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Three pilot-scale, horizontal-flow biofilm reactors (HFBRs 1–3) were used to treat methane (CH4)-contaminated air to assess the potential of this technology to manage emissions from agricultural activities, waste and wastewater treatment facilities, and landfills. The study was conducted over two phases (Phase 1, lasting 90 days and Phase 2, lasting 45 days). The reactors were operated at 10 °C (typical of ambient air and wastewater temperatures in northern Europe), and were simultaneously dosed with CH4-contaminated air and a synthetic wastewater (SWW). The influent loading rates to the reactors were 8.6 g CH4/m3/hr (4.3 g CH4/m2 TPSA/hr; where TPSA is top plan surface area). Despite the low operating temperatures, an overall average removal of 4.63 g CH4/m3/day was observed during Phase 2. The maximum removal efficiency (RE) for the trial was 88%. Potential (maximum) rates of methane oxidation were measured and indicated that biofilm samples taken from various regions in the HFBRs had mostly equal CH4 removal potential. In situ activity rates were dependent on which part of the reactor samples were obtained. The results indicate the potential of the HFBR, a simple and robust technology, to biologically treat CH4 emissions.

Implications: The results of this study indicate that the HFBR technology could be effectively applied to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from wastewater treatment plants and agricultural facilities at lower temperatures common to northern Europe. This could reduce the carbon footprint of waste treatment and agricultural livestock facilities. Activity tests indicate that methanotrophic communities can be supported at these temperatures. Furthermore, these data can lead to improved reactor design and optimization by allowing conditions to be engineered to allow for improved removal rates, particularly at lower temperatures. The technology is simple to construct and operate, and with some optimization of the liquid phase to improve mass transfer, the HFBR represents a viable, cost-effective solution for these emissions.  相似文献   

将已筛选的5株菌构建异养硝化菌群,研究菌群去除氨氮的动力学,发现菌群对氨氮的去除作用符合Haldane抑制模型,并求得最大去除速率Vmax为44.25 mg/(L·h)、饱和常数Ks为44.96 mg/L、抑制常数Ki为17.88 mg/L。正交实验结果表明,当pH值为8.5、溶解氧浓度为6.12 mg/L、温度为15℃、C/N比为4:1时,菌群对氨氮的去除效果最好。通过单因素变化,对动力学基本方程进行拟合,得出公式为f(T, pH, DO, C/N)=p1(y1)p2(y2)p3(y3)p4(y4)p5,并求出参数p1=2.08×10-8,p2=0.90,p3=4.80,p4=0.42,p5=0.81。依据单因素得出的模型公式和正交实验结果,利用1stOpt软件进行函数的多元非线性拟合,最终得出异养硝化菌群去除氨氮的动力学模型。应用松花江水测定菌群在不同温度下对氨氮去除速率的实际值,证实本研究建立的动力学模型具有可靠性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the nitrification and nitrogen removal from centrate produced in the dewatering process of anaerobically digested sludge, using a single-unit, single-zone submerged attached-growth bioreactor. The nitrogen loading varied from 0.54 to 1.51 kg-N/m3 x d. Stable ammonia oxidation (nitritification) to nitrite was demonstrated. A nitritification efficiency of 98% was achieved, while the denitrification efficiency varied from 84 to 99% (with methanol). The average total nitrogen removal was 85%. Inhibition of nitrite oxidation by a limited penetration of dissolved oxygen into the biofilm and free ammonia resulted in the accumulation of nitrite, while inhibition of ammonia oxidation by free nitrous acid did not occur. The quantity of biomass, in terms of volatile solids, ranged from 10123 to 16034 mg-VS/L of media.  相似文献   

