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The genus Oenanthe comprises approximately 22 species, of which 16 species are restricted to the desert belt of the Palaearctic and Afrotropic regions, where they are often the most conspicuous passerines. Although they have been the subjects of some morphological and ecological studies, no complete morphometrical data has been used to verify their taxonomic relationships, and, the species relationships are still debated. Overall morphometrical similarities between Wheatears and their relationships in size and shape were assessed using measurements of 27 biometrical variables on 417 museum specimens. The 22 Wheatear species comprise some morphological groups: long migratory vegetation-tolerant species (O. pleschanka, O. hispanica, O. cypriaca and O. deserti), ground-dwelling migratory (O. isabellina and O. oenanthe), and sedentary (O. bottae, O. heuglini and O. pileata) of steppe-like habitants, relatively heavy and rock-dwelling species (O. leucura and O. monticola), inhabiting the most arid areas (O. monacha, O. leucopyga and O. alboniger), and finally a central core of medium-sized partial migrants, largely overlapping in morphometric space, that do not present any evident specialization (O. lugens, O. chrysopygia, O. xanthoprymna and O. finschii). It seems Wheatear species are well distributed in a morpho-space of size and shape with moderate overlaps and few hiatuses corresponding to a morphological continuum of species. Furthermore, our results largely hiatuses corresponding to a morphological continuum of species. Furthermore, our results largely differ from previous phylogenetic hypotheses (based on ecological, behavioural, and chromatic characters), but, are in congruence with molecular data.  相似文献   

The species composition and inversion structure of Anopheles micropopulations have been studied in the environs of Teletskoye Lake, the Altai Republic. Two Anopheles species, A. messeae and A. beklemishevi, have been identified cytogenetically: Their zonal distribution has been determined, reflecting specific climatic features in the southern and northern parts of the lake. Intraspecific chromosomal polymorphism has been revealed in both mosquito species, with the inversion and karyotypic diversity being higher in the southern larval populations of A. messeae.  相似文献   

Analysis of the seasonal dynamics of body weight and steroid hormones (cortisol, progesterone, and testosterone), the pattern of hypothermia, and basic reproductive parameters has been performed in the Mongolian hamster (Allocricetulus curtatus), a poorly studied rodent species inhabiting areas with a sharply continental climate. The results show that torpor bouts take place in wintering animals. Changes in body weight during the autumn-winter season are insignificant. The pattern of fluctuations in the levels of sex steroids and cortisol is similar to that in dwarf hamsters of the genus Phodopus. Seasonal features in the dynamics of basal cortisol level differentiate A. curtatus from the closely related Eversmann’s hamster (A. eversmanni), which may be due to differences in the social structure of these species.  相似文献   

To assess the stability of individual development of the pygmy wood mouse (Apodemus uralensis) in mountain areas with different ecogeographic conditions, the levels of fluctuating asymmetry in a series of skull phenes have been evaluated in ten samples from the Western and Central Caucasus. Attention has been focused on the influence of change in environmental conditions along the elevational gradient and the impact of some anthropogenic factors. An increase in the index of fluctuation asymmetry FAnm has been revealed in samples from populations exposed to pollutants and, in the absence of pollution, from areas where the average annual temperature drops below 5°С (mid-mountain regions). Instability of skull development observed in A. uralensis from the foothills of the Western Caucasus may be a consequence of competitive relationships with the Black Sea field mouse A. ponticus, a sympatric species that inhabits the same biotopes as does A. uralensis but numerically prevails over it.  相似文献   

The polymorphism of shell banding pattern has been studied in Crimean populations of the land snail H. albescens. The results show that snails from different regions of the Crimea are characterized by specific types of shell polymorphism, the differences between them concerning mainly the number of observed shell morphs rather than their occurrence frequency. In particular, the proportion of snails with darkly colored shells increases in relatively cool habitats. However, among the microevolutionary processes determining the type and degree of polymorphism in H. albescens populations, a major role is also played by stochastic genetic phenomena, because the species exists in semi-isolated colonies with low effective abundance and high risk of local extinction.  相似文献   

