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The levels of mercury, cadmium, lead, copper, nickel, zinc and iron were determined in samples of liver, kidney, skeletal muscle, heart, lungs and hair of moose (N = 67), reindeer (N = 45), brown bear (N = 18), wild boar (N = 10) and squirrel (N = 18) shot in Karelia from 1989 to 1991 during regular hunting. The highest heavy-metal concentrations were found in livers, kidney, lungs and hair samples. The samples of muscle contained lowest levels of these elements. The tissues of moose, reindeer and brown bear were contaminated with heavy metals to a greatest extent. Lowest levels of toxicants were recorded in wild boar. Results indicate a widespread presence of heavy metal in the environment and in wildlife, which may be linked to acid precipitation. There was no evidence of these elements accumulated to toxic levels, but Karelian public have been informed that the eating of moose liver and kidney would probably result in their exceeding WHO standard weekly intake limit for cadmium.  相似文献   

The cadmium and copper levels were determined in the total of 126 fish samples which belongs to five fish species collected from Sır and Menzelet Dam Lakes in Kahramanmaraş Province by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The concentrations of heavy metals were expressed as ppm wet weight of tissue. The mean levels of cadmium and copper in muscle, liver and gill tissues of Cyprinus carpiofrom the Menzelet Dam were found as 0.27, 0.91, 1.49 and 0.94, 1.2, 1.05, respectively. The mean levels of Cd in the muscle tissues of Leuciscus cephalusfrom the Menzelet Dam were found 0.32 ppm, Cd wasn't found in tissues of liver and gill. The mean levels of Cu in the muscle, liver and gill tissues were found as 3.17 ppm, 1.19 ppm, 0.96 ppm, respectively. The mean levels of the Cd and Cu in muscle and gill tissues of Acanthobrama marmid from the Sır Dam were found as 1.28, 2.64 and 0.72, 0.08, respectively. The levels of the Cd and Cu in muscle tissues of Cyprinus carpiofrom the Sır Dam were found 0.87 and 0.02 ppm, respectively. The mean levels of the Cd and Cu in the muscle and gill tissues of Chondrostoma regium from the Sır Dam were found to be 0.80, 2.62 and 0.67, 1.34 ppm, respectively. The mean levels of the Cd in the muscle tissues of the Silurus glanis was found as 0.60 ppm. In the muscle of the Silurus glanis from the Sır Dam, Cu was not found. The Sır Dam is more polluted than the Menzelet Dam from the point of Cd but less polluted than the Menzelet Dam From the point of Cu. A relationship was determined between species and their habitating region in terms of the levels reflected metal residues. In this study it was emphasized that the amounts of Cd and Cu in the samples were low, however, seas, lakes, rivers, soil, air and consumed foods etc. has to be controlled routinely.  相似文献   

Achanthobrama marmid (thorn-bream) (n:24), Chondrostoma regium (nose-carp) (n:33) and Silurus glanis (wels) (n:21), and Cyprinus carpio (carp) (n:30) were collected from Sır Dam Lake in Kahramanmaraş Province. The iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), and lead (Pb) levels were determined in the total of 108 fish samples by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The concentrations of heavy metals were expressed as mg kg−1 wet weight of tissue. The mean Fe and Mn levels of muscle and gill of C. carpio were 0.8–5.71 and 0.30–1.96, respectively. The mean of the Fe and Mn levels of muscle and gill of A. marmid were 1.22, 5.07 and 0.38, 0.85 mg kg−1, respectively. The ranges of mean concentrations of Fe and Mn levels in muscle and gill of C. regium were 0.91, 5.61 and 0.27, 3.42 mg kg−1, respectively. The mean value of Fe in S. glanis gill was 1.03, which of Mn was 0.17 mg kg−1. Fe, Mn, Co, Ni, and Pb were not detected in the muscle of S. glanis. The mean values for Co in muscle of thorn-bream, carp, and nose-carp were 0.005, 0.01, 0.0 mg kg−1, respectively. Nickel values in the muscle were ranged between 0.38 and 1.93 in thorn-bream, 0.06 and 1.34 in carp, 0.14 and 1.89 in nose-carp, in that order. The mean Pb levels of muscle and gill of A. marmid were 0.14 and 0.29 mg kg−1, respectively. The mean values of Pb concentration of muscle and gill for C. carpio were 0.13 and 0.50 mg kg−1, respectively. In C. regium mean values for Pb in muscle and gill were 0.06 and 0.06 mg kg−1, respectively. The mean value of Pb in S. glanis gill was 0.42, ranged between 0.0–0.92 mg kg−1.  相似文献   

