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Dr. M. Sam Mannan is one of the true pioneers in the process safety area, spending almost his entire lifetime in process safety and risk research. He was dedicated to ‘make safety second nature’ and published an impressive body of work. An overview of his research helps understanding the process safety area and provides insight in the legacy of this process safety pioneer. In this paper, 327 publications authored by Dr. Mannan from 1999 to 2019 in Web of Science core collection were downloaded and visually analyzed from four perspectives: his publication outputs, collaboration networks, topic areas, and highly cited papers and cited references. The results show a rapidly increasing trend in his research activity, mostly through journal publications. He published in 53 different outlets, with Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries being most frequently selected. Dr. Mannan had a very active and diverse worldwide network, and collaborated with 18 different countries/regions, nearly 90 different institutions and 387 authors. His publications addressed process safety-related topics widely, including safety related to liquefied natural gas, explosions, runaway reactions, inherent safety, flammability and aerosol, and more recently resilience. Dr. Mannan's most cited paper focused on ‘fuzzy risk matrix’, whereas the most frequently cited reference in his work is ‘thermal hazard evaluation by an accelerating rate calorimeter’ by Townsend DI in 1980. Based on his most recent research activity, promising future directions for process safety research include resilience linked to risk assessment and management, for instance through the ‘safety triad’ concept he promoted shortly before passing away.  相似文献   

‘Live as domestic a life as possible. Have your child with you all the time. Lie down an hour after each meal. Have but two hours intellectual life a day. And never touch pen, brush or pencil as long as you live’. Dr S. Weir Mitchell, 1855 When Dr Mitchell, purportedly the greatest North American nerve specialist of his time, gave the above advice to his patient Charlotte Perkins Gilman, he almost certainly believed he was helping her get over a severe nervous condition. Fortunately, she did not take his advice. Instead she devoted herself to the study of economics and regained her health. The perspectives offered to working women by many a modern day Dr Mitchell appear to have changed somewhat in subtlety, but little in kind. For example, the August 18, 1986 cover of Fortune magazine featured a beaming mother and cherubic child illustrating the lead article, entitled ‘Why women are bailing out’. The article goes on to tell why four of the ‘best’ women MBAs had quit the workforce. One stated ‘I had to hire and fire people … I just don't want the hassle’ (of corporate life). Another having passed up a promotion at a Houston bank, ‘quit to have her first child’ and after her second had no plans to go back to work. A third complained: ‘I just couldn't do it. I watched other women sliding as they tried to juggle both career and family, making themselves crazy in the process’. And the fourth left a big accounting firm because the ‘hours were bad, and is now happier as a “part time teacher”’. While the Fortune article mentioned several reasons for women's leaving the corporate world ranging from competing family demands to discrimination, the underlying messages were clearly that mothers have to choose between children and career and that the business world is too cold, uncaring and tough for women, in a word no place for a lady. A chorus of such articles have appeared in the popular media warning against the dangers of career commitment for women, which are said to include everything from burnout, infertility, alcoholism, heart attacks to terminal spinsterhood (Faludi, 1991). More serious treatments emanating from academia have often reached similar conclusions. These dire pronouncements are especially influential to young women contemplating a professional or managerial career, but indeed those already in such careers may also wonder if they have made a bad choice. To answer such questions, this paper will explore some aspects of the relationship between career and emotional health and well-being for a group of highly successful career women.  相似文献   

Over the last decades, process safety has been an important area of academic inquiry, aiming to build knowledge which can contribute to reduce the occurrence of industrial accidents in the process and chemical industries, or to mitigate their consequences. Knowledge in this interdisciplinary research domain is created using applied science, engineering, organizational, and social science approaches. This article provides a retrospective overview of the process safety research field, through the lens of three major journals contributing to the development of this knowledge domain: Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, and Process Safety Progress. An analysis of the articles in these journals, published between 1999 and 2018, provides insights in the structure, developments, trends, and highly influential works in this research domain, while revealing differences and similarities between these three core process safety journals. General publication trends, the geographic distribution of leading knowledge producers (countries/regions and institutions), their collaboration and temporal evolution patterns, topic clusters and emerging trends, and highly cited sources and articles, are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

