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With the popularity of refrigerants in the process industries, the potential safety problems caused by the use of refrigerants have attracted worldwide attention as people have realized their inherent explosion characteristics of refrigerants. This paper studied the explosion characteristics of refrigerant 2, 3, 3, 3–tetrafluoropropene (R1234yf) at different concentrations and initial pressures based on a 20 L experimental apparatus. The experimental results illustrated the peak overpressure of R1234yf increased with the rise of initial pressure. At a constant ambient temperature of 25 °C, the maximum rate of pressure rise and deflagration index showed an N-shaped trend with the increase of the refrigerant concentration from 6.8% to 10%. The maximum rate of pressure rise and deflagration index increased first and then decreased with the increase of the refrigerant concentration at atmospheric pressure, while they presented an M-shaped trend at pressurization condition. The peak overpressure, the maximum rate of pressure rise, and deflagration index reached 0.742 MPa, 4.04 MPa s−1, and 1.1 MPa.m.s−1 with a refrigerant concentration of 7.6%, respectively, which were less than those of refrigerant propane and difluoromethane (R32) at the optimal concentration. Furthermore, R1234yf exhibited better safety performance compared with refrigerant R32 in the same flammability classification.  相似文献   

Ammonium nitrate (AN) has been widely used as a fertilizer for almost a century because it is an excellent nitrogen source. However, AN related explosions continue to occur time and again, despite the fact that AN has been extensively investigated. There have been more than 70 AN-related incidents during the last century, which reemphasize the dire need for further research on AN reactive hazards. This research focuses on the alternatives to make AN safer as a fertilizer by reducing its explosivity, by studying the effect of inhibitors, confinement, and heating rate on AN thermal decomposition using the Reactive Systems Screening Tool (RSST). First, the thermal decomposition of AN in the presence of different types of additives, including sodium bicarbonate, potassium carbonate, and ammonium sulfate, was studied under two concentrations, i.e., 2.8 wt.% and 12.5 wt.%. The results show that they are good inhibitors for AN. Second, the effect of confinement was tested by observing AN decomposition under five different initial pressures, varying from ambient pressure to 187 psig. It is concluded that confinement is dangerous to AN, which should be avoid in AN storage and transportation. Lastly, the effect of heating rate was studied by heating up AN under two heating rates of 0.25 °C min−1 and 2 °C min−1. The lower the heating rate, the lower the “onset” temperature detected.  相似文献   

Nearly 130 years ago Holtzwart and von Meyer (1891) demonstrated by experiments that explosible dust clouds could be ignited by inductive electric sparks. Then more than half a century passed before the publication of the important quantitative research of Boyle and Llewellyn (1950) and Line et al. (1959). They worked with capacitive electric sparks and found that the minimum capacitor energies ½CU2 required for ignition of various dust clouds in air decreased substantially when a large series resistance, in the range 104–107 Ω, was introduced in the discharge circuit. When considering that the net energies of the sparks themselves were only of the order of 10% of the ½CU2 discharged, the minimum net spark energies required for ignition with a large series resistance were only a few per cent of the net energies required without such a resistance.Line et al. observed that the essential effect of increasing the series resistance, and hence increasing the discharge time of the sparks, was to reduce the disturbance of the dust cloud by the blast wave from the spark. This phenomenon was explored further by Eckhoff (1970, 2017), and subsequently by some simple experiments by Eckhoff and Enstad (1976). Franke (1974, 1977) and Laar (1980) confirmed the additional finding of Line et al. (1959) that the minimum ½CU2 for ignition is also substantially reduced by including a series inductance in the discharge circuit, rather than a series resistance. The basic reason is the same as with a large series resistance, viz. increased spark discharge time and hence decreased disturbance of the dust cloud by blast wave from the spark. For this reason inclusion of an appreciable series inductance in the spark discharge circuit is an essential element in current standard MIE test methods.In experiments with spark ignition of transient dust clouds produced by a blast of air in a closed vessel, it is necessary to synchronize the occurrence of the spark with the formation of the dust cloud. The precision required from this type of synchronization is typically of the order of 10 ms, which can be obtained even by mechanical arrangements, such as rapid change of spark gap length, or of the distance between two capacitor plates. The present paper reviews some methods that have been/are being used for achieving adequate synchronization of dust cloud appearance and spark discharge. Some current standard experimental methods for determining MIEs of dust clouds experimentally have also been reviewed. The same applies to some theories of electric-spark ignition of dust clouds.At the end of paper some suggestions for possible future modifications of current standard methods for measuring MIEs of explosible dust clouds are presented. With regard to justifying significant modifications of existing standard methods, the “bottom line” is, as quite often in many connections, that any modifications should be based on realistic cost/benefit evaluations.  相似文献   

