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井下高温作业场所热害评价分级指标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对井下高温作业场所作业人员人体热交换过程及影响因素的分析,结合国内外相关指标研究现状,建立了包括4项指标的井下高温作业场所评价指标体系;在此基础上,从制定分级标准的目的出发,对相关指标进行定性和定量筛选分析,最终确定以WBGT指数和最高体力劳动强度级别作为井下高温作业场所热害程度分级指标。  相似文献   

基于心率变化的心血管负荷指数作为评估人体疲劳程度的指标之一,得到国内外专家学者的广泛研究。为进一步研究高温环境下不同体力劳动强度对心血管负荷指数的影响,探讨高温作业下不同劳动强度人体疲劳程度的变化,分析出不同温度下人体可接受的体力劳动强度。通过采用实验仓模拟不同的高温环境,以心血管负荷指数(%CVL)作为人体疲劳程度的分级指标,最终得到了高温环境下从事不同体力劳动强度的心血管负荷指数回归方程,以及不同高温环境下人体可承受能力下可进行的体力劳动强度,为高温环境劳动者制定合理和健康的作业安排提供科学依据。  相似文献   

体力劳动强度和有害作业分级数据的计算机处理廖邦富(四川长城特殊钢公司职业病防治所,四川江油621701)体力劳动强度和有害作业分级,是近年来劳动保护方面的一项基础工作。它是根据国家标准(《体力劳动强度分级》、《高温作业分级》、《生产性粉尘作业危害程度...  相似文献   

编辑同志:我们在劳动过程中,经常会涉及到体力劳动强度分级的要求。请问:体力劳动强度是如何分级的?重庆汪松汪松先生:体力劳动强度分级是确定体力劳动强度大小的根据。应用这一标准,可以明确工人体力劳动强度的重点工种或工序,以便有重点、有  相似文献   

由劳动人事部主持制定,经国家标准局批准,并于1984年12月1日正式实施的我国体力劳动强度分级标准(GB3869-83),提出了“劳动强度指数”这一新概念,并以此指数作为分级指标。其优点,第一是采用了 8小时工作日内的平均能量代谢率(大卡/分·米2),劳动、休息均包括在内,而不是以某一工种工作中的某一单项操作强度为依据。第二是根据调查,凡操作强度大的作业往往持续时间较短,即劳动时间率低;而操作强度小的往往持续(或累计)时间长,即劳动时间率高。分级标准将劳动时间率作为一个重要因素,经多元回归的统计分析,找出以下最佳指数公式:!一Tx S+Mx…  相似文献   

为进一步研究高温作业职业危害风险强度,探讨高温作业环境条件下环境温度与劳动强度对劳动者健康的影响及其联合作用。采用高温环境模拟仓实验与建筑行业露天高温作业现场调研和测试相结合的方法,以高温环境和心血管体能负荷值(%CVL)作为高温作业危害风险分级的主要参照指标。提出了高温作业职业危害风险分级的技术方法和针对不同程度高温职业危害风险管理措施的具体建议,为保护高温作业劳动者安全与健康提供科学依据。  相似文献   

石油野外作业工人体力劳动强度分级调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据GB3869—83标准对江汉油田测量、地震、钻井、井下四类野外作业34名工人、24个工种进行了体力劳动强度分级调查,其结果:测量作业为Ⅰ~Ⅱ级;钻井作业Ⅱ级占5/8,Ⅲ级占1/4;井下作业Ⅲ级占2/3;地震作业Ⅲ、Ⅳ级各占4/9、2/9。说明前两类基本属中等强度劳动,后两类大部分属重强度劳动。  相似文献   

推动企业开展劳动条件分级工作的几点思考李伟光(山东省劳动厅)自1983年以来,我国陆续制订颁布了一系列劳动条件分级标准。主要有:《体力劳动强度分级》、《高温作业分级》、《生产性粉尘作业危害程度分级》、《有毒作业分级》、《低温作业分级》等。这些标准的共...  相似文献   

