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压力容器焊接工艺评定因素的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
焊接工艺评定时,应对一些重要因素和补加因素进行优化,包括:应选用非低氢性焊条,焊接的电流和极性尽量采用直流反接;焊条直径应尽量选用大于6mm;焊接位置应尽量采用向上立焊;预热温度应尽量选下限;层间温度应记录最大值;应尽量选用最大的焊接电流、电压和最小的焊接速度;确定焊后热处理试件的保温时间的时,应至少考虑该试件适用的焊件母材最大厚度对应的热处理保温时间。  相似文献   

正灭火器在灭火过程中发挥着无可替代的作用,对它的维护保养应注意以下事项:(1)灭火器所放位置应保持干燥、通风、防止受潮,应避免日光暴晒及强辐射热。(2)灭火器的存放环境温度应在4~45℃。(3)灭火器应按制造厂规定的要求和检查周期进行定期检查。(4)灭火器一经开启,即使喷出不多,也必须按规定进行再充装。再充装应由专业部门按制造厂规定的要求和方  相似文献   

(1)配电盘应安装在户内干燥清洁的场所,离通道或门应有一定的距离,以防止雨水溅入。金属配电盘的构架应可靠接地,水质配电盘应淘汰。(2)配电盘上的电器设备,应选用合格的产品,其配线应采用质量良好的绝缘线。(3)配电盘选用的低压电气设备,应与使用场所的环境条件相适应,易燃易爆危险场所,应选用防爆型开关。  相似文献   

个体防护装备在生产和生活中的作用是显而易见的,选用合格的个体防护装备更为重要。在选购个体防护装备时应注意是否有生产许可证、安全标志,而对于特种防护用品则应注意是否有出厂合格证和安全鉴定证(最新规定应有LA认证)。另外,在使用过程中应格外关注其使用期限及受损情况。如有破损及超过或到达使用期限应及时更换。  相似文献   

正论文的图表应具有自明性,读者通过仅检视图表本身就可以理解论文结果;文字与图、表重复,应选择三者之中最合适的一种表达方式。图表分别按其在正文中出现的先后次序连续编码。每幅图表应冠有阿拉伯数字序号、中英文对照标题,同一图内有多幅小图时,应分别提供小标题;图表中的变量用中文或变量符号表示,单位使用国际制单位;字体为6号。说明性文字应置于图表下方,首字为"注:";应在图表下方标明使用的非公知公用的缩写。  相似文献   

使用安全带虽然简单,但不少驾乘人员不能正确使用。使用座椅安全带时应注意以下几点:经常检查座椅安全带的技术状态,如发现有损坏应及时更换;固定座椅安全带的螺栓都应按规定拧紧,螺栓周围应涂上密封胶;正确佩戴三点式安全带应系在髋部,不要系在腰部;肩部安全带不能放在胳膊下面,应斜挂胸前。 不要让座椅靠背过于倾斜,否则安全带将不能正确地伸长和收卷;安全带必须与座椅配套安装,不得随意拆卸;安全带在使用中曾承受过一次强拉伸负荷,即使未损坏,也应更换;安全带脏污时用布或海绵擦洗,切不要使用染料和漂白剂,它会腐蚀安全带而降低其抗拉强度。  相似文献   

正叉车运行时,操作人员应注意遵守以下安全守则:(1)运行的叉车必须注意遵守交通规则,应与前面车辆保持一定的安全距离,避免突然启动、停车和高速转弯。启动时,方向盘不要处在极限位置。运行时,操作人员应精力集中,身体不得超出车体之外,手、腿、头部均不得放在门架立柱之间。叉车转弯时,应及时发出信号。当运行至十字路口和操作人员视线受阻处,应  相似文献   

电动试压泵可供蒸汽锅炉、管道和压力容器作水压试验用。因而,在使用过程中应注意安全,以减少伤害事故的发生。一、安装地点与采光照明1.室内的泵水场地周围应设置高度不低于2m的防护栏或防护墙,出人口应有安全警示牌。泵水场地不允许安装其它设置。试压时,其上方不得进行其它作业。2.露天作业应注意避开来往的行人,且有防雨、防晒措施。3.水源应保持清洁,无泥沙和其它杂质。进出水路应畅通无阻。4.在自然采光不足时,应安设场地照明,其灯具的安装应符合安全要求。二、有关召部件电动试压泵一般由水箱、回流阀、低压水缸、高压水…  相似文献   

