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Summary Prespa National Park is situated at the northwestern corner of Greece bordering Yugoslavia and Albania and covers 25,690 ha of which 8,114 ha are lake. The remaining area is forest, rangeland and arable land in the vicinity of twelve villages. The objectives of the park authority are to preserve the wetland with its special fauna of rare bird species, its flora, the geomorphological formations of the lake and the natural environment. The nucleus of the park is comprised by Lake Mikri Prespa and the surrounding wetland. It is in this wetland that an exceptional assemblage of rare and endangered species breed. However, the park is recently undergoing rapid development of its agroecosystems in terms both of higher subsidiary energy inputs, notably irrigation, and of acreage, i.e. of substituting some of the wetland for cropland. The objective of this study was to assess the potential environmental hazards from practicing agriculture in the park and to propose measures of abatement. Assessment was based on field surveys, administration documents and interviews. Cropland is not intensively used at present. Two thirds is covered by winter cereals and the remaining by other row crops (beans and potatoes). There are no deciduous orchards. Practices are carried out without regard for environmental conservation. Farmers' attitudes towards the wildlife range from indifference to hostility because they attribute the lag in their economic development to the past restrictions imposed by the National Park Administration. The main environmental consequences from the ongoing agricultural development in Prespa are assessed to be a dramatic increase of nonpoint agricultural pollution of the lake, with phosphorus and pesticides as the primary pollutants. Moreover, accidents in the use of pesticides may lead to immediate deterioration of the nucleus wildlife habitats. Since irrigated agroecosystems are there to stay and grow in subsidiary energy, measures are needed to prevent harmful consequences. Such measures are the alleviation of the land ownership problem, adoption of cultural practices to limit soil erosion, rational use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and education of farmers. It is concluded that the internationally invaluable natural ecosystems of the park are definitely threatened by the development of the irrigated agroecosystems. The measures proposed will limit this threat and at the same time will help to perpetuate the productivity of the agroecosystems themselves.Mrs. M. D. Pyrovetsi is a lecturer in the Department of Biology and Professor P. A. Gerakis is Head of the Department of Agriculture; both are within the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.  相似文献   

长江经济带是世界上最大的内河产业带和制造业基地,建设长江经济带是新时期中国三大国家发展战略之一,积极、有效地保护长江经济带生态环境具有非常重要的战略意义。本研究从识别突出的大气污染防治问题入手,深入分析大气污染的主要驱动力产业与能源结构,以问题为靶向,提出长江经济带的大气污染防治策略。研究结果发现,占国土面积21%的长江经济带排放了全国34%的二氧化硫、32%的氮氧化物、28%的烟粉尘、44%的挥发性有机物、43%的氨,单位面积污染物排放强度是全国平均水平的1.3~2.1倍,污染物排放远超环境容量。长江经济带126个城市中,6项主要大气污染物年平均浓度全部达标的城市比例不到1/3。颗粒物是影响城市达标的主要污染物。长江经济带产业结构偏重和能源消费以煤为主,是造成大气污染排放量的主要源头,是大气污染的主要驱动力。以解决突出的大气环境问题为核心,将环境质量作为大气污染防治的底线,持续推进空气质量改善,重点措施上,从大气污染驱动力着手,提出优化产业与能源结构、深化多污染物协同控制、推进区域联防联控等大气污染防治对策建议。  相似文献   

Summary The lichen Stereocaulon dactylophyllum,occurring on a metalliferous spoil tip, was found to accumulate various elements within parts of the apothecium, such as the subhymenium and the fertile hymenium. The hymenium was particularly contaminated by lead, and this may subsequently affect ascospore viability. Certain elements were present on the external surface of the thalli and apothecia; the percentage composition of the elements within the apothecium differed from that on the outside of the apothecium. Fourteen elements were recorded from samples of the metalliferous spoil, the subhymenium and the hymenium; the ranking of elements varied in the samples as also did the percentage contributions of the various elements. The lichen is an important accumulator of elements derived from various sources, including the atmospheric transport of particulates emanating from the spoil tip. It may be speculated that the elements, including the toxic ones, will subsequently be accumulated within organisms belonging to various trophic levels; rotifers which are present on both the apothecia and thalli are likely to be affected. Dr F. Brian Pyatt is Head of the Ecology Section in the Department of Life Sciences at Nottingham Polytechnic, where Mr D. Lacy is a member of the Department of Chemistry and Physics. Mr E.H. Beaumont was until recently in the Department of Zoology at the University of Oxford, and Mr D.M. Storey is a member of the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Salford, UK.  相似文献   

