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Energy is now becoming the bottleneck of urban and regional development. The paper takes Shandong Province, one of the most energy consuming provinces in China, as an example, uses quantity methods such as SPSS (Stastics Package for Social Science) cluster sampling and regression analysis, and applies quantity analysis, to analyze the situation of energy issues in Shandong province. The conflicts between the quick industrialization and increasing extensive economic development, between urban population and energy consuming per head, between the infinite energy consuming desire and the low level of managing system, and between the unstable world energy supply and the limited energy storage in China are the main factors of energy crisis in Shandong, which not only results in energy shortage, but also becomes the barrier of economic and social development. In order to ensure sufficient energy supply for Shandong province in the 21 st century, we should take countermeasures, such as changing the economic development model, pursuing a multiple and high quality energy strategy, improving the intensive urbanization strategy, and building a scientific energy system.  相似文献   


This paper set forth the goals of implementing sustainable development strategy in Shandong Province guided by the view of scientific development of being people oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable. Based on the target of sustainable development strategy in Shandong province this paper discusses the main tasks in the sustainable development strategy Countermeasures for sustainable development strategy in Shandong province are put forward.  相似文献   

山东省城市土地集约利用评价及其时空差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪的中国进入经济社会发展的转型期,城市化的迅速推进支撑了区域的快速发展,但城市用地的急剧扩张带来耕地锐减、社会矛盾加剧等严峻问题,土地集约利用成为解决问题的关键。在构建城市用地集约度评价指标体系的基础上,通过多因素综合评价模型对山东省城市用地现状进行综合分析,并阐释了其时空变化特征。研究结果表明:山东各城市土地投入程度不断增强、土地产出效益不断增加、土地生态环境质量也有一定程度的提高,但土地利用强度波动较大,城市用地总体上趋于集约化、高级化;各城市土地利用集约化呈现不同的变化轨迹,大致可分为持续上升型、偶变型、波动上升型、先升后变型四种类型;城市间土地集约利用水平整体上呈现由东向西递减的空间分布特征,区域差距有所下降。据此建议中西部地区从加快经济发展、增加土地投入强度、实行城市增长边界限制等方面入手,提高土地利用集约水平。  相似文献   

山东可持续发展试验带的经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在介绍国家和山东省可持续发展实验区建设的基本情况的基础上.论述了山东省构建可持续发展试验带的必要性。利用区位论的基本原理,结合可持续发展实验区建设经验,综合考虑城市间的距离、经济聚集规模及对资源依赖程度等因素,分析了山东省17个市的相互作用潜力.计算出淄博、济南、烟台、青岛、潍坊、威海、泰安、东营、济宁、滨州、临沂等11个城市具有划入山东省可持续发展试验带的潜力.为规划山东的区域可持续发展提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

山东省经济结构的失衡水平:测度和比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山东省是中国经济发展最快的省区之一,但随着经济增长的不断推进所积累的矛盾和失衡水平也逐渐提高,经济发展的可持续性日趋降低。为考察山东省经济发展的现状,明确山东省经济结构中存在的问题,该文拟根据文献[1]的方法,构建省域经济结构失衡程度指标体系。考虑到省域经济的特殊性,确定了包括产业结构、投资消费结构、金融结构、省内经济结构和国际收支结构5大类共17个指标作为基本指标体系,对近10年以来山东省经济结构失衡程度进行了测试,并且利用相同的指标体系对广东、江苏、浙江等东部代表性省区以及全国的整体结构失衡水平进行了测度和比较分析,明确了山东省经济结构失衡的绝对水平和相对水平。结果表明:山东省经济结构失衡现象较为突出,经济发展的可持续性日趋降低。本文建议山东省加快第三产业发展,理顺投资与消费的关系,提高国民经济中消费所占比重,平衡省内各市际间经济发展水平才能真正缓解经济结构失衡状况,增强可持续发展的动力。  相似文献   

