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Comparisons of measured and model-predicted atmospheric copper concentrations show a severe underestimation of the observed concentrations by the models. This underestimation may be (partly) due to underestimated emissions of copper to air. Since the phase out of asbestos brake lining material, the composition of brake lining material has changed and may contain up to ∼15% copper. This makes brake wear from vehicles potentially an important source of atmospheric (particulate) copper concentrations. In this paper, we reassess the copper emissions due to exhaust emissions and brake wear from road transport. Overall, our reassessments result in an estimate of total copper emission to air in UNECE-Europe of 4.0–5.5 ktonnes yr−1, which is substantially higher than the previous estimate of 2.8 ktonnes yr−1. Copper concentrations over Europe are calculated with the LOTOS-EUROS model using the revised emission data as model input. The results show that the revised emission estimates are a major step towards gap closure of predicted versus observed copper concentrations in ambient air. Brake wear emissions may be responsible for 50–75% of the total copper emissions to air for most of Western Europe. The hypothesis that road transport is an important source of copper emissions is tested and confirmed by (1) reviewing available literature data of chemically speciated PM data from road tunnel studies and (2) the gradient observed in copper concentrations from ambient PM monitoring going from rural sites to street stations. The literature review and observational data suggest that the majority of the emitted PM10 brake wear particles is in the PM2.5–10 size range. The results of this study indicate that modification of brake lining composition is an important mitigation option to reduce copper exposure of the population in Western Europe.  相似文献   

Long term, high level airborne emissions of pollutants from nickel industries on the Kola Peninsula (NW Russia) have resulted in widespread ecosystem injury up to almost complete vegetation eradication within nearest surroundings of the smelters. Although SO2 is the prevailing component of the emissions, it is only part of a much more complex chemical emission spectrum in the region. In addition to acidic gases, industry also emits potentially toxic elements (e.g. metals) which being less volatile than SO2, are deposited within the immediate region in significant concentrations. Additionally, it appears that sources of base cations (co-emission by smelters, sea aerosols, other industries) are adequate to prevent environmental acidification on the regional scale. Acidification of soils and waters appeared only as single cases in the immediate vicinity of the smelters and is not believed to be a major mechanism of environmental deterioration. Proposed critical concentrations (5 microg/m(3)) of SO2 for the northern ecosystems are exceeded over a large area and direct exposure to SO2 is believed to be the possible mechanism of vegetation damage.  相似文献   

Jin X  Zha J  Xu Y  Giesy JP  Richardson KL  Wang Z 《Chemosphere》2012,86(1):17-23
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (2,4,6-TCP) is a common chemical intermediate and a by-product of water chlorination and combustion processes, and is a priority pollutant of the aquatic environment in many countries. Although information on the toxicity of 2,4,6-TCP is available, there is a lack of information on the predicted no-effect concentration (PNEC) of 2,4,6-TCP, mainly due to the shortage of chronic and site-specific toxicity data. In the present study, acute and sub-chronic toxicity of 2,4,6-TCP on six different resident Chinese aquatic species were determined. PNEC values were calculated and compared by use of two approaches: assessment factor (AF) and species sensitivity distribution (SSD). Values for acute toxicity ranged from 1.1 mg L−1 (Plagiognathops microlepis) to 42 mg L−1 (Corbicula fluminea) and the sub-chronic no observed effect concentrations (NOECs) ranged from 0.05 mg L−1 (Mylopharyngodon piceus) to 2.0 mg L−1 (C. fluminea). PNECs obtained by the assessment factor approach with acute (AF = 1000, 0.001 mg L−1) or chronic (AF = 10, 0.005 mg L−1) toxicity data were one order of magnitude less than those from SSD methods (0.057 mg L−1). PNEC values calculated using SSD methods with a 50% certainty for 2,4,6-TCP was less than those obtained by use of the USEPA recommend final chronic value (FCV) method (0.097 mg L−1) and the one obtained by use of the USEPA recommend acute-to-chronic (ACR) methods (0.073 mg L−1). PNECs derived using AF methods were more protective and conservative than that derived using SSD methods.  相似文献   