介绍了为保证热水锅炉安全运行应采取的具体措施及在运行中应注的问题.  相似文献   

在变电所现场进行高压试验时,应注意以下安全要求:1.进行高压试验时,应事先填写工作票。在一个电气连接部分同时有检修和试验时,可填写一张工作票,但在试验前应得到检修负责人许可。2.参加试验工作的人员不得少于2人,试验负责人应由有经验的人员担任。开始试验之前,试验负责人应对全体参加试验人员详细交代试验中的安全注意事项。3.因试验需要断开设备接头时,在接头断开前要做好标记,接头接上后要进行检查。4.试验装置的金属外壳应可靠接地,高压引线应尽量缩短,必要时用绝缘物支撑。试验装置的电源开关应使用明显断开的双极刀闸开关。在低压回路中,应有2个串联电源开在变电所现场进行高压试验时,应注意以下安全要求:1.进行高压试验时,应事先填写工作票。在一个电气连接部分同时有检修和试验时,可填写一张工作票,但在试验前应得到检修负责人许可。2.参加试验工作的人员不得少于2人,试验负责人应由有经验的人员担任。开始试验之前,试验负责人应对全体参加试验人员详细交代试验中的安全注意事项。3.因试验需要断开设备接头时,在接头断开前要做好标记,接头接上后要进行检查。4.试验装置的金属外壳应可靠接地,高压引线应尽量缩短,必要时用绝缘物支撑。试验装...  相似文献   

How and when does team member voice facilitate team innovation? Integrating research on member voice and a dialectic perspective of innovation, we advance a model in which team member promotive voice enhances team innovation through team knowledge utilization, whereas team member prohibitive voice enhances team innovation through team reflexivity in a nonlinear fashion. We further propose that the differential effects of team member promotive and prohibitive voice will be stronger at different stages (idea generation vs. idea implementation) of the innovation cycle. Survey data from 78 research and development project teams showed a positive indirect effect between team member promotive voice and team innovation through team knowledge utilization, although this relationship was also mediated through team reflexivity. Moreover, the indirect effect of team member promotive voice on team innovation via team knowledge utilization was stronger for teams in the idea generation stage of team innovation. Results also confirmed a nonlinear indirect relationship between team member prohibitive voice and team innovation via team reflexivity such that the positive effects of team member prohibitive voice tapered off at high levels. Contrary to our expectations, the effects of prohibitive voice held regardless of stage. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

To examine whether working under stressful circumstances restricts or enhances team effectiveness, a structural contingency model for team effectiveness was tested by focusing on job structuring (mechanistic/organic structuring) as a key factor, which interacts with qualitative and quantitative stress on team attitude (team commitment) and outcomes (team effectiveness). Findings from 73 primary care teams indicated that mechanistic structuring for teams working under quantitative stress was positively associated with team commitment, which in turn fostered team effectiveness, whereas organic structuring for working under qualitative stress improved team effectiveness. Furthermore, team commitment mediated the relationships between stress and structuring and team effectiveness. These findings support a structural contingency model for improving team effectiveness under stress. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To explore the dynamics involved in team coordination, we examine the impact of team familiarity and team leader experience on team coordination errors (TCEs). We argue that team familiarity has a U‐shaped effect on TCEs. We study the moderating effects of team leader prior experience and team leader team‐specific experience on the association between team familiarity and TCEs. We use panel data on teams from the National Basketball Association to test the hypotheses. Our findings support the U‐shaped relationship between team familiarity and TCEs and the moderating effect of team leader team‐specific experience on this relationship. The paper advances research on errors in organizations by analyzing the antecedents of TCEs, so far an underexplored empirical phenomenon. Moreover, it contributes to research on coordination in teams by empirically examining the interplay between formal and informal coordination mechanisms. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We highlight the social aspects of team creativity by proposing that team creativity is influenced by two types of team social capital: bridging and bonding social capital. Going beyond the structural perspective, we posit that team‐level human capital diversity is one of the potential antecedents of social capital for team creativity. We suggest that network structures are formed by teammates' interactions, which are largely the result of differences in their individual characteristics. The results of an empirical study using 36 teams of MBA students showed that the interaction of team‐bridging social capital with team‐bonding social capital was positively and significantly related to team creativity. Knowledge variety and knowledge disparity had a joint effect on team‐bridging social capital, and knowledge separation was negatively related to team‐bonding social capital. Moreover, team social capital mediated the effects of knowledge diversity on team creativity. Our study has several important implications for team creativity, social networks, and diversity research. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There is increasing research regarding the influence of emotions on teamwork. In this study, we use a multilevel approach to examine how team members' use of emotion‐related skills affects team task performance and communication performance within the team. We measured individual self‐reported emotional skills prior to team formation and then collected peer‐rated individual communication performance and independently rated team task performance eight weeks later. Although there was no influence at the individual level between emotional skills and performance, team‐level emotional skills positively predicted team task performance scores. At the cross level, team‐level emotional skills predicted individual‐level communication performance. These findings emphasize the importance of distinct team emotional skills in shaping both team performance and individual team member performance. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

