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With the rapid development of economy, the conversion of cultivated land into nonagricultural land occurs more frequently and makes cultivated land sparser. This article based on the decoupling theory takes the situations of cultivated land occupation by construction and economic growth in China from 1998 to 2007 as an example to evaluate and analyze the decoupling. The conclusions are drawn as follows. First, the article applies IU curve and gross method. The decoupling status by gross method, in contrast to that by IU curve, can express the pressure from cultivated land occupation better and is similar to the decoupling status based on the model of decoupling in this article. Second, in most provinces of China, the relationship between the cultivated land occupation by construction and economic growth has transformed from expansive negative decoupling to strong decoupling. In general, the transformation was firstly from economically advanced eastern municipalities under the central government directly, then to economically advanced eastern coastal provinces, and lastly to central, western and northeastern regions. Third, the decoupling status was relative to contemporaneous policies and laws on cultivated land protection and regional development planning. Their effect is obvious and positive.  相似文献   

By means of the dynamic regression model, this paper analyzes the relationships among economic growth, urbanization and changes of cultivated land in China, finds that the ratio of cultivated land occupied by economic growth is decreasing with social and economic growth. And, based on that, some policy suggestions on how to promote the sustainable use of cultivated land in China are put forward.  相似文献   

虚拟耕地资源被广泛认为是缓解国内耕地资源压力和促进农业经济增长的重要举措之一。在论证虚拟耕地资源贸易对农业经济增长作用机理分析的基础上,计算1996~2018年中国主要农产品虚拟耕地资源贸易量,并对虚拟耕地资源对农业经济增长中的贡献份额进行实证分析,为调整对外贸易战略及优化耕地资源策略提供参考。结果表明:虚拟耕地资源可以在更大范围内实现耕地资源的优化配置;主要农产品贸易的巨大逆差决定了中国是虚拟耕地资源净进口大国,其中,油料是虚拟耕地资源净进口量最大的品种;虚拟耕地资源对农业经济增长的贡献率为0.26%,观点得到了佐证。同时,还提出了要试点实施虚拟耕地资源,全力以赴做好贸易政策调整战略;充分利用国内外“两种资源、两个市场”,倒逼主要农产品进行结构调整;努力构建虚拟耕地资源管理新模式,推动农业“走出去”与市场多元化结合等政策建议。  相似文献   

中国建设占用耕地与经济增长的退耦研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用退耦研究方法,探讨了近年来中国建设占用耕地与经济增长之间的退耦关系。并归纳其空间分异特点,进而对中国最严格耕地保护政策的实施效果进行了评价。研究结果表明,1998—2005年中国及其多数省份建设占用耕地规模已呈现相对于经济增长、城镇化发展以及总人口增长的退耦过程。在空间上,耕地占用相对于经济增长的退耦程度呈现中部大于西部,西部大于东部的特征;相对于城镇化水平增长的退耦程度呈现中部大于西部.西部略大于东部的特征;相对于总人口增长的退耦程度则呈现东部大于中部.中部大于西部的特征。研究表明近年来中国最严格耕地保护政策实施的积极效果已逐渐显现,经济增长、城镇化和人口增长驱动下的耕地占用压力已有所缓解。  相似文献   

With the rapid development of economy, the conversion of cultivated land into nonagricultural land occurs more frequently and makes cultivated land sparser. This article based on the decoupling theory takes the situations of cultivated land occupation by construction and economic growth in China from 1998 to 2007 as an example to evaluate and analyze the decoupling. The conclusions are drawn as follows. First, the article applies IU curve and gross method. The decoupling status by gross method, in contrast to that by IU curve, can express the pressure from cultivated land occupation better and is similar to the decoupling status based on the model of decoupling in this article. Second, in most provinces of China, the relationship between the cultivated land occupation by construction and economic growth has transformed from expansive negative decoupling to strong decoupling. In general, the transformation was firstly from economically advanced eastern municipalities under the central government directly, then to economically advanced eastern coastal provinces, and lastly to central, western and northeastern regions. Third, the decoupling status was relative to contemporaneous policies and laws on cultivated land protection and regional development planning. Their effect is obvious and positive.  相似文献   


