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Nest concealment varies strongly within populations of many species. Although some studies have revealed the beneficial effects of concealment in mitigating predation pressure on nests, other studies were unable to find similar effects. One potential reason for the mixed results is that parental behaviour may compensate for the effects of nest cover, and specifically designed experimental studies are needed to reveal this compensation. I studied the effects of concealment on the probability of nest survival in the blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla), by experimentally manipulating the degree of nest-foliage cover. There was a significant effect of the treatment depending on nest type and the phase of nesting. Whereas there was no effect of concealment on nest survival in natural nests, there was a positive effect in real nests baited with plasticine clutches (i.e. without parental activity). Parents probably behaviourally compensated for poor concealment in natural nests (nest guarding, defence). In line with this, there was no effect of concealment on nest survival during incubation, whereas there was probably a positive effect in the nestling phase. Parents spent more time on the nest during incubation (80%) than during the care of nestlings (40%) and, consequently, had more opportunities to compensate for poor cover. In general, we cannot use single measures of behaviours or states (nest concealment) as an indication of predation risk because of the capacity for compensation in other behaviours.Communicated by C. Brown  相似文献   

Along the temperate Pacific coast of North America, the actiniarian sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima exhibits two discrete life-history phenotypes. Although both forms sexually produce planula larvae, the clonal morph can also asexually propagate by fission, whereas the solitary morph does not. Whether the two forms constitute one or two species has long been contested. Hand originally designated the two forms as conspecifics, whereas Francis – on the basis of differences in microhabitat, biogeographic range and phenotypic frequencies – argued that the two forms constituted a sibling-species pair. From the results of an electrophoretic survey in which they pooled allelic frequencies across several geographic locations, Smith and Potts subsequently argued that the two forms were not genetically differentiated, and therefore represented a single species. We re-examined the relationship between the forms electrophoretically, substantially extending the geographic range and doubling the sample sizes beyond those used by Smith and Potts, and not pooling allelic frequencies in our analyses. Our analysis of patterns of genetic variation at ten highly polymorphic allozyme loci shows that although no fixed genetic differences distinguish the two forms, there are significant differences in allele frequencies between clonal and solitary A.␣elegantissima at every site we sampled throughout their range of sympatry (over 1000 km); within each form, however, there is little detectable genetic differentiation among populations. We therefore conclude that the two forms represent recently reproductively isolated taxa, and propose that the clonal form retain the binomial A. elegantissima (Brandt, 1835), whereas the solitary form be described and named a new species, Anthopleura sp. Received: 28 August 1996 / Accepted: 25 September 1996  相似文献   

Two species of blue mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis and M. trossulus, co-occur and hybridize along the Pacific coast of North America. Using a set of polymerase chain-reaction (PCR)-based genetic markers which diagnostically identify these species, we show that they are sympatric from the Cape Mendocino region to the Monterey Peninsula in northern and central California, USA. Mussels with hybrid genotypes were detected in all populations sampled in the region of sympatry, and the frequency of hybrid genotypes in individual hybrid populations ranged from 13 to 44%. Significant frequencies of first-generation backcross genotypes were detected in two individual hybrid zone populations (Berkeley and Monterey Marina) and in the hybrid zone as a whole, indicating that the potential exists for introgression between M. galloprovincialis and M. trossulus. Despite this potential, we found no evidence of advanced introgression beyond first-generation backcrosses, suggesting that gene flow between M. galloprovincialis and M. trossulus has been quite limited. The frequency of mussels with M. trossulus and hybrid genotypes declined abruptly south of Monterey Peninsula, while the frequency of mussels with M. galloprovincialis and hybrid genotypes declined precipitously north of Cape Mendocino. These abrupt genetic discontinuities indicate that this blue mussel hybrid zone is presently positioned between two prominent coastal features and there is little, if any, export of alleles from the hybrid zone into bordering parental populations. Received: 20 August 1997 / Accepted: 26 October 1998  相似文献   