Direct measurements of radionuclide tracers are useful tools for correcting proxy fluxes that are subject to post depositional changes. An analytical methodology was designed for the measurement of 210Pb and 7Be in rainwater. Atmospheric inputs of the radionuclides to Cumbria (UK) were recorded. Rainwater fluxes were then compared with measurements from soil cores. The annual deposition from April 1997 to March 1998 of 210Pb and 7Be was 165 ± 8 Bq m-2 and 3912 ± 120 Bq m-2, respectively, compared to an indirect 210Pb flux of 148 ± 7 Bq m-2 yr-1 calculated from soil core records.  相似文献   

A level IV fugacity model was used to simulate the dynamic changes of gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH) concentrations in environmental media in Tianjin, China. A similar model (level III) was previously used and validated under steady state conditions; this paper explores its dynamic behavior. Application of the level IV fugacity model has been validated using independently observed gamma-HCH concentrations in various media during the early 1980s and during 2001. Sensitivity analysis was conducted using coefficient-of-variation normalized sensitivity coefficients. The model was also subject to uncertainty analysis using Monte Carlo simulation. It was found that concentrations of gamma-HCH reached within 95% of their steady-state levels in all media after less than 15 years. Around one order-of-magnitude decreases in gamma-HCH concentrations in various media occurred between 1993 and 2001. We project that gamma-HCH concentrations will decrease another 1.7-1.9 orders of magnitude to reach 1.1 (0.9-1.2) x 10(-14), 2.7 (2.5-3.0) x 10(-10), 1.2 (1.1-1.3) x 10(-7), and 6.1 (5.4-6.8) x 10(-8) mol/m(3), in air, water, soil, and sediment, respectively, by 2020. The sensitivities and true uncertainty of the model are discussed.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study was carried out to investigate how serum cotinine and hydroxycotinine concentrations compare and vary by age, gender, race/ethnicity,...  相似文献   

Immunotoxicological effects of environmentally relevant concentrations (10, 23, 50, 100 microg/l) of atrazine were studied in Lymnaea stagnalis. Individual hemolymph sampling was performed at 0, 24, 48, 72, 96, 168, 336, 504 and 672 h during exposure. Every atrazine concentration induced a significant increase in the mean number of circulating hemocytes, without any concentration-response relation. A peak (1.6-fold increase) of hemocyte density was observed after 96 h of exposure. After 504 h, the number of hemocytes remained higher only in the snails exposed to the two highest concentrations. Granulocytes contributed most to the increase in hemocyte density in herbicide-exposed snails. Both short- (24 and 96 h) and long-term (504 h) exposures resulted in significant inhibition of hemocyte phagocytic activity upon E. coli. Over the long-term, phagocytosis recovered for the two lowest concentrations. After 504 h of exposure, every herbicide level resulted in a significant reduction of reactive oxygen species production in E. coli-stimulated hemocytes, which was not observed for short-term exposures.  相似文献   

The direct effects of acidic fog (pH 2.75) upon the mortality and growth of Trirhabda geminata Horn (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), the dominant herbivore of the California coastal sage scrub, Encelia farinosa (Compositae: Asteraceae), were evaluated. Although there was a consistent pattern among and between experiments, suggesting that acidic fogs could reduce insect growth and survivorship within the first few days following application of treatments, an exposure to three consecutive, 3-h fogs over a five day period did not significantly affect mortality, biomass gain, or larval growth rate. There are two important implications from this study. First, even the highly acidic fogs found in southern California will have minimal direct effects on T. geminata performance. Second, the impacts on T. geminata biology observed in previous studies were likely mediated by host-plant responses to acidic-fog episodes.  相似文献   