Curium (244Cm) uptake from contaminated sea water was studied in five benthic marine species: two bivalve molluscs (Scrobicularia plana and Cerastoderma edule), two polychaete annelids (Arenicola marina and Nereis diversicolor) and one amphipod crustacean (Corophium volutator). The concentrations in the whole organisms relative to the concentration in the sea water (concentration factors) were: 700 for the amphipods (after 11 d of accumulation), 140 for the cockles (after 28 d), 80 for the scrobicularia (after 23 d) and ∼30 for the two annelids (after >20 d). All species except S. plana accumulated americium and curium similarly; S. plana accumulated similar amounts of curium and plutonium.  相似文献   

With consideration of the data on soil temperature within the range and over the burrow depth of the greater mole rat Spalax microphthalmus Güld. (1770) published in the Handbook on the Climate of the Soviet Union, it has been shown that the fundamental temperature niche of this species is relatively narrow. The seasonal activity of the greater mole rat in the vertical plane of the burrow depends on the vertical distribution of soil temperature.  相似文献   

Young (1 month old) and mature (2 years old) constructozems (artificial soils) were supplemented with individual heavy metal salts or diesel fuel at different concentrations. The polluted and control constructozem variants were incubated and sampled at different time points to determine microbial biomass carbon (Cmic) and microbial respiration (MR). These parameters were found to be almost twice higher in the young than in the mature constructozem, with all pollutants causing an increase in Cmic, MR, and MR/Cmic = qCO2 values. The pollutant type had an effect on MR and qCO2 variances, and the time of exposure, on Cmic. The qCO2 value showed a strong positive correlation with pollutant concentrations, allowing this parameter to be regarded as a suitable indicator of urban environmental pollution.  相似文献   

Populations of Haloxylon àphyllum in the Kyzylkum Desert have been found to be markedly deficient in heterozygotes at a medium level of genetic diversity (P 95 = 0.56, A = 1.67, H o = 0.14, H e = 0.28). Spatial genetic differentiation of these populations have been revealed along a soil salinity gradient (from 0 to 0.5 mmol Na+/g), with their genetic diversity reaching a maximum (H o = 0.21?C0.25, H e = 0.25?C0.27) in areas with a moderate salinity level (0.05?C0.1 mmol Na+/g). Locus Got-2 can serve as a marker of this differentiation (FstGot-2 = 0.4).  相似文献   

Individual, intra- and interpopulation, ecological, and geographic variation has been studied in G. conopsea populations on limestones of the Timan Range. The results show that the response of plants to deterioration of growing conditions manifests itself in a decrease in the values of individual morphometric characters and the strength of correlations between them. In the northeast of European Russia, this species is represented by two forms, G. conopsea (L.) R.Br. s. str. and G. conopsea var. alpina Rchb. f. ex Beck (?), with the latter being regarded as an extreme form of its ecological variation.  相似文献   

Four key factors determining the ecological niche of the Himalayan marmot, Marmota himalayana Hodgson (1841), in the Central Himalayas (Nepal) have been identified. These are elevation above sea level, temperature, the presence of accumulative formations, and feeding conditions. The Himalayan marmot ecologically differs from all other marmots of the world fauna, and the main difference is that the lower boundary of its range lies very high—3000 m above sea level.  相似文献   

The level of fidelity to potential nest site in representatives of different bird of prey species (Falconiformes) has been studied as dependent on population density and land-use status of the nesting area (a specially protected natural area or unprotected forest area). Species with high and low parameters of nest site fidelity and occupancy have been distinguished. The former group includes the Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo), Booted Eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus), and White-tailed Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla): no less than 60% of observed pairs have not changed their nest sites and nests during 5 years. The latter group includes the Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), European Honey Buzzard (Pernis apivorus), and, at the nest level, Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentiles).  相似文献   