Surface sediment samples collected from the Salina Cruz Bay in the last twenty years, were analyzed for the total available trace elements (Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, V, and Zn) to evaluate metal contamination due to possible anthropogenic inputs. Normalization of metals to iron and fine-grained fraction (< 63 μm) indicated relatively high enrichment factors for lead during the last two decades. Sediment Quality Guidelines suggest that lead must be considered as a chemical of potential concern in the marine and estuarine ecosystem. Concentration levels of lead ranged from 5–124 μg/g, while Ni and V below 70 and 30 μg/g, respectively. Geoaccumulation and enrichment factors for the rest of elements show comparable values to those reported for sites with similar activities in the world. Spatial distribution suggests that in addition to harbor activities, a transboundary source for Pb must account for the observed trends.  相似文献   

The concentrations of cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel, and zinc in water and bed sediments of river Gomti have been studied in a fairly long stretch of 500 km from Neemsar to Jaunpur. Grab samples of water (October 2002–March 2003) and bed sediments (December 2002 and March 2003) were collected from 10 different locations following the standard methods. The river water and sediment samples were processed and analyzed for heavy metals viz., Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, Ni, and Zn, and using ICP-AES. The heavy metals found in the river water were in the range: Cd (0.0001–0.0005 mg/L); Cr (0.0015–0.0688 mg/L); Cu (0.0013–0.0.0043 mg/L); Fe (0.0791–0.3190 mg/L); Mn (0.0038–0.0.0973 mg/L); Ni (0.0066–0.011 mg/L); Pb (0.0158–0.0276 mg/L); and Zn (0.0144–0.0298 mg/L) respectively. In the sediments the same were found in the range: Cd (0.70–7.90 g/g); Cr (6.105–20.595 g/g); Cu (3.735–35.68 g/g); Fe (5051.485–8291.485 g/g); Mn (134.915–320.45 g/g); Ni (13.905–37.370 g/g); Pb (21.25–92.15 g/g); and Zn (15.72–99.35 g/g) of dry weight respectively. Some physico-chemical parameters viz., pH, total solids, total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, hardness etc. were estimated as these have direct or indirect influence on the incidence, transport and speciation of the heavy metals. Based on the geoaccumulation indices, the Gomti river sediments from Neemsar to Jaunpur are considered to be unpolluted with respect to Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn. It is unpolluted to moderately polluted with Pb. In case of Cd it varies from moderately polluted to highly polluted. As far as Ni is concerned the sediment is very highly polluted at Barabanki and Jaunpur D/s. No correlation was found between enrichment factor and geoaccumulation index.  相似文献   

Cadmium pollution resulted from fertilizer applications were studied by determining cadmium levels in agricultural and non-agricultural soils of Bafra and Çar?amba plains. Soil samples of 68 were collected from agricultural (34) and non-agricultural (34) areas. The sample of 2 g was placed in a test tube and digested with hydrochloric acid and nitric acid mixture (3:1, v/v) in an aluminum block. Taking up the evaporated residue was dissolved in 1% nitric acid and total cadmium concentrations were determined with GF-AAS. Mean level of cadmium contents were found in agricultural areas 0.162?±?0.078 for Çar?amba and 0.433?±?0.288 mg kg?1 for Bafra. The accuracy of the method was tested with determining cadmium contents of standard reference material and cadmium spiked soil samples.  相似文献   

In the present study, some heavy metals (Cu, Fe, Zn and Mn) were seasonally determined in water, sediment and some tissues of fish Tinca tinca from Bey?ehir Lake, which is an important bird nesting and visiting area, a water source for irrigation and drinking. In the water, Fe has the highest concentrations among the studied metals. Generally, the metal concentrations increased in the hottest period decreased in warm seasons. Results for levels in water were compared with national and international water quality guidelines, as well as literature data reported for the lakes. Fe was the highest in sediment samples, also Cu and Zn were the highest in spring, while Fe and Mn were in autumn. Among the heavy metals studied, Cu and Mn were below the detection limits in some tissues. Generally, higher concentrations of the tested metals were found in the summer and winter, compared with those during the autumn and spring seasons. High levels of heavy metals were found in liver of T. tinca, while low levels in muscle samples. Metal concentrations in the muscle of examined fish were within the safety permissible levels for human consumption. The present study shows that precautions need to be taken in order to prevent further heavy metal pollution.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to quantify areal loss of olive groves due to urban sprawl of the city of Kahramanmara?, Turkey. Spatial changes were analysed by interpreting the digitized data derived from a black–white monoscopic aerial photograph taken in 1985, panchromatic IKONOS image of 2000 and two pan-sharpened Quickbird images of 2004 and 2006. Data obtained revealed that the area of olive groves decreased by 25% from 460.55 ha in 1985 to 344.46 in 2006, while the number of parcels increased from 170 to 445. Of the total areal loss, 60% was due to building constructions, with the rest being due to clear-cut for new residential gardens composed of exotic plants, new buildings, or new roads. Rapid population growth, increased land prices due to urban expansion, and abandonment of agricultural practices to construction of multi-storey buildings were the main causes of the process that transformed the olive groves into urbanized areas. Results pointed to an urgent need to (1) revise the national and municipal land management practices, (2) balance the gap between the short- and long-term economic benefits that urban and community development plans ignore, and (3) monitor land-use changes periodically by using high resolution satellite images.  相似文献   