在水资源短缺条件下,垦区农业发展采取了多种经营,发展以棉花、水果和养鹿为主的高效特色农业,同时加强工程建设,进行水资源开源节流,强化管理和对绿洲的保护,这些已成为维持绿洲稳定和促进绿洲农业经济发展的关键措施。  相似文献   

Plant defense against herbivores often involves constitutive and inducible mechanisms of resistance. Obligate ant-plants, which provide food and housing for ants, are thought to primarily rely on ants for defense against herbivores. This form of plant defense has largely been viewed as static. We have been investigating the dynamic nature of Azteca ants as an inducible defense of Cecropia trees. Ants rapidly recruit to and patrol sites of foliar damage. We propose that Azteca ants can be viewed as an inducible defense for Cecropia trees because of their sensitivity to cues associated with herbivory, their rapid and aggressive recruiting ability, and their reclaimable and redeployable nature as a plant defense. In this study, we examine ant behavior following plant damage, and the potential cues that indude ant recruitment. We found that ants present on leaves when the plant is damaged leave the damaged leaf and recruit other ants to it, presumably by laying recruitment trails. Volatile leaf cues associated with herbivory were important in eliciting an induced response in two experiments. However, we found that cues associated with a congeneric plant elicited a much stronger ant response than conspecific cues. Although the type of leaf damage (gaping wounds versus leaf edge wounds) did not affect the level of ant recruitment, the extent of damage did. Leaves with one hole punched showed a 50% increase in ants, while leaves with five holes punched in them elicited a 100% increase in ant numbers. In sum, it appears that multiple plant-related cues associated with herbivory are involved in induction of ant recruitment in the Cecropia-Azteca system. We discuss the generality of ant responses to herbivory in obligate ant-plant systems, and in facultative ant-plant associations, which may be more common. Received: 23 March 1998 / Accepted after revision: 5 July 1998  相似文献   

植物保护品在农作物上的使用会导致鸟类和哺乳动物接触有毒化学物质。在欧盟,关于此类暴露的风险评估均以当前(2009)欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)颁布的指导性文件为依据,与之前的版本相比,该文件在理论风险评估的可实现性方面有所提高(SANCO/4145/2000)。自从7年前实施2009 EFSA 指导性文件以来,基于此已经对众多植物保护品的毒性进行了成功地评估。然而,在今后的修订版本中仍然存在需要改进的重要方面。这篇焦点文章讨论了目前方案的风险评估经验,包括输入参数的保守水平和监管当局的解释以及如何在不远的将来对指导性文件进行修订提出建议。明确了推进指导文件的几方面建议,例如与生态相关的鸟类和哺乳动物生殖端点的推导和情境风险评估中建模方法的使用。在完善现有数据库方面,本文也有所强调,包括校对全欧洲相关焦点物种和扩大食物残留数据库。为了能够在将来形成一个真实可用的指导性文件,强烈建议在产业、监管和欧洲食品安全局等部门之间进行开放和建设性的沟通和交流。这样的合作也将鼓励会员国之间的融合,从而减轻产业和监管机构工作负荷。
精选自Amy C. Brooks, Mike Fryer, Alan Lawrence, Juan Pascual, Rachel Sharp. Reflections on bird and mammal risk assessment for plant protection products in the European Union: past, present and future. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 36, Issue 3, pages 565–575, July 2017. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3719

The results of the daNUbs-project deliver a basis for a proper management of nutrients in the Danube Basin. The understanding of the sources, pathways, and sinks of nutrients in the Basin and their effects on the Western ad North-Western Black Sea (WBS) ecosystem has been improved. Quantitative models on the emission of nutrients, their transport along the rivers, and their impact on the WBS have been further developed and combined. Phosphorus loads discharged by the Danube are 30-50% lower than in the 1980s (dissolved P even to a higher extent). Nitrogen emissions have decreased considerably as well. The lower nutrient discharges from the Danube have led to a significant improvement in the WBS ecosystem. Current low discharges of N and P to the WBS are the result of (1) improved nutrient removal from waste water in Germany, Austria, and Czech Republic, (2) reduced P-discharges from detergents and (3) the consequences of the economic crisis in central and eastern European countries following the political changes of 1989/1990. As the decrease is partly due to the economic breakdown in the formerly communist countries, economic development in these countries has to go along with proper nutrient management. Otherwise, the situation in the WBS ecosystem will deteriorate again.  相似文献   