Iodine-131 reaches the marine environment through its excretion to the sewer by nuclear medicine patients followed by discharge through coastal and deepwater outfalls. 131I has been detected in macroalgae, which bio-accumulate iodine, growing near the coastal outfall of Cronulla sewage treatment plant (STP) since 1995. During this study, 131I levels in liquid effluent and sludge from three Sydney STPs as well as in macroalgae (Ulva sp. and Ecklonia radiata) growing near their shoreline outfalls were measured. Concentration factors of 176 for Ulva sp. and 526 for E. radiata were derived. Radiation dose rates to marine biota from 131I discharged to coastal waters calculated using the ERICA dose assessment tool were below the ERICA screening level of 10 μGy/hr. Radiation dose rates to humans from immersion in seawater or consumption of Ulva sp. containing 131I were three and two orders of magnitude below the IAEA screening level of 10 μSv/year, respectively.  相似文献   

Data on the parasite fauna of the least cisco, Coregonus sardinella Valenciennes, 1848 in Ural tributaries of the Ob downstream of the city of Salekhard have been obtained for the first time. The formation patterns of the parasite fauna in this species and the rate (prevalence and intensity) of infection by Ichthyocotylurus erraticus (Odening, 1969), a parasite specific to coregonids, have been revealed. Infection of the least cisco with six parasite species (out of the 12 species found) occurs as the fish feed on zooplankton and benthic organisms. The dominant parasites are trematode larvae of the genera Ichthyocotylurus and, in some years, Diplostomum; this composition of dominants is evidence that the least cisco fattens up mainly in shallow areas. All sexually mature fish of this species were found to be infected by I. erraticus, but the average intensity of infection was rather low: the abundance index of the parasite did not exceed 40 ind. per fish. Analysis of the distribution of I. erraticus metacercariae in the least cisco shows that the relationship in the host-parasite system is stable and the parasite has no pathogenic effect on individuals of older age classes.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to study the actual evapotranspiration and surface resistance of the savannah using the Bowen-ratio method for two contrasted periods, dry and rainy season. The reliability of this method has been assessed by comparison with the Monteith equation and the soil-water balance method in a 90% Loudetia arundinacea dominated savannah (Pointe Noire, Congo). Our results relate to the period from 18 September to 11 October 1998 (24 days): (a) from 18 to 29 September (“dry season”), the soil-water content was less than 70% of the soil-water content at field capacity (63–70% of R FC; large soil-water stress; T/E P from 0.2 to 0.4); (b) from 30 September to 11 October (“rainy season”) soil-water content close to 90–92% of RFC; no soil-water stress; T/E P from 0.73 to 0.77). The mean daily surface resistance reulting from the Bowen-ratio method was 317 s m?1, 355 s m?1 during the “dry season” and 279 s m?1 during the “rainy season”. The total actual evapotranspiration (E a) resulting from the Bowen-ratio method, Penman-Monteith equation and soil-water balance method were, respectively of 58.6–57.8 and 56.2 mm, with the mean daily Ea of 2.4–2.4 and 2.3 mm day?1 (2.4–1.5 and 2.2 mm day?1 in “dry season” and of 2.5–3.4 and 2.5 mm day?1 in “rainy season”). The Bowen-ratio method was used for the assessment of the actual evapotranspiration from the temperature and specific humidity differences, net radiation and the soil heat flux measurement: its advantages are a rapidity of installation, a temporal resolution of measurement in less than one hour and a good integration of the heterogeneousness of the savannah’s latent flux of vaporization. This method is adapted to eco-physiological studies in tropical conditions with reduced teams.  相似文献   

Stable nitrogen isotopes (??15N) have been determined in the organic matter (OM) of thalli of the lichen Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. collected at 15 levels along an altitudinal gradient (1250?C2928 m a.s.l.) in forest and alpine meadow communities of the Khangai Plateau, Mongolia. The results show that, in the study region as a whole, no correlation between the ??15N content and elevation is observed. However, the lichen OM within the mountain forest belt is depleted of the heavy 15N isotope as elevation increases (from 1250 to 2400 m a.s.l.), whereas in the alpine meadow belt (2500?C2928 m a.s.l) it is enriched with this isotope. In addition, ??15N values in OM show an inverse dependence on the relative content of total nitrogen in the thalli.  相似文献   

