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Picea neoveitchii is an endemic species in China. It had been listed as an endangered species in red data books. It scatters in several locations of south slope of the Qinling Mountain of China. Upon reviewing the related literature, discussing with leading scholars on gymnosperm, ecology and plant conservation, the field survey was carried out in four locations. There are eleven mature individuals and two seedlings surviving in its natural habitats. With the survey of quadrat method in four locations, related community index were calculated such as relative important value (RIV), species richness, similarity index, diversity index and evenness index etc. The community could be sorted and characterized as three groups based on the community parameters. The analysis of vegetation table elucidates that Picea neoveitchii is a dominant species with low grouping rate in most surveyed sites. The RAPD analysis shows target species has intraspecific genetic variability. The estimation of Shannon's phenotypic diversity index (Ho) also explains the difference of genetic variations of different locations. Due to the lack of enough knowledge and professional guide of conservation biological perspective, Picea neoveitchii had been clear-cut for timber production. The extent of occurrence and area of occupancy declined rapidly from 1950s to 1990s. According to the Conservation Category guideline proposed by the World Conservation Union, the conservation status of Picea neoveitchii was reevaluated as Critically Endangered (CR) B2b C2a D. Upon research in areas of ecology, molecular biology, cluster analysis of environmental parameters, a practical conservation strategy is recommended in this research.  相似文献   

节能目标责任制和节能自愿协议作为两种不同的节能管理手段,在我国节能管理工作中发挥了不同的作用,对二者进行模式总结和比较分析,对我国未来的节能政策制定和政策工具选择具有重要意义.研究结果表明,节能目标责任制和节能自愿协议都发生在政府与企业之间,涉及一定时期内的企业节能目标,由政府与企业签订书面承诺,并有相应的评估监督方法.同时二者又存在不同的模式和特征,在具体的实施主体、指标的选择以及激励约束机制等方面存在诸多差别."十一五"期间,我国工业企业节能取得巨大成效,这与节能目标责任制的实施密不可分,而节能自愿协议在机制创新方面有着更为重大的制度意义,它代表了在节能管理领域基于自愿的市场机制对我国传统行政命令型资源环境管理模式的补充,它的进一步推进将为我国未来多种机制并存的节能管理提供更多有益的经验和借鉴.  相似文献   

Many current wildlife conservation efforts in Africa focus on providing local communities with economic incentives to utilize wildlife as a form of land use in order to achieve the twin goals of ecological preservation as well as sustainable human economic development. Tanzanian Maasailand is home to some of the greatest concentrations of large mammals remaining outside National Parks and reserves, as well as a uniquely traditional human culture in the form of the Maasai themselves. Both are increasingly threatened by a variety of factors; poaching and habitat loss for wildlife, and the increasing marginalization of their pastoralist economy with regards to the Maasai. The fundamental cause of declining wildlife populations and biodiversity loss is that the Maasai have little economic or social interest in wildlife due to centralized management and financial benefits which are directed primarily to the Tanzanian state. Maasai pastoralism is highly compatible with wildlife, and the potential for the local communities to sustainably manage and benefit from this resource is promising. However, implementation of effective community-based natural resource management in the area faces political, cultural, and economic obstacles which will be critical in determining the outcomes of both conservation and community development efforts in Maasailand.  相似文献   

US Energy Conservation and Efficiency: Benefits and Costs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With increased energy conservation plus the adoption of diverse energy efficient technologies, the US economy could save about 32 quads or about 33% of its current energy consumption, if sound conservation energy use policies were implemented over approximately 10 years. This potential of 32 quads is slightly greater than the current US oil imports. The systems that have the greatest potential to provide major energy savings are transportation, residential energy use, and the food system. Not only saving energy has merit in itself, but it would save US citizens approximately $438 billion per year, helping support the US economy, a high standard of living, and energy security. In addition, this analysis suggests that reducing the $40 billion in taxpayer money spent on subsidies of the energy industries would further increase conservation.  相似文献   

秦岭自然保护区群保护成本计量研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
秦岭自然保护区群在我国生物多样性保护方面发挥了重要作用,学术界一直缺乏保护成本计量的研究。本研究在界定秦岭自然保护区群成本的概念及分析其内涵的基础上,综合运用专家咨询法及文献参考方法,建立了秦岭自然保护区群保护成本计量指标体系,利用市场价值法、等效替代法以及机会成本法等方法,对秦岭自然保护区群保护生物多样性的投入进行了成本计量及分析。结果表明:秦岭自然保护区群在保护生物多样性投入方面,总货币量约29.72亿元人民币,其中直接保护成本为2.59亿元;间接保护成本为2.00亿元;与周边区域密切相关的机会成本为25.13亿元。其中,机会成本的计量模型多样化,在学术界存在较多争议,但是,最终每种模型都能反映出机会成本的内涵的货币量,可以表达出我国政府为建立秦岭自然保护区群而付出的无形代价。  相似文献   