Employment after retirement, known as bridge employment, is expected to occur more frequently because the baby boom generation will increase the number of retirees. Little is known about which employees will obtain which type of bridge employment when they retire, even though it has important implications. The present study examined work‐related attitudes, job characteristics, and work‐related accomplishments of 171 retirees in order to predict whether they would fully retire or take one of two types of bridge jobs after retirement: Career‐consistent bridge jobs or bridge jobs in fields different from their original career. Continuity theory of retirement helped predict post‐retirement employment type. Retirees who had skills specifically related to their career job were more likely to work in a career‐related bridge job than either to fully retire or to take a bridge job that was not related to their careers; retirees who formerly held career jobs with intrinsically motivating job characteristics were more likely to take a career‐related bridge job than to retire fully, and retirees who had experienced work strain in their career job were more likely to take a bridge job not related to their former career than to take a career bridge job. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The concept of inherent safety is important in developing an inherently safer and user-friendly process. This paper discusses a new integrated approach of computer-aided product design and inherent safety assessment. Computer-aided Molecular Design (CAMD) approach was utilized in this work to identify potential alternative to n-hexane, the widely used industrial solvent in extracting residual palm oil from pressed palm fibre. The formulation of solvent mixtures was optimized to meet the targeted physical properties before being tested using the Soxhlet Extraction method. Inherent safety assessment to assess the solvent's flammability, toxicity, reactivity, and explosiveness was conducted on the new solvent mix, Mixture 1 (n-hexane + ethanol), Mixture 2 (n-hexane + acetone) and Mixture 3 (n-hexane + n-butanol). It was found that Mixture 1 and 3 are safer than n-hexane and able to extract more oil than n-hexane and Mixture 2. However, the utilization of the solvent is dependent on the end product from the residual palm oil.  相似文献   

The aim of the current work is to explicitly link the inherent safety principles of minimization, substitution, moderation and simplification with strategies for dust explosion prevention and mitigation. A brief review of inherent safety and its basic principles is first given. This is followed by a discussion of various ways in which the dust explosion hazard can be minimized, substituted, moderated and simplified. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between each inherent safety principle and (i) various dust explosibility parameters, (ii) alternate methods of processing, (iii) selection of process equipment, and (iv) development and implementation of safe-work procedures. Original research results are presented, along with industrial case studies and previously published results that have been reinterpreted in terms of inherent safety and its basic principles. It is anticipated that this research will be of value to industry as a complement to the relatively well-established suite of engineered and procedural dust explosion risk reduction measures.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the social context in which career decisions are made. Results show that beyond individual‐level factors such as demographics and work history, individuals' decisions to change careers are socially embedded. Findings suggest that the greater the diversity of an individual's network of advisors, the greater the likelihood that an individual will change careers. In addition, this paper explores the mechanisms through which different subsets of advice relationships — instrumental versus psychosocial — affect the decision to change careers. Results show that the greater the diversity of an individual's set of instrumental relations, the greater the number of offers he or she receives during the job search process and, further, that the number of offers received is positively related to the likelihood of changing careers. The diversity of an individual's set of psychosocial relations was related to his or her confidence to overcome career obstacles. However, confidence was not, in turn, related to career change, counter to expectations. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为全面了解Safety Ⅱ学术思想的传播情况,采集Web of Science数据库中284篇引用Safety Ⅱ学术著作的论文,采用科学计量和知识网络的方法,分析Safety Ⅱ学术思想的传播时间趋势、传播主体分布、传播领域与期刊以及传播的热点主题分布。研究结果表明:Safety Ⅱ学术思想在传播时间上呈线性增长趋势;核心传播区域为英格兰、美国、澳大利亚、挪威和意大利;核心传播机构为挪威斯塔万格大学、荷兰代尔夫特理工大学以及罗马第一大学;核心传播者为Saurin Tarcisio Abreu、Hollnagel Erik以及Patriarca Riccardo;Safety Ⅱ传播的核心领域为工业工程、运筹管理科学、人机工程学、应用心理学以及健康护理科学与服务等领域;Safety Ⅱ传播的主题为“韧性与功能共振”、“病患安全”、“事故与人的失误”、“安全与风险管理”、“社会技术系统与人的因素”以及“安全风险的评估”6大方向。研究结果对我国安全科学理论与实践的发展有重要作用。  相似文献   

