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Seasonality in freerunning circadian rhythms in man   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Retrospective analysis of data collected over 15 years in normal subjects isolated from time cures showed seasonal rhythms in the circadian period of the core temperature rhythm, in the amount of sleep (both shorter in spring and longer in autumn), and in the incidence of internal desynchronisation (most often in summer). Women slept longer than men at all times of year.  相似文献   

In this Concepts & Synthesis paper, we expand the definition of chronodisruption in humans by proposing that it can be operationalized as the split nexus of internal and external times. With this premise, we suggest how chronotype may be used as a temporal marker (chronomarker) of exposure to chronodisruption in studies of cancer, and beyond, offer cancer risk predictions for observational research on the basis of a chronotype-related hypothesis and corollary, and point to first empirical data in humans. In an a priori way, we examine possible outcomes and perspectives for preventive measures following from our rationale and the suggested chronobiology-driven studies and close with overall advances of chronodisruption research.  相似文献   

The interaction of chemicals with biological organisms is as old as life itself. Chemical pollution is usually considered to be human interference with natural chemical cycles and the release of man-made, unnatural compounds. The article traces five areas of chemical pollution and health hazards: air pollution, water pollution, occupational exposure, pollution from agricultural practices and contamination of food. It is suggested that historic perspective can aid in rational and prudent evaluation of present-day pollution problems.  相似文献   

在对连云港市青口镇光环境进行调查的基础上,依据光环境设计、建设的标准对其进行了评价,分析总结了该镇在光环境建设方面的不足,并提出了今后进一步改善的建议。  相似文献   

太湖梅梁湾水体中可见光的衰减、吸收及散射   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对太湖梅梁湾沿岸带和敞水区的水体进行了光学特性研究。结果发现,沿岸带的水下光辐射衰减系数(Kd)值较敞水区小;400nm与500nm向上辐照度比值(Eu440/Eu550),沿岸带在1m左右最小,敞水区在0.5m左右最小;沿岸带的水面下向上辐照度与向下辐照度的比值(R)低于敞水区:440、550、670nm的后向散射与吸收的比值(b/a),在沿岸带的1m处最大,敞水区在0.5m处最大。这些结果说明,相对于敞水区而言,沿岸带的光衰减较弱,无机悬浮颗粒的含量较少,最大叶绿素a分布较深。  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) is a notoriously toxic pollutant of health concern worldwide with potential risk of cancer induction, but meanwhile it is used as medicines for the treatment of different conditions including hematological cancers. Arsenic can undergo extensive metabolism in biological systems, and both toxicological and therapeutic effects of arsenic compounds are closely related to their metabolism. Recent studies have identified methylated thioarsenicals as a new class of arsenic metabolites in biological systems after exposure of inorganic and organic arsenicals, including arsenite, dimethylarsinic acid (DMAV), dimethylarsinous glutathione (DMAIIIGS), and arsenosugars. The increasing detection of thiolated arsenicals, including monomethylmonothioarsonic acid (MMMTAV), dimethylmonothioarsinic acid (DMMTAV) and its glutathione conjugate (DMMTAVGS), and dimethyldithioarsinic acid (DMDTAV) suggests that thioarsenicals may be important metabolites and play important roles in arsenic toxicity and therapeutic effects. Here we summarized the reported occurrence of thioarsenicals in biological systems, the possible formation pathways of thioarsenicals, and their toxicity, and discussed the biological implications of thioarsenicals on arsenic metabolism, toxicity, and therapeutic effects.  相似文献   

大气棕碳(BrC)是对大气颗粒物中具有吸光能力的一类有机物的总称,其对空气能见度及气候系统均有重要影响.自2021年3月至2022年2月底于南京北郊利用黑碳仪测定了气溶胶中BrC的光吸收系数,利用最小相关性法分别定量一次(BrCpri)和二次棕碳(BrCsec)贡献,结合后向轨迹、潜在来源和日均变化,分析季节变化特征.结果表明,观测期间BrC的平均光吸收系数(370 nm)为(7.76±7.17)Mm-1,对于总气溶胶光吸收贡献率为(22.0±8.8)%.不同波长下棕碳吸光系数在四季呈现U字形变化,即春季和冬季高,夏季和秋季低.BrCpri和BrCsec(370 nm)全年光吸收贡献分别为(62.9±21.4)%和(37.1±21.4)%;前者在四季均占主导,但随着波长增加,BrCsec的贡献逐渐增加并最终占主导(如在660 nm时).除冬季以外,BrC在其他季节受到来自海上气团的显著影响,而冬季受当地及周边地区排放影响更为显著.交通排放在春、夏和秋季对一...  相似文献   

2010年1月北京城区大气消光系数重建及其贡献因子   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
于2010年1月1~31日在北京城区每天采集PM2.5样品.利用热光碳分析仪、离子色谱和X荧光光谱仪分别分析样品中有机碳/元素碳、水溶性离子和土壤元素,同步收集了大气散射系数(bsp)、吸收系数(bap)和气象数据.利用IMPROVE方程重建大气消光系数,并与实测大气消光系数进行对比.结果发现,PM2.5日均值质量浓度为(144.3±89.1)μg.m-3,实测值bap、bsp和消光系数(bext)分别为(67.4±54.3)、(328.5±353.8)和(395.9±405.2)Mm-1.IMPROVE方程适用于观测期间北京大气消光系数的解析.观测期间计算值b’ext均值为(611±503)Mm-1,(NH4)2SO4、NH4NO3、OM、EC和FS对b’ext的贡献分别为24.6%、11.6%、45.5%、11.9%和6.4%.  相似文献   