Because of their intense vegetation and the fact that they include areas of coastline, deltas situated in the vicinity of big cities are areas of great attraction for people who wish to get away from in a crowded city. However, coasts, with their fertile soil and unique flora and fauna, need to be protected. In order for the use of such areas to be planned in a sustainable way by local authorities, there is a need for detailed data about these regions. In this study, the changes in land use of the area between Topburnu and Uçburun Musa Bey Harbour on the Çe?me peninsula, which is to the immediate west of Turkey’s third largest city ?zmir, from 1976 up to the present day, were investigated. In the study, using aerial photographs taken in 1976, 1995 and 2000 and an IKONOS satellite image from the year 2007, the natural and cultural characteristics of the region and changes in the coastline were determined spatially. Using aerial photographs from 1976, 1995 and 2000 and an IKONOS satellite image from the year 2007, together with “1/25,000 scale Conservation-Oriented Development Plans” prepared in 1979, 1990 and 2000 by the committee for the Preservation of Natural and Cultural Entities attached to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Turkish Republic, the natural and cultural characteristics of the region and the land use changes and their connection with conservation rulings were determined spatially. In this study, spatial changes in land use over the years were compared with changing conservation rulings over the years and the emerging results have brought a new perspective to the subject in contrast to other similar studies.  相似文献   

The contents of heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Pb, Cu, Cd, and Hg) dissolved in water and suspended solids of Gökova Bay—partly and fully sampled in 2005 and 2006, respectively—are quite higher than the average values encountered in uncontaminated sea water. The high concentrations are associated with terrestrial inputs from the mining zones and anthropogenic (domestic + industrial) sources. Moreover, the distribution of Fe and Cu is affected by primary production because these elements function as nutrients in biological activities. The Cr, Ni, and Fe concentrations of surface sediments are above the shale average. The Cr and Ni contents of surface sediments representative of river mouths strongly correlate with total phosphorus contents. In a sulfide-poor environment, Pb and Cu were concentrated at a higher ratio in surface sediments than Cd, probably due to higher stabilities of their surface complexes with amorphous iron oxides and clay minerals existing as major components in the sediments. The exceptional enrichment of Zn may be attributed to double oxide formation with amorphous iron oxides in sediments. The high metal values are most probably caused by terrestrial inputs from anthropogenic sources and the mining zones at the southeast part of the bay. The Al, Mn, Pb, Cu, Zn, and Hg contents are below the shale average. The low values have possibly originated from the coarse-grained sandy sediments having a low affinity for metals. There are no distinct differences in the metal distributions in water and suspended matter between the years 2005 and 2006 in the bay, probably due to low sedimentation rates.  相似文献   

In this study, bioaccumulation of the heavy metals (Fe, Zn, Cd) in the liver, gill, gonad and muscle tissues of Dicentrarchus labrax, Mugil cephalus and Sparus aurata were investigated seasonally. Camlik is the important fisheries lagoon located in The Iskenderun Bay, Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Due to heavy industrial and agricultural activities in the region, the bay has the polluted coastal waters of Turkey. Therefore, the levels of cadmium, zinc, iron were determined in the muscle in each species because of its importance for human consumption and also the liver, gill, gonad were analysed since these organs tend to accumulate metals. Heavy metal levels were found generally higher in the liver and gill than the gonad and muscle tissues in three species; the levels of all metals in a given tissue were generally higher in Mugil cephalus than the other two species. Data collected in this study suggest that Camlik lagoon is affected by a relatively metal pollution. The concentrations of Zn concentrations in the muscle tissues exceeded the acceptable levels for a food source for human consumption and other metals in the edible parts of the investigated fish were in the permissible safety levels for human uses.  相似文献   