Long-term surface observations indicate that soil dust represents over 30% of the annual fine (particle diameter less than 2.5 μm) particulate mass in many areas of the western US; in spring and summer, it represents an even larger fraction. There are numerous dust-producing playas in the western US, but surface dust aerosol concentrations in this region are also influenced by dust of Asian origin. This study examines the seasonality of surface soil dust concentrations at 15 western US sites using observations from the Interagency Monitoring of PROtected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) network from 2001 to 2004. Average soil concentrations in particulate matter less than 10 μm in diameter (PM10) were lowest in winter and peaked during the summer months at these sites; however, episodic higher-concentration events (>10 μg m−3) occurred in the spring, the time of maximum Asian dust transport to the western US. Simulated surface dust concentrations from the Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System (NAAPS) suggested that long-range transport from Asia dominates surface dust concentrations in the western US in the spring, and that, although some long-range transport does occur throughout the year (1–2 μg m−3), locally generated dust plays a larger role in the region in summer and fall. However, NAAPS simulated some anomalously high concentrations (>50 μg m−3) of local dust in the fall and winter months over portions of the western US. Differences between modeled and observed dust concentrations were attributed to overestimation of total observed soil dust concentrations by the assumptions used to convert IMPROVE measurements into PM10 soil concentrations, lack of inhibition of model dust production in snow-covered regions, and lack of seasonal agricultural sources in the model.  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope  

Benzotriazoles (BT) as 1H-benzotriazole (1H-BT), 5-methyl-1H-benzotriazole (5Me-BT), and 4-methyl-1H-benzotriazole (4Me-BT) are frequently used as corrosion inhibitors in dish washer detergents, aircraft de-icing/anti-icing fluids (ADAF), automotive antifreeze formulations, brake fluids, fluids for industrial cooling systems, metal-cutting fluids, and in solid cooling lubricants. Discharge of treated municipal waste water and controlled over-runs of combined waste water sewers are potential point sources for BT in rivers. The aim of this monitoring study was to yield an overview on exposure concentrations and loads of BT in the German rivers Main, Hengstbach, and Hegbach.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Triggered by the requirement of Water Framework Directive for a good ecological status for European river systems till 2015 and by still existing lacks in tools for cause identification of insufficient ecological status MODELKEY (http:// www.modelkey.org), an Integrated Project with 26 partners from 14 European countries, was started in 2005. MODELKEY is the acronym for 'Models for assessing and forecasting the impact of environmental key pollutants on freshwater and marine ecosystems and biodiversity'. The project is funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme. OBJECTIVES: MODELKEY comprises a multidisciplinary approach aiming at developing interlinked tools for an enhanced understanding of cause-effect-relationships between insufficient ecological status and environmental pollution as causative factor and for the assessment and forecasting of the risks of key pollutants on fresh water and marine ecosystems at a river basin and adjacent marine environment scale. New modelling tools for risk assessment including generic exposure assessment models, mechanistic models of toxic effects in simplified food chains, integrated diagnostic effect models based on community patterns, predictive component effect models applying artificial neural networks and GIS-based analysis of integrated risk indexes will be developed and linked to a user-friendly decision support system for the prioritisation of risks, contamination sources and contaminated sites. APPROACH: Modelling will be closely interlinked with extensive laboratory and field investigations. Early warning strategies on the basis of sub-lethal effects in vitro and in vivo are provided and combined with fractionation and analytical tools for effect-directed analysis of key toxicants. Integrated assessment of exposure and effects on biofilms, invertebrate and fish communities linking chemical analysis in water, sediment and biota with in vitro, in vivo and community level effect analysis is designed to provide data and conceptual understanding for risk arising from key toxicants in aquatic ecosystems and will be used for verification of various modelling approaches. CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVE: The developed tools will be verified in case studies representing European key areas including Mediterranean, Western and Central European river basins. An end-user-directed decision support system will be provided for cost-effective tool selection and appropriate risk and site prioritisation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the likely impacts on the ecosystems due to agricultural, human, and industrial activities carried out in an ecologically important area of the Ebro River (Spain). For it, a screening site specific ecological risk assessment was conducted. Considering the presence of high levels of potentially toxic substances, such as metals and chlorinated organic compounds, aqueous and organic extracts were used to assess toxicity in sediments by using the photo-luminescent bacteria Vibrio fischeri (Microtox) as screening response variable. Sediment samples collected during 2005-2006 in the last course of the Ebro River and its Delta have been analyzed. Toxic responses have shown strong relationships to the levels of pollutants in the area. Moreover, various sites presented some toxicity level, probably because of other factors associated with reducing environments into the sediments. Results indicate that Microtox bioassay is an appropriate tool to perform risk assessment studies at screening level.  相似文献   