On the basis of the literature of open systems and team diversity, we present a new dynamic team diversity theory that explains the effect of change in team diversity on team functioning and performance in the context of dynamic team composition. Building upon the conceptualization of teams as open systems, we describe the enlargement and decline of team variety, separation, and disparity through member addition, subtraction, and substitution. Then, focusing on diversity enlargement, we theorize the contemporaneous and lasting effects of team diversity change on team performance change and on team processes and states leading to them. Dynamic team diversity theory expands the focus of team diversity research from teams' being more diverse than others to teams' becoming more diverse than before. It aims to advance team diversity research to be better aligned with the organizational reality of dynamic team composition. We also discuss methodological considerations in subsequent empirical testing of the theory and highlight how the theory and future research may help to guide organizational practice in recomposing work teams.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined how and when transformational leadership affected team knowledge exchange. Taking a goal pursuit perspective, we hypothesized two parallel mediating mechanisms—team knowledge goal generation and team knowledge goal striving—linking transformational leadership to team knowledge exchange. In addition, we investigated whether team-level team-member exchange served as a boundary condition that qualified the effects of transformational leadership on team knowledge goal generation and striving. We tested our hypotheses using time-lagged data from 118 work teams of a large Chinese manufacturing firm. Our findings provided support for the proposed parallel mediating mechanisms (i.e., team knowledge goal generation and team knowledge goal striving) that linked transformational leadership to team knowledge exchange. In addition, we found that team-level team-member exchange could strengthen the positive effect of transformational leadership on team knowledge exchange via team knowledge goal generation. By taking the novel lens of team goal pursuit, this study contributes to the literature on leadership and teams by shedding light on how transformational leadership triggers the goal pursuit process of team knowledge exchange.  相似文献   

A small but growing body of literature adds to our understanding of the role of team reflexivity (i.e., reflecting upon team functioning) in predicting team performance. Although many studies conclude that reflexivity is an asset for teams, the contingencies of team reflexivity have received far less research attention. In this respect, we argue that team reflexivity may be especially helpful for teams with relatively low performance. Teams that are reflexive tend to learn from previous mistakes, errors, and group processes, which in turn will improve the performance of the team. We propose that this relationship will most likely positively affect learning and final team performance under conditions of relatively poor prior performance. When a team is doing relatively well, the relationship between reflexivity and final team performance will be less clear, as reflexivity and learning is less needed. In a longitudinal study (N = 73 teams), we found support for this idea. As predicted, results indicated that this interaction between team reflexivity and initial team performance on future performance was mediated by team learning. We outline how these findings are important for our understanding of the contingencies of team reflexivity and team performance dynamics. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study explores the dynamics of conflict management as a team phenomenon. The study examines how the input variable of task structure (task interdependence) is related to team conflict management style (cooperative versus competitive) and to team performance, and how team identity moderates these relationships. Seventy‐seven intact work teams from high‐technology companies participated in the study. Results revealed that at high levels of team identity, task interdependence was positively associated with the cooperative style of conflict management, which in turn fostered team performance. Although a negative association was found between competitive style and team performance, this style of team conflict management did not mediate between the interactive effect of task interdependence and team identity on team performance. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We conducted a field study of 71 action teams to examine the relationship between team mental model similarity and accuracy and the performance of real‐world teams. We used Pathfinder to operationalize team members' taskwork mental models (describing team procedures, tasks, and equipment) and teamwork mental models (describing team interaction processes) and examined team performance as evaluated by expert team assessment center raters. Both taskwork mental model and teamwork mental model similarity predicted team performance. Team mental model accuracy measures were also predictive of team performance. We discuss the implications of our findings and directions for future research. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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