炭管膜曝气生物膜反应器SNAD脱氮研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以包裹无纺布的微孔炭管作为膜曝气生物膜反应器(MABR)的膜组件,进行了短程硝化,厌氧氨氧化和反硝化耦合脱氮(SNAD)研究。实验中,控制温度34±1℃,pH 7.5~8.5, HRT 8 h,通过逐步降低膜内压力使反应器中的溶解氧由8 mg/L逐步降低到0.5 mg/L以下。实验采用亚硝酸细菌挂膜,然后接种厌氧氨氧化细菌,实现在单一反应器中同时发生短程硝化、厌氧氨氧化和反硝化耦合脱氮功能。结果表明,经过180 d的连续稳定运行,氨氮去除率达到了93.4%,总氮去除率达到了92.5%,COD去除率达到97.2%, 氨氮去除负荷0.6 kg N/(m3 ·d)。适合SNAD工艺的最佳C/N比为0.2~0.6,当COD浓度过高时,会抑制厌氧氨氧化细菌,使SNAD工艺的处理效果明显下降。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to compare removal efficiencies of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) using typical wastewater treatment technologies, and to identify the most significant mechanisms of removal. Two types of municipal wastewater reactors were studied: a full-scale conventional activated sludge (CAS) reactor with tertiary treatment; and three pilot-scale membrane bioreactors (MBRs) having different sludge retention times (SRTs). All four reactors were fed the same influent. A third reactor type, a membrane aerated biofilm reactor (MABR) was fed tap water, ammonia, and TBBPA. TBBPA in municipal influent ranged from 1 to 41 ng L−1 (n = 10). The CAS effluent had an average TBBPA concentration of 0.7 ± 1.3 ng L−1 (n = 3). Effluent concentrations from the MBRs were an average of 6 ± 6 ng L−1 TBBPA (n = 26). Significant TBBPA removal was observed in the MABR throughout the 5 week of study (p ? 0.05). Removal of TBBPA from wastewater treatment was found to be due to a combination of adsorption and biological degradation. Based on experimental results, nitrification is likely a key process therein. No significant relationship between removal of TBBPA and SRT was identified (p ? 0.05).  相似文献   

将上流式颗粒污泥床(USB)用于反硝化和生物膜法用于自养硝化处理蔗糖配水和小区生活污水,反硝化污泥床去除有机物和硝态氮具有节省需好氧去除有机物的能耗的优势,同时好氧生物膜法硝化效率高。试验结果表明,当工艺进水的有机负荷小于2kgCOD/m3·d时,出水COD均小于60mg/L,好氧单元进水有机负荷和氨氮负荷分别小于13kgCOD/m3·d和09kgNH3N/m3·d时,出水氨氮小于5mg/L;COD/NO-3N是影响反硝化的关键因素,处理蔗糖配水时,COD/NO-3N大于5时反硝化脱氮完全,而COD/NO-3N为10时,生活污水作为电子供体仍然脱氮不完全;有机物含量过高导致好氧单元硝化效果降低,HRT是影响好氧单元硝化效率的主要因素,HRT缩短为15h时,氨氮去除率降低了85%左右;同时处理蔗糖配水和生活污水的反硝化菌活性相当。  相似文献   

为探究邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP)对硝化反应的影响及其去除情况,采用2座下向流硝化型曝气生物滤池进行对比实验.其中一座滤池进水DEHP浓度为100 μg/L,另一座滤池进水中不添加DEHP作为空白对照.对比实验期间氨氮负荷先后调整为0.6 kg NH4+-N/(m3·d)和1.5 kg NH4+-N/(m3·d)2个工况.通过60 d的对比实验,结果发现,2种工况下进水加DEHP的滤池,出水亚氮积累率分别为83.92%和80.71%,氨氮去除率分别为97.52%和49.39%;进水不加DEHP的滤池,出水亚氮积累率分别为64.15%和49.37%,氨氮去除率分别为98.77%和49.34%.DEHP的加入均促进了滤池出水中亚氮的积累,但对氨氮的去除不产生影响.进水加DEHP的滤池在0.6 kg NH4+-N/(m3·d)氨氮负荷下运行时,氨氮去除率沿水流方向逐渐提高,在滤床深度为1 400 mm处达到98.40%.亚氮积累率沿水流方向呈现先升高后降低的趋势,在滤床800 mm处达到最高值94.21%.在2个工况条件下,下向流硝化型曝气生物滤池对DEHP的平均去除率分别为91.71%和89.38%.大部分DEHP是在滤池进水端200 mm之内去除的.  相似文献   