国家间自贸区的设立,将更加有利于各签约国资源环境利用效率的提升。本文采用贸易指数测算方法,分析了中、挪、韩在海水产品生产、加工及贸易流通中的各自优势。挪威因丰富的渔业资源和先进的渔业技术,在海水产品养殖及加工领域中具有全球引领作用;韩国有相对更加严格的海水产品安全检疫检验体系,可以确保海水产品的品质安全。随着中韩自贸区的实施及中挪重启双边自贸协定谈判,三国海洋渔业彼此间将进入自贸型竞争态势。如何运用自贸区效应,积极促进渔业资源开发比较潜能的发挥,进一步融入全球化,对于我国,尤其是对山东省渔业实现跨越式发展都是一个亟待破解的课题。山东省作为中国第一渔业大省,在继"海上山东"战略实施基础上,又率先提出"海上粮仓"建设规划设想。针对目前山东省渔业发展中存在的瓶颈问题,本文结合全球贸易分析模型(GTAP)的模拟,在中挪、中韩自贸区背景下对各方海水产品贸易的影响进行了系统分析,提出:在当前海水养殖产量大于捕捞产量的格局下,山东"海上粮仓"建设应以自贸区制度所形成的倒逼机制为互动机理,切实落实海产品养殖生产的安全标准底线和生态系统水平提升的两个基准维度,全面践行可持续健康的渔业资源开发理念,在全国先行完成开放型"海上粮仓"示范体系的建设,以推动我国海水产品生产与加工从量到质的转型,实现海水资源开发与生态环境保护并举,提升我国海洋渔业的国际竞争力。  相似文献   


China has witnessed rapid economic development since 1978, and during the time, energy production and consumption developed at a tremendous speed as well. Energy efficiency which can be measured by energy consumption per unit of GDP, however, experienced continuous decrease. Theoretically, the change of energy efficiency can be attributed to industry structural change and technological change. In order to explain the transformation of Chinese energy efficiency, we adopt logarithmic mean Divisia index techniques to decompose changes in energy intensity in the period of 1994–2005. We find that technological change is the dominant contributor in the decline of energy intensity, but the contribution has declined since 2001. The change in industry structure has decreased the energy intensity before 1998, but raised the intensity after 1998. Decomposed technological effects for all sectors indicate that technological progresses in high energy consuming industries such as raw chemical materials and chemical products, smelting and pressing of ferrous metals, manufacture of non-metallic mineral products and household contribute are the principal drivers of China’s declining energy intensity.  相似文献   

鲁南经济带"城市走廊"战略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市走廊是区域发展的一种重要空间布局方式和发展策略.鲁南经济带规划的科学、高效实施对于鲁南地区加快发展,摆脱落后局面具有重大意义.规划建设鲁南"城市走廊"无疑是实施鲁南经济带规划的必然选择,更是关键措施.鲁南经济带"城市走廊"的空间结构基本呈"之"字形态,组团式发展,可以形成区域1个核心增长极、5个圈层型中小城市群、6个三角形特色小城市经济增长带;城市走廊的轴线发展趋势为"三纵两横".建设鲁南"城市走廊",需要优化产业分工,提升区域工业化水平;优化区域空闻结构,培育核心增长极,打造小城市群,尤其需要精心打造兖州-曲阜-邹城-滕州-微山-薛城-枣庄市中区-峄城区-台儿庄核心经济走廊,形成大中小城市合理布局发展的良好体系;尽快建设南部东西方向快速交通干线,建立区域共建互动机制,使鲁南"城市走廊"成为区域发展、产业振兴的动力和源泉.  相似文献   

This article primarily discusses the issue of realizing sustainable development in Shandong Province, China through transformation. It compares the global energy structure to China’s, as well as among regions and provinces within China. The article takes six cities in Shandong Province as typical objectives, and then using principal component analysis it calculates their flexibility in regard to city shift and restructuring. The main purpose was to quantify the impact of economic activities triggered by the coal industry, a.k.a the energy economic nexus, and to assess the flexibility and sustainability in transformation among the observed coal-based cities.  相似文献   

