和工作过程,研究了安全系统与基本过程控制系统相独立的监控方式,给出了安全仪表系统的设计要求。  相似文献   

安全产品的供求特性及其与行业安全形势的关系初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于安全经济学的基本原理,通过对不同行业的自动安全水平和法定安全水平之间的关系的分析,论述了不同行业安全产品的需求特性,以及与此相适应的安全产品供给特性;并对安全产品的特殊供求机制与特定行业的安全形势之间的关系进行了初步的探讨,提出了提高行业安全水平的对策。  相似文献   

为了探究石油行业安全生产标准化建设过程中存在的普遍性问题,依据2014年全国183家石油行业安全生产标准化一级企业评审过程中的问题项及扣分情况,提炼出石油行业在领导责任和承诺、HSE方针、策划、组织机构、资源和文件、实施和运行、检查和管理评审共7个一级要素的问题项清单。通过实地调研和问卷数据处理,最终得到石油行业安全生产标准化建设的要点清单,可为企业有针对性的安全检查和隐患整改提供依据。  相似文献   

水利水电施工工程项目重大危险源不同于其他危险化学品等行业重大危险源的评价.施工工程项目的安全性和可靠性既取决于施工工程各单元的危险性,还与施工现场安全管理和施工企业安全生产能力有关.目前,我国尚缺乏水利水电施工工程项目重大危险源的评价标准,为了研究水利水电施工工程项目重大危险源的评价,采用作业条件危险性分析方法,对施工工程的危险性进行评价,然后根据行业标准《施工企业安全生产评价标准》( JGJ/T 77-2010)的取值方法和权重标准对施工企业安全生产综合能力进行评价,使用企业安全生产综合能力评价因子作为管理抵消因子,最终确定施工工程重大危险源.结合某水利水电工程项目的实际,进行了应用分析,结果表明,该方法能比较准确、客观地描述施工类工程项目的重大危险源评价.  相似文献   

为了提高城市公共安全管理水平,必须首先对城市涉及公共安全的风险进行客观和科学评估。简要介绍一种城市公共安全风险评估的方法,并以高层建筑火灾为例,详细地对风险事件进行风险识别、分析和评价,以及提出应对措施的过程。该方法可以作为我国城市公共安全风险管理的有效工具加以推广和使用。  相似文献   

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