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Company and enterprise have to consume a certain amount of environmental resources during producing process and discharge pollutants into environment. No matter how advanced technologies for management are taken, company and enterprise will unavoidably lower quality of environmental public goods. In fact, current environmental problems and a decline in environmental quality are mainly caused by actions of company and enterprise. Whatever environmental right for citizens is, either as a right i…  相似文献   

浅论国家环境权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球环境的日益恶化和公民环保意识的不断增强,环境权理论迅速发展。国家环境权作为一项重要的环境权。在环境法理论逐步变革和权利内涵不断演进的趋势下,已成为法学界研究探讨的重要课题。通过分析国家环境权的国内、国际法律基础。论证了国家环境权的确立。利用类比的方法。阐述了国家环境权与其他宪法权利的不同之处。从权利义务的对等统一和国内国际两个层面。重新归纳了国家环境权的内容。初步构建了国家环境权的基本理论框架。  相似文献   

环境保护行政程序是环境保护行政机关作出环境保护行政行为的程序。证据规则是环境保护行政程序制度的重要内容。我国环境保护行政程序证据规则缺乏,应当对环境保护行政程序证据规则进行研究,并促进环境保护行政程序证据规则的完善。证据排除规则是证据规则的重要内容,它排除部分具有证明价值的证据的证明效力。环境保护行政程序不应建立严格证据排除规则,但要排除以侵犯行政相对人权利或违背程序正义方式取得的非法证据的效力。环境保护行政程序的证明对象为实体性事实和程序性事实,证明责任主要由环境保护行政机关承担,行政相对人承担部分证明责任。环境保护行政程序中,行政相对人有提供证据的权利和责任。环境保护机关依职权调查案件事实和收集证据,应遵守进入检查规则、当事人参与规则和法定人员收集证据规则。环境保护行政程序应尽量实行言词审理,采用职能分离规则和案卷排他性原则。  相似文献   

区域排污权交易模型研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文在分析了排污权交易研究进展的基础上,指出区域污染权交易比传统的排污权交易意义更大,并提出排污权交易地区交叉补贴的设想:将发达地区的排污权交易所得向欠发达地区转移,以解决欠发达地区产业结构调整乏力以及对发达地区的二次污染和发达地区环境容量资源短缺问题。在不考虑交易成本的假设下,通过建立不同地区排污权交易模型以确定排污权交易总量及其交易价格以及交易所获净增纯收益等。太湖流域由于经济最为发达,环境问题十分突出,是目前我国最适宜率先进行区域排污权交易试点的地区。通过假定太湖流域无锡和常州两市进行排污权交易,并利用两市1991—2000年的环境统计资料等相关资料进行了验证。计算结果表明区域排污权交易不仅具有明显的经济和环境效益,而且也是协调环境区域矛盾的重要手段。因此,不同地区间进行排污权交易在我国具有重要意义,在太湖流域等经济发达地区收效尤其明显。  相似文献   

The idea of environmental rights was first ascertained as a universal concern in the late 20th century and then became a fundamental part of environmental law along with the growth of serious disasters brought by the frequent occurrence of extreme environmental crisis. Generally speaking, the environmental rights safeguard and defend human rights and ultimately facilitate producing better conditions of life on earth by stretching and expanding the theory of traditional human rights. But there are endless debates since environmental rights appeared and various views of environmental rights, such as anthropocentric doctrine and organism's centre doctrine. Differentiated from the traditional research, this article reviewed environmental rights from the perspective of harmonious development between human beings and nature rather than from the perspective of law. Therefore, it is very important to clarify the relationship between human beings and nature based on the environmental rights and to promote the environmental rights to be embodied in the constitution. This article emphasized the importance of the practical significance of environmental rights, and built a concrete structure within the legal system that could promote the transformation of environmental law from ‘should have’ right to practical right, and promote the further development of environmental rights and their weightiness in the legal system.  相似文献   

本文首先从环境容量利用权产生的社会背景和自然科学基础出发,指出环境容量利用权是一种新型无形财产权,是对环境生态功能的商品化,兼具公权与私权属性.然后,本文深入探讨了环境容量利用权的权利构造,指出环境容量利用权的主体不限于排污者,而是一般主体,但要成为具体的环境容量利用权主体还需受到一定的公法管制;环境容量利用权的客体就是环境容量,通过环境容量所依附的物质载体的空间范围、利用环境容量的期限、所利用的环境容量的数量、所排放污染物的种类等参数可使环境容量具有确定性;环境容量利用权的核心权能是排污和收益,环境容量利用权的功能定位是"利用"而非支配或控制环境容量,一般不具有占有和排他权能,通过排污保证正常的生产活动是间接收益,而通过交易获取经济利益则是直接收益.最后,本文简要分析了环境容量利用权在中国的实现机制.  相似文献   


Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in China has developed rapidly since it was introduced into China in the 1990s. Chinese government promulgated the Environmental Impact Assessment Law of China (hereinafter referred to as the EIA Law) in 2002. In this law, it is stipulated clearly that regional and sector plans should be assessed. Through investigating materials and analyzing literatures, this article analyses the practical and academic study achievements of SEA in China that have been achieved since the EIA Law was implemented, probes into the current situation of the main level of SEA in China—plan EIA, then summarizes the development characteristics, and eventually, puts forward the development trends of SEA in China. The research conclusions can offer the foundations for comprehending systematically the progress of SEA in China.  相似文献   