China is experiencing a process of rapid industrialization and urbanization at the cost of agricultural land and environment, particularly in the costal areas. This study takes Jinan as a case presenting a time-series analysis of urban land expansion from 313 to 2003. The results show that the urban expansion of Jinan city mainly took place in the last 100 years, especially after the economic reform in 1978. Social development and economic growth, urban population growth and migration policies were factors driving the urban land expansion. Urban sprawl resulted in a disappearance of wetlands and a great loss of agricultural land, and over-pumping of ground water that led to disappearance of the city's feature, namely “the city of springs”.  相似文献   


This article makes a quantitative study on economic performance of arable land protection and land use regulation with dummy variable model. It is shown that land use regulation is favorable for economic growth and protection of arable land and that there are still some problems in the implementation of land use regulation. Thus, it puts forward corresponding suggestion.  相似文献   

通过对江苏省13个市(1978-1996年)耕地面积变化和经济增长过程的分析,阐述了耕地面积变化量与国内生产总值变化量之间的相关性,并且根据耕地面积减少率与国内生产总值增长率的关系分析,将13个市划分为三种具体类型:(1)经济增长超前,耕地减少滞后;(2)经济增长滞后,耕地减少超前;(3)经济增长与耕地减少同步变化。由上述分析发现,耕在面积大量减少与经济过热增长阶段基本同步,江苏的经济增长模式仍属于资源消耗型。在13个市中,国内生产总值变化量与耕地面积变化量比值的差别较大,说明被挪作他用的那部分耕地的利用效益在各个市之间存在较大的差异。最后,提出了正确处理耕地减少与经济发展关系的对策建议:(1)提高耕地非农化的成本;(2)降低农业生产成本;(3)强化耕地的法律保护;(4)发展节地型经济增长技术;(4(5)加强土地复垦和土地整理。  相似文献   

利用Eviews 6.0软件,基于协整分析与Granger因果关系检验方法,探讨经济增长和耕地资源数量变化的相互关系和相互作用,以协调耕地保护和经济发展的矛盾。研究结果表明,不同经济增长阶段,我国耕地资源数量变化与经济增长存在长期均衡关系;自1952年以来,我国经济增长和耕地资源数量变化经历了3个阶段,具体表现为:(1)互为因果(1952~1978年),这一阶段农业在国民经济中具有重要地位,耕地的产出在经济增长中占据较大的份额;(2)前者是后者的Granger原因(1978~1992年),此阶段耕地资源投入量顺应了经济增长的要求,发挥了自己应有的作用;(3)后者是前者的Granger原因(1992~2008年),耕地资源作为要素投入支撑了经济的低质量增长,由此产生了重复建设、土地低效利用等问题。因此,关注经济增长和耕地资源数量变化在不同经济发展阶段的均衡关系,发现其中的规律,掌握其中的因果变化趋势,适时调整土地政策以适应经济增长的要求是亟待解决的战略问题。

我国耕地生态安全评价及障碍因子诊断   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
耕地生态安全评价及障碍因子诊断是改善耕地生态系统状况、促进耕地可持续利用的重要基础。在界定耕地生态安全内涵的基础上,构建了基于PSR模型的评价指标体系,采用熵值法和障碍度模型,对我国耕地生态安全进行了评价。研究表明:(1)1996~2010年我国耕地生态安全水平总体不断提高,综合指数从0484 4增加到0626 9,安全等级经历了“临界安全-较安全”的演变历程;(2)压力指数总体上呈现下降趋势,状态指数和响应指数总体上呈现上升趋势;(3)长远来看,系统压力是影响耕地生态安全的首要因素,1996~2010年系统压力和系统状态的障碍度分别以年均533%和052%的速度增加,而系统响应的障碍度以年均802%的速度下降;(4)影响耕地生态安全的主要障碍因子包括单位耕地面积农药负荷、单位耕地面积化肥负荷、人均耕地面积、土地垦殖率、水土流失程度等。为了促进耕地生态安全水平不断提高,需要进一步转变经济发展方式,加强土地利用监督管理,降低经济增长对土地资源的过度消耗;大力发展绿色农业,合理施用农药、化肥;积极开展农村土地整治,加强高标准基本农田建设;加大环境治理力度,有效控制水土流失程度  相似文献   