采用聚己内酯(PCL)为固体碳源和生物膜载体,研究填充率和水力停留时间(HRT)对生物膜反应器脱氮的影响。结果表明:(1)40%(体积分数)的填充率较合适,4h为最佳HRT。此时反应器硝酸盐氮去除率为88%,出水硝酸盐氮质量浓度平均值为8.80mg/L。(2)丛毛单胞菌属(Comamonas)、热单胞菌属(Thermomonas)、固氮螺菌属(Azospira)和长绳菌属(Longilinea)为反应器的主要菌属,且填充率40%的反应器以上菌属相对丰度总和最高(70%)。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The development of an effective approach to improve low-temperature nitrification of domestic wastewater remains an important issue that needs to be...  相似文献   

序批式生物膜反应器不同填料挂膜及短程硝化特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以实际生活污水为研究对象,采用序批式生物膜反应器(SBBR),填充不同种类的填料,针对其各自的挂膜特征和短程硝化的实现与稳定的特性进行了研究.结果表明,与立方体海绵填料相比,炭纤维填料的SBBR能够更快地实现挂膜启动,硝化效果稳定、高效(NH_4~+-N去除率高达99.3%);立方体海绵填料更易在常温下,实现NO_2~--N大量积累的短程硝化,但是相比而言,硝化效率不高.升高温度至30 ℃左右时,能够在30 d内实现炭纤维填料的短程硝化,通过过程控制可以实现短程硝化的稳定.荧光原位杂交技术(FISH)检测结果证实,SBBR中短程硝化的实现与稳定是因为菌群得到了优化,氨氧化细菌成为优势菌种.  相似文献   

针对生活污水处理减污降碳的需求,本研究采用膜曝气生物膜反应器(membrane aerated biofilm reactor, MABR)耦合厌氧氨氧化工艺处理低碳氮比生活污水,考察了水质污染物去除的同时,分析了甲烷(CH4)、氧化亚氮(N2O)和一氧化氮(NO)的排放特性。结果表明,MABR实现了较好的碳氮污染物去除效果,当处理进水C/N为3.00±0.14的模拟污水时,COD、NH4+-N和TN去除率分别为85.24%、90.10%和64.35%;当处理进水C/N为1.67±0.07的实际污水时,COD、NH4+-N和TN去除率分别为75.39%、96.39%和81.88%。MABR具有较低的CH4和N2O排放因子,厌氧阶段分别为(0.010 3±0.010 5)%、(0.005 0±0.005 5)%,好氧阶段分别为(0.001 5±0.001 7)%、(0.002 1±0.001 5)%,厌氧阶段是CH4和N2O排放的主要阶段。气态NO和气态N2O存在正相关关系,反硝化反应可能是N2O产生的主要路径。NO是反硝化过程N2O产生的前体物,对反硝化过程N2O的释放具有指示作用。  相似文献   

The effects of formaldehyde on biofilm morphology and biomass activity were investigated in an ultracompact biofilm reactor (UCBR) for carbonaceous wastewater treatment. The wastewater contained a fixed amount of glucose (with a chemical oxygen demand concentration of 600 mg/L) and an increasing concentration of formaldehyde (ranging from 21.4 to 271.1 mg/L). An influent formaldehyde concentration higher than 75 mg/L could facilitate filamentous growth (on biofilm) control and lead to a higher biofilm density, which is desirable as it enhanced the UCBR performance stability. However, at an influent formaldehyde concentration higher than 214.4 mg/L, biomass production was inhibited and deteriorations of biofilm morphology and biomass activity were observed. This study showed that it was desirable to maintain an influent formaldehyde concentration lower than 202.2 mg/L, as this concentration could achieve a good biofilm morphology while not inhibiting its microbial activity.  相似文献   

