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本文介绍了目前美、日、法等国蒸汽防护服装研究和装备概况,指出了需从蒸汽防护面料的功能设计和蒸汽防护服装的结构设计两方面出发,首先满足蒸汽防护服装的安全防护功能,同时兼顾服装的穿着舒适性.  相似文献   

喷漆房未设置明显的安全警示标志和警示说明,未设置报警系统。依据《工贸企业有限空间作业安全管理与监督暂行规定》(国家安全生产监督管理总局令第59号)第十九条规定:工贸企业有限空间作业还应当符合下列要求,(二)设置明显的安全警示标志和警示说明。  相似文献   

对国外最新的人造纳米颗粒的暴露评价方法和研究结果进行综述,旨在为我国今后工作现场的职业卫生暴露评价提供指导。检索和查阅2000—2010年发表的涉及纳米颗粒暴露评价的同行评审期刊的英文文献和报告,并对暴露评价设备和方法进行比较和分析,归纳描述部分研究结果,总结纳米颗粒暴露评价的特殊性和挑战,探讨解决这些问题的关键步骤。最后,提出今后在职业现场开展纳米暴露评价的2个可行的方法。  相似文献   

The skin is the part of the human body most vulnerable to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The spectrum of the negative effects of UV radiation on the skin ranges from acute erythema to carcinogenesis. Between these extreme conditions, there are other common skin lesions, e.g.,photoageing. The aim of this study was to assess the skin for signs of photoageing in a group of 52 men occupationally exposed to natural UV radiation. There were 2 types of examinations: an examination of skin condition (moisture, elasticity, sebum, porosity, smoothness, discolourations and wrinkles) with a device for diagnosing the skin, and a dermatological examination. The results of both examinations revealed a higher percentage of skin characteristics typical for photoageing in outdoor workers compared to the general population.  相似文献   

我国煤炭起尘特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了我国煤炭生产、加工、储运现状和发展趋势。对煤炭本身的起尘特性,包括全水分含量、内水分含量和外水分含量,煤炭的煤化程度与润湿性关系以及煤块和煤粉的饱和水分含量特性,分别进行了详细深入的试验研究。在此基础上,提出了主要问题及控制煤尘污染的对策  相似文献   

We investigated all reported percutaneous exposure incidents (PEI) among staff from a large Australian hospital in the 3-year period, 2001-2003. There were a total of 373 PEI, of which 38.9% were needlestick injuries, 32.7% were cutaneous exposures and 28.4% sharps-related injuries. Nurses were the most commonly affected staff members, accounting for 63.5% of the total, followed by doctors (18.8%) and other staff ( 17.7%). Needlestick injuries were responsible for the majority of nurses’ PEI (44.7%). Sharps injuries constituted the major category for doctors (44.3%). Most needlestick injuries (67.6%) were caused by hollow-bore needles, while the majority of cutaneous exposures involved blood or serum (55.8%). Most sharps injures were caused by unknown devices (35.9%) or suture needles (34.9%). Overall, our investigation suggests that PEI is a considerable burden for health care workers in Australia. Further research is now required to determine the relationships, if any, between workers who suffer PEI and those who do not.  相似文献   

以法规及风险评价模型为基础,对电子封装行业内通常使用的化学有害因素进行职业暴露分析,将健康风险进行分级、定量评价,得出结论:行业中回流焊工艺可能产生的铅烟、电镀车间存在的硝酸、失效分析中使用的氢氟酸等,其职业暴露风险为中等风险水平;但由于化学物质的健康危害等级HR因其固有性而相对不变,而其会随控制措施的效果高低而变化的暴露等级ER是一个可变的要素,不同企业的控制措施的水平高低不同,其最终的风险等级可能是不同的。行业中使用的氢氧化钾、氢氧化钠的职业暴露风险为低风险水平,前提也是在合理有效的控制措施环境下。因此,控制措施的水平就是决定风险等级的最重要因素。时时地运行和维护有效的控制措施,是确保风险水平不发生变化的关键。  相似文献   

为了保证沥青烟电除尘器的捕集效率,优化其本体结构设计,明确其气流均布板的布置是否合理,对其本体内的气流状态做了三维数值仿真研究。首先建立了k-ε双方程模型,然后在ANSYS平台中用有限体积法对气流空间进行网格划分,最后用解压力耦合方程的半隐式算法进行仿真计算。仿真结果显示,除尘器本体内气流分布正常,说明设计的沥青烟电除尘器本体结构合理,为进一步优化其本体结构提供了依据,也为其在较高除尘效率下运行提供了帮助。  相似文献   

The development of effective fire-fighting strategies for warehouses storing large quantities of toxic chemicals depends on an understanding of the uncontrolled combustion of such toxics. This paper describes an experimental system for studying fires of this kind. Results are presented from a test programme involving fires with rates of convective heat release in the range 3–30 kW and four organophosphorus pesticides. This work on the combustion chemistry of toxic materials is part of a wider study, involving a number of laboratories, into other inter-related aspects of warehouse fires. The significance of the results for hazard assessment and emergency planning is considered.  相似文献   

我国著名纺织材料学专家、中国工程院院士、西安工程科技学院名誉院长姚穆教授与我国最具权威的个体防护专家、中国工程院院士、总后军需装备研究所周国泰所长,分别在人体着装舒适性和个体防护材料研究方面具有很深的造诣,并在新型纺织材料研发方面成绩显著.他们带领一批优秀人才,在短短的一个月时间里研制出了新型特种医用防护服,缓解了举国抗击"非典"战役中的燃眉之急.  相似文献   