《女职工劳动保护规定》指出。“禁止安排女职工从事矿山井下,国家规定的第四级体力劳动强度的劳动……”;“女职工在月经期间,所在单位不得安排其从事高空、低温、冷水和国家规定的第三级体力劳动强度的劳动”;还多处规定了孕妇和乳母不得从事第三级体力劳动强度的劳动。为什么要做出这样的规定呢? 1983年,劳动人事部制订了我国的体力劳动强度分级标准(国标GB3869-83),将体力劳动强度分为四级。第一级是指劳动强度指数小于或等于15的劳动,就是8小时工作日中人体的平均能量消耗为850大卡,净劳动时间(除去休息和工作暂停时间)为293分钟的劳…  相似文献   

我站自1990年10月开展粉尘、毒物、体力劳动强度、高温四项分级工作以来,至1992年4月底,已完成市直建材、化工、轻工、冶金、粮食、供电、军工、机械等行业89个单位共1082个工种的检测分级工作。其中粉尘369个工种,毒物319个工种,高温60个工种,体力劳动强度334个工种。基本掌握了全市尘、毒危害和体力劳动强度的状况,为劳动保护监察工作进行分类指导、重点监察提供了第一手资料,为企业治理尘毒危害、改善劳动条件、减轻劳动强度提供了依据。 我站的检测分级工作始终受到各级领导的重视和关心。市劳动局领导从四个方面给我们以支持。一是加强…  相似文献   

高温环境对煤矿井下作业人员影响的调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文就高温高湿环境对煤矿工人的生理心理危害程度进行调查研究。结果显示,在非高温矿井中,粉尘和噪声的影响居于首位,而在高温矿井中,高温成为影响煤矿井下工人生理和心理的首要因素。疲劳主观症状问询结果显示,高温矿井工人在身体症状、精神症状和感觉症状方面的反应都明显高于非高温矿井工人,尤以采煤工种更为突出。调查结果提示,煤矿井下高温高湿对工人的生理心理影响是相当严重的,企业应采取有效措施防治高温危害,保护广大煤矿工人的身心健康。  相似文献   

Objectives. The aims of this study were (a) to assess the agreement coefficient between tympanic temperatures and the most popular and valid heat stress index, wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT), in outdoor environments; (b) to determine a cut-off point for tympanic temperature as a heat strain index for evaluation of outdoor workers. Methods. 1452 measurements of WBGT index and tympanic temperature were recorded for outdoor workers from nine different climatic regions. Consistency of the WBGT and tympanic temperature were tested. The cut-off point for tympanic temperature in outdoor environments regarding WBGT evaluation was suggested based on obtained sensitivity and specificity from a receiver operating characteristic curve. Results. The results showed that there were numerous situations in which WBGT exceeded the reference value, whilst the measured values of tympanic temperature rarely reached a permissible value for core temperature (38?°C). Therefore, appropriate consistency of results between the heat stress and strain indices was not achieved. Conclusion. The criterion of tympanic temperature equaling 37?°C was suggested as a cut-off point for tympanic temperature as a heat strain index for outdoor environment evaluation.  相似文献   

煤矿井下噪声作为一种强污染和安全隐患并未得到充分的重视,为了说明加强井下噪声治理工作的必要性,分源分析了煤矿井下的噪声产生及其强度.分析结果表明煤矿高强度噪声污染可对井下工人的身体产生特异性和非特异性危害,同时也可直接或间接导致各种事故的发生,为矿井安全生产埋下了隐患.从井下噪声的产生、传递、接受三方面分别提出了降低和解决矿井噪声危害的方法和对策,得出不仅需要改进现有井下防噪技术,而且需要加强矿井行政管理,提高工人的防噪意识,才可降低矿井噪声的危害.但彻底根治煤矿井下噪声危害是一个综合性的难题,需要煤炭工业整体的发展和社会各界提高对劳动保护的重视程度.  相似文献   