This work shows an application of inherent safety principles to a reaction widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. More specifically, it incorporates the teachings of Trevor Kletz into the design of an inherently safer process for the N-oxidation of alkylpyridines. This reaction is of interest because of the hazards resulting from the undesired, gas-generating decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, the oxidizing agent. The generation of oxygen, combined with the flammability of the alkylpyridines, represents a serious fire and explosion hazard for this process. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how an inherently safer process can be potentially achieved by designing improved reactors and by assessing conditions that reduce or eliminate the hazards. Furthermore, it is shown that such improvement in safety increases the efficiency of the process and results in a cost reduction.  相似文献   

提出注册安全工程师发展战略中的几个重要环节,阐述实施注册安全工程师制度的重大意义;结合注册安全工程师的岗位特点和安全工程学科的属性,提出注册安全工程师科学的立体分类的方法,指出注册安全工程师须具备的安全知识和能力;根据现阶段我国安全生产形势的需要和安全生产人才队伍状况,分析现阶段我国安全生产领域急需管理型注册安全工程师,他们应具备的知识、技能结构;针对注册安全工程师的考试平台、注册安全工程师的发展及其使用等重大战略问题进行讨论并提出了关于注册安全工程师制度建设几点建议。  相似文献   

Introduction: This paper investigates how members of a culinary and hospitality arts program generate, share, and learn safety knowledge via social and identity mechanisms. Method: We conducted semi-structured interviews with 20 participants of varying roles and experience (i.e., students, culinary instructors, and restaurant chefs) in the culinary and hospitality arts program at a large polytechnic in western Canada. Results: The emergent themes from these interviews indicated that the circulation of safety knowledge relied on the interaction among individuals with various levels of experience, such that those who were more experienced in the culinary arts were able to share safety knowledge with novices, who had less experience. Comparing safety knowledge gleaned from within the school against that gleaned from within the industry highlighted differences between the construction of safety in the two contexts. Notably, many aspects of safety knowledge are not learned in school and those that are may not apply in the industry context. We found that safety knowledge was shared through informal means such as storytelling, a process that allowed members to come to a deep, collective understanding of what safety meant, which they often labeled “common sense.” Conclusion: We found that safety knowledge was a currency through which participants achieved legitimacy, generated through continual practical accomplishment of the work in interaction with others. Practical Applications: Our findings provide novel insights into how safety knowledge is shared, and we discuss the implications of these findings for classroom, work-based learning, and other forms of curricula.  相似文献   

Dust and hybrid-mixture explosions continue to occur in industrial processes that handle fine powders and flammable gases. Considerable research is therefore conducted throughout the world with the objective of both preventing the occurrence and mitigating the consequences of such events. In the current work, research has been undertaken to help move the field of dust explosion prevention and mitigation from its current emphasis on hazards (with an accompanying reliance on primarily engineered safety features) to a focus on risk (with an accompanying reliance on hierarchical, risk-based, decision-making tools). Employing the principles of quantitative risk assessment (QRA) of dust and hybrid-mixture explosions, a methodological framework for the management of these risks has been developed.The QRA framework is based on hazard identification via credible accident scenarios for dust explosions, followed by probabilistic fault-tree analysis (using Relex – Reliability Excellence – software) and consequence severity analysis (using DESC – Dust Explosion Simulation Code – software). Identification of risk reduction measures in the framework is accomplished in a hierarchical manner by considering inherent safety measures, passive and active engineered devices, and procedural measures (in that order). An industrial case study is presented to show how inherent safety measures such as dust minimization and dust/process moderation can be helpful in reducing dust and hybrid-mixture explosion consequences in a 400-m3 polyethylene storage silo.  相似文献   

