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The process of oil and gas processing plant is complex, the types of pressure vessels are rich, and the functions are critical. However, the working medium is mostly untreated medium, and the hazard factors are complex, which poses a threat to the safe production of oil and gas processing plant. Based on PDCA cycle, this paper establishes a six-step links of integrity management for sustainable improvement of pressure vessels. The typical failure modes of pressure vessels are determined, and the fishbone diagram of risk factors under each failure mode is compiled. Risk quantification and classification of pressure vessels based on failure modes (RBFM) is innovatively proposed. Avoiding incalculable failure frequency index, the process quantification of failure possibility is formed according to the development of hazard factors. A failure consequence calculation model based on the leakage affected area was established. Combined with the failure probability level and risk level, the hierarchical inspection strategy for pressure vessels under different failure modes is established. Finally, the method is applied to the natural gas separator of H processing plant. The research results show that RBFM proposed in this paper can meet the requirements for rapid and accurate risk assessment of pressure vessels in oil and gas processing plant. This paper establishes a safe production barrier for the pressure vessel and improves the intrinsic safety of the equipment.  相似文献   

An incident is normally composed of three stages: pre-incident, during-incident and post-incident. The assessment is a prominent composition in the lifecycle of emergency management for the purpose of quick and effective response. Present-day assessment methods mainly concern the pre-incident risk evaluation and the post-incident loss evaluation. However, during-incident process assessment is of crucial importance to assist the decision-making in emergency response and eventually achieve the goals of emergency management. This paper analyzes the influencing factors of during-incident process assessment and proposes a conceptual model of assessment. Three during-incident process assessment strategies, namely, “mitigability”, “rescuability”, and recoverability are illustrated which quantitatively characterize the evolution of incidents and corresponding responses, and hence contribute to appropriate decisions in practical applications.  相似文献   

为了能够全面、客观地评估企业职业卫生风险管理质量,利用美国EPA吸入风险评估模型、新加坡化学物职业暴露半定量风险评估模型以及风险指数评估模型,对作业场所存在的职业病危害因素进行风险水平评估,并结合企业职业卫生管理评估模型,对企业职业卫生管理水平进行定量评估,以风险等级和管理水平,综合判断企业职业卫生风险水平。将该体系应用于实例分析,结果表明:体系在充分考虑企业职业病危害因素时空分布以及企业管理现状的基础上,能够定量评估职业病危害因素的急慢性影响以及企业职业卫生管理水平。  相似文献   

城市天然气工程环境风险评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
结合广州、深圳、东莞、佛山等城市的天然气工程情况,对城市天然气工程的环境风险评价进行了讨论,并采用穆尔哈斯(Moorhowse)和普里恰特(Prichard)提出的热辐射预测模式和爆炸冲击波预测模式对城市天然气工程进行了风险评价.结果表明,如果发生天然气泄漏并引起火灾,假设在10 min以内,城市门站、调压站和城市高中压管道的火球对建筑物和设备的严重损害范围( A 级)最远距离分别为35.8 m、18.0 m和28.7 m,爆炸冲击波严重损害范围( C1 级)分别为距事故处54.8 m、27.8 m和44.4 m.最后从城市门站、调压站选址及输气管道选线、安全防范距离、作业过程中的风险控制与管理以及事故应急对策四方面提出了风险事故的防范措施与对策.  相似文献   

Risk evaluation of offshore wells is a challenging task, given that much of the available data is highly uncertain and vague, and many of the mechanisms are complex and difficult to understand. Consequently, a systematic approach is required to handle both quantitative and qualitative data as well as means to update existing information when new knowledge and data become available. Each Basic Risk Item (BRI) in a hierarchical framework is expressed as a fuzzy number, which is a combination of the likelihood of a failure event and the associated failure consequence. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to estimate weights required for grouping non-commensurate risk sources. Evidential Reasoning (ER) is employed to incorporate new data for updating existing risk estimates. It is envisaged that the proposed approach could serve as a basis for benchmarking acceptable risks in offshore wells.  相似文献   

This paper presents a game theory methodology for risk management of urban natural gas pipelines, which is a collaborative participation mechanism of the stakeholders, including government, pipeline companies, and the public. Firstly, the involvement proportion of stakeholders in risk management under rational conditions is estimated by the static game theory. Subsequently, the system dynamics (SD) simulation is used to establish an evolution game model of stakeholders in risk management under the irrational conditions, in which the stability of the evolution game process is analyzed. The stakeholders’ involvement proportions from the static game model are utilized as the inputs for the evolution game model to simulate the dynamic evolution behavior of risk management strategies with different involvement proportions of stakeholders. Eventually, the dynamic evaluation game can extract an optimal strategy for risk management of urban natural gas pipelines. A case study is used to illustrate the methodology. In essence, this methodology can be extended for implementing risk management of urban infrastructure.  相似文献   

Maximum credible accident analysis is one of the most widely used concepts in risk assessment of chemical process industries. Central to this concept is the aspect of ‘credibility’ of envisaged accident scenarios. However, thus far the term credibility is mostly treated qualitatively, based on the subjective judgement of the concerned analysts. This causes wide variation in the results of the studies conducted on the same industrial unit by different analysts.