利用计算机仿真研究了低温下倒置AAO流程与正置AAO流程的脱氮性能,工艺参数涉及流程进水的流量、TCOD、氨氮、总磷以及污泥回流比、混合液回流比、好氧池溶解氧浓度。发现在13℃时,为使氨氮满足国标1级B,宜选用倒置AAO流程;为使总氮达标,宜采用较高混合液回流比,或考虑选用正置AAO流程;在10℃时,为使氨氮达标,宜选用正置AAO流程,但对于污泥回流比及溶解氧浓度须注意调试;为使总氮达标,倒置、正置均可采用,但要对进水总磷、混合液回流比、污泥回流比及好氧池溶解氧浓度进行仔细监控,难度较大。  相似文献   

通过批次实验考察了非生物作用下3-羟基丁酸/戊酸酯共聚物(PHBV)的有机碳释放规律;以PHBV颗粒和陶粒作为填料建立了填充柱生物膜反应器,并通过长期(90 d)运行考察了其对海水养殖废水中氮的去除性能。结果表明,非生物作用下PHBV难以向水体中释放有机碳;以PHBV作为固态碳源的生物膜反应器可以实现同步硝化反硝化。反应器运行状态(HRT为2 h)稳定后,氨氮和总氮的去除率分别为(91.8±1.3)%和(87.5±2.2)%,硝化速率和反硝化速率分别为0.11 g·(L·d)−1和0.20 g·(L·d)−1。填充柱沿水流方向可以分为2个区段,0~20 cm柱体内主要进行同步硝化反硝化过程,20~100 cm柱体内主要进行反硝化过程;反应器中微弱的亚硝酸盐积累可以归因于短程反硝化。以上研究成果可以为海水养殖业绿色发展提供参考。  相似文献   

The feasibility of using dried attached-growth biomass from the polyurethane (PU) foam cubes as a solid carbon source to enhance the denitrification process in the intermittently aerated moving bed sequencing batch reactor (IA-MBSBR) during the treatment of low COD/N containing wastewater was investigated. By packing the IA-MBSBR with 8 % (v/v) of 8-mL PU foam cubes saturated with dried attached-growth biomass, total nitrogen removal efficiency of 80 % could be achieved for 10 consecutive cycles of operation when the intermittent aeration strategy of consecutive 1 h of aeration followed by 2 h of non-aeration period during the REACT period of the IA-MBSBR was adopted. Negligible release of ammonium nitrogen (NH4 +–N) and slow-release of COD from the dried biomass would ensure that the use of this solid carbon source would not further burden the treatment system. The slow-releasing COD was found to have no effect in promoting the assimilation process and would also allow the carbon source to be used for many cycles of operation. The ‘carbon-spent’ PU foam cubes could be reused by merely drying at 60 °C at the end of the operational mode. Thus, the dried attached-growth biomass formed on the PU foam cubes could be exploited as an alternative solid carbon source for the enhancement of denitrification process in the IA-MBSBR.  相似文献   

Degradation of phenol and o-, m- and p-cresol at a concentration of 150 mg l(-1) of each compound was studied in a suspended-carrier biofilm process consisting of two aerobic stages. The fungus Mortierella sarnyensis Mil'ko dominated the microflora in the first reactor, while bacteria dominated in the second reactor. The process was studied at 4, 7, 11 and 15 degrees C. The results from the experiments showed the process to be relatively efficient even at 4 degrees C. The degradation rate was 33% of that at 15 degrees C for o-cresol. Both phenol and the cresols were degraded in the first reactor and a new peak appeared in the HPLC-chromatograms indicating the formation of one or more intermediate compounds in the first stage. These compounds were however degraded to below the detection limit in the second reactor. Small new peaks appeared in the chromatograms of the outlet from the second reactor at the maximum loading rates.  相似文献   