推进规划环境影响评价,既是贯彻落实<中华人民共和国环境影响评价法>、促进生态文明建设的需要.也是环境保护行政主管部门加强污染源头控制、参与宏观决策的有效途径.在对江苏、云南、重庆等地进行实地调研的基础上,分析了中国当前规划环境影响评价工作所面临的形势,重点研究了浙江省在推进规划环境影响评价工作中需要重点关注的问题,并提出了浙江省推进规划环境影响评价的相关建议.  相似文献   

论中国环境影响评价中公众参与的一般模式   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
公众参与在环境影响评价中的作用是不可替代的,并成为各国环评的基本内容.环评中公众参与的一般模式包括公众享有环境知情权和参与决策权、合适的公众参与的主体范围、明确的公众参与环评的程序和方法以及公众参与环评的保障机制.为更好地发挥环评的作用,应当从实体和程序两方面对法规加以完善.还应在信息公开、立法的完善和配套制度的建立等方面完善环评中的公众参与制度.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The PM2.5 as one of the main pollutants in Tehran city has a devastating effect on human health. Knowing the key parameters associated with PM2.5...  相似文献   

Trees are efficient scavengers of particulate matter and are characterised by higher rates of dry deposition than other land types. To estimate the potential of urban tree planting for the mitigation of urban PM10 concentrations, an atmospheric transport model was used to simulate the transport and deposition of PM10 across two UK conurbations (the West Midlands and Glasgow). Tree planting was simulated by modifying the land cover database, using GIS techniques and field surveys to estimate reasonable planting potentials. The model predicts that increasing total tree cover in West Midlands from 3.7% to 16.5% reduces average primary PM10 concentrations by 10% from 2.3 to 2.1 μg m−3 removing 110 ton per year of primary PM10 from the atmosphere. Increasing tree cover of the West Midlands to a theoretical maximum of 54% by planting all available green space would reduce the average PM10 concentration by 26%, removing 200 ton of primary PM10 per year. Similarly, for Glasgow, increasing tree cover from 3.6% to 8% reduces primary PM10 concentrations by 2%, removing 4 ton of primary PM10 per year. Increasing tree cover to 21% would reduce primary PM10 air concentrations by 7%, removing 13 ton of primary PM10 per year.  相似文献   

Denitrification is an important N removal process in aquatic systems but is also implicated as a potential source of global N2O emissions. However, the key factors controlling this process as well as N2O emissions remain unclear. In this study, we identified the main factors that regulate the production of net N2 and N2O in sediments collected from rivers with a large amount of sewage input in the Taihu Lake region. Net N2 and N2O production were strongly associated with the addition of NO3 ?-N and NH4 +-N. Specifically, NO3 ?-N controlled net N2 production following Michaelis–Menten kinetics. The maximum rate of net N2 production (V max) was 116.3 μmol N2-N m?2 h?1, and the apparent half-saturation concentration (k m) was 0.65 mg N L?1. N2O to N2 ratios increased from 0.18?±?0.03 to 0.68?±?0.16 with the addition of NO3 ?-N, suggesting that increasing NO3 ?-N concentrations favored the production of N2O more than N2. The addition of acetate enhanced net N2 production and N2O to N2 ratios, but the ratios decreased by about 59.5 % when acetate concentrations increased from 50 to 100 mg C L?1, suggesting that the increase of N2O to N2 ratios had more to do with the net N2 production rate rather than acetate addition in this experiment. The addition of Cl? did not affect the net N2 production rates, but significantly enhanced N2O to N2 ratios (the ratios increased from 0.02?±?0.00 to 0.10?±?0.00), demonstrating that the high salinity effect might have a significant regional effect on N2O production. Our results suggest that the presence of N-enriching sewage discharges appear to stimulate N removal but also increase N2O to N2 ratios.  相似文献   