The paper by Dr. William Hallenbeck of the University of Illinois on pp. 23–32 of this issue ofEnvironmental Management contains an estimate of the risk of respiratory cancer resulting from exposure to asbestos fibers emitted from asbestos-containing hairdryers. The study, which is described as a worst case analysis, concludes that the use of these hairdryers would result in a maximum of 0.15 deaths from respiratory cancer per year in the United States, based on a median case estimate of asbestos fiber emission from hair-dryers. This estimate of risk was developed using data from one epidemiologic study.In this critique, we suggest that the use of other epidemiologic studies and the inclusion of other minor, reasonable changes to the basic assumptions made by Hallenbeck could significantly change the estimate in the direction of greater risk. Indeed, the use of other epidemiologic studies in the risk estimate results in an increase in the predicted risk of up to 3 orders of magnitude. Inclusion of changes both in the epidemiologic study used and in certain model assumptions results in an increased risk prediction of over 4 orders of magnitude in the extreme.Since there is no definitive basis on which to include or exclude certain assumptions or relevant studies, the risk estimate at best must be represented as a range of values. Such a range demonstrates the inherent uncertainties associated with estimating the risk to humans from known carcinogens. The size of the range developed in this analysis may actually be underestimated since no attempt has been made to evaluate the uncertainty associated with the choice of the dose-response model.The material found within this paper contains the views of the authors who are employees of the Consumer Product Safety Commission and does not necessarily reflect official opinions or policies of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.This paper was prepared in the course of the official duties of the authors as employees of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. It is in the public domain and may be freely copied and reproduced.  相似文献   

The technical progress causes that increasing number of used devices presents a threat for environment, particularly in the rural areas. It can be prevented by organizing a proper system of waste disposal. Currently, the most important problem to solve is recycling of vehicles. The key element for the improvement of the functioning of the recycling network in Poland is to redesign the system so that it will allow for a reduction of the total cost related to the vehicle recycling. This paper presents a modelling approach that could be used to establish one important part of the reverse logistics (RL) network for end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) by defining the optimum locations for dismantling facilities. The proposed modelling approach is illustrated using Mazovia province in Poland as an example. The optimization criteria for the location of the elements of the recycling network are the components of the total cost of the ELV's recycling. Due to high complexity of the model a genetic algorithm has been adapted for solving the model and getting a good solution in a reasonable run time. The criteria of optimization was cost of the following processes: transportation, storage, and dismantling of ELVs. The results of simulation proved that the transportation costs of parts and materials may amount to about 70%, and that the cost of dismantling may exceed 25% of the total cost of recycling. The obtained results confirmed that genetic algorithm method can be used effectively to location the ELV's dismantling facilities. The effect of changing the location of processing facilities on the location of dismantling stations was also studied. The developed model is universal and may be used to determine the locations of different kinds of facilities organized in a reverse recycling network.  相似文献   

中国北方15个省、区、市耕地面积占全国的55%,灌溉面积占全国灌溉总面积的48%,而水资源总量仅占全国的20%。区域水资源短缺和农业的进一步发展,要求提高农业用水有效性。本文从水文学角度,研究了华北、西北和东北3个地区水土资源特征;分析了作物熟制和适水种植的节水效益、农田供水量与产量的函数关系、农田棵间蒸发量和控制措施,以及提高高产农田用水有效性等水文试验研究结果;介绍了河北省南皮节水农业试验区的研究模式。  相似文献   

旅游业空间集聚是一种客观的经济现象,旅游业集聚化水平在一定程度上决定了区域旅游经济效益的发挥。运用变异系数、空间集聚指数分析了我国旅游业集聚化水平及演化空间差异。结果表明,我国旅游业集聚化水平空间差异显著,总体上以环渤海、长三角、珠三角地区为中心,空间形态呈由东向西逐渐减弱的阶梯式空间格局。随着旅游业的不断发展,旅游业集聚化水平表现出向西梯度推移的态势。旅行社空间非均衡性程度高,空间差异不断扩大,星级饭店、景区(点)空间非均衡性相对较弱,空间差异呈缩小趋势。旅行社、星级饭店、旅游景区(点)集聚化水平表现出较强的空间耦合性,相关性显著。同时,就我国旅游业集聚化水平空间差异影响机制进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