With the development of science and technology, the researches and application of water resources including the gas water have been constantly developed. Through an analysis on the flaws of the water right theory, and by executing reconstruction and renewal of the theory and system of water right in modern society, the water right position of the gas water will be established, leading to the maturity of the whole law effectiveness and substantial results of water right.  相似文献   


The study tries to set up a system to extract strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in exploitation of regional development based on the present situation of environmental assessment in China. First, the article summarizes the emphasis and deficiency of international academic community’s SEA research in the past 10 years. Based on this, the article puts forward the concept and evaluation principles of regional strategic environmental assessment (RSEA). Then the article expounds the necessity of carrying out RSEA. After that, the article discusses in detail the process of RSEA, which includes defining evaluation scope, describing regional background, combing strategic behavior, designing development scenarios, predicting the pressure on environment, assessing environmental impact, screening alternatives and proposing regulation and control schemes.  相似文献   

环境预警制度蕴含了一项使行政权力合法扩张的"对应性架构",即预警级别与"强制型"或"限制型"措施之间的充分必要关系。在制度运行过程当中,环境行政权力却出现了"选择性失语"和"运动式肆意"的问题,具体表现为:一是预警级别发布时的"隐匿"与"从轻",从而对公民健康权益保护不足;二是预警状态下环境行政权力的扩张过度,使得对个人自由与企业经济自由侵害过度。由于环境治理领域"被害人-加害人"二元对立关系的模糊化、趋同化甚至同一化,传统公法学体系中的权力制约理论无法对预警状态下多样化和多层次性的行政权力进行有效地规制。那么,便有必要对现有的环境预警制度进行修正与纠偏。因此,可以从"对应性架构"的载体及其前后两端入手,对环境预警制度进行法治化建构。具体而言,对环境预警的载体"应急预案"进行形式改造,提高环境应急预案的规范层级,完善环境应急预案制定、修改等程序性规定;明确不同预警级别设定的规范层级,将作为被宪法所保护的客观利益——生态环境利益与经济利益的边界——通过"前端"预警标准予以划分;对预警状态下行政权力的"外部"制约程序予以完善。基于预警级别标准体系的划分,可以通过司法程序对"后端"环境应急预案进行"附带性审查",同时,赋予私主体直接针对预警状态下具有"外化"法效力的内部行政行为提起行政诉讼的诉权。  相似文献   

关于提高我国自然资源物权化程度的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自然资源物权是随着环境资源法和物权法的发展而逐渐进入人们视野的。与传统物权相比,自然资源物权是一组性质有别的权利总称.它在本质上具有物权属性.但也包含准物权的内容。可将其分为土地资源物权和其它自然资源物权。我国的自然资源物权制度主要存在所有权虚化和抽象化、使用权物权化程度不高、土地资源使用权未得到切实保障等缺陷。应当通过强化和实现自然资源所有权、积极推进自然资源使用权物权化来完善我国自然资源物权制度。在具体的制度设计上。必须保障自然资源国家所有权的有效实现,改进和完善自然资源的集体所有权;同时也要推进土地使用权和其它自然资源使用权的物权化,特别是扩大自然资源物权中公民使用权的范围.推进自然资源物权的具体化和制度化。  相似文献   


In the context of global climate change, the internalization of negative externality, which is brought about by the traditional mode of economic growth, has become an inevitable choice. In order to achieve the internalization, it is necessary to make innovations on the market mechanism and system, find the value of environmental capital, establish a new mode of economic growth based on environmental capital, and then transform the environmental capital, an exogenous factor of economic growth, into an endogenous factor. Of this, the key of market mechanism and system innovation is the financial innovation that is based on environmental capital and negative externality; the government defines the initial property right of environmental resources and establishes environment energy trading market, so as to guide enterprises to trade environmental resources (represented by carbon emission permit trading) based on the Clean Development Mechanism, and to vigorously develop environmental finance and carbon finance.  相似文献   

环境规制的界定、分类与演进研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
受Chipko运动启发,本文对环境规制的内涵做了重新界定.基于这一界定,将环境规制分为显性环境规制和隐性环境规制,其中,显性环境规制又分为命令控制型环境规制、以市场为基础的激励性环境规制和自愿性环境规制;分析了不同类型环境规制的内涵与特征等,着重提出了隐性环境规制这一全新范畴,并对其涵义、生成与作用模式进行了初步的研究;从规制主体、规制对象、规制成本和效率等方面探讨了不同环境规制闻的联系与区别;研究了环境规制的演变过程.本文的意义在于,对政府而言,对隐性环境规制的探索,可能扩大了政府环保策略的选择与运用空间;对企业来说,则打开了长期为人们所忽略的一个"环境规制黑箱",丰富了人们对企业环境决策变量的认识,为改善和优化企业的环境决策提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

