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美国是世界上最先探索政府绩效管理的国家之一,在公共支出项目的绩效评估方面已经积累了较多的经验,在环境类公共支出项目的绩效评估领域已形成了较完整的评估体系.介绍了美国项目绩效评估相关法案的内容,研究了项目分级评估工具、逻辑框架法、平衡计分管法、指标法、费用效益分析法等绩效评估与管理手段在美国环境类公共支出项目绩效评估过程...  相似文献   

政府环境绩效评估中隐性绩效初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
政府环境绩效存在滞后现象,根据绩效在时间轴上的分布,提出显性绩效和隐性绩效,并定义这2类绩效.依据行为科学中的期望理论提出,在进行绩效评估时把隐性绩效考虑其中.提高目标价值估计,或通过创造条件,提高目标实现的概率,都能激发出领导者对环境保护、生态建设更高的积极性.  相似文献   

江苏省企业环境绩效评估方法及指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境绩效评估,是一种开放而有效的环境管理工具。文中首先阐述了环境绩效评估的相关概念;然后就环境绩效评估的步骤和程序进行了介绍;并借鉴国内外现有成果,建立了由环境守法指标、环境管理指标、先进性指标和生命周期环境影响指标等主要指标构成的企业环境绩效指标体系;进而探讨了国外的经验对本省开展环境绩效评估的启示,以促进本省环境绩效评估的开展。  相似文献   

中央环境保护专项资金项目的绩效评估是提高专项资金利用效率,贯彻国家环境保护宏观政策,解决相关区域突出环境问题的关键.在遵循客观公正、全面系统性、定性与定量相结合、数据的可得性等原则的基础上,从经济、效果、效率3个角度考虑构建了中央环境保护专项资金项目组织管理、社会经济、环境等绩效评估分级指标体系,以期能够通过该体系有效地分析项目结果与预定环境目标之间的差距,评估项目对环境改善的效果,发现项目管理与执行过程中存在的不足,为建立规范化和制度化的中央环境保护专项资金项目评估制度提供技术支持,并为中央环境保护专项资金项目分配监督办法的改革提供依据.  相似文献   

水环境容量核算能为水污染防治提供科学依据,而工程减排效益分析能为水污染防治提供优先顺序,两者都直接关系到流域总量减排任务的完成和水质目标的实现。以承德市武烈河为例,根据水环境容量核算的基本原理,结合污染状况、水质现状和水环境功能区划,对COD和氨氮的水环境容量进行核算;结合流域污染防治规划,以输入响应关系为基础,对两类主要污染防治工程的水环境质量减排效益进行评价。结果表明,武烈河COD、氨氮水环境容量分别为1 519.7、159.6t/a,水环境容量处于超载状态;主要污染防治工程能大幅削减污染物排放量,对改善水环境质量贡献明显,工程的落实将有利于改善武烈河水环境现状。  相似文献   

农村生活垃圾的集中化、科学化处理对改善农村居民生活环境和农业生产环境具有重要意义。而农户对农村生活垃圾处理的支付意愿对农村生活环境的改善具有关键性作用。采用条件价值评估法(CVM)分析了三峡库区农户对处理生活垃圾的支付意愿及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)农户对农村生活垃圾处理的平均支付意愿为48元/a;(2)户主年龄、文化程度以及对环境是否关心对当地农户处理生活垃圾的支付意愿有极显著影响。户主年龄和文化程度对生活垃圾处理的支付意愿的影响为正,说明农户年龄越大、文化程度越高,对生活垃圾处理的支付意愿就越强烈。农户对环境的关心程度为正,表示农户越关心环境,对生活垃圾处理的支付意愿就越强烈。最后,提出相关建议:制定政策时要充分考虑农户的个体特征和自身利益;加强教育,提高农户的文化水平;加强环境保护宣传,提高农户的环境认知和环保意识。  相似文献   

市民作为城市空气质量的直接感受者,其对于空气质量、污染源控制和政府环境管理的满意度是环境决策的重要依据.依据社会学调查方法,设计了公众城市空气质量管理满意度调查问卷,在2个案例城市进行了随机抽样调查.结果表明,市民对城市空气质量满意度调查评估可以作为城市空气质量状况和政府环境管理绩效的一种新型评估方法,并具有当期、全息...  相似文献   