The interactions between cod (Gadus morhua), herring (Clupea harengus) and sprat (Sprattus sprattus) in the Central Baltic Sea were examined with a simple dynamic model, an alternative to more complicated and data-demanding multispecies and ecosystem models. The main aims of the study were to compare the effect of alternative structures on the model output and examine the control relationships in the fish assemblage under different environmental conditions. The effect of environmental conditions was modelled using a stock-recruitment equation for cod incorporating an environmental index. The model output was especially sensitive to the functional response in predation by cod on herring and sprat. The type II functional response led to a collapse of the clupeid stocks when cod was abundant, while the type III response produced more realistic stock dynamics. According to the simulations, an abundant cod stock was able to keep the sprat stock at a low level, while the herring stock was less affected and benefited from the decreased density of sprat. Simulation of different fishing scenarios indicated that reducing fishing mortality to the level currently advised by ICES would allow the recovery of the cod stock even in unfavourable environmental conditions.  相似文献   

薛冰  张子龙  郭晓佳  陈兴鹏  耿涌 《生态环境》2010,19(5):1125-1131
以宁夏回族自治区为研究案例,基于1985年以来的相关历史统计数据,以能值分析计算结果为基本依据,采用广义脉冲响应函数、结构分解分析等方法,定量研究经济发展对环境压力的影响,以及生态环境对经济增长的反馈影响。研究结果表明:1985—2005年间,经济发展对区域不可更新资源的依赖度越来越高,对环境产生的压力也不断加大;废弃物排放量随着经济增长在不断加大,而且还未出现废弃物排放量有所降低的趋势。无论是以物质投入为表征的环境压力,还是以废弃物排放为表征的环境压力,都呈上升趋势,导致其上升的主要因素都是经济规模效应,经济结构效应在初期表现出对环境压力的抑制作用,但影响程度不大,随着产业结构的进一步演化,经济结构开始表现出增量效应。技术效应对环境压力的增加总体表现出抑制作用,但不足以抵消经济规模的增量效应。因此,转变经济发展方式,完善和重组区域社会经济活动过程显得非常迫切,这种迫切性将是进一步推动区域循环经济发展的重要驱动力来源。  相似文献   

Group sizes are often considered to be the result of a trade-off between predation risk and the costs of feeding competition. We develop a model to explore the interaction between different ecological constraints on group sizes, using a primate (baboons) case study. The model uses climatic correlates of time budgets to predict maximum ecologically tolerable group size, and climatic predictors of predation risk (reflected mainly in predator density and female body mass) to predict minimum tolerable group size for any given habitat. As well as defining the range of sustainable group sizes for a given habitat, the model also allows us to reliably predict our exemplar taxon's biogeographical distribution across Africa. We also explore the life history implications of the model to ask whether baboons form group sizes which maximise survival or fecundity in the classic trade off between these two key life history variables. Our results indicate that, within the range of study sites in our sample, baboons prefer to maximise fecundity. However, the data indicate that in higher predation risk habitats they would switch to maximising survival at the expense of fecundity. We argue that this is due to the fact that interbirth interval and developmental rates have a ceiling that cannot be breached. Thus, while females can shorten interbirth intervals to compensate for increased predation risk, there is a limit to how much these life history variables can be altered, and when this is reached the best strategy is to maximise survivorship.  相似文献   