A tsunami, triggered by a massive undersea earthquake off Sumatra in Indonesia, greatly devastated the lives, property and infrastructure of coastal communities in the coastal states of India, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Thailand. This event attracted the attention of environmental managers at all levels, local, national, regional and global. It also shifted the focus from the impact of human activities on the environment to the impacts of natural hazards. Recovery/reconstruction of these areas is highly challenging. A clear understanding of the complex dynamics of the coast and the types of challenges faced by the several stakeholders of the coast is required. Issues such as sustainability, equity and community participation assume importance. The concept of ICZM (integrated coastal zone management) has been effectively used in most parts of the world. This concept emphasizes the holistic assessment of the coast and a multidisciplinary analysis using participatory processes. It integrates anthropocentric and eco-centric approaches. This paper documents several issues involved in the recovery of tsunami-affected areas and recommends the application of the ICZM concept to the reconstruction efforts.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of an elaborated irrigation system on the natural resources and society in the deltaic part of the Indus River in Pakistan. Time series information was collected to analyze the ecological and natural resource dynamics, and their impacts on the structure and quality of the occupations of the people in the Indus delta during pre- and post-irrigation system development periods. The information was collected through literature review, reconnaissance, structured questionnaire survey, focus group discussions, and interviews. The findings revealed that the expansion of the irrigation system and the resulting reduction in the downstream flow had their differential impacts on the various segments of downstream ecology and society. Some of the resources, for example the agricultural mudflats have been adversely affected due to the accelerated seawater intrusion that severely impinged on the paddy farms. On the other natural resources like mangroves, the impacts had been both negative and positive. On one hand, the diversity of the mangroves species had deteriorated while on other hand, the mangroves have benefited from such development because of the alleviated pressure of camel grazing as a result of the occupational change on the part of the camel herders. Furthermore, changes in the hydrological regimes had forced the paddy farmers and camel herders to switch to fishing as an alternative source of employment and income. Considering that currently about 87% people are already engaged primarily in marine fishery, this scenario is threatening the sustainability of the fishery resources as well as the livelihoods of all, the traditional and converted fishermen. The findings of the study are therefore meant to advocate the different treatments which should be accorded to the various segments of the downstream ecology and society during the planning of any remedial irrigation projects in order to mitigate the adverse impacts of the previous irrigation development strategies and of any water resources development to be carried out in the future.  相似文献   

Diversion of water has been ongoing in the Mkuze Wetland for several decades. Two canals form the focus of this study; the Mpempe-Demazane Canal and the Tshanetshe Canal. The former involved an ambitious excavation over a distance of 13.5 km in the lower part of the wetland, while the latter was a minor excavation over a distance of approximately 100 m in the upper part of the wetland. Although ambitious and costly, the Mpempe-Demazane Canal resulted in little downward or headward erosion, and there was minor diversion of flow. However, the minor excavation of the Tshanetshe Canal resulted in erosion downstream of the excavation (the Tshanetshe Stream), downward and lateral erosion of the excavated section, and headward erosion that has propagated almost 4 km upstream along the Mkuze River. Most of the flow of the Mkuze River has been captured by the Tshanetshe Canal and Stream. The impact of canalisation on floodplain wetlands is thus more dependent on the location than the scale of activity. The avulsion of the Mkuze River into the Tshanetshe Canal and Stream is due to a large difference in elevation between the Mkuze River and floodplain into which it was diverted, and the fact that in this region the river typically has high discharges. This avulsion may have been inevitable as a result of natural processes of sedimentation. In contrast, the difference in elevation between the Mkuze River and the basin into which it was diverted via the Mpempe Canal was small as is discharge of the Mkuze River in this part of the wetland. Thus, the diversion was unsuccessful. The presence of hippos that create hydraulically efficient pathways that are oriented parallel to the regional hydraulic slope, may accelerate avulsion in large African wetlands. Overall, it is argued that the environmental consequences of excavation need to be viewed against the background that wetlands are dynamic features within the landscape.  相似文献   

The choice among alternative water supply sources is generally based on the fundamental objective of maximising the ratio of benefits to costs. There is, however, a need to consider sustainability, the environment and social implications in regional water resources planning, in addition to economics. In order to achieve this, multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) techniques can be used. Various sources of uncertainty exist in the application of MCDA methods, including the selection of the MCDA method, elicitation of criteria weights and assignment of criteria performance values. The focus of this paper is on the uncertainty in the criteria weights. Sensitivity analysis can be used to analyse the effects of uncertainties associated with the criteria weights. Two existing sensitivity methods are described in this paper and a new distance-based approach is proposed which overcomes limitations of these methods. The benefits of the proposed approach are the concurrent alteration of the criteria weights, the applicability of the method to a range of MCDA techniques and the identification of the most critical criteria weights. The existing and proposed methods are applied to three case studies and the results indicate that simultaneous consideration of the uncertainty in the criteria weights should be an integral part of the decision making process.  相似文献   

