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制定有空间差异的生态补偿标准是构建生态补偿机制的关键和难点。补偿标准的空间差异体现在提供的生态系统服务和付出的成本两个方面。其中,生态补偿保护成本因能准确反映某地关于生态系统保护的工作量和贡献程度而得到广泛关注。本研究针对山区自然因素和人文因素高度空间异质性的特点,以四川省雅安市宝兴县为例,利用GIS技术结合统计资料和实地调研,核算了研究区的保护成本。同时使用面积内插法并从距离、道路、坡度和方向4个方面评价斑块可达性难易程度,进行保护成本空间化研究。旨在为生态补偿标准的制定、生态补偿空间选择以及生态补偿效果评价提供参考和依据。结果显示:1通过考虑距离、道路、坡度和方向,计算得到宝兴县被管护林地的可达性系数,其范围在0—1之间,平均值为0.18,标准差为0.16。22010年,研究区流域生态补偿相关的保护成本为4 590.46万元,其中不同保护对象的投入大小顺序为林地自然保护区水土保持地草地水源保护地。3研究区不同海拔带保护成本及其构成不同,林地保护成本在1 000—4 000 m范围内均较高,这与研究区林地的广泛分布有关;草地保护成本集中在高海拔地区(3 000—4 500 m);而水源保护地保护成本集中在低海拔地区(1 000—2 500 m)。保护成本的核算准确性及空间化精度取决于对当地生态建设与保护措施的掌握程度和资料的收集、获取情况。本研究使用的可达性难易程度来调整保护成本的空间差异,是一种基于地理环境要素空间化思路和尝试。主要考虑距离、道路、坡度和方向4个方面,暂未考虑管护人员的交通工具、视域范围、办事效率等个体因素以及土地利用的限制。  相似文献   

A field study was carried out in the Mercantour Mountains at 2200 m altitude to investigate the processes of soil enrichment in atmospheric Chernobyl (137)Cs. Soils with high (137)Cs activities have been collected in the pasture areas with frequently measured (137)Cs activity values of the order of 7000 Bq m(-2). At some single spots (about 6% of the studied area), activity in soils reached 300000 Bq m(-2), which represents 44% of the (137)Cs of the total area. Data further showed that spatial distribution of Cs depends widely on its origin: Chernobyl Cs is mainly concentrated in "enriched" soils, whereas older Cs and (241)Am fallout from nuclear weapons tests (NWTs) and natural atmospheric (210)Pb in soils is less heterogeneously distributed.In order to elucidate the processes which have led to the enrichment in Chernobyl (137)Cs in the Alps in May of 1986, we have studied the repartition of atmospheric (7)Be isotope (half-life=53.3 d) in the pasture compartments (soil, litter, grass, and snow). Snow (7)Be data give evidence that fallout enrichment is related to snow accumulation (snow drift). The transfer of beryllium occurs rapidly to the grass and litter, where the strongest pollutant accumulations were measured. However, (7)Be transport to the soil required more than 8 months.  相似文献   

The current state and phytodiversity of mountain steppes in Sverdlovsk oblast have been evaluated, involving an inventory of several botanical and botanical-geomorphological natural landmarks in the steppe landscape. New growth localities of rare plant species have been discovered. Scientific and natureconservation significance of the surveyed mountain steppe areas has been demonstrated. A set of informative indices has been used to identify the key protection sites of steppe vegetation. Four sites are recommended for inclusion in the system of specially protected areas with the status of natural landmarks.  相似文献   

Floods in the northern foreland of the Tatra Mountains considerably contribute to the total flood damage in Poland. Therefore, the question whether the magnitude and frequency of floods have changed in this region is of high interest. This study aims at investigating the inter-decadal variability of magnitude, frequency and seasonality of floods since the mid-twentieth century, to better understand regional changes. The analysis was accomplished in a multi-temporal approach whereby trends are fitted to every possible combination of start and end years in a record. Detected trends were explained by estimating correlations between the investigated flood parameters and different large-scale climate indices for the northern hemisphere, and by trends found in intense precipitation indices, number of days with snow cover, cyclonic circulation types, temperature and moisture conditions. Catchment and channel changes that occurred in the region over the past decades were also considered. Results show that rivers in the area exhibit considerable inter-decadal variability of flows. The magnitude and direction of short-term trends are heavily influenced by this inter-decadal variability; however, certain patterns are apparent. More extreme, although perhaps less frequent floods are now likely to occur, with a shift in the seasonality, decreasing flood magnitudes in winter and increasing during autumn and spring. The identification of the factors contributing to the occurrence of flood events and their potential changes is valuable to enhance the flood management in the region and to improve the resilience of the population in this mountainous area.  相似文献   

Regional Environmental Change - Increased dieback and mortality of “dark needle conifer” (DNC) stands (composed of fir (Abies sibirica), Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica) and spruce (Picea...  相似文献   