Regional development is the trend for future urbanization, and the urban circle is a highly efficient economic spatial pattern of regional development. This study selects statistical data of urban area population, GDP, and the output value of tertiary industry for seven cities in China – Jinan, Zibo, Tai’an, Laiwu, Dezhou, Liaocheng, and Binzhou – in the Shandong provincial capital urban circle from 2005 to 2009. It uses the principles and Zipf model, rank-size rule, and Lotka logarithmic model to analyze and study the hierarchical structure of the metropolitan system and economic development of the Shandong provincial capital urban circle. Based on the above research, this paper provides references for decision-making on enhancement of the metropolitan system structure, improvement in core city primacy index, the optimal adjustment of industrial structure and the optimal allocation of essential resources.  相似文献   


The measurement of urban population carrying capacity is the basis for cities’ sustainable development. However, the traditional study on population carrying capacity which was based on food supply is not applicable to the single urban area. This paper built a model for the analysis of urban carrying capacity, and took Haidian District in Beijing as an example to calculate the urban carrying capacity of Haidian District in the future, which was the basis for the improvement of the population carrying capacity. This study would also provide a reference to the measurement of the urban population carrying capacity for other cities and districts in China.  相似文献   

泛长江三角洲地区经济发展与生态环境耦合协调关系分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以泛长三角地区41个地级市以上的政区为例,运用改进熵值法计算经济发展及生态环境系统的综合得分,并运用耦合协调模型分析1999~2013年两系统的耦合协调度及其演变,最后通过经济发展与生态环境系统得分排名划分4种类型,提出未来泛长江三角洲经济发展分类指导建议。研究结果表明:(1)1999~2013年泛长三角地区经济发展与生态环境的耦合度C∈[0.5,0.8],整体位于磨合阶段;而系统协调度D∈[0.3,0.5],整体属于中度耦合协调;(2)1999~2013年泛长三角经济发展与生态环境系统耦合协调度呈现上升态势,但经济发展与生态环境系统综合评价值仍表现负相关的特征;(3)未来苏南地区、皖江地区、杭甬地区需要进一步调整产业分布结构,提升城市经济发展环境;而苏北地区、皖西地区、浙西南地区需要进一步增加城市经济发展的软、硬实力各种要素的投入,并将城市生态环境优势转化为经济增长优势。  相似文献   


Shandong Peninsula, as a more developed region in Shandong Province even the east coast of China, is facing challenges from resources and environment pressures. This paper tried to track and assess the coordination status and the dynamic between resource-environment and economy-society systems in Shandong Peninsula during 2001—2008 in order to provide decision support for regional sustainability. An appraisal index system was built including five aspects of harmony degree (A), sustainability degree (B), opening degree (C), stability degree (D) and controllability degree (E). The results showed that: 1) The coordination level of resource-environment and economy-society in Shandong Peninsula has continuously grown, and it has undergone three stages: no coordinated degree (2001–2002), weak coordinated degree (2003–2006) and basically coordinated degree (2007– 2008). 2) Five indexes of criterion hierarchy also increased overall, but each index showed different trends. Harmony degree, sustainability degree and opening degree rose all the time, while stability degree and controllability degree alternately rose and fell. The improvement of controllability degree was the slowest. 3) The aggravating trend of environmental pollution was slowing down. The economic growth was driven by industrial growth and urbanization typically and investment was still the main force to pull the regional economic growth. At the same time, technology and education were becoming more and more important for economic growth. The level of foreign capital utility declined and the geographical advantage of Shandong Peninsula was exerted. Meanwhile some characteristics of knowledge economy were presenting. Water resources become the main constraint factor of fast development in Shandong Peninsula. It is necessary to further strengthen the coordination ability of government on regional sustainable development.  相似文献   

湖北省的经济发展水平与全国其它地区存在着较大的差异,从全国范围看,湖北省多年一直处在中等偏下的水平,而在长江流域,近年湖北省一下游省市的差距在迅速扩大;在中心地区各省中,湖北则相对领先。  相似文献   