The amino acid spectrum of blood plasma in three bat species (Myotis dasycneme, Pipistrellus nathusii, Vespertilio murinus) inhabiting the Urals has been studied for the first time. The bats were trapped in the zone of their high abundance in Chelyabinsk oblast (2013–2014). Free amino acids were determined by liquid ion exchange chromatography (a total of 384 determinations). It has been shown that the plasma amino acid spectrum consists of 22 amino acids in subadult bats of all three species, but there are species-specific differences in their concentrations. The total amino-acid pool concentration in migratory P. nathusii and V. murinus exceeds that in resident M. dasycneme by factors of 2.9 and 1.8, respectively. Migratory species are characterized by a high concentration of plasma arginine: it is six times higher in V. murinus than in M. dasycneme, and in P. nathusii arginine accounts for 25.4% of the amino acid pool. The group of glucogenic amino acids is prevalent in the blood plasma of migratory species (75% in V. murinus and 79% in P. nathusii), while in M. dasycneme the total proportion of lysine, glycine, and glutamic acid is 2.3 times lower than in P. nathusii and 1.7 lower than in V. murinus (p < 0.05). These results provide evidence for significant differences in the contents of free blood plasma amino acids between migratory and resident bat species.  相似文献   

The taxonomic diversity of the Hirudinea fauna and its dependence on the ecological conditions in the Bukhtarma Reservoir (Eastern Kazakhstan) have been studied. The morphological analysis has shown that these leeches belong to two orders and three families: Rhynchobdellida (families Glossiphoniidae and Piscicolidae) and Arhynchobdellida (family Erpobdellidae). On the whole, eight leech species from five genera (Alboglossiphonia, Helobdella, Theromyzon, Piscicola, and Erpobdella) have been identified. Among them, there are three glossiphoniid species (A. heteroclite, H. stagnalis, and T. tessulatum), two species of piscicolids (Piscicola geometra and Piscicola sp.), and three species of predatory leeches (E. octoculata, E. vilnensis, and Erpobdella sp.). Possible effects of hydrochemical parameters of the aquatic environment on the species diversity have been analyzed. Correlation has been revealed between the abundance of species and the physical and chemical characteristics of the environment.  相似文献   

Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) have been well studied in human daily intake for assessment of potential health risks. However, little is known about the isomeric compositions of PFASs in daily intake and their impacts on isomeric profiles in humans. In this study, we investigated the occurrence of PFASs with isomeric analysis in various human exposure matrices including foodstuffs, tap water and indoor dust. Perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) and/or perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) were predominant in these exposure matrices collected in Tianjin, China. In fish and meat, linear (n-) PFOA was enriched with a percentage of 92.2% and 99.6%, respectively. Although n-PFOS was higher in fish (84.8%) than in technical PFOS (ca. 70%), it was much lower in meat (63.1%) and vegetables (58.5%). Dietary intake contributed > 99% of the estimated daily intake (EDI) for the general population. The isomeric profiles of PFOA and PFOS in human serum were predicted based on the EDI and a one-compartment, first-order pharmacokinetic model. The isomeric percentage of n-PFOA in the EDI (98.6%) was similar to that in human serum (predicted: 98.2%, previously measured: 99.7%) of Tianjin residents. The results suggest direct PFOA intake plays an important role in its isomeric compositions in humans. For PFOS, the predicted n-PFOS (69.3%) was much higher than the previously measured values (59.2%) in human serum. This implies that other factors, such as indirect exposure to PFOS precursors and multiple excretion pathways, may contribute to the lower percentage of n-PFOS in humans than of technical PFOS.  相似文献   

Studies on the Cajander larch (Larix cajanderi) in the Amur region have been performed to evaluate the effect of growth conditions on the development of wood anatomical structure during ontogeny, including the course and rate of definitive (mature) wood formation. Adaptive changes in wood anatomy have been revealed in trees growing in waterlogged areas underlain by permafrost.  相似文献   

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