针对沥青混凝土在路面摊铺过程中产生大量有毒烟气,危害人体健康,结合沥青烟气产生的机理,探索聚合物对高温沥青烟气的抑制效果。通过聚合物在分子内部形成网络结构,并对沥青小分子产生包裹作用,从而抑制沥青烟气的产生。通过测定收集沥青烟气质量的方法得出,与基质沥青产烟率相比,添加1%SBS、5%SBS的烟气减少率分别为9.15%和22.90%,添加1%PE、5%PE的烟气减少率分别为4.58%和10.23%,试验表明SBS和PE具有一定的抑烟效果,可减小铺路沥青烟气对环境的影响,保护道路沥青施工人员的身体健康。  相似文献   

探讨铅与噪声对蓄电池制造作业工人的联合作用,为职业危害联合作用健康管理提供科学依据。依据蓄电池厂作业工人的职业史调查、环境检测和生物检测资料,将研究对象分为铅与噪声联合暴露组、单纯铅暴露组、正常组,分析比较3组作业工人的听力损伤、神经系统和消化系统症状、贫血结果。结果显示在4 000 Hz和6 000 Hz频率段,联合组听力异常率及听阈均值高于单纯铅暴露组和正常组(P0.05),与单纯铅暴露组和正常组比较,联合组的神经系统和消化系统症状率明显增多(P0.05)。表明铅和噪声联合作用可增加作业者的听觉系统、神经系统和消化系统症状患病,并提出相应管理对策。  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Falls represent a significant occupational hazard, particularly in industries with dynamic work environments. This paper describes rates of noncompliance with fall hazard prevention requirements, perceived safety climate and worker knowledge and beliefs, and the association between fall exposure and safety climate measures in commercial aircraft maintenance activities. METHODS: Walkthrough observations were conducted on aircraft mechanics at two participating facilities (Sites A and B) to ascertain the degree of noncompliance. Mechanics at each site completed questionnaires concerning fall hazard knowledge, personal safety beliefs, and safety climate. Questionnaire results were summarized into safety climate and belief scores by workgroup and site. Noncompliance rates observed during walkthroughs were compared to the climate-belief scores, and were expected to be inversely associated. RESULTS: Important differences were seen in fall safety performance between the sites. The study provided a characterization of aircraft maintenance fall hazards, and also demonstrated the effectiveness of an objective hazard assessment methodology. Noncompliance varied by height, equipment used, location of work on the aircraft, shift, and by safety system. DISCUSSION: Although the expected relationship between safety climate and noncompliance was seen for site-average climate scores, workgroups with higher safety climate scores had greater observed noncompliance within Site A. Overall, use of engineered safety systems had a significant impact on working safely, while safety beliefs and climate also contributed, though inconsistently. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The results of this study indicate that safety systems are very important in reducing noncompliance with fall protection requirements in aircraft maintenance facilities. Site-level fall safety compliance was found to be related to safety climate, although an unexpected relationship between compliance and safety climate was seen at the workgroup level within site. Finally, observed fall safety compliance was found to differ from self-reported compliance.  相似文献   

Identification and determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Diesel exhaust in the working environment and assessment of workers’ occupational exposure to these suspected human carcinogens were the aim of this experimental investigation.

The range of exposure factors calculated on the basis of 9 individual PAH concentrations determined in personal air samples shows that time-averaged concentration of these compounds did not exceed the Polish Maximum Admissible Concentration (MAC) value for PAHs, that is, 2 μg·m–3. The highest concentrations of PAHs were determined in the breathing zone of forklift operators. The maximum exposure factor was 0.427 μg·m–3 (about 1/4 of MAC).  相似文献   

木粉尘职业接触极限值的研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
木头作为原材料得到广泛应用 ,但硬木粉尘 (如橡木和山毛榉粉尘 )可导致人患鼻癌。不同国家的木粉尘的职业接触极限值 (或极限值 )却不尽相同。虽然关于木粉尘的极限值的国际讨论持续已久 ,但仍缺乏更好支持其极限值推导的健康相关数据。为保护木材加工工人的身体健康以及给木粉尘的职业接触极限值的制定机构提供可靠数据和科学决策方面的建议 ,笔者针对怎样为木粉尘 ,特别是致癌木粉尘制定一个合理极限值的问题 ,在“比较”和“设定”两方面对国际范围内的木粉尘的极限值进行了研究 ,其结果表明 ,大部分国家给予软木粉尘和硬木粉尘的极限值分别为 5mg/m3 和 1mg/m3 ;提出利用剂量 -影响 -关系和“线性多阶段”方法也可以给致癌硬木粉尘建立一个健康基础极限值或者一个可接受极限值 ,其极限值应该不仅根据木材类型而且还需根据工作岗位而分别综合设定。  相似文献   

小型炭素焙烧炉沥青烟气净化技术初探   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
阐述了颗粒层吸附技术在小型炭素焙烧沥青烟气净化中的应用。  相似文献   

金龙哲 《安全》2020,(1):1-6
为进一步解决我国作业场所粉尘职业危害问题,保障劳动者的职业健康,践行《健康中国2030》国家战略,本文采用资料分析、问卷调查、政策研究、专家咨询等方法,分析与梳理了我国作业场所的粉尘职业危害现状、尘肺病发病的主要特征、粉尘防控存在的突出问题。基于分析与研究,提出加大防尘技术支撑机构建设力度、加强粉尘防治重点科技攻关、提高粉尘防治信息化水平以及职业健康人才队伍建设等粉尘危害防控对策与措施。  相似文献   

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