The auto-ignition temperature (AIT) is an important parameter in the process industries. In order to ensure a safe working environment in process industries, it is important to predict the AIT of combustible gases or vapors. In this study, the AITs of natural gas mixtures (CH4–Air, C3H8–Air, CH4–C3H8–Air and CH4–CO2–Air) are calculated based on a detailed kinetic model. To create a more practical model, different ignition criteria and convective heat transfer coefficients are investigated and compared against one another, resulting in the temperature criterion and a convective heat transfer coefficient of h = 50 W/(m2 K). The results showed that the AITs of CH4–Air and C3H8–Air decrease with an increase of equivalence ratios. While the propane ratio increasing, the AIT of CH4–C3H8–Air decreasing. Reaction path analysis of natural gas mixtures (CH4–C3H8) was also carried out to explain this phenomenon, yielding results showing that C3H8 is the main reaction during the ignition induction period. In addition the AIT of CH4 increases slowly in positive correlation with CO2, which plays a role of an inert gas. Comparing the results with literature work revealed a deviation of about 10%. Thus, it can be reasonably concluded that the AIT of a low hydrocarbons mixtures such as natural gas can be reliably predicted with detailed kinetic model.  相似文献   


This report extends a control systems or cybernetic model of behavior to the behavior of groups of many individuals—organizations and institutions—operating together with technology as complex sociotechnical (ST) systems. The premise is that the level of quality in performance of a complex ST system is predicated upon the degree to which its organizational design incorporates elements of a closed-loop behavioral control system: control goals and objectives, sensory receptors, sensory feedback, learning and memory, effectors, and sensory feedback control. From a control systems perspective, ergonomics is essential to effective organizational self-regulation. If working conditions are poorly designed, work performance and safety and quality outcomes cannot be closely controlled. Conversely, as shown by field evidence, good design promotes synergism between ergonomics, safety, and quality as a closed-loop consequence of effective employee and organizational self-control of system performance, safety, and quality.  相似文献   

United Nations Class-3 hazardous materials (hazmats) are basically liquid products and transported in road tankers under ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure. They are mostly flammables and some of them are toxic (e.g. benzene) as well. The spillages due to collision related incidents involving the road tankers, carrying such hazmats through highways, pose not only flammability hazards due to pool fire, flash fire and vapor cloud explosion (VCE), but create substantial toxic hazards also. The paper presents the risk-based study of route evaluation of two state highways and one urban city road in western India on account of transportation of class-3 hazmats, namely benzene, toluene, p-xylene, methanol, cyclohexane and acetone. A comparative evaluation of study routes was undertaken based on their societal risks presented in terms of FN curves and assessed against HSE, UK as well as VROM, The Netherlands risk acceptance criteria. Societal risks contribution of cyclohexane to the overall flammability risk mainly VCE is found to be the highest followed by acetone and benzene compared to other study hazmats. This is due to highly explosive nature of cyclohexane resulting into vapor cloud explosion. While acetone and methanol pool fires are likely to cause larger area of damage compared to others, benzene supersedes others as far as toxicity risk is concerned and larger evacuation area is encountered, as it poses greater Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH) distance than others. Besides, study of initial isolation distance following an accident in case of benzene tanker found that benzene spillage requires larger initial isolation distance than others and so are the day and night protective action zone distances.  相似文献   

<正>主持人,你好:我是技校的学生,中介到学校招工,我报名后,带我们去工厂上班,当时还差3个月才满18岁,但上班3个月后就发生了工伤。医院诊断,右手中指基底骨折,环指挫伤,带神经损伤。当时医院的治疗费用由  相似文献   

在这个网络化的时代,安防产业的技术、方案和服务正逐步走向标准化、规模化,在资本的推动下,企业的并购和战略投资变化也愈加明显。2011年11月30日,原H3C存储及多  相似文献   

一直以来,提到视频监控,大家第一时间就将其默认为安防监控。但随着在其他领域的应用越来越多,视频监控的应用需求开始逐渐细分,在许多场景下,视频监控的应用需求已与传统的安防监控,有了十分明显的区别。如何有针对性地加以解决,成为视频监控厂商必须正视的问题。  相似文献   

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