海洋产业的发展对于山东省经济发展具有举足轻重的作用。本文阐述了山东省海洋发展的现状,分析了海洋发展中存在的问题和不足,探讨了山东省海洋发展的方向和重点,最后提出了海洋经济可持续发展的对策和措施,对于指导山东省海洋经济可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The Ecological Water Transfer and Rehabilitation Project in the arid inland area of northwest China is an important measure in restoring a deteriorated ecosystem. However, the sustainability of the project is affected by many socio-economic factors. This article examines the attitudes of the local populace toward the project, its impact on the livelihood of the people, and the positive effects of water-efficient agricultural practices in Ejina County. Related data were collected through questionnaire surveys and group discussions. The results identified three critical issues that may influence the sustainability of the project in the study area. The first issue relates to the impact of the project on the livelihood of local herdsmen. The potential for the sustainability of the project is compromised because the livelihood of the herdsmen greatly depends on the compensation awarded by the project. The second issue is that the project did not raise the water resource utilization ratio, which may undermine its final purpose. Finally, the compensation provided by the project considers losses in agriculture, but neglects the externalities and public benefit of eco-water. Thus, appropriate compensation mechanisms should be established and adopted according to local economic, environmental, and social conditions. Some recommendations for improving the sustainability of the project are provided based on the results of this study.  相似文献   

The article analyses the possibilities of developing an integrated indicator and a model of the assessment of forests naturalness using the data from the database of mountainous spruce forests situated in the Western Carpathians of Slovakia. The article presents two variants of such a model, one based on discriminant analysis, while the second one using an additive approach. The analysis of the data from mountainous spruce forests revealed significant indicators of forest naturalness degree: the arithmetic mean of the ratio between crown length and tree height, the deadwood volume, the coverage of grasses, the coverage of mosses and lichens, and the aggregation index. In addition, the coefficient of variation of tree diameters was included in the final model, since its presence in the model had a positive influence on the correctness of the classification of the forest naturalness degree. The correctness of the classification of the proposed discriminant model was 74.5%. For the additive model, the ranges of the values of the integrated indicator were defined for every degree of forest naturalness by taking into account the error ranges of the arithmetic mean values and the percentiles of the values in individual degrees of forest naturalness. The overall correctness of the classification with the additive model was 63.4%. In the second step, the scheme how to apply the classification model of the forest naturalness degree in the decision-making process of designating as a forest protected areas was proposed. In this scheme, the degree of forest naturalness is considered as a basic criterion for the determination of nature-conservation value of forest ecosystems. As further decision-making criteria we identified the possibility to restore, or the possibility to improve the naturalness of less natural forest ecosystems, which are designated as protected; the occurrence of the endangered species; and the occurrence of other natural values.  相似文献   

Ouarda, T.B.M.J. and S. El‐Adlouni, 2011. Bayesian Nonstationary Frequency Analysis of Hydrological Variables. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(3):496‐505. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00544.x Abstract: The present paper provides a discussion of nonstationary frequency analysis models in hydrology with a focus on the Bayesian approach. The Bayesian model provides an efficient estimation framework of hydrological quantiles in the presence of nonstationarity. In nonstationary frequency analysis models, the parameters are functions of covariates, allowing for dependent parameters and trends. The use of the nonstationary Generalized Maximum Likelihood Estimation method in hydrologic frequency analysis is discussed. This model allows using prior information concerning the variables under study and considering a number of models (linear, quadratic, etc.) of the dependence of the parameters on covariates. A discussion is also provided concerning the use of the reversible jump Monte Carlo Markov Chain procedure which allows carrying out the estimation of the posterior distributions of the parameters and the selection of the Bayesian model at the same time. An application to a case study is presented to illustrate the potential of the model.  相似文献   

冲击载荷下三点弯曲试样的有限元分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
钟卫洲  罗景润 《环境技术》2004,22(1):7-9,14
对三点弯曲试样建立三维有限元分析模型,取其1/4模型进行有限元分析、计算出裂尖附近节点垂直于裂纹面的位移值,利用位移法计算出每节点相应的动态应力强度因子。将曲线外推到裂尖处即得到裂尖动态应力强度因子。结果表明裂尖动态应力强度因子值沿试样中部向表面逐渐减小,只要通过实验确定起裂时间,便可得到试样的动态起裂韧性。  相似文献   