This study aimed at quantifying noise pollution from urban traffic in the city of Kahramanmara?, Turkey. A total of 114 measurements for the equivalent noise level (L Aeq) were made at 38 urban locations classified as “residential areas”, “residential and commercial areas” and “industrial areas” according to the national regulations, during morning, mid-day and evening hours. Our findings tabulated and mapped revealed that mean noise level in “residential and commercial areas” was highest relative to the other land-use types. Minimum and maximum values of noise pollution were recorded during the mid-day and evening hours, regardless of the land-use types. Noise limit values were exceeded at two locations only out of 38 based on the national regulation criteria and at over half of the locations based on the international criteria.  相似文献   

In this present study, airborne pollen in Çe?me was investigated between February 17, 2012 and February 17, 2014 using the volumetric method. Çe?me, one of Turkey’s most important tourism centers, which attracts numerous local and foreign tourists each year, is a district of Izmir, a province in the western part of Turkey. During the 2-year study, 12,905 pollen grains belonging to 64 taxa (33 arboreal, 31 non-arboreal plants) were detected. However, the 2-year data results revealed that the taxa with the pollen concentration more than 4% in the atmosphere were Cupressaceae/Taxaceae (4268 pollen, 33.07%), Olea europaea (1614 pollen grains, 12.51%), Pinaceae (1085 pollen grains, 8.41%), Quercus spp. (1081 pollen grains, 8.38%), Pistacia spp. (743 pollen grains, 5.76%), and Poaceae (557 pollen grains, 4.32%), all of which comprised 72.44% of the total count. The relationship between the daily pollen counts belonging to these six taxa and the hourly average temperature (°C), daily precipitation (mm), relative humidity (%), and wind speed (km/h) was assessed using the Spearman correlation test, and significant results were determined. During the study, the intradiurnal distribution of the aforementioned pollen varied. The highest pollen concentration was detected between 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. (first year 30.3%; second year 30.1%).  相似文献   

This study aimed at quantifying changes in urban area of the city of Kahramanmara? (K.Mara?) between 1948 and 2006, and analysing suitability of existing land use (LU) to the land potential. Urban change information was derived from two black-white monoscopic aerial photographs, and IKONOS and the QuickBird images acquired in 1948, 1985, 2000 and 2006, respectively. QuickBird image and soil map with 1:25,000 scale were used to analyze suitability of the current LU pattern to the land potential. The findings showed that the urban area of K.Mara? has expanded approximately 13 times during the past six decades. According to current LU and the soil map, productive and moderately productive soils were largely (73.2%) allocated for agricultural activities, which means that there was a strong consistency between the agricultural LU type and the land capability. However, widespread agriculture on the non-productive soils, and urbanization on the fertile agricultural lands were assessed as unsuitable from sustainable LU viewpoint. Considering this phenomenon, it is possible to say that rapid urban expansion has a growing pressure on the fertile agricultural soils. Monitoring LU changes, particularly urbanization, and developing effective LU plans based on the land capability were determined as the most important approaches to encourage sustainable use of land.  相似文献   

This study assessed land cover (LC) changes in Kahramanmara? (K.Mara?) and its environs by using multitemporal Landsat and ASTER imagery, respectively belong to 1989, 2000 and 2004. A priori defined nine land cover classes in the classification scheme were urban and built-up, forest, sparsely vegetated areas, grassland, vegetated stream beds, unvegetated stream beds, bare areas, crop fields, and water bodies. Individual classifications were employed using the combination of both unsupervised and supervised classification methods. Iterative Self Organizing Data Analysis (ISODATA) was used to reduce spectral variation in the scenes arising from complex pattern of crop fields. Maximum Likelihood classifier was used in the LC classification of the individual images. Image pairs of consecutive dates were compared by overlaying the thematic LC maps and cross-tabulating the LC statistics. Urbanization and expansion of agriculture were the major reasons for the dramatic LC conversions. The amount of conversion from crop fields to water occurred as large as 927.67 ha, accounting for 73% of the total land-to-water conversion. Conversions to agriculture have mainly been occurred from grasslands and sparsely vegetated areas as large as 1,314.95 and 1,325.84 ha, respectively. Urban coverage doubled in this period as a result of 1,443.45 ha of increase. Urban area increased in the second period from 2,920 to 3,526 ha. Conversions to agriculture occurred at high amounts. A total of 1,075.79 ha area changed from sparsely vegetated areas to crop fields. A landscape-level environmental monitoring scheme based on satellite remote sensing was proposed for effective environmental resource management.  相似文献   