Ticks act as vectors of pathogens that can be harmful to animals and/or humans. Epidemiological models can be useful tools to investigate the potential effects of control strategies on diseases such as tick-borne diseases. The modelling of tick population dynamics is a prerequisite to simulating tick-borne diseases and the corresponding spread of the pathogen. We have developed a dynamic model to simulate changes in tick density at different stages (egg, larva, nymph and adult) under the influence of temperature. We have focused on the tick Ixodes ricinus, which is widespread in Europe. The main processes governing the biological cycles of ticks were taken into account: egg laying, hatching, development, host (small, mainly rodents, or large, like deer and cattle, mammals) questing, feeding and mortality. This model was first applied to a homogeneous habitat, where simulations showed the ability of the model to reproduce the general patterns of tick population dynamics. We considered thereafter a multi-habitat model, where three different habitats (woodland, ecotone and meadow) were connected through host migration. Based on this second application, it appears that migration from woodland, via the ecotone, is necessary to sustain the presence of ticks in the meadow. Woodland can therefore be considered as a source of ticks for the meadow, which in turn can be regarded as a sink. The influence of woodland on surrounding tick densities increases in line with the area of this habitat before reaching a plateau. A sensitivity analysis to parameter values was carried out and demonstrated that demographic parameters (sex ratio, development, mortality during feeding and questing, host finding) played a crucial role in the determination of questing nymph densities. This type of modelling approach provides insight into the influence of spatial heterogeneity on tick population dynamics.  相似文献   

An ongoing debate in ecology is the relationship between community or ecosystem structure and function. This relationship is particularly important in restored ecosystems because it is often assumed that restoring ecosystem structure will restore ecosystem functioning, but this assumption is frequently not tested. In this study, we used a novel application of structural equation modelling (SEM) to examine the relationship between ecosystem structure and function. To exemplify how to apply SEM to explore this relationship, we used a case study examining soil controls on denitrification potential (DNP) in two restored wetlands. Our objectives were to examine (1) whether both restored wetland soil ecosystems had similar relationships among soils variables (i.e. similar soil ecosystem structure) and (2) whether the soil variables driving denitrification potential (DNP) were similar at both sites (i.e. the soil ecosystems were functioning in a similar manner). Using the unique ability of SEM to test model structure, we proposed a SEM to represent the soil ecosystem and tested this structure with field data. We determined that the same model structure was supported by data from both systems suggesting that the two restored wetland systems had similar soil ecosystem structure. To test whether both ecosystems were functioning in a similar way, we examined the parameters of each model. We determined that the drivers of DNP function were not the same at both sites. Higher soil organic matter was the most important predictor of higher DNP at both sites. However, the other significant relationships among soils variables were different at each system indicating that the soils were not functioning in exactly the same way at each site. Overall, these results suggest that the restoration of ecosystem structure may not necessarily ensure the restoration of ecosystem functioning. In this study we capitalize on an inherent feature of SEM, the ability to test model structure, to test a fundamental ecological question. This novel approach is widely applicable to other systems and improves our understanding of the general relationship between ecosystem structure and function.  相似文献   

Summary Gas chromatographic analyses of volatizable material from gaster intersegmental complex glands ofP. tridentata revealed the presence of linoleic acid, palmitic acid, methyl oleate, and several long-chain hydrocarbons as major constituents, which form an oily fluid mixture. The nest relocation communication ofP. tridentata is tandem running. Tandem following is mediated by pheromones as demonstrated by dummy experiments with isolated gasters and thoraces and with glass balls. The secretions of all gaster complex glands, as well as hind gut contents and metapleural gland secretions, were unable to evoke tandem following. Morphology and position of the glands, lack of pheromonal function, oily properties, low volatility, and lack of antibiotic effects of these secretions strongly suggest a function as lubricants for the ants' gastral segments.  相似文献   