山东半岛城市群人居环境质量综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国城市化的高速发展,"城市病"问题日益突出,城市群作为统筹区域协调发展、建设宜居人居环境的重点地区,其人居环境发展状况备受关注。基于此,本文以山东半岛城市群为例,从人文环境、经济环境、社会环境和生态环境4个方面构建人居环境质量综合评价指标体系,利用人居环境质量计算模型和系统协调度模型,对其人居环境质量进行静态定量化评价和动态综合性评价。研究表明:(1)山东半岛城市群人居环境质量与社会环境的关联性最大,经济实力、基础设施水平时空发展不均衡、地域差异大,是制约山东半岛城市群人居环境发展的突出问题。(2)2000—2014年山东半岛城市群人居环境综合水平呈现良好的上升趋势,且增速较稳,增幅较小;各要素间的协调性均达到了中级协调等级;系统层的评价值除人文环境外,均呈现不同程度的波动式上升态势;领域层的评价值差异明显,发展不均衡。(3)城市群内部各城市人居环境综合质量水平逐步提高,且排名相对稳定;各要素间的协调度等级差异较小,但起伏变化较大;人居环境质量时空分异特征明显,呈现东西高、中间低的格局,内部级别差异显著,可分为较好、一般、较差、差4个等级。在今后的发展中,应针对山东半岛不同城市人居环境问题采取因时因地制宜的协调对策,创造整体最优人居环境。不仅要提高城市群的整体经济水平,提升城市群的短板建设,推动人居环境协调发展,还要符合新常态下城市发展与建设的要求,加快山东半岛城市群的区域创新体系构建,科学引领产业转型升级,优化产业结构,加强山东半岛城市规划研究与实施力度,探索"多规合一"模式。  相似文献   


China is experiencing a process of rapid industrialization and urbanization at the cost of agricultural land and environment, particularly in the costal areas. This study takes Jinan as a case presenting a time-series analysis of urban land expansion from 313 to 2003. The results show that the urban expansion of Jinan city mainly took place in the last 100 years, especially after the economic reform in 1978. Social development and economic growth, urban population growth and migration policies were factors driving the urban land expansion. Urban sprawl resulted in a disappearance of wetlands and a great loss of agricultural land, and over-pumping of ground water that led to disappearance of the city's feature, namely “the city of springs”.  相似文献   

This paper set forth the goals of implementing sustainable development strategy in Shandong Province guided by the view of scientific development of being people oriented, comprehensive,coordinated and sustainable. Based on the target of sustainable development strategy in Shandong province this paper discusses the main tasks in the sustainable development strategy Countermeasures for sustainable development strategy in Shandong province are put forward.  相似文献   

This paper set forth the goals of implementing sustainable development strategy in Shandong Province guided by the view of scientific development of being people oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable. Based on the target of sustainable development strategy in Shandong province this paper discusses the main tasks in the sustainable development strategy Countermeasures for sustainable development strategy in Shandong province are put forward.  相似文献   

制度创新:依托武汉建设长江中游城市群   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
经过上千年的发育和发展,我国长江中游流域已形成了规模庞大的、以武汉为中心、经济联系紧密的城市群落的雏形。通过对长江中游城市群内部的分析以及与珠江三角洲、长江三角洲等发达区域的比较,阐明了其经济发展相对滞后 和城市群内部各城市间发展水平参差不齐的深层次制度性障碍,提供了诸如转变政府职能,建立跨行政地界的区域协调机构,城市土地制度改革和促进区域内小城镇发展等一系列以区域整体协调和持续发展为目标的制度创新的基本思路。在此基础上,提出了圈层梯度推进、建设以武汉为中心的长江中游城市群的发展战略。为实现我国东部地区产业向西部转移,推进西部大开发提供了重要的战略支点,从而促进全国经济全面持续快速发展。  相似文献   


ADMS-Urban is the most widely used advanced dispersion model for urban areas, being used extensively in China and worldwide, providing a practical tool for assessing and managing urban air quality. In this paper we briefly describe the ADMS dispersion models and give an overview of their use in China. And it describes in more detail the use of ADMS-Urban in Fushun in Liaoning province and in Jinan in Shangdong province respectively, for studies of urban air quality. Finally the conclusions are presented.  相似文献   

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