Short-term pollution events via runoff are typical of streams in agricultural areas. Existing runoff models that simulate pesticide loss from agricultural fields require extensive input of information. There is thus a need for a simple model that can predict runoff-related pesticide concentrations in many streams on a landscape level when only limited data are available. To validate such a model, the runoff-related pesticide load of 18 small lowland streams was predicted with an extended version of the model "simplified formula for indirect loadings caused by runoff" (available from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD). The authors suggest that the model presented here is suitable for use in routine exposure assessment of pesticides on a landscape level, as all input data (soil, slope, precipitation, pesticide application) are readily available from public authorities or could be generated by simple regional flood hydrograph curves. The predicted concentrations were compared with measured concentrations obtained by runoff-triggered sampling. Fungicides, insecticides and herbicides were detected in 17 streams, with max. concentrations measuring up to 29.7 microg/l for the fungicide azoxystrobin and 0.3 microg/l for the insecticide parathion-ethyl. Herbicides were detected in 16 streams, with max. concentrations between 13.7 and 1.2 microg/l. The linear regression between the predicted and measured concentrations (log-values) shows significant correlations for the following pesticides: azoxystrobin: r2=0.43; p=0.03; epoxiconazole: r2=0.71; por=0.5 microg/l).  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Antibiotic residues and antimicrobial resistance in surface water are issues of global concern, especially in developing countries. In this study, the...  相似文献   

Chicken eggs from five different production types (conventional, omega-3 enriched, free range, organic and free run) were collected, when available, from three regions (west, central and east) of Canada to determine persistent organic pollutant (POP) concentrations. Total polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations (∑37 congeners) in yolks from the eggs ranged from 0.162 ng g−1 lipid to 24.8 ng g−1 lipid (median 1.25 ng g−1 lipid) while the concentration of the sum of the 6 indicator PCBs ranged from 0.100 ng g−1 lipid to 9.33 ng g−1 lipid (median 0.495 ng g−1 lipid). Total polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin/dibenzofuran (PCDD/F) concentrations ranged from 2.37 pg g−1 lipid to 382 pg g−1 lipid (median 9.53 pg g−1 lipid). The 2005 WHO toxic equivalency (TEQ) ranged from 0.089 pg TEQPCDD/F+dioxin-like[DL]-PCB g−1 lipid to 12.8 pg TEQPCDD/F+DL-PCB g−1 lipid (median 0.342 pg TEQPCDD/F+DL-PCB g−1 lipid). PCB and PCDD/F concentrations were significantly different (p < 0.001) in egg yolks from different regions of collection. In contrast to observations in Europe, PCB and PCDD/F concentrations in Canadian egg yolks were not impacted solely by the production type (e.g., conventional, free range, organic, etc.) used to maintain the laying chickens. Additionally, only one Canadian free range yolk from western Canada (12.8 pg TEQPCDD/F+DL-PCB g−1 lipid) exceeded the European toxic equivalent concentration limits for eggs (5 pg TEQPCDD/F+DL-PCB g−1 lipid). This differs from observations in Europe where free range/home produced eggs frequently have higher POP concentrations than eggs from other production types. Median PCB dietary intake estimates based on consumption of eggs were less than 10 ng d−1 while median PCDD/F intakes were less than 45 pg d−1.  相似文献   

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