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1TheGeneralRelationshipbetweenDisasterandEconomyTherelationshipbetweendisasterandeconomyisaconverseone,thelatterisoftenthreatenedanddestroyedbytheformer.Thegreaterthedisaster,thegreaterthedestructiontotheeconomy;themoretheeconomydevelops,thegreaterlossesdisastermake.Thishasalreadybeenprovedbythehistory.AccordingtothestatisticsreleasedbytheUnitedNations,thelossescausedbythedisastersofallcountriesallovertheworldare(U.S.)$20~30billioneachyear,(U.S.)$44billionin1991;thecompensationsforthelosse…  相似文献   

TheDisasterofAbnormalFloodsandWaterloggingintheHuaiRiverValleyandItsPreventionandReductionWeiWeikuan(AnhuiMeteorologicalBurea...  相似文献   

ByusingthetheoreticalstudyofAtmosphericScience,SoilScience,HydrologicalScience,Agri-culturalScienceandGeographicalScienceincludingdroughtandwaterloggingdisasters,acouplemodelofAtmosphere-Soil-RiverValley-Vegetationasanorganicwholeisestablishedforfore-castingandassessingdroughtandwaterloggingdisasters.1IntroductionChinaisoneoffewcountriesthatnaturaldisastersoccurfrequentlyandcausegreateconomiclosses.Inrecentyears,economiclosscausedbydisastershasreachedmorethanloobillionyuan,accountingfor3…  相似文献   

Inthepastdecades,aspopulationgrew,demandsincreasedandeconomydevelopedrapidly,naturalresourceshavebeenintensivelyexploited,andgreatchangeshavetakenplacetoregionalandglobalecosystems.Humanbehaviorshaveinterferedintonaturalecosystemsinmostareasonearth.T…  相似文献   

Eklund L  Tellier S 《Disasters》2012,36(4):589-608
For more than a decade the humanitarian community has been mandated to mainstream gender in its response to crises. One element of this mandate is a repeated call for sex-disaggregated data to help guide the response. This study examines available analyses, assessments and academic literature to gain insights into whether sex-disaggregated data are generated, accessible and utilised, and appraised what can be learned from existing data. It finds that there is a gap between policy and practice. Evaluations of humanitarian responses rarely refer to data by sex, and there seems to be little accountability to do so. Yet existing data yield important information, pointing at practical, locally-specific measures to reduce the vulnerability of both males and females. This complements population-level studies noting the tendency for higher female mortality. The study discusses some possible obstacles for the generation of data and hopes to spur debate on how to overcome them.  相似文献   

NATURALDISASTERSINBANGLADESH-NationalandInternationalResponseC.M.ShafiSami(AmbassadorofBangladeshtothePeople'sRepubllcofChina...  相似文献   

Inordertocoordinatethedevelopment0fIIInternationalDecadeforNaturalDisasterReducti0ntIactivity,safetyeducationforseismicresistanceanddisasterpreventionisdeeplyundertakeninmostyoungsters.AccordingtoIIstrengtheningtheworkf0rseismicpreventionanddisasterre-ductioninmiddleandprimaryschoolstudents)IformulatedbyStateEducationCommission,re-centlyAnhuiEducationCommissi0nandAnhuiSeism0logicalBureaujointlyissuedIIInf0rmaboutsafetyeducationofseismicpreventi0nanddisasterreducti0ninmlddleandprlmarysc…  相似文献   

Introduction1.DuringtheUNDPconsultancyfordevelopmentoftheChinanationaldisasterreductionplaninlate1994,theSecretariatoftheChin...  相似文献   

Flood risk to the economy, society and the environment reflects the cumulative effects of environmental and socio-economic change over decades. Long-term scenarios are therefore required in order to develop robust and sustainable flood risk management policies. Quantified national-scale flood risk analysis and expert appraisal of the mechanisms causing change in flood risk have been used to assess flood risk in England and Wales over the period 2030–2100. The assessment involved the use of socio-economic and climate change scenarios. The analysis predicts increasing flood risk unless current flood management policies, practices and investment levels are changed—up to 20-fold increase in economic risk by the 2080s in the scenario with highest economic growth. The increase is attributable to a combination of climate change (in particular increasing precipitation and relative sea level rise in parts of the UK) and increasing socio-economic vulnerability, particularly in terms of household/industrial contents and infrastructure vulnerability. The policy implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Wehavestudiedtheclimateimpactonthetrafficsystemformanyyears,butmostresearcheswerestillquantitativeanalysis.Thispapermakesasearchfortheclimate-trafficassessmentmethod,establishinitialquantitativeanalysisassessmentmodelofclimate-traffic,andassesstheclimateimpactonthetrafficsystemin1996.1TheImpactofRainstormandFloodontheTrafficSystemin1996Inl996,theclimateisabnormalinagreatpartofChina.Manyclimatedisastersoccurred.A-mongthesedisasters,theheavyrain,floodandheavyfogmadeseriousinfluenceonthetraffi…  相似文献   