Looking back, significant progress in process safety and the knowledge to achieve a safe level has been made. Professor Kletz with his wise and concise maxims has shown us in many respects the way to go, yet more direction is needed for transfer of this knowledge to new generations. After a brief problem analysis, a sketch is given of various developments in the field of process safety, such as our knowledge on hazardous properties, hazard and risk analysis tools, human aspects, trends and developments in industry, and future perspectives. Subsequently, an analysis is made of the knowledge infrastructure required to maintain and to improve a knowledge base. In particular, scenario identification and modeling is mentioned. To that end the ‘lessons learned’ in the past should be better used. This has proven not to be easy. A way to go is indicated that in the longer term may reap success. However, in the present climate, funds for research are scarce and that for safety research are scant. Research is not only to develop new knowledge but is also of crucial importance to maintain quality academic education and the formation of ‘teacher of teachers’. A recent initiative is reported to bring this problem to the attention of policy makers worldwide.  相似文献   

Introduction: Firefighting is stressful work, which can result in burnout. Burnout is a safety concern as it can negatively impact safety outcomes. These impacts are not fully understood within the fire service. Further, the fire service needs support that safety strategies are needed to protect and promote the health and wellbeing of firefighters. Methods: Structural equation modeling was completed to examine a hypothesized model that linked stress and burnout to diminished safety behavior outcomes among a sample of career firefighters. Results: Findings support a full mediation model. Firefighter stress perceptions were positively associated with burnout and burnout was negatively associated with safety compliance behavior, personal protective equipment behavior, safe work practices, and safety citizenship behavior. Conclusions: These results illustrate the negative impact of health impairment on firefighter safety behaviors. Practical Applications: These outcomes suggest that interventions aimed at protecting and promotion firefighter health are needed. Total Worker Health® (TWH) approaches may provide the framework for these interventions.  相似文献   

Introduction: Even though the majority of youth in the U.S. work, and workers under the age of 18 are seriously injured on the job at higher rates when compared to adults, most adolescents lack instruction on workplace safety and health. Method: This qualitative study examines the extent to which selected U.S. school districts provide workplace safety and health instruction to students and explores the factors that influence districts’ decision to adopt a free, foundational occupational safety and health (OSH) curriculum. Results: Results from key informant interviews conducted with a purposive sample of 34 school administrators revealed that only a third of the districts have at least 75% of their students receive some instruction on workplace safety and health, while 15% indicated they provide no instruction on this topic. District staff who indicated that they provide OSH instruction stated that it is most often taught through career and technical education (CTE; 65%) and/or health classes (26%). They believed the benefits of providing this instruction include assisting students to get jobs (38%) and helping students learn about safety (32%), while competing demands (44%) and time constraints (41%) were identified as barriers to providing OSH education to students. Conclusions: Given the importance of work to teens and their increased risk of work injury, interested stakeholders—including parents, teachers, employers, and the public health community—should promote the inclusion of workplace safety and health instruction in U.S. secondary schools. Practical Applications: This research fills a gap in current knowledge about the extent to which OSH is currently taught within U.S. secondary schools, enumerates barriers and facilitators to the inclusion of workplace safety and health instruction in schools, presents a free, foundational curriculum in workplace safety and health, and provides directions for future research on the vital role schools can play in preparing the future workforce for safe and healthy employment.  相似文献   

In the current practice, safety assessment is conducted once the process design has been completed. At this stage of design, the freedom to change the conceptual design is very limited and whatever strategies to be implemented will only control the hazard. This paper reports on the development of inherent safety index known as a process stream index (PSI) for inherent safety level assessment at preliminary design stage from the perspective of an explosion. The aim for PSI is to calculate, compare and prioritize the level of inherent safety of process streams during simulation work that influences the explosion. By prioritizing the streams based on the potential for the explosion, the design engineers can easily identify the critical streams to be considered for improvement in order to avoid or minimize explosion hazards. An enhancement technique to reflect the contribution of the individual components in the mixture is introduced, which provide significant contribution to the ranking of inherent safety level of process streams. The assessment of inherent safety level using PSI is demonstrated by case studies of HYSYS simulation for Acrylic Acid Plant and Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) plant.  相似文献   