This paper presents an attempt to develop a criterion using which credible accident scenarios may be identified from among a large number of possibilities. The credible scenarios thus identified may then be processed for detailed consequence analysis. This would help in reducing the cost of the analysis and prevent undue emphasis on less credible scenarios at the expense of more credible ones.  相似文献   

Natech accidents at industrial plants are an emerging risk with possibly serious consequences. For the mitigation of natech risk, authorities need to identify natech prone areas in a systematic manner. In order to facilitate probabilistic natech risk mapping, a unified methodology was developed that is based on the estimation of on-site natural hazard parameters, determination of damage probabilities of plant units, and assessment of probability and severity of possibly triggered natech events. The methodology was implemented as an on-line, extensible risk assessment and mapping software framework called RAPID-N, which allows rapid local and regional natech risk assessment and mapping with minimal data input. RAPID-N features an innovative data estimation framework to complete missing input data, such as on-site natural hazard parameters and plant unit characteristics. The framework is also used for damage assessment and natech consequence analysis, and allows easy modification of input parameters, dynamic generation of consequence models according to data availability, and extension of models by adding new equations or substituting existing ones with alternatives. Results are presented as summary reports and interactive risk maps, which can be used for land-use and emergency planning purposes by using scenario hazards, or for rapid natech consequence assessment following actual disasters. As proof of concept, the framework provides a custom implementation of the U.S. EPA's RMP Guidance for Offsite Consequence Analysis methodology to perform natech consequence analysis and includes comprehensive data for earthquakes. It is readily extendible to other natural hazards and more comprehensive risk assessment methods.  相似文献   

Fire is the most prevalent accident in natural gas facilities. In order to assess the risk of fire in a gas processing plant, a fault tree analysis (FTA) and event tree analysis (ETA) has been developed in this paper. By utilizing FTA and ETA, the paths leading to an outcome event would be visually demonstrated. The framework was applied to a case study of processing plant in South Pars gas complex. All major underlying causes of fire accident in a gas processing facility determined through a process hazard analysis (PHA). Fuzzy logic has been employed to derive likelihood of basic events in FTA from uncertain opinion of experts. The outcome events in event tree has been simulated by computer model to evaluate their severity. In the proposed methodology the calculated risk has the unit of cost per year which allows the decision makers to discern the benefit of their investment in safety measures and risk mitigation.  相似文献   

低概率重大事故风险与定量风险评价   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
论述应用定量风险评价(QRA)对评价、控制低概率重大事故风险的重要意义.介绍了低概率重大风险范畴与主要来源,QRA技术的主要用途与基本方法,研发与使用QRA计算重大风险的主要技术程序.提出了在应用QRA评价重大风险时应注意的几个主要技术问题.  相似文献   

城市天然气管道半定量风险评估方法研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
以实现天然气管道风险评估资源的合理分配,确定天然气管道定量风险评估的重点为目标,改进燃气管道风险评估方法的肯特模型,探求城市天然气管道的半定量风险评估方法;分析了城市埋地天然气管道失效可能性与失效后果的影响因子,并研究其评分标准;分别给出了城市天然气管道失效可能性与失效后果的等级划分标准,并运用半定量风险矩阵进行燃气管道单元的风险初步排序,以确定高风险管道单元;对城市天然气管道进行半定量风险评估,可为识别管道沿线高风险后果区域、风险动态排序、风险预警及制定事故应急预案等提供科学依据和方法指导,具有重要的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

我国天然气风险及评价方法分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为有效促进天然气行业朝着更加安全的方向发展,对天然气风险及其相关的风险评价方法进行深入分析,总结出我国天然气开采、运输及使用过程中的输送管道风险、液化天然气风险、输气站场风险、勘探开发风险、钻井工程风险和地下储气库风险,并归纳出这六大类风险相对应的风险评价研究内容、产生风险的原因、风险评价方法等。可以看出,我国天然气的风险评价主要集中在管道风险评价方面,且缺乏系统、详细的统计资料,因此,急需建立相应的数据库,采用多种评价方法相结合,开发天然气风险评价软件和探寻有效的应急救援措施,以利于我国天然气风险管理。  相似文献   

恶臭污染的发生具有明显的偶然性和不确定性,亟须建立科学高效的分级管理体系,通过优化管理资源、强化源头管理,真正实现恶臭污染的全过程管理.在现有企业环境风险等级评估方法的基础上,结合恶臭污染的特性,构建了基于化学品使用、生产设备及工艺、风险控制和敏感受体的恶臭风险等级评估方法.在此基础上,以某化工园为例进行了恶臭风险等级评估,并与该地区近3年恶臭投诉结果进行了比对.结果表明,在评估的51家石化企业中,存在重大恶臭风险企业1家,较大恶臭风险企业17家,这18家企业平均每家企业的年均投诉次数是一般恶臭风险等级企业的4倍.  相似文献   