中国环境污染与经济增长的实证研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
本文基于我国1981-2007年环境污染与经济增长的相关数据,利用时间序列研究方法对我国EKC进行实证研究,说明建立EKC模型可能存在的问题。为弥补EKC模型中环境不影响经济的假设与变量难以量化的不足,运用VAR模型研究二者的动态关系。EKC研究结果表明:EKC是一种客观现象,而不是一般规律;与人们生产生活关系密切的污染物更有可能出现EKC特征。VAR脉冲响应和方差分解的动态分析结果与二者相互作用机理相符:一方面我国经济增长通过规模效应、结构效应、技术效应等因素影响环境;一方面随着人们环境质量需求弹性的增加,政府对环境质量的重视,环境对企业生产行为的约束机制正逐步形成,但可能由于人们通过自身消费影响产出的作用有限和环境政策实施存在滞后性等原因,这种机制的形成存在一定滞后。  相似文献   


As a discipline of crisis and care, environmental communication needs to address questions of environmental justice. This article argues that the most appropriate approach to studying environmental justice communication is engaged scholarship, in which academics collaborate with community partners, advocates, and others to conduct research. The article reviews prior engaged communication scholarship on environmental justice, and proposes four streams of future research, focused on news and information, deliberation and participation, campaigns and movements, and education and literacy.  相似文献   

Although it is not the main duty for the People’s Procuratorate to institute environmental public interest litigation proceedings, the existence of "reserve" prosecution right of plaintiff not only is beneficial to timely prevention and cure of environmental damage, but also contributes indispensable judicial supervision force to the environmental legality construction. In order to safeguard environmental public interests, many local prosecutorial organizations have practiced environmental public interests litigation. Since Chinese law has not made explicit stipulation on the function of the People’s Procuratorate instituting environmental public interest litigation, the plaintiff’s subject qualification for environmental public interest litigation instituted by the People’s Procuratorate is still in question. In order to propel the People’s Procuratorate to completely and fully exercise their power of supervision and prosecution, there shall be corresponding legislation that provides powerful guarantee for the People’s Procuratorate instituting environmental public interest litigation.  相似文献   

环境损害的法律定义研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合近年发生的重大环境污染与破坏事故,从环境权益的角度,深入剖析“环境损害”的现象与实质,兼与“环境侵权”、“环境侵害”辨析,借鉴国外立法经验,为制定我国《环境损害赔偿法》界定“环境损害”的法律定义。  相似文献   

环境公益诉讼的理论基础探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境不可能成为权利的对象,环境权论和公共信托理论都无法为环境公益诉讼提供理论支撑.多人利益意义上的环境公益诉讼以公民财产权、人身权等为根据,无须再虚构其他的理论根据.私人检察总长理论、私人实施法律理论是国家论、权力论,这种理论和我国法律中的公民检举权都以"积极公民"的存在为前提."积极公民"存在于个体与利益共同体关系中.国家、民族、自然环境决定的特定区域中的人的集合等都构成一个共同体.共同体成员对共同体的责任是公民担当"私人总检察长"、公益起诉人的理由.集体利益环境诉讼的理论基础是作为环境共同体成员的公民对共同的环境利益的责任.多人利益环境诉讼实际上是私益诉讼,只有集体公益的环境诉讼才是需要我们努力建设的环境公益诉讼.  相似文献   

特许物权是自然资源用益物权。特许物权变动是指特许物权的设立、变更和终止行为。自然资源的稀缺性特征是为其变动过程被政府管制的重要原因,我国法律即采取特许物权变动行政许可制度,是国家为减少自然资源开发中的外部性问题而对私人权益实施的强制性干预。特许物权变动行政许可制度弱化特许物权人的最大化收益,产生了价格不菲的经济租。部分特许物权人为了谋求自身利益的最大化,会做出各种努力旨在影响特许物权变动中行政许可的向度与强度。一旦寻租行为得逞,自然资源的法定变动路径将备受扭曲,社会总体福利下降。寻租行为在特许物权变动中的发生类型呈现出独占型寻租和竞争型寻租两种,但其有着共同的衍生路径。追踪寻租行为的发生脉路,可以洞察到自然资源特许物权变动中寻租衍生的特殊动因。可以通过合理化特许物权结构、规范特许物权变动秩序和强化行政许可权力制衡力度等措施来对寻租的动因加以有效抑制。  相似文献   

Communication strategies involving news media and environmental groups are well documented and research into protest politics and other forms of environmental communication has made considerable progress in the analysis of the strategies that various actors use to influence environmental policy. There is less scholarship, however, on the journalistic representation of the legal strategies employed by environmental non-government organizations, such as the mediatized debates about the use of law by these groups and the laws themselves. Further, while legal scholarship observes the role of public interest litigation in environmental matters, the role of news media as an influential force in public opinion formation and mobilization in the context of environmental litigation as an activist strategy remains less understood. Using the 2015 “green lawfare” debate in Australia that followed a successful Australian Federal Court challenge to a coalmine, this paper argues that the “mediatized visibility” inherent in public interest litigation is an important, but mostly overlooked, element of mediatized environmental conflict.  相似文献   

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