基于SD模型的三峡库区快速城镇化地区耕地利用模拟研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对引起耕地变化的驱动因素进行研究,有利于解决当下人口、经济和社会发展与耕地资源的矛盾。基于对耕地变化相关因素的线性分析,提出改进基于时间序列对耕地变化驱动力静态研究的模式,利用系统动力学模型从动态的耕地变化仿真模拟过程中对长寿区耕地变化趋势进行预测研究,为快速城镇化地区耕地资源的合理利用与保护提供借鉴。结果表明:(1)长寿区耕地面积25 a间共减少 9 535 hm2,在数量上总体呈现波动下降趋势;(2)长寿区耕地变化的主要驱动力与社会经济发展、人口与城市发展、农业结构调整与科技进步密切相关;(3)利用SD模型在不同情景设定下的模拟发现,区内城镇化率对耕地面积的影响>GDP对耕地面积的影响>人口增长对耕地面积的影响;(4)耕地利用变化在不同社会经济发展模式下的差异较大,而GDP和城镇化率的缓速增长发展模式最为理想,对区内耕地资源保护有一定的促进作用。由此可以得出,为减轻未来长寿区耕地保护工作压力,必须转变以牺牲耕地作为代价的经济发展模式,通过集约节约用地、积极开展农村建设用地复垦等工作来协调城镇化的快速发展与耕地保护之间的矛盾。 关键词: 耕地变化;驱动力;耕地非农化;系统动力学;城镇化;三峡库区  相似文献   


On the basis of introducing the principle of path analysis, this paper positively analyzes the influence factors of cultivated land change from 1978 to 2002 in Hubei Province. The relationship between the influence factors and cultivated land change is studied by means of the path analysis. The results show that the construction rearrangement of agriculture, grain security and market mechanism are the main factors that decide the cultivated land change. Meanwhile, the impact of investment, urbanization and benefit gap among the different utilizing ways also leads to the change of cultivated land. The result means that though some factors have less direct influence on the change of cultivated land, their indirect influence is significant or vice versa.  相似文献   

利用Eviews 6.0软件,基于协整分析与Granger因果关系检验方法,探讨经济增长和耕地资源数量变化的相互关系和相互作用,以协调耕地保护和经济发展的矛盾。研究结果表明,不同经济增长阶段,我国耕地资源数量变化与经济增长存在长期均衡关系;自1952年以来,我国经济增长和耕地资源数量变化经历了3个阶段,具体表现为:(1)互为因果(1952~1978年),这一阶段农业在国民经济中具有重要地位,耕地的产出在经济增长中占据较大的份额;(2)前者是后者的Granger原因(1978~1992年),此阶段耕地资源投入量顺应了经济增长的要求,发挥了自己应有的作用;(3)后者是前者的Granger原因(1992~2008年),耕地资源作为要素投入支撑了经济的低质量增长,由此产生了重复建设、土地低效利用等问题。因此,关注经济增长和耕地资源数量变化在不同经济发展阶段的均衡关系,发现其中的规律,掌握其中的因果变化趋势,适时调整土地政策以适应经济增长的要求是亟待解决的战略问题。  相似文献   

长江三角洲耕地资源态势与保护对策   总被引:20,自引:7,他引:13  
长江三角洲是我国东部沿海经济最发达的地区,在全国占有十分重要的经济地位。随着经济的发展,资源与环境发生了严重的问题,特别是近年来耕地资源锐减,而后备耕地资源却短缺,人地人粮矛盾更加尖锐,已成为影响这一地区农业持续发展的重要因素。本文分析了这一地区的经济特点与耕地资源的变化态势,并提出了相应的耕地保护措施。首先,要严格控制非农用地,确保基本农田,其次要采用经济手段,建立保护耕地的经济机制;此外,还要  相似文献   