随着经济全面发展,旅游业已经成为世界经济文化发展的重要组成部分,跃升为极具发展前景和潜力的产业,国内各地区的旅游业呈现出强劲增长的势头,然而广东省廉江市的旅游产业仍处于初级阶段,没有得到很好的开发利用,在此背景下,我们利用实地调研的资料,运用SWOT分析法,对廉江市的旅游现状进行评价,探讨其发展所面临的优势、劣势、机会与挑战,就如何解决存在的问题,发挥廉江自身的资源优势,开展特色旅游,促进经济社会的可持续发展,进行了战略分析和研究。  相似文献   

Spring water in the city of Jinan comes from the limestone areas. Understanding the capacity of wellspring conservation is a critical point to resume the perennial spewing of the spring water. The vegetation, soil, and other natural and human aspects related to the conservation are studied by using the methods of geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing (RS), and field investigation. In the end, suggestions for administration and planning as well as countermeasures are put forward.  相似文献   


Spring water in the city of Jinan comes from the limestone areas. Understanding the capacity of wellspring conservation is a critical point to resume the perennial spewing of the spring water. The vegetation, soil, and other natural and human aspects related to the conservation are studied by using the methods of geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing (RS), and field investigation. In the end, suggestions for administration and planning as well as countermeasures are put forward.  相似文献   

节能是提高能效、减少污染、实现能源可持续消费的有效手段。本文以山东省济南市居民节能措施选择的实地调查数据为基础.运用联合分析方法对其所涉及的节能项目、途径、成本和效果诸方面的偏好程度如何影响节能措施的最终选择进行了实证分析.结果显示:居民在进行节能活动时,首要考虑的是节能措施的效果。其次是节能成本和项目。而对节能实现途径不太关注;居民更偏好效果明显、成本低的节能措施;倾向于简单、初级的行为节能方式(改变用能习惯);在技术节能方式中。更倾向通过购买能效用具而非改造原来用具实现节能。同时.本文对于不同特征家庭能源消费者选择节能措施的偏好差异也进行了分析。从而为政府推进全社会节能提供决策指导。  相似文献   

Climatic characteristics of the northern Moscow region and the periodicity of seedage in Norway spruce were analyzed retrospectively. The relationship between the intensity of seedage and weather conditions in the period before seedage was revealed.  相似文献   


The coupling relation exists in water and soil conservation and economic-social development. The article analyses the relation of soil and water conservation and economic-social development stages as well as the coupling analytical method. Then calculates the expecting income by dispersing Markov decision and calculates the correlation coefficient and the relationship degree. The article obtains the relationship of soil and water conservation investments and all kinds of incomes. Finally, it analyzes the important meaning in socio-economic development of water and soil conservation.  相似文献   

The coupling relation exists in water and soil conservation and economic-social development. The article analyses the relation of soil and water conservation and economic-social development stages as well as the coupling analytical method. Then calculates the expecting income by dispersing Markov decision and calculates the correlation coefficient and the relationship degree. The article obtains the relationship of soil and water conservation investments and all kinds of incomes. Finally, it analyzes the important meaning in socio-economic development of water and soil conservation.  相似文献   

锡林郭勒草原保护区实现保护与发展双赢对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
内蒙古锡林郭勒草原保护区是我国唯一列入世界生物圈保护区网络的草原保护区,从草地资源利用、保护区管理和经济社会不同角度分析了保护区草原大面积退化的成因。以退化草原恢复为目标,对锡林郭勒草原保护区进行了新的规划.核心区面积占保护区总面积的比例由原来的0.17%增加到新规划的6.85%。以保护区内面积最大的白音锡勒牧场为研究区.利用2004年8月TM数字化磁带数据,在估算出白音锡勒牧场草原地上生物量的基础上,划分出未退化、轻度退化、中度退化、重度退化4个等级,针对不同退化等级草场制定出不同的牧草产量利用率。并计算出以退化草原恢复为目标的草原合理放牧强度、相应面积和载畜量,结果为研究区平均合理放牧强度为43只标准羊单位/km^2。白音锡勒牧场2003年平均放牧强度为86只标准羊单位/km^2。最后提出应改变锡林郭勒草原单一的畜牧业经济机构,“以工养草”;大力扶植牧民从事生态旅游和针对不同退化等级草原制定合理的载畜量等实现保护区环境保护与经济发展双赢的对策。  相似文献   