Histopathological and histochemical variations in non-specific esterases of the intestinal epithelial lining of the earthworm (Pheretima elongata), exposed to a single field dose of the herbicide glyphosate, were studied on the first, second, third, and fourth week of exposure. A severe cell death was observed in the intestine during the first and second weeks of exposure and mortality exceeded 50 percent. In the third week of exposure, the cells of the intestinal lining of the worms which had survived started regenerating and in the fourth week of exposure the epithelial lining regained its original characteristics and architecture, suggesting the high regenerative power of earthworms. Non-specific esterases showed an intense activity in the first week of the exposure and then decreased in the second week to nearly a minimum, where the entire cell structure was lost. However, the activity of the enzyme remained low until the third week where there was a small rise in the activity, and was confined to certain places in the cytoplasm. In the fourth week, almost a complete regeneration of the epithelial lining as well as the non-specific esterases activity was observed and became quite similar to that of the control worms. These results suggest that glyphosate, even at the recommended field dose, could cause cell death and interfere with non-specific esterases activity of the epithelial lining of the intestine of P. elongata causing at least 50 percent mortality in the population of the worms.  相似文献   

Land Degradation at the Stara Planina Ski Resort   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The environmental impacts of ski resorts in the Balkan region are great and can lead to landscape degradation and loss of land functionality. In this study, we present an example of the negative effects of human activities at the Stara Planina ski resort in southeastern Serbia. The objective of this study is detailed analysis of the characteristics of environmental impacts at the Stara Planina. The management of the ski area and ski slope development caused severe degradation of topsoil and native vegetation. The morphological characteristics of the area, lithological properties of the exposed material and climate conditions resulted in various geomorphic impacts, including rills, deep gullies, solifluctions and debris from rock weathering. Significant changes in land usage altered hydrological conditions, resulting in more frequent torrential floods in the downstream sections of the Zubska River and increased the sediment yield. Environmental impacts were analyzed in the immediate and wider zones of the ski resort in accordance with the specific topography and visual exposure. The restoration and erosion control measures have stopped degradation processes and helped to rehabilitate the appearance and functions of the landscape. The results show the importance of considering lithological (the type and characteristics of minerals present) and hydrological (precipitation, water storage capacity of soil, runoff) factors under the conditions of significant changes in land usage. The results of this investigation can contribute to the improvement of planning processes and the implementation of development projects in ski areas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The fate of contaminants in large water bodies is highly influenced by the transfer of flow and solutes across the water sediment interface. In this paper, an analytical model is presented where flow in both sediment bed and open channel is coupled at the interface through a boundary layer occupying the upper part of the sediment bed. The presence of this layer allows not only the capture of the inertia effects through a drag term in the generalized Darcy's equation, but also the specification of different soil parameters for the two porous zones. The flow is advective and driven by wave action along the water surface. The resulting system is solved for the pressure and flux in each sediment layer. The generated transport velocity fields are linked to a random walk simulation that is used to examine the trajectories of solute particles. Comparison of these trajectories against experimental tracer tests suggests a pattern very similar to the one attributed to the presence of surface mounds. The results clearly show the significance of the boundary layer and the drag term for soil with high permeability and the impact of both the thickness of the boundary layer and the length of the gravity wave relative to the depth of the water channel on the transport and exchange across the interface. The paper also examines the sensitivity of the mass exchange to the permeability of the two porous zones.  相似文献   

基于计算流体力学软件的三维数值模拟技术,分析了碟形越浪式波能发电装置的越浪性能,通过构建基于水气两相VOF(Volume of Fluid)模型的三维数值波浪水槽对该装置进行三维数值模拟研究,数值计算结果与物理试验结果相互对比验证较为吻合,验证了所构建的三维数值波浪水槽的可靠性,通过考察装置的坡度、导流叶片个数、干舷高度对越浪性能的影响确定装置的最优结构参数。结果表明,在装置的斜坡面边缘增加回流板可减少波浪的反射,提高装置的越浪性能。在数值模拟中将装置的斜坡面边缘处安装回流板对碟形越浪式波能发电装置参数进行优化,通过分析回流板的长度对装置越浪性能的影响来探索最优回流板长度。  相似文献   

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