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Ground level ozone pollution has become a significant air pollution problem in Beijing. Because of the complex way in which ozone is formed, it is difficult for policy makers to identify optimal control options on a cost-effective basis. This paper identi-fies and assesses a range of options for addressing this problem. We apply the Ambient Least Cost Model and compare the eco-nomic costs of control options, then recommend the most effective sequence to realize pollution control at the lowest cost. The study finds that installing of Stage II gasoline vapor recovery system at Beijing’s 1446 gasoline stations would be the most cost-effective option. Overall, options to reduce ozone pollution by cutting ve-hicular emissions are much more cost-effective than options to "clean up" coal-fired power plants.  相似文献   


Monitoring data from ozone(O3 automatic stations in three typical cities with different climatic areas in the southern and northern parts of eastern China are used to analyze temporal and spatial characteristics of ozone pollution at ground level. The results show that ozone pollution level has distinct regional differences and the concentration in the suburbs is higher than that in the urban areas. The seasonal variation of ozone concentration in different climatic areas is greatly affected by the variation of precipitation. Ozone concentration in Shenyang and Beijing, in the temperate zone, has one perennial peak concentration, occurring in early summer, May or June. Ozone concentration in Guangzhou, in sub-tropical zone, has two peak values year round. The highest values occur in October and the secondary high value in June. The ozone season in the south is longer than that in the north. The annual average daily peak value of ozone concentrations in different climates usually occur around 3 pm. The diurnal variation range of ozone concentration declines with the increase of latitude. Ozone concentration does not elevate with the increase of traffic flow. Ozone concentration in Guangzhou has a distinct reverse relation to CO and NOx. This complicated non-linearity indicates that the equilibrium of ozone photochemical reaction has regional differences. Exceeding the rate of Beijing's 1h ozone concentration is higher than that of Guangzhou, whereas the average 8h ozone level is lower than that of Guangzhou, indicating that areas in low latitude are more easily affected by moderate ozone concentrations and longer exposure. Thus, China should work out standards for 8h ozone concentration.  相似文献   

Monitoring data from ozone(O3) automatic stations in three typical cities with different climatic areas in the southern and northern parts of eastern China are used to analyze temporal and spatial characteristics of ozone pollution at ground level. The results show that ozone pollution level has distinct regional differences and the concentration in the suburbs is higher than that in the urban areas. The seasonal variation of ozone concentration in different climatic areas is greatly affected by the variation of precipitation. Ozone concentration in Shenyang and Beijing , in the temperate zone, has one perennial peak concentration, occurring in early summer, May or June. Ozone concentration in Guangzhou, in sub-tropical zone, has two peak values year round. The highest values occur in October and the secondary high value in June. The ozone season in the south is longer than that in the north. The annual average daily peak value of ozone concentrations in different climates usually occur around 3 pm. The diurnal variation range of ozone concentration declines with the increase of latitude. Ozone concentration does not elevate with the increase of traffic flow. Ozone concentration in Guangzhou has a distinct reverse relation to CO and NOx. This complicated non-linearity indicates that the equilibrium of ozone photochemical reaction has regional differences. Exceeding the rate of Beijing's lh ozone concentration is higher than that of Guangzhou, whereas the average 8h ozone level is lower than that of Guangzhou, indicating that areas in low latitude are more easily affected by moderate ozone concentrations and longer exposure. Thus, China should work out standards for 8h ozone concentration.  相似文献   

北京环境库兹涅茨曲线假设的验证   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
城市在我国国民经济和社会发展中的地位举足轻重,其高速的经济增长带来了巨大的资源消耗与环境压力。2005年北京人均GDP突破5000美元,处于工业化中期和重化工阶段。在这一特定发展阶段和北京举办奥运会的背景下,如何通过综合决策。推动北京的资源消耗和污染排放同经济增长尽快达到解耦具有重要的现实意义。针对上述问题,本文利用环境库兹涅茨曲线(Envirommental Kunznets Curve。EKC)假设,以北京为例验证EKC假设及其条件。本文采用北京市1990—2004年闾的序列数据建立计量模型。解析十类环境指标的EKC演变轨迹和阶段特征。验证表明:除工业废气排放量和工业固体废弃物产生量呈N形外。其它环境指标虽下降或倒U形。即已跨越了EKC顶点正逐步实现解耦。本文引入了“强度EKC曲线簇”,通过确定不同城市在该坐标系中的相对位置来比较城市间的耦合状态。在此基础上,本文利用PSR(Press-State-Response)政策分析框架。从环境政策、产业结构和技术进步探讨了北京EKC演变的驱动因子。  相似文献   