为了提升国内石油化工企业过程安全管理水平,借鉴国内外过程安全管理经验和优秀实践,提出了一种应用于石油化工企业过程安全管理的评估思路和方法。根据石油化工行业特点,构建了由16个要素组成的过程安全管理评估体系框架。同时,介绍了该评估体系的评估准则设计、评估方法设计,以及评估系统的应用。实践表明,此石油化工企业过程安全管理评估系统,既能评估石油化工企业过程安全管理绩效,又能指导企业设计和运行一套过程安全管理系统。  相似文献   

Most of the available risk management methods are not directly applicable to academic research laboratories. One solution to systematically perform risk analyses in this environment is the Laboratory Assessment and Risk Analysis (LARA) method. This method was developed to allow untrained personnel to identify of possible risks and rank them according to their importance. The purpose of this study was to find out, if this method can be used as a holistic risk management technique in different environments, and which are the differences when comparing the results to other, well established risk analysis techniques. The risk analyses were performed at two European universities and for various procedures. The results show, that the LARA procedure is more easily performable than the other methods and gives comparably adequate results. Being applicable by non-experts, this holistic risk analysis method for research laboratories can help to reduce the accident rate in the academic environment.  相似文献   

含硫气井应急管理模式初探   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
含硫气井井喷事故对公众安全具有重大危害,加强含硫气井应急管理,对坚持以人为本,保护人民群众生命健康安全具有重要意义。针对含硫气井重大事故风险特点,提出了以保障公众安全为主旨,以风险分级防控为方法,以企地联合应急为机制,以专业应急救援为保障的含硫气井应急管理模式,结合风险管理理论,分析提出了风险管理、协同应急机制、应急资源保障等方面的具体对策措施。  相似文献   

Capping stack is an emergency shut-in technique that can effectively control offshore blowout accidents. This technique stemmed the spilled oil well (Macondo) in 2010 Deepwater Horizon blowout accident. However, few efforts have been devoted to studying the way to efficiently and safely conduct the operation of capping stack. In this paper, program evaluation and review technique (PERT) was employed to quantitatively design the operation procedure of capping stack. A mechanical model was established to determine the configuration scheme of capping stack. And a sensitivity analysis of operational factors of capping stack was conducted through orthogonal tests. Experimental results recommend to optimize the operation process by reducing the working time of diamond cutting tool down-pass, Lower Marine Riser Package (LMRP) upper riser incision, LMRP and original Blowout Preventer (BOP) separation, and LMRP recovery, in order to guarantee that the whole operation can be completed as scheduled. The results show that the number of ram BOPs has little effect on the equivalent stress of conductors. To improve system reliability, a five-ram capping stack is recommended to be applied in the defined accident scenario. The maximum equivalent stress of conductors rates the drilling vessel offset as the primary factor, followed by shut-in pressure, ocean current and top tension. The drilling vessel offset needs to be given the priority control and the shut-in pressure should be jointly monitored.  相似文献   

火灾时人员的有效避难评估是火灾风险评估中的重要组成部分.作为人员疏散时间中重要组成部分的疏散准备时间服从概率分布,而通常计算中往往将其简单取为常数.将人员疏散准备时间简单取为常数时,有可能产生模拟计算结果比实际偏差大、疏散情形与真实情况不符的情况.以一座办公建筑为例进行了计算,将人员疏散准备时间简单取为常数时与人员疏散时间服从正态分布的情况进行了比较,并分析了对火灾风险评估结果的影响.  相似文献   

民航“重大突发事件情景构建”应用实例探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重大突发事件情景构建理论是前沿的应急管理理论之一,为我国民航主管部门及民航企业在应对民航重大突发事件特别是预防和处置重大飞行事故方面提供了一个全新的思路和发展方向。针对国内外重大飞行事故特点和我国民航在应对突发事件及应急管理体系存在的问题进行分析,结合对重大突发事件情景构建理论所要求的"情景-应对"模式进行描述说明,建立了某一飞行事故情景的构建方案,以此为实例对如何应用该理论进行了示范和探讨。认为重大突发事件情景构建理论对于改进、完善我国现行民航应急管理体系具有重大的实践和指导意义。  相似文献   

The production and storage of dangerous substances in an industrial establishment creates risks for man, environment and properties in the surrounding area. Safety regulations require the establishment of a preventive information campaign regarding industrial risks and self-defence measures to adopt in an emergency situation. In the case of a major accident, people must be promptly made aware of the appropriate self-defence actions and behaviours to adopt. This strategic activity can reduce the panic effect, make citizens more cooperative and guarantee the effectiveness of any emergency plan. In this paper, the information chain is studied as an industrial process modelled by the IDEF0 language. Through this method, each link in the chain has been deeply analysed. For each function of the process, the inputs, outputs and necessary controls and resources have been identified. Starting from a clear view of the current state, the process of re-engineering has been implemented to minimise or eliminate downtime, deficiencies and illnesses and, thus, consequent time losses. The main contribution of the IDEF0 application in emergency management is to provide a clear view of the whole system, a communication system between emergency actors, a rich information source and a structured base for the re-engineering process.  相似文献   

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