印染是纺织业产业链中水资源消耗和废水排放的主要环节,印染行业水耗高,废水排放量大,水污染问题较突出.对印染行业的产排污环节进行了分析,将印染产品梳理归纳为18类,并在此基础上全面考虑生产端和污染治理端,构建了印染企业环境绩效评估指标体系.利用该指标体系对江苏省太湖流域155家代表性印染企业进行了环境绩效评估,了解印染企...  相似文献   

农村环境综合整治方案实例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以四王村为例,介绍了农村环境综合整治的规划和方案设计,提出了环境综合整治的总体目标,并具体制定了水环境治理规划、生活垃圾治理规划、农业生产废弃物及人畜粪便处理综合利用规划、农业面源污染防治规划、村容村貌综合整治规划和生态发展规划,对农村环境综合整治具有较强的指导性。  相似文献   

上海城市水环境质量改善历程与面临的挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
上海市排污总量大,污染负荷重.历史上,黄浦江曾经黑臭,苏州河则在20世纪70~90年代终年黑臭,地表水污染一度成为困扰上海环境的一个主要问题.20世纪80年代以来,上海加大了对城市受污染河流的治理力度,开展了一系列工作,其中苏州河修复是最具代表性的一项.苏州河治理耗资157亿元,历时20年.在实施了苏州河污水合流一期、苏州河环境综合整治一、二、三期项目后,苏州河黑臭现象消失,水质持续改善,滨河风貌明显改观,受到各方面高度评价.与此同时,上海城市水环境质量总体趋好,而要进一步稳定和持续改善全市水环境质量,深化整治势在必行,水环境工作者面临新的挑战.  相似文献   

The requirements of environmental regulations imposed on industry are complex and expensive. As these regulations have developed, corporate compliance programs have had to become more sophisticated. For many, this means that an environmental auditing program is now timely (or overdue) for organizing their approach to meeting the constraints of these regulations. Contributing to this timeliness is a renewed emphasis by regulators on enforcement activities. This paper discusses what environmental auditing is and what it consists of, gives examples from a few approaches which are currently being used, and reviews some of its benefits and liabilities.  相似文献   

Company self-auditing has become an increasingly attractive option for both government and industry in achieving compliance with environmental laws. For government, it can diminish the need for continual compliance inspections, and, for industry, it can prevent substantial liability. However, auditing can be conducted in a number of ways, and it is important for company management to be aware of its options before selecting a particular approach. This is particularly true of companies with relatively limited resources for such a project. The following article describes some of the more basic options to be considered In identifying an optimal auditing strategy. It also discusses factors which may make one strategy preferable to another. The article concludes with the interesting observation that, in some cases, a formal audit may be neither necessary nor desirable.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND, AIM AND SCOPE: The Damage-Function method is an efficient tool recently used in decision-making processes concerning environmental management. It is based on finding the relation between the origin of an environmental charge, and its impact on human health and the environment. The aim of the present investigation was to assess the positive impacts, also called benefits, of changes in environmental quality, and the economic viability of an industrial project on reduction of PCDD/F emissions. It has been developed with monetary criteria of two worldwide ambits: USA and European-Union countries. METHODS: The current study is a continuation of a previous investigation in which Substance Flow Analysis and Control Analysis Techniques were used to identify and to analyze all main flow values of PCDD/Fs inside the system of Tarragona Province (Spain). In the present study, Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) has been employed. The benefits derived from a minimization in the incidence of cancer due to a reduction in the emission of PCDD/Fs have been evaluated considering the value of a statistically saved life (VSL). Statistical analysis about uncertainty has also been incorporated. Here, the Monte Carlo simulation technique has been used. RESULTS: It is shown that CBS results depend firstly on the kind of VSL used. In fact, the differences between the decisions as a result of applying monetary criteria in USA and EU can be explained by differences between VSL values. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION: It is concluded that, for prices estimated in Euros, the emission cleaning project in the industrial plant is not feasible under any circumstance. However, although CBA seems to be a good analytical method, the final decision corresponds to the managers, who must weigh up not only the monetary criteria, but factors such as social questions.  相似文献   

