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Levels of Pb, Co, Cu, Ni, Zn, Mn and Cd in the kidney and heart tissues of Epinephelus Microdon collected from the Arabian Gulf, Eastern province of Saudi Arabia, were determined by wet digestion-based atomic absorption method. The results indicated that accumulation pattern of analyzed metals in the kidney tissues followed the order; Zn > Cu > Pb > Ni > Co > Mn > Cd, with Zn at 47.73 ± 13.26 ppm and Cd at 0.41 ± 0.16 ppm. Cu, Mn, Co and Ni levels in the kidney tissues were significantly lower or within the ranges reported previously. In the heart tissue the analyzed metals followed almost the same pattern of metal accumulation; Zn > Cu > Pb > Co > Ni > Mn > Cd. The average lead (3.19 ± 2.03 ppm), nickel (1.69 ± 0.52 ppm), cobalt (1.75 ± 0.44 ppm), copper (3.96 ± 0.98 ppm) and cadmium (0.34 ± 0.23 ppm) concentrations were found high in the heart tissues whereas zinc and manganese levels were found high in kidney tissues. In general, the data indicated that marine {fish from the sampling site of Arabian Gulf are comparatively clean and unpolluted.  相似文献   

Most of the water bodies being used for the cultivation ofedible aquatic plants (Trapa natans and Ipomoeaaquatica) in Lucknow district, U.P., India, were found to becontaminated with a variety of toxic metals (Fe, Cu, Cr, Mn andPb). The concentration of metals Cr, Pb and Fe in water was muchhigher than recommended permissible limits of WHO (1995). Theedible parts of these plants bioconcentrated metals from theirsurrounding water significantly. Therefore, the present studywas planned to assess the metal concentration in edible part ofplants which was collected from various water bodies used forcultivation of these crops. Despite varying levels of metalsfound in various fruit parts of T. natans, the metalaccumulation in kernel was alarming. However, metal contentdecreased significantly in various parts after boiling thefruit. Similarly, I. aquatica also accumulatedsignificantly higher amounts of these metals in leaves, howeverthe metal accumulating potential varied considerably dependingupon level of metal contamination in the water body in which they were growing. The importance of these findings in theexploitation of these aquatic crops to meet the demand of foodand health perspectives for human beings is highlighted.  相似文献   

Cadmium and lead were determined in different tissues (muscle,gill, stomach, intestine, liver, vertebral column and scales) of Tilapia nilotica from the High Dam Lake, Aswan (Egypt) to assess the lake water pollution with those toxic metals. Fish samples were chosen from different ages and weights to be analyzed along with samples of the aquatic plant(Najas armeta), sediment and lake water.The results showed that cadmium and lead concentrations were higher in fish scales and vertebral column than in the other parts of the fish. Cadmium and lead levels in High Dam lake water and fish (Tilapia nilotica) were a result of the pollution which uptakes from aquatic plants, sediments andgasoline containing lead that leaks from fishery boats. Tilapia nilotica fish was used as a good bio-assay indicator for the lake pollution with cadmium and lead. The fish musclesin this study were in the safety baseline levels for man consumption.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to monitor the sensitivity of two populations of Corophium orientale (Crustacea: Amphipoda) living at the outfall of two rivers (Magra and Serchio), comparing their responses towards two different toxicant solutions. Sensitivity was monthly checked performing the 96h-LC50 static water only test with Cd(NO3)2 and SDS. If no significant differences were found between the two populations, they could have been employed without distinction to perform sediment toxicity bioassays. As regard to Cd, an increasing in LC50 values from summer to winter was evident in each population (Serchio River: August 2003  =  1,36 mg/l, February 2004  =  7,23 mg/l; Magra River: August  =  1,21 mg/l, April  =  5,01 mg/l). This pattern was correlated to the droop of temperatures in winter period. The responses of the two populations towards the cadmium were compared using the ANOVA. The analysis showed any significant differences between the populations (p  =  0.12). The pattern of sensitivity towards SDS for the population living on Magra River was similar to the same pattern found for Cd; as regard to the population living on Serchio River, data were not enough to describe the annual pattern. Anyway, statistical analysis was performed and no significant differences were found between the two populations (p  =  0.34).  相似文献   

Plants of L. leucocephala were grown in 100%soil (as control), 100% fly-ash and fly-ash amendedwith 50% press mud for 80 days, and analysed withrespect to plant growth, elemental composition andphysiological changes in different parts of the plant.The results revealed that amending fly-ash with pressmud enhanced plant growth as well as otherphysiological responses such as chlorophyll, protein,in vivo nitrate reductase activity compared to100% fly-ash treated plants. The elements Fe, Zn, Cuand Mn accumulated in larger quantities in plantsgrown in 100% fly-ash, and followed the order ofaccumulation Fe > Zn > Cu > Mn. The results of thisstudy indicate that ash amending with press mud mayprovide more favourable conditions for the growth ofthis tree species.  相似文献   

A migratory population of 78 pairs of Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) nesting along the Willamette River in westernOregon was studied in 1993. The study was designed to determinecontaminant concentrations in eggs, contaminant concentrationsin fish species predominant in the Ospreys diet, andBiomagnification Factors (BMFs) of contaminants from fish specieseaten to Osprey eggs. Ten Osprey eggs and 25 composite samplesof fish (3 species) were used to evaluate organochlorine (OC)pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinateddibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), and polychlorinated dibenzofurans(PCDFs). Mercury was also analyzed in fish. Geometric meanresidues in Osprey eggs were judged low, e.g., DDE 2.3 g g-1 wet weight (ww), PCBs 0.69 g g-1, 2,3,7,8-TCDD 2.3 ng kg-1, and generally well below known threshold values for adverse effects on productivity, and the population was increasing. Osprey egg residue data presentedby River Mile (RM) are discussed, e.g., higher PCDDs were generally found immediately downstream of paper mills and eggsfrom the Willamette River had significantly elevated PCBs and PCDDs compared to reference eggs collected nearby in the CascadeMountains. Prey remains at nest sites indicated that the Largescale Sucker (Catostomus macrocheilus) and NorthernPikeminnow (Ptychocheilus oregonensis) accounted for an estimated 90.1% of the biomass in the Osprey diet, and composite samples of these two species were collected from different sampling sites throughout the study area for contaminant analyses. With the large percentage of the fishbiomass in the Osprey diet sampled for contaminants (and fisheaten by Ospreys similar in size to those chemically analyzed),and fish contaminant concentrations weighted by biomass intake, a mean BMF was estimated from fish to Osprey eggs for the largeseries of contaminants. BMFs ranged from no biomagnification(0.42) for 2,3,7,8-TCDF to 174 for OCDD. Our findings for themigratory Osprey were compared to BMFs for the resident HerringGull (Larus argentatus), and differences are discussed. Webelieve a BMF approach provides some basic understanding ofrelationships between contaminant burdens in prey species offish-eating birds and contaminants incorporated into their eggs,and may prove useful in understanding sources of contaminants inmigratory species although additional studies are needed.  相似文献   

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