A group of sympatric aquatic and semiaquatic spiders inhabiting Western Siberia (Argyroneta, Dolomedes, Pirata, and Pardosa) has been studied with respect to specific ethological features. The results provide a basis for the conclusion that these spiders differ in a number of behavioral adaptations related to prey catching and the use of common biotopic space. Experiments with the predator–prey system have shown that spiders have different effects on the abundance of bloodsucking mosquito larvae and on the age and genetic structure (at the chromosomal level) of their populations. The functional role of spiders in communities is discussed.  相似文献   

The monitoring of mountain environment gives necessary information for its control and effective management in view of its sustainable development. A system of complex monitoring of environment has been established, including physical, chemical, meteorological, hydrological, biological and sociological factors. Methods and observations have been developed and applied. Using a geographical information system, a database was created for Rila Mountain and a modern computer network connected to internet was established. As a direct consequence of the French-Bulgarian project OM2 (carried out in the period 1993-1998) a Basic Environmental Observatory (on the peak Moussala, 2925 m) was constructed and put in operation in attempt to control the large scale and long-term transportation of atmospheric pollutants.  相似文献   

Specific features of90Sr and137Cs accumulation in individual lichen species and in the moss-lichen cover of plant communities were studied in some mountain ranges of the Polar and Northern Urals. The results showed that the amounts of radionuclides in lichens and mosses of mountain plant communities are at the level characteristic of the moss-lichen cover of flat ecosystems, and their accumulation depends on90Sr and137Cs input with the global radioactive fallout. The radionuclide contents in lichens and mosses sampled from different mountain rocks, slopes, and elevations fluctuate around this level. The differences depend both on the structural and functional properties of plants and on the climatic and ecological features of their environment.  相似文献   

Regional Environmental Change - Ecosystem services (ES) management has to cope with a high degree of uncertainty related to changes in socio-economic and climatic conditions as well as in societal...  相似文献   

Structural characteristics of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in mountain watercourses of different sizes have been studied in the Upper Ob basin. It has been found that species richness, diversity of zoobenthos, and most biotic indices in the background areas increase in the series from the smallest watercourses to large rivers. On the contrary, the values of the above parameters in areas polluted with mercury has proved to decrease, thereby indicating a significant transformation of the benthic communities. Approaches are proposed to select reference indices for assessing the ecological state of watercourses in the basin with regard to the size of the river, the structure of benthic communities, and variability of biotic indices along the background cross sections.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of bottom substrate exposure in deeply freezing lakes during the melting of ice in spring is described. It leads to the formation in the lake of a large temporary biotope—a combination of shoals and exposed portions of the silty bed—with a high trophic capacity for ducks, shorebirds, gulls, etc. The lake in such a state is a rich foraging area for nesting and migrating bird populations. This phenomenon, which is widespread in the Central Yakutian plain, is an ecological manifestation of cryoarid conditions developing in the plains due to extreme climate continentality.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - The economic development of the tourism in disadvantaged mountain areas has the role of sustaining their development and economic growth. The premise...  相似文献   

The results of long-term studies on the fauna and ecology of murine rodents inhabiting the mountain forest belt of southern Central Siberia are considered. A comparative analysis of the composition and organization of rodent communities has been performed in 15 key plots located within three geographic-climatic facies: perhumid, humid, and semihumid. The species composition, dominance structure, and total abundance of these communities in each facies have significant distinctive features, despite the generally high similarity of the communities within the forest belt. Information indices have been used to determine parameters of the diversity and evenness of communities, which reflect their state and degree of resistance to various factors.  相似文献   

The current state of Mediterranean mountain areas has been driven by two main factors: intense traditional human activity and the dynamics of the ecosystem itself. In this study, we examine land-cover changes in a National Park in the Pyrenees mountains (NE Iberian Peninsula), which was designated a protected area 55 years ago. First, we have analyzed spatio-temporal changes in land-cover pattern and forest dynamics from 1957 to 2005. During this period, land-cover dynamics consisted of two main processes: (i) expansion of the forest area and (ii) increasing cover of forests already present in 1957. To analyze the role of the conservation level of the park, we have also compared the results obtained within the park with those of unprotected, peripheral areas. In the two areas with different protection level, dense forests increased throughout the period because of the reduction in forestry activities. The peripheral area showed a higher rate of forest-cover change from 1957 to 2005 compared to the National Park. This higher increase in forest cover in the peripheral area could be related to a higher proportion in the National Park of screes and rocky areas and to the decline and transformation of forest activities in these peripheral, lower elevation areas.  相似文献   

通过对济南市南部山区50年降雨资料的分析,得出南部山区年降雨量为648mm,降雨季节性明显,降雨量主要集中在6-8月份的降雨特点;采用皮尔逊Ⅲ型曲线拟合了降雨频率曲线,分析了降雨量与频率之间的关系,得出年降雨量在1000mm以上的频率是2%,年降雨量在640mm以上的频率是50%。最后采用一维坡地径流模型对南部山区内的典型丘陵的产流量进行了模拟计算,模拟结果和实测值吻合较好。  相似文献   

Based on gradient analysis and indicator values, spring water chemistry and temperature and the dynamics of water level were shown to be the main ecological factors of plant cover differentiation in spring fens. Six groups of plant communities were identified by ordination along the axes of these factors, with each group being characterized by a certain suite of indicator species.  相似文献   

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