农牧交错带农业生态服务功能的作用及其保护途径   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目前全球农业生产覆盖全球25%~30%的土地面积,约50%的可利用土地已经被农业占据。如果农业生态系统.特别是生态脆弱区的系统服务功能得不到恢复与保护.那将会拖全球环境保护的“后腿”。由于中国的国情决定了在生态脆弱区环境保护中必须坚持环境保护与发展农业生产“两手抓“。因此.农业生态系统服务功能的恢复、维持应该成为该地区生态环境保护与建设的重要组成部分。农业生产不仅要提高生态系统服务的产品功能,更要恢复和维持其各种维持生命的间接服务功能。本文在分析农业生态系统服务功能退化表现与影响因素的基础上.提出了针对各项服务功能的恢复与维持对策。  相似文献   

可再生资源非线性收获的策略研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文运用非线性理论建立了可再生资源二次非线性收获的动力摸式。研究结果表明:为了保证可再生资源的可持缓利用、收获,必须把收获强度控制在一定的水平上,我们因此可以得到持续的最大产量。我们发现虽然对可再生资源的收获策略有线性和非线性之分,但是得到的可再生资源的最大持续收获量是相同的。因此,我们必须采用合理的可再生资源收获策略。避免可再生资源的过度利用和枯竭。我国可再生资源十分短缺,需正确处理好经济发展与可再生资源保护之问的关系,保护好我国珍贵的可再生资源对于我国的可持续发展具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   


Water saving and developing water conservation society are the two key strategies both for wise water allocation and sustainable utilization. The paper analyses the connotation of water saving and water conservation society. Essentially, water saving means freeing up water from non-beneficial uses and providing it to some more productive uses. Basic principles for setting indicator are presented by providing efficient use of water, considering social issues and ecological protection. An integrated assessing water saving system aiming at more sustainable and efficient consumption is given considering unbalanced social and economic development in regions and basins. The hierarchy Indicator system provides qualified tools to the practice of water conservation and evaluates the value for water conservation society construction.  相似文献   

从政府机构节能的紧迫性出发。基于“企业化政府”理论和政府机构节能管理工作存在的问题。分析了将“成本倒逼法”引入政府机构节能管理工作的理论依据和现实基础。论证“成本倒遇法”在政府机构节能管理工作中的实际应用。  相似文献   

Water saving and developing water conservation society are the two key strategies both for wise water allocation and sustainable utilization. The paper analyses the connotation of water saving and water conservation society. Essentially, water saving means freeing up water from non-beneficial uses and providing it to some more productive uses. Basic principles for setting indicator are presented by providing efficient use of water, considering social issues and ecological protection. An integrated assessing water saving system aiming at more sustainable and efficient consumption is given considering unbalanced social and economic development in regions and basins. The hierarchy indicator system provides qualified tools to the practice of water conservation and evaluates the value for water conservation society construction.  相似文献   

选择"十一五"末期国家区域发展规划的战略重点——成渝经济区、关中天水经济区、广西北部湾经济区作为研究对象,从经济增长趋同性研究的视角出发,利用上述三大经济区所涵盖的30个地级及以上城市的数据作为样本,采取Onestep-System-GMM方法对动态面板趋同模型进行回归,考察三大经济区在2000-2009年之间经济增长的趋同性质,并计算出大致趋同速度。本文的研究结果显示,西部地区的经济增长呈现出明显的条件趋同特征,趋同速度大约为-3.3%-2.0%,即西部大开发战略实施以来,西部地区内部的经济增长出现了缓慢的趋异。由于政策时滞的存在,且西部地区投资多以基础设施建设为主,投资以及经济增长的滞后一期对当期经济增长的影响并不显著。而初始经济状态和教育事业费支出对当期经济增长则有显著的正向影响。因此促进西部经济基础薄弱地区的发展是未来西部大开发深化推进的关键,而在保持物质资本投资规模的同时加大教育及人力投资的比重则可以有效缩小西部地区经济差异。  相似文献   

Zoos and aquaria are controversial institutions, vilified by animal rights activists and championed by those who value their entertainment and educational resources. Examining media frames of these institutions can identify public perspectives. A qualitative content analysis was conducted for print and online magazine articles that discussed zoos and aquaria in North America. Sixty-five articles were analysed, and eight different frames were identified. The diverse frames highlight the differing roles of zoos and aquaria. Most of the articles were positive and supportive of zoos; 11% were negative. Animal welfare was the most common frame, from both positive and negative perspectives. Other frames, such as conservation and education, were less prevalent in the sample than expected, since zoos and aquaria portray themselves to be leaders in these fields. The unbalanced media discourse and small publication rate over the four years sampled suggest opportunities for increased media engagement on zoos and aquaria.  相似文献   

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