农业面源污染现状与防治进展   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
通过对国内外农业面源污染研究资料的分析,认为农业面源污染的形式主要有:化肥污染、农药污染、农膜污染、秸秆燃烧污染、养殖业污染及水土流失等。农业面源污染导致了土地退化,在全世界不同程度退化的12亿hm2耕地中,约12%由农业面源污染引起;是河流和湖泊的重要污染源,导致美国40%的河流和湖泊水质不合格;是引起地表水氮、磷富营养化的主要因素,欧洲国家由农业面源污染排放的磷为地表水污染总负荷的24%-71%;中国的农业面源污染造成的水体氮、磷富营养化也显著超过来自城市的生活点源污染和工业点源污染。提出目前比较好的防治措施有:最佳农田管理措施、植被过滤带和人工湿地。建议我国控制农业面源污染必须从政策和法律上对农业生产活动进行规范,采用先进的理论和技术实行源头控制,并辅助以过程控制和末端控制。  相似文献   

中国城市面源污染现状及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市面源污染已成为危害我国城市水体的重要污染源,本文结合国内外研究成果,对城市面源污染的污染特征、影响因素以及控制措施进行了综合分析。我国城市面源污染强度较高,污染物以SS、COD、营养物质为主,污染呈现一定的地域特征和时间特征。影响城市面源污染的因素很多,主要有下垫面、前期晴天时间以及降雨强度等。城市面源污染控制技术方面,要将工程措施与非工程措施综合实施,工程措施主要有植被控制、渗滤系统和湿地滞留系统等,各工程措施相结合,以取得更好的污染控制效果。  相似文献   

With the rapid changes of demographic and socio-economic structure, various ecological and environmental problems have emerged in peri-urban areas. Studies on the correlation between socio-economic development and eco-environmental preservation are inadequate. This paper analyzes the landscape pattern of peri-urban areas to address this issue. First, it studies the differentiation of economic development levels in Beijing peri-urban areas. Then, it explores the correlation between economic development level...  相似文献   

频繁且大面积的雾霾天气不仅严重影响了人们的身心健康和正常的生产生活,而且已成为社会各界广泛关注的重大问题,因此雾霾治理已成为当务之急。为了从经济学视角为雾霾治理决策提供理论支持,本文首先将全国分为东北、京津、北部、东部、南部、中部、西北和西南八大区域,进而建立了中国动态多区域可计算一般均衡模型,用以研究技术进步(能源利用效率和能源清洁技术)和税收(二氧化硫税)在大气污染治理中的作用及其对区域经济发展的影响。在数据方面,本文综合使用了2015年发布的GTAP9.0数据库和最新的区域间投入产出表数据。在情景设置方面,本文对直至2030年中国经济、社会的发展趋势进行了基准情景设定,同时设定了2 000元/t和5 000元/t的硫税情景、能效提高情景、清洁技术进步情景,以及包含三者的综合情景。研究发现:①征收5 000元/t的硫税能够使全国总体和绝大部分区域的PM_(2.5)浓度在2030年达到空气质量二级标准,但会给经济增长带来一定的负面影响;②改进能源清洁技术进一步巩固了治理大气污染的政策效果;③提高能源利用效率对空气污染的影响较小,但配合其他政策使用时能有效地降低对宏观经济的负面影响。根据研究结论,本文提出了相关的政策建议:首先,加强大气污染相关法制建设,只有完善的法制基础才能保障污染治理政策的有效实施;其次,适时提高排污税税率,并分地区、分行业制定不同的排污标准和税收标准;再次,加速发展科学技术,大幅提高与治理大气污染有关的科研投入;最后,区域间应建立生态补偿机制,并加强联防联控工作。  相似文献   

In light of the practical need for research to inform policy in Beijing,this study evaluates the economic cost of the impact of PM10 pollution in Beijing from 2001 to 2006,taking health as the main impact,and mortality as the main outcome.Based on the literature review,this study adopts relatively conservative parameters as the basis for calculating the health impacts.It concludes that nearly 30% of mortality among registered residents above age 30 in Beijing can be attributed to PM10 pollution,and that the economic cost equals 0.8%-1.2% of the city's GDP over the same period.This is lower than the results of previous studies,but still high enough to warrant a commitment to solve the city's air pollution problem.  相似文献   