1ChinaSyntheticMechanismofDisasterPreventionandReductionAlthoughChinaisadevelopingcountryandhasseriousnaturaldisasters,thatmanygreatorseri-ousdisastersoccurinChinaduringrecent50years,forexample,1954,1975and1998floods;1976Tangshanmajorearthquake;1997N…  相似文献   

1 The concept of flood risk map and its mapping procedure Flood risk management is the process for analysis and assessment of flood risks as well as to form and implement the disaster mitigation plans. Flood risk analysis is the basic work of flood risk assessment and management that can provide people with the possibilities of flood occurrence and its risk in specific areas and consequently raise the public awareness of flood help to form a reasonable flood prevention plan. However, flood ris…  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(2):117-132
This paper suggests that the mitigation of one hazard—soil contamination—can unintentionally affect vulnerabilities and perceived vulnerabilities to additional stressors in the local human—environment system through a study of brownfield redevelopment in New York City. This study employs a Vulnerability Scoping Diagram (VSD) approach to identify components that contribute to vulnerabilities and perceived vulnerabilities in the local community, based on the thematic analysis of 55 interviews with residents from four neighbourhoods with brownfield redevelopment activities in New York City. This analysis of resident observations and perceptions of post-redevelopment hazard conditions indicates how mitigating vulnerability to one urban hazard—soil contamination—has the potential to affect vulnerabilities and perceived vulnerabilities to additional hazards like flooding and air pollution because of the complex linkages among multiple stressors. A causal model of vulnerability to the unintended impacts of brownfield redevelopment is subsequently developed to further demonstrate the interactive linkages among exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity to multiple stressors. This study also provides measures that stakeholders can monitor and evaluate over time to track the socio-spatial and environmental implications of brownfield redevelopment and subsequent changes in the local human—environment system.  相似文献   

1.ScientificandTechnologicalSystemofDisasterReductioninChineseAcademyofSciencesNaturaldisastersinChinahavebecomeimportantfact...  相似文献   

Thesummerof1998hasseenanexceptionallyseriousfloodinthehistorywhichhasstrickenthreevalleysoftheYangtzeRiver,theNenjiangRiverandSonghuajiangRiver.UndertheleadershipoftheChineseGovernment,peoplethroughoutthecountrymadejointeffortsandhavefinallywonthefig...  相似文献   

Theresettlementandrehabilitationareanimportantstageofdisastermanagementcycle.Takingthefloodof1998inChinaasanexample,Iamherebyaddressingtheissueofresettlementandrehabilitationafterdisastersothatwecouldexchangeandshareourideasandopinionsinthisfield.1Te...  相似文献   

1 Natural disasters In 2000, the country suffered a lot from natural disasters, including droughts, floods, hails, typhoons, earthquakes, dust devils, snow, microtherms and cool injuries and so on. According to the 2000 statistics checked and ratified jointly by the Ministry of Civil Affairs (MOCA), State Statistical Administration (SSA), China Meteorological Administration (CMA) and the National Office of Headquarters for Flood Control and Drought Resistance, the country suffered a …  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(2):122-136
Based on the results of questionnaires issued to 202 local residents in the Mount Yulong Snow region, southeastern Tibetan Plateau, this study analyzes mountain residents’ perspectives on climate change and its impacts, their strategies to adapt to climate change impacts, including their willingness or otherwise to become ecological migrants, and some of the factors that influence their perceptions. Overall, local perception of climate change and its impacts corresponds to the patterns of observed climate change revealed by climate records. The intensity of climate change perception shows a highly significant correlation with residents’ age and villages’ elevation gradient. Most respondents did not believe that climate change affected crop growing and their yields, but the number of crop insect pests was thought to be increasing slightly and the crop growth period to be extending. Nearly all respondents believed that climate change seriously affects the mountain tourism economy, and their way of life and spiritual world. Persistent drought in recent years has forced mountain dwellers to adjust industrial structure, save water in the agricultural economy, participate in mountain tourism and work outside the home in order to adapt to climate change impacts and supplement their meager farm incomes. Additionally, residents expect to receive government compensation and relief to mitigate natural disaster damage.  相似文献   

AGradingModelandItsApplicationofNaturalDisasterYuQingdong(InstituteofMarineEconomicsofShandong,Qingdao266071)ShenRongfang(Ton...  相似文献   

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