A pilot submerged membrane bioreactor coupled with biological nutrient removal was used to treat the primary effluent at a municipal wastewater treatment plant. Long-term experiments were conducted by varying hydraulic retention time from 6 to 8 hours and solids retention time from 20 to 50 days, respectively. The performance was assessed by monitoring key wastewater parameters, including chemical oxygen demand (COD), nitrogen, and phosphorus concentration in individual anoxic, anaerobic, aerobic, and membrane separation zones. Results showed that the tested system can consistently achieve COD, nitrogen, and phosphorus removal efficiencies at 80 to 98%, 70 to 93%, and 89 to 98%, respectively. Effluent COD remained low as a result of efficient solid retention, even though there was great variation in influent quality. However, total nitrogen increased proportionally with influent concentration. At a 50-day solids retention time, higher COD and nitrogen oxides specific utilization rates in the anoxic zone resulted in a high production of nitrogen oxides in the subsequent aerobic zone.  相似文献   

低温下ABR酸化反应器的运行效果及微生物活性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
考察了低温对四格室ABR酸化反应器性能的影响.在水力停留时间3 h,进水COD浓度230~300 mg/L,TP浓度1.59~1.93 mg/L,NH4-N浓度23~28 mg/L,进水温度8~15 ℃,酸化出水温度3~9 ℃条件下,溶解性COD最高去除率达56%.沿流程方向反应器前面2个格室的COD净去除量占总去除量的64%,明显高于后面2个格室,去除率也有相似特征.反应器不同格室的挥发性悬浮固体(VSS)浓度也明显不同,前面格室的VSS高于后面格室.造成不同格室COD降解差异的主要原因为生物量不同所致,高生物量对应着高COD去除量和去除率.沿水流方向不同格室中微生物INT脱氢酶活性(DHA)呈递减趋势,前面2个格室的微生物活性明显高于后2个格室.营养物水平不同,微生物活性不同,高营养对应着高活性,高活性对应着高COD去除率.  相似文献   

研究以集中型沼液为对象,考察了微电解-电极-SBBR组合工艺的处理效果。研究结果表明,在常温条件下,铁炭微电解反应按照推荐的反应参数的条件(曝气量为15.0 L/(min·L)、初始pH值为4、Fe/C为2:1、HRT为2.5 h、反应级数为3级),电极-SBBR采用瞬时进水、厌氧1.0 h、曝气4.0 h(通电)、缺氧/厌氧2.0 h(通电)、出水、闲置的运行工序。在反应器稳定运行的条件下,对化学需氧量(COD)、氨氮(NH4+-N)、总磷(TP)、固体悬浮物(SS)的平均去除率分别为92.2%、93.5%、93.2%和98.4%。出水的COD、NH4+-N、TP和SS的浓度能够达到《畜禽养殖行业污染物排放标准》(GB 18596-2001)的要求。  相似文献   

This research was part of a study of filamentous growth and control in an ultracompact biofilm reactor (UCBR). Morphologies of biofilm and filamentous bacteria in the UCBR were investigated. Ethanol was used as a substrate and sodium hypochlorite was applied as a toxicant to control filamentous growth. The results indicated that factors such as chemical oxygen demand, surface loading rate, pH, and dissolved oxygen could initiate filamentous overgrowth in the UCBR. Different biofilm and filamentous morphologies in the UCBR were observed under different operational conditions. Chlorination was an effective approach to control filamentous growth during and after biofilm formation. Proper chlorine dosing had no effect on biofilm, but killed filaments. Overdose of chlorine damaged biofilm and caused adverse effects such as low treatment efficiency, media clogging and washout, and biofilm color change in the reactor. Frequent monitoring of the morphologies of filaments and biofilm was needed during chlorination to prevent chlorine overdose.  相似文献   

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