Simple plankton models serve as useful platforms for testing our understanding of the mechanisms underlying ecosystem dynamics. A simple, one-dimensional plankton model was developed to describe the dynamics of nitrate, ammonium, two phytoplankton size-classes, meso-zooplankton, and detritus in the Oregon upwelling ecosystem. Computational simplicity was maintained by linking the biological model to a one-dimensional, cross-shelf physical model driven by the daily coastal upwelling index. The model sacrificed resolution of regional-scale and along-shore (north to south) processes and assumed that seasonal productivity is primarily driven by local cross-shelf Ekman transport of surface waters and upwelling of nutrient-rich water from depth.Our goals were to see how well a simple plankton model could capture the general temporal and spatial dynamics of the system, test system sensitivity to alternate parameter set values, and observe system response to the effective scale of potential retention mechanisms. Model performance across the central Oregon shelf was evaluated against two years (2000-2001) of chlorophyll and copepod time-series observations. While the modeled meso-zooplankton biomass was close in scale to the observed copepod biomass, phytoplankton was overestimated relative to that inferred from the observed surface chlorophyll concentration. Inshore, the system was most sensitive to the nutrient uptake kinetics of diatom-size phytoplankton and to the functional grazing response of meso-zooplankton. Meso-zooplankton was more sensitive to alternate parameter values than was phytoplankton. Reduction of meso-zooplankton cross-shelf advection rates (crudely representing behavioral retention mechanisms) reduced the scale of model error relative to the observed seasonal mean inshore copepod biomass but had little effect of the modeled meso-zooplankton biomass offshore nor upon phytoplankton biomass across the entire shelf.  相似文献   

Ethanol and methyl-tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) were close substitutes in the gasoline additives market until MTBE was banned due to the concerns about groundwater contamination, leading to a sudden and dramatic substitution toward ethanol as an alternative oxygenate and octane-booster. We use variation in the timing of MTBE bans across states to identify their effects on gasoline prices. We find that state bans increased reformulated gasoline prices by 3–6 cents in non-Midwestern states for which the bans were binding, with larger impacts during times of high ethanol prices relative to MTBE and crude oil. We find qualitatively similar, yet smaller effects for conventional gasoline. We argue on the basis of a simple conceptual model and supporting empirical evidence that these bans functioned as implicit ethanol blending mandates in areas that were previously using MTBE to comply with strict environmental constraints. Overall, our results are consistent with the theoretical prediction that mandating a minimum market share for a more costly alternative fuel—either directly, or implicitly through a ban on the preferred conventional fuel—will inevitably increase fuel prices in a competitive market.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the development of a simulation framework for allocating water from different sources to meet the environmental flows of an urban river. The model permits the development of a rational balance in the utilization of storm water, reclaimed water from wastewater treatment plants, and freshwater from reservoirs with consideration of the limited capacities of different water resources. It is designed to permit the full utilization of unconventional water sources for the restoration of river water quality by increasing river flow and improving water quality. To demonstrate practical use of the model, a case study is presented in which the model was used to simulate the environmental water allocation for the Liming River in Daqing City, China, based on the three water sources mentioned above. The results demonstrate that the model provides an effective approach for helping managers allocate water to satisfy the river’s environmental water requirements.  相似文献   

A systematic review was performed to evaluate the association between environmental exposures to polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (PHAHs) and organochlorine (OC) pesticides and the risk for type 2 diabetes (T2D). Searches of EMbase, Google Scholar, Medline, and Scopus were performed. Reports were included if they were original human studies whose design included a control group and if the sample size was larger than 10 participants per group. The articles were excluded if the type of diabetes was unknown or Type 1. Odds ratios (OR), 95% confidence intervals (CI), and modified Naranjo scores for the effects of environmental contaminants were determined for each study. Of the 35 eligible studies, six were included in the meta-analysis; these focused specifically on 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Meta-analysis of these studies showed no significant increased OR for the development of T2D from exposure to TCDD. However, subgroup analysis showed significant elevated OR for the development of T2D if exposure is repeated and accompanied by exposure to other persistent pesticides (OR?=?1.48; 1.10–1.90) but a decreased odds for T2D with exposure resulting from accidental exposure (OR?=?0.46; 0.39–0.52). Our results suggest that there are significant risks of developing T2D in populations with recurring exposures to TCDD in concert with other persistent chlorinated pesticides. A mean Naranjo score of 2.0 was determined for all 35 articles; this score was 2.5 when examining only TCDD studies and 2.1 when examining studies that looked only at T2D. Each of these Naranjo scores suggests a possible association between the prevalence of T2D and exposure to PHAHs or OC pesticides.  相似文献   

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