锅炉是现代工业过程中不可缺少的动力设备,在工业锅炉的自动化控制过程中,蒸汽锅炉的给水调节是其控制过程的重要任务。结合锅炉安全液位控制过程的影响因素,文中分析了给水流量作用下的动态特性、蒸汽流量作用下的动态特性和炉膛热负荷作用下的动态特性,提出了基于径向基神经网络PID的分段式锅炉液位控制策略。控制策略中采用的高斯函数的径向基神经网络算法,实现了系统参数智能化自动调整;分段式控制方法有效地提高了系统的调节精度和响应速度。该控制策略的实际应用,对实现工业控制过程自动化,提高系统控制品质和保证生产过程安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Turnaround maintenance (TAM) is a usual plant shutdown that is done by process industries to perform asset inspections, repairs, and overhauls. TAM engineering projects are needed on a periodic basis to optimize a plant's performance. Process industrial plants usually don't have enough in-house manpower to carry out needed TAM jobs; it is not uncommon for a process industrial plant to outsource its TAM manpower supply to external contractors. This will create a peculiar management challenge regarding how to assure orientation of safety practices for the newly hired labor. Although accidents during process plant shutdowns may have severe consequences, the safety management systems in place for many companies only cover normal operations and few explicitly address TAM projects. Usually, contractors are evaluated from a safety perspective after handling the project by monitoring safety indicators such as number of injuries, incidents, etc. This paper emphasizes safety attributes to be included in selecting contractors at the bidding stage to assure loss prevention and better safety orientation during TAM implementation. The paper starts with reviewing TAM literature and defining main needed safety attributes to prequalify contractors. It develops an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) model that is applied to rank TAM contractors' selection. A case study is presented for a petrochemical plant in Saudi Arabia to demonstrate the AHP model.  相似文献   

在聚乙烯工业生产中,聚合过程本身存在着一些固有危险因素,如反应过程中热量的移出、聚合原料以及聚合助剂的燃爆危险等,一直都是从事安全工作人员关注的重点。很多相关的技术研发公司均采取的不同的手段,加以应对。其中,美国UCC公司的un ipol气相法聚乙烯工艺,针对这些危险因素采取了一定的控制措施,较好的解决了这些问题。例如,为了解决反应聚合反应热量的问题,采用循环气大量循环,在流化床反应器外消除反应热,同时,在循环气内加诱导冷凝剂的方法吸收聚合反应放出的热量。就此,本文从化工过程安全的角度,对un ipol气相法聚乙烯工艺中,聚合过程存在的固有危险因素产生的原因及其可能导致的结果和在工艺中针对这些问题采取的控制措施及其工作原理加以分析。  相似文献   

Joining a new organization to change jobs is an influential event in an employee's career. Thus, inter-organizational job changes have sparked growing scholarly interest, especially in the temporal dynamics involved in detaching from organizations and adapting to new ones. While it is widely accepted that employees adapt differently to job changes, the influence of employees' career orientations on changes in job attitudes has not yet been considered. This is surprising given that a key difference between self-centered and organization-centered career orientations is a positive attitude toward job changes. Building on hedonic adaptation, we examined how career orientations influence changes in job satisfaction and turnover intention throughout a job change. We compared self-centered and organization-centered employees using random coefficient modeling on two longitudinal data sets with voluntary job changers. Our results illustrate that self-centered career orientations foster a stronger decline in job satisfaction with the new employer, as well as a larger increase in turnover intention, than organization-centered career orientations. In contrast, employees with organization-centered career orientations experienced an upward trend in job satisfaction toward the end of the first year. Our findings offer important implications for research on the determinants of job attitude trajectories when individuals join a new organization.  相似文献   

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