Mine rescuers’ heat load under the same physical effort load (25% of the maximal oxygen uptake), using three types of breathing apparatus, in newly developed heat-removing underwear and outerwear was assessed for typical work conditions of mine rescuers, under milder and harsher ambient conditions of 32 and 38?°C, respectively, both at relative humidity of 85% and air velocity of 1.0?m/s. Expending physical effort at the same load while using different kinds of breathing apparatus resulted in a similar heat load. Under both milder and harsher ambient conditions, heat storage and sweating intensity were greater than the average limit value recommended by hygienic standards, which indicates that the use of breathing apparatus significantly hinders heat exchange with the environment. The developed clothing for mine rescuers was highly rated, and was considered by most people to be better than that used currently.  相似文献   

A comprehensive evaluation of work-related perfomance factors is a prerequisite to developing integrated and long-term solutions to workplace performance improvement. This paper describes a work-factor classification system that categorizes the entire domain of workplace factors impacting performance. A questionnaire-based instrument was developed to implement this classification system in industry. Fifty jobs were evaluated in 4 different service and manufacturing companies using the proposed questionnaire-based instrument. The reliability coefficients obtained from the analyzed jobs were considered good (.589 to .862). In general, the physical work factors resulted in higher reliability coefficients (.847 to .862) than non-physical work factors (.589 to .768). performance work-factor system classification  相似文献   

为准确预测地下采空区危险性,选用采空区结构的跨度、暴露面积、高度、埋深、矿柱尺寸布置等5个采空区危险度结构尺寸影响因素作为评价指标,建立采空区危险度粗糙集-逼近理想解排序法(RS-TOPSIS)综合评价体系。基于粗糙集理论(RS)中的粗糙依赖度,通过计算评价指标与评价等级间的粗糙依赖度得到指标权重。以40个采空区探测系统(CMS)实测采空区作为评价对象,根据单指标分类区间下限构造5个不同等级的典型采空区,结合逼近理想解的排序法(TOPSIS),实现采空区危险度5级贴近度的分类,并辨识实测采空区危险度。研究结果表明,用为采空区群矿山建立的采空区危险度基于结构尺寸效应的RS-TOPSIS法,能够实现危险度5级分类辨识,辨识结果与采空区危险度数值分析结果吻合度为92.5%。  相似文献   

作业场所职业危害基础数据标准设计   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
作业场所职业危害基础信息数据标准是避免信息孤岛现象,促进数据共享和作业场所职业危害相关信息系统建设的重要基础。本文介绍了数据元的主要分类方法,并采用面分类方法和线分类方法相结合的方法对作业场所职业危害基础信息数据进行分类,通过面分类方法设计了合理的作业场所职业危害基础信息数据元对象类,通过线分类方法将作业场所职业危害基础信息数据元划分到不同的对象类下,并阐述了作业场所职业危害基础信息数据标准设计的内容和方法。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to compare heat strain among different age groups of men in protective clothing during short-term physical work. Eight young (20-29 years), 6 middle-aged (41-55 years), and 6 older (58-65 years) men exercised for 30 min on a cycle ergometer (40% V(O2 max)) in 2 hot environments with a similar WBGT (ca. 26 degrees C): once with minimal clothing without infrared radiation (E1), and once with aluminized protective clothing under infrared radiation (E2). All subjects had sedentary jobs, but only the older subjects were physically active in their leisure-time. Body temperatures, heart rate, sweat rate, and subjective feelings were determined during the tests. Higher thermal strain was observed in E2 than in E1. No age-related differences in thermal strain were observed in either experiment indicating that active older men can tolerate short work periods with protective clothing in the heat as well as younger sedentary men.  相似文献   

This study consists of assessments of the thermal environment and physio-logical strain in tasks associated with airport, construction, and metal jobs. The number of male and female participants was 108. Environmental heat stress was evaluated with the WBGT index. Physiological strain was evaluated by the relative cardiovascular load (%CVL) based on the measurements of heart rate. Also the increase of body temperature, weight loss, and perceived discomfort were determinated. At work sites the assessments lasted for 2 to 4 hrs for each participant. The mean physiological strain exceeded the level of 30%CVL. Severe peaks (over 60%CVL) were observed in specific tasks being in agreement with perceived discomfort ratings. The increase of body temperature and weight loss in most cases remained within acceptable limits. For the most strenuous tasks, various ergonomic improvements were developed in consultation with workers and managers.  相似文献   

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