本文论述了我国燃煤工业锅炉排放SO2对大气污染的状况及发展趋势,以及应用工业固硫型煤控制燃煤工业锅炉对大气的污染。燃煤工业锅炉燃烧工业固硫型煤时,可明显地降低SO2和烟尘的排放量,并节约煤炭。在当前及今后相当长的时期内,推广和发展工业固硫型煤,是防治燃煤工业锅炉大气SO2污染的一条投资少、见效快、简便易行的实用措施,其经济效益及环境效益相当可观。  相似文献   

基于水动力数值模型的港口规划累积影响评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
累积影响评价是战略环境评价的主要方法和重要内容之一,但目前还缺乏通用的评价程序和方法.通过识别港口规划的累积影响源和途径,建立了基于水动力数值模型的累积影响评价的量化评估和分析框架.以厦门港嵩屿港区规划为例,通过对海湾纳潮量及各敏感点流速的模拟,计算淤积量及其分布变化,进而推测海域水质和底质变化,并分析了由此引起的海洋生物群落的变化趋势.通过比较不同岸线方案的累积影响,为港区岸线优选提供了科学判据.实践表明,该方法框架综合运用定量预测和定性分析手段,其结果能为港口规划的战略环境评价提供科学依据.  相似文献   

解决中国农村环境保护信息非对称性的方法探索   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
基于对世界银行项目——“中国乡镇工业企业环境行为研究”的子项目“乡镇工业企业污染控制报告制度研究”在江苏省丹阳市的实施过程的研究,发现污染控制报告会在乡镇环境管理中有着良好的社会效益、经济效益和环境效益,不失为一种解决农村环境保护信息非对称性的优选方法。  相似文献   

通过对砒霜生产化工厂原场址废渣及污染场地调查的基础上,进行了处置方案比选及技术经济比较,确定了就地安全填埋的处置方案。根据区域性危险废物集中安全填埋场的设计经验,本工程采用先进的HDPE双层防渗的安全填埋方式,并设置了雨水分流系统、渗滤液收集系统、封场处理和填埋气体导排系统,整个场区布置合理,对周围环境的影响小,投资少,取得了良好的社会效益和环境效益,并对危险废物处理处置工程设计中应注意的问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

通过工程实例,阐述了小氮肥厂实施清洁生产的途径,并从经济效益、环境效益和社会效益三方面分析了清洁生产工艺的实用性和可行性.  相似文献   


A rapid process of industrialization, on the one hand, transformed the economies from agrarian to industrial societies to improve the living standards and welfare of people. On the other hand, the urbanized and industrialized economies have posed challenging threats to environmental sustainability. The query at hand is whether the growing environmental emissions are driven by industrialization and urbanization or not. This research aims to empirically examine the combined role of industrialization and urbanization in achieving carbon neutrality in Pakistan by considering foreign direct investment and economic growth as control variables in the model. The core empirical results are the following: firstly, industrialization and economic growth exhibit negative but statistically insignificant impacts on CO2 emissions, imparting a neutral role in determining the environmental degradation in Pakistan. Secondly, urbanization and foreign direct investment disclose positive and statistically significant (at 1% level of significance) impacts on CO2 emissions, manifesting an environmental degradation driving impact in the country. Thirdly, given the slope coefficients of urbanization and foreign direct investment (0.058 and 0.035), urbanization proved to be a stronger driver than foreign direct investment. Finally, foreign direct investment is revealed to make the Pakistani economy a “Pollution Haven” for the foreign enterprises in the country. Based on empirical results, none of the variables predicted the support for carbon neutrality in Pakistan.


农业非点源污染控制技术环境经济评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用费用效益分析方法建立评价指标体系,对上海青浦地区实施的化肥和农药减量非点源控制技术进行环境经济评价,并就环境效益的货币化进行重点探讨.试图为农业非点源污染控制措施制定提供依据.  相似文献   

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