The Henry's law constant (H) is an important parameter in predicting the transport, behavior and fate of organic compounds in environment. H is also required to model the air-water exchange of chemicals. Henry's law constant of formaldehyde (HCHO) was determined at six temperatures (50, 40, 30, 20, 10, and 5 degrees C) using a bubble-column technique. The apparent Henrys law constant (H*) values were strongly correlated to inverse of temperature (1/T, K) and the following relationship was obtained: In H* = (-1,641.3/T)-3.089. Seven concurrent ambient air and aqueous samples were also collected between October 11-17, 2005 at a sampling site located on the shoreline of Tahtali dam Lake in Izmir, Turkey to determine the magnitude and direction (deposition or gas-out) of HCHO flux. In all cases, the modeled gas-phase flux was positive (average +/- SD, 3,181 +/- 408 microg m(-2) day(-1)) indicating that atmospheric HCHO deposited to the Tahtali Lake.  相似文献   

Groundwater level plays a significant role in coastal plains. Heavy pumping and excessive use of near-coast groundwater can increase the intrusion of seawater into the aquifers. In the present study, groundwater levels were measured at 59 groundwater wells at different times during pre- and post-irrigation seasons (April and September of the year 2012) in Çar?amba Plain, Turkey. To select the best method, two deterministic interpolation methods (inverse distance weighing (IDW) with the weights of 1, 2, and 3 and radial basis function (RBF) with spline with tension (SPT) and completely regularized spline (CRS)) and two stochastic methods (ordinary kriging (OK) with spherical, exponential, and Gaussian variograms) and cokriging (COK)) were compared and then the best interpolation method was used to evaluate the spatial distribution of groundwater levels in different seasons and seasonal changes. A total of nine different techniques were tested. Also, risky areas of seawater intrusion in coastal area were determined using the best methods for two periods. The performance of these interpolation methods is evaluated by using a validation test method. Statistical indices of correlation (R 2), mean absolute error (MAE), and root-mean-square error (RMSE) were used to select and validate the best methods. Comparisons between predicted and observed values indicated RBF as the optimal method for groundwater level estimation in April and September. When the best method RBF and the worst method IDW were compared, significant differences were observed in the spatial distribution of groundwater. Results of the study also revealed that excessive groundwater withdrawals during the post-irrigation season dropped the groundwater levels up to 2.0 m in some sections. With regard to seawater intrusion, 9,103 ha of land area was determined to be highly risky and risky.  相似文献   

Recognition and understanding of landscape dynamics as a historical legacy of disturbances are necessary for sustainable management of forest ecosystems. This study analyzed spatial and temporal changes in land use and land cover patterns in a typical mountain watershed in the Gumushane district along the Northeastern part of Turkey. The area is investigated by comparing LANDSAT images from 1987 to 2000 and evaluated the temporal changes of spatial structure of forest conditions through spatial analysis of forest cover type maps from 1971 and 1987 using GIS and FRAGSTATS™. The results show a general decreasing trend in area of natural land cover types including broadleaf and conifer forests as well as coppice between 1971 and 1987 (0.54%, respectively). In contrast, between 1987 and 2000 this natural land cover types show increasing trend (1.6%). In parallel with forest dynamics, the area of managed land including lowland and upland agricultural areas, rangelands and grasslands increased during the first period and decreased during second period. In terms of spatial configuration, Gümüşhane forests aren’t generally fragmented by intensive forest utilization in the latter periods. This is partially due to out-migration of rural population in Gümüşhane. Nevertheless, land use pattern significantly changed over time depending on a few factors such as unregulated management actions, social pressure and demographic movements. The study revealed that demographic movements have a major effect on landscape dynamics.  相似文献   

Concentration of some heavy metals (Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb and Zn) were determined in muscle, liver, kidney and gill of two barb, Barbus xanthopterus and Barbus rajanorum mystaceus, which have great economic values, in the Atatürk Dam Lake (Turkey). Heavy metal levels in fish samples were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy (ICP/OES). Heavy metal concentrations vary significantly, depending on the type of the tissue in fish species. The metal accumulation in the liver, kidney and gill of Barbus xanthopterus and Barbus rajanorum mystaceus was found to be quite high in comparison with that in the muscle. The mean concentrations of heavy metals in muscle tissues of Barbus xanthopterus were as follows: Co, 0.09; Cr, 0.12; Cu, 0.27; Fe, 5.26; Mn, 0.20; Ni, 0.08; Pb, 0.68; Zn, 1.39, whereas in muscle tissues of Barbus rajanorum mystaceus were as follows: Co, 0.11; Cr, 0.10; Cu, 1.07; Fe, 3.97; Mn, 019; Ni, 0.04; Pb, 0.66; Zn, 1.70 microg/g wet weight. Cd levels in gill and muscle tissues were below detection limits. All metal levels detected in tissues were safe for human consumption and within the limits for fish proposed by FAO/ WHO, EU and Turkish Food Codes.  相似文献   

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