Increasing attention has been paid to phosphate-accumulating organisms(PAOs)for their important role in biological phosphorus removal.In this study,microbial communities of PAOs cultivated under different carbon sources(sewage,glucose,and sodium acetate) were investigated and compared through culture-dependent and culture-independent methods,respectively.The results obtained using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis(DGGE)of polymerase chain reaction-amplified 16S rDNA fragments revealed that the diversity of bacteria in a sewage-fed reactor(1#)was much higher than in a glucose-fed one(2#)and a sodium acetate-fed one(3#);there were common PAOs in three reactors fed by different carbon sources.Five strains were separated from three systems by using a phosphate- rich medium;they were from common bacteria isolated and three isolates could not be found in DGGE profile at all.Two isolates had good phosphorus removal ability.When the microbial diversity was studied,the molecular biological method was better than the culture-dependent one.When phosphorus removal characteristics were investigated,culture-dependent approach was more effective. Thus a combination of two methods is necessary to have a comprehensive view of PAOs.  相似文献   

渭河流域河流着生藻类的群落结构与生物完整性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以渭河流域为研究范例,调查了全流域范围河流内45个样点的着生藻类群落和水环境理化特征,并在此基础上应用着生藻类生物完整性评价指数(P-IBI),对渭河流域水生态系统进行健康评价.同时讨论了水环境理化因子与着生藻类群落结构的相互关系,并对比分析了渭河流域不同区域水生态系统健康水平差异的原因.结果表明,渭河流域着生藻类群落结构具有明显的空间异质性,典范对应分析结果显示,驱动着生藻类群落结构形成的水环境因子为电导率和流量.P-IBI结果表明,渭河干流的上游及渭河干流的右岸支流健康状况较好,而渭河干流中下游区域及左岸支流的健康状况较差.泾河全流域及洛河下游地区健康状况较差,而洛河中上游区域永生态系统着生藻类生物完整性较高.  相似文献   

轻质高强多功能点阵夹层结构研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据材料类型和点阵结构,对点阵夹层结构进行了分类简述,并从静态、动态力学性能上,分析了各类点阵夹层结构的优缺点。简要叙述了设计过程中,综合考虑材料、结构以及功能等影响因素,针对不同使用工况的要求,可对各影响因素进行匹配设计,以实现传热特性、电磁波屏蔽特性、声学特性等不同的功能性需求。然后介绍了复合点阵夹层结构(嵌锁组装、模具热压成形、穿插编织)和金属点阵夹层结构(冲压成形、挤压线切割、拉伸网折叠、搭接拼装、熔模铸造以及增材制造)的主要制造工艺。最后提出如何将设计因子与多目标进行匹配及优化设计,是轻质高强点阵夹层结构的重点研究方向,轻质高强点阵夹层结构将朝多材料及多结构复合方向发展,开发新的制造工艺,提高费效比,是点阵夹层结构材料需解决的问题。  相似文献   

条斑紫菜丝状体黄斑病病原体分离鉴定及生物学特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从连云港地区紫菜育苗场采集患黄斑病的紫菜贝壳丝状体样品,利用2216E培养基进行筛选得到两株优势海洋性细菌,命名为HYWX-1与HYWX-2.对该两株菌进行生物学特性及生理生化鉴定,结果显示:两株菌均属革兰氏阴性杆状细菌;两株菌的生长最适生长温度28℃;最适生长pH为7.5至8.2间;两株菌接触酶、氧化酶试验均阳性.进...  相似文献   

Most modelling studies that explore long-term greenhouse gas mitigation scenarios focus on cost-efficient emission pathways towards a certain climate target, like the internationally agreed target to keep global temperature increase below 2 °C compared to pre-industrial levels (the 2 °C climate target). However, different timing of reductions lead to different transient temperature increase over the course of the century and subsequently to differences in the time profiles of not only the mitigation costs but also adaptation costs and residual climate change damage. This study adds to the existing literature by focussing on the implication of these differences for the evaluation of a set of three mitigation scenarios (early action, gradual action and delayed action), all three limiting global temperature increase below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels, using different discount rates. The study shows that the gradual mitigation pathway is, for these discount rates, preferred over early or delayed action in terms of total climate costs and net benefits. The relative costs and benefits of the early or delayed mitigation action scenarios, in contrast, do strongly depend on the discount rate applied. For specific discount rates, these pathways might therefore be preferred for other reasons, such as reducing long-term uncertainty in climate costs by early action.  相似文献   

Sufficient information is now available from the literature to produce an audit of trisomy 16, in a theoretical cohort of 100 000 recognized pregnancies, from gametogenesis to term and onwards. Recent reports of premature separation of chromosome 16 bivalents during maternal meiosis I provide a novel mechanism for generation of this aneuploidy. Most, if not all, errors resulting in recognized mosaic and non-mosaic trisomy 16 pregnancies investigated using polymorphic DNA markers appear to originate at that stage. The incidence of this maternally derived trisomy 16 in the late first trimester is equivalent to 1500 cases in 100 000 recognized pregnancies, a figure which now corresponds very closely to the reinterpreted oogenesis data. Most trisomy 16 pregnancies are lost around 12 weeks' gestation, but of the order of 10 per cent (120–150 in this audit) undergo reduction to disomy, with 30 of these excluding aneuploidy from the fetal cell lineage (trisomic zygote rescue) and continuing into the second trimester. Maternal uniparental disomy (UPD) in one-third of this latter group is associated with loss later in pregnancy or severe intrauterine growth retardation, but can be compatible with a viable pregnancy. Adverse pregnancy outcomes are not restricted to those with UPD. Analysis of reports of confined placental mosaicism for chromosome 16 without associated UPD indicates that the presence of high levels of trisomic cells in the placenta alone consistently produces a more variable inhibition of fetal growth, which may also, in cases, be associated with late pregnancy loss.  相似文献   

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