略论耕地库兹涅茨曲线在我国的适用性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
耕地流失是经济发展过程中的一个重要问题,对耕地流失与经济增长的库兹涅茨曲线假说进行分析,以说明耕地库兹涅茨曲线的适用性。选取上海、浙江、江苏、海南、宁夏、河北、河南7省市作为研究区域,根据近20多年来的耕地流失面积与人均GDP统计数据以及产业结构变动情况,结合部分国内学者的研究结果,对耕地库兹涅茨曲线假说进行了验证。研究结果表明,虽然有部分省市符合耕地流失与经济增长的倒U型规律,但是耕地库兹涅茨曲线假说并不具有普遍性。不同的地区、不同的经济发展阶段,耕地流失面积变化具有不同的特点,应该严格保护耕地,控制经济增长的速度,注重提高经济增长的质量与效益,完善耕地保护的政策措施,促进国民经济持续、稳定、健康发展。〖  相似文献   

利用山东省1997-2008年的相关数据,分析了耕地建设占用与经济增长之间脱耦的时间过程和原因。结论认为:1997-2008年间,山东省耕地面积经历了由上升到下降的变化过程,2004年是增减的拐点。2004-2008年间,建设占用成为山东省耕地流失的主要驱动因子。2001-2004年与2005-2008年,山东省耕地建设占用与经济增长均表明发生了明显的脱耦现象,且有加速发展的趋势,山东省经济增长逐渐摆脱了对耕地资源的依赖。相对1997-2000年,2001-2004年间山东省经济增长对耕地资源占用的压力呈减轻趋势,属于相对脱耦;与2001-2004年相比,2005-2008年间山东省建设占用耕地与经济发展成为绝对脱耦型。2005-2008年间,山东省耕地占用与经济增长的脱耦主要得益于第三产业的快速发展。因此,继续实施严格的耕地保护策略,可能并不会对经济发展有较大的影响。  相似文献   


Urbanization is one of the driving forces for the land use change in type and structure, and its prominent effect is to convert rural land to urban land. This paper takes Shandong Province as an example to analyze the current situation of the mutual conversion between the urban and rural areas from the aspects of the structure of land use, the decreasing tendency of the cultivated land, the changes of land use in urban and rural residential areas. It points out that cultivated land is converted to residential area land, industrial and/or mining area land. The relationship between the urban area land and the cultivated land is more direct; meanwhile, the changes of rural residential area lag behind obviously. The decrease of the cultivated land and the decline of soil quality will be the two difficult problems in the process of urbanization.  相似文献   

Inspired by the phenomenon of heavy reduction in the area of cultivated land following the entry of Korea and Japan to the WTO,countries with a large population and inadequate amount of cultivated land similar to China,this paper raises the problem of the potential effects on cultivated land in China following its entry to the WTO.The paper attempts analysis,using economic principles,of the effects of Chinese WTO membership on cultivated land from four aspects;tariff concessions,quota increment,comparative advantage,and the substitution principle.And the conclusion is mat China's entry to WTO may lead to a reduction in cultivated land.Finally,some countermeasures are proposed to resolve the problem.  相似文献   


Increasing populations are causing an increase in food demands, and the area of cultivated land expands every year. Inappropriate land transition from ecology to production results in the constant decline of the ecological security level and influences the regional sustainable development. Adjusting unreasonable land use mode and reconstructing natural land cover are important ways to maintain and improve the ecological environment. Also reclaiming farmland as areas for forests and grasslands (FRFG) is another way. Successful implementation of FRFG in China is the result of comprehensive effect of the multi-scales driving forces. This paper analyses the driving forces of FRFG in China on a national (country)—regional (province)—local (county)—household (farmer) level scale, and the results are: driving forces at the national scale include ecological and food security and the western development of China; at the regional scale, ecological and economic benefits become the main factors to influence the dimension of FRFG under the same policy. The driving forces can be divided into 6 types: industrial structure adjustment, water source protection, flood prevention, the Three-Gorge Project protection, reduction of the amount of sediment flowing into the Yellow River and wind erosion desertification prevention. The driving forces at the local scale can be divided into 12 types with developing leading industries, increasing farmers' income and improving agricultural production conditions as the main types; at the household scale, the national policy meeting farmers' demands and the optimization of individual interests are all driving forces.  相似文献   

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