南四湖农业面源污染现状及控制措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来南四湖水质污染严重,农业面源污染是导致水体污染和富营养化的最主要因素;阐述了南四湖流域种植业、养殖业及农村生活污染三大污染源现状和危害;总结了国外对农业面源污染控制措施及研究动态,重点评述了农业面源污染的来源解析方法,提出了农业面源污染需要进一步研究的方向,对南四湖农业面源污染的研究具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   


Urbanization is the dominant form of land-use change in terms of impacts on water quality, hydrology, physical properties of watersheds and their nonpoint source (NPS) pollution potential at present. Urbanization has changed the source, process and sink of urban NPS pollution, especially raised the pollution load of urban runoff NPS in receiving water. Urban runoff pollution is a hot spot of research on NPS. This paper analyzed type, source and harm of the NPS pollutants of urban runoff and its influence on the receiving water. Through estimating NPS pollution load of urban runoff and summarizing the law and characteristics of urban runoff NPS systemically, study on management and control of urban runoff NPS pollution was focused on the application of BMPs (best management practices). It is a fresh methodology that management and control on NPS pollution from urban surface runoff was analyzed by methods of landscape ecology, environmental economics and environmental management. The paper provided a scientific reference for mitigating urban water environment pressure and an effective method for management and control of NPS pollution from urban surface runoff.  相似文献   

Urbanization is the dominant form of land-use change in terms of impacts on water quality, hydrology, physical properties of watersheds and their nonpoint source (NPS) pollution po-tential at present. Urbanization has changed the source, process and sink of urban NPS pollution, especially raised the pollution load of urban runoff NPS in receiving water. Urban runoff pollution is a hot spot of research on NPS. This paper analyzed type, source and harm of the NPS pollutants of urban runoff and its influence on the receiving water. Through estimating NPS pollution load of urban runoff and summarizing the law and characteristics of urban runoff NPS systemically, study on management and control of urban runoff NPS pollution was focused on the application of BMPs (best management practices). It is a fresh methodology that management and control on NPS pollution from urban surface runoff was analyzed by methods of landscape ecology, environmental economics and environmental management. The paper provided a scientific reference for mitigating urban water environment pressure and an effective method for management and control of NPS pollution from urban surface runoff.  相似文献   


In light of the practical need for research to inform policy in Beijing, this study evaluates the economic cost of the impact of PM10 pollution in Beijing from 2001 to 2006, taking health as the main impact, and mortality as the main outcome. Based on the literature review, this study adopts relatively conservative parameters as the basis for calculating the health impacts. It concludes that nearly 30% of mortality among registered residents above age 30 in Beijing can be attributed to PM10 pollution, and that the economic cost equals 0.8%–1.2% of the city’s GDP over the same period. This is lower than the results of previous studies, but still high enough to warrant a commitment to solve the city’s air pollution problem.  相似文献   

重点流域水污染防治“十二五”规划的总体设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家重点流域水污染防治十一五规划实施以来,取得了显著进展,80%考核断面水质达标,60%规划治污项目完成。为进一步提高流域规划编制的科学性和执行的有效性,重点流域水污染防治十二五规划力求在治污思路、管理方略等方面取得突破,以求能提高治污效益,显著改善水环境质量。  相似文献   

Based on the consumer questionnaires of the three traditional retailing centers,Qianmen,Wangfujing and Xidan in Beijing,this article analyzes the present features of consumer composition in the three retailing centers.What is more,the evolution course and function transition of traditional retailing centers is revealed based on the changing of consumer composition in different times.Lastly,the renewal method and development trends of traditional retailing centers are discussed based on the evaluation results in consumers' perspective.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to classify the regional economic types and development dynamics of small towns in suburb Beijing by applying the classification methods developed by Nelson’s method and Location Quotient method into 183 small towns in Beijing. Four types of small towns are thus identified, including urban agriculture dominated towns, manufacturing dominated towns, service industry dominated towns and comprehensive type towns with balanced economic development. Within the environment of geographical information system, the spatial distribution pattern of four types of small towns with their evolution trend is analyzed. The results indicate that four types of small towns have obvious ‘core-periphery’ spatial structure but with different functional orientations and evolution mechanisms. Based on this, the different development strategies for each type of small towns are summarized, providing a scientific reference for the differentiating planning and development strategies of these small towns.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to classify the regional economic types and development dynamics of small towns in suburb Beijing by applying the classification methods developed by Nelson's method and Location Quotient method into 183 small towns in Beijing.Four types of small towns are thus identified,including urban agriculture dominated towns,manufacturing dominated towns,service industry dominated towns and comprehensive type towns with balanced economic development.Within the environment of geographical information system,the spatial distribution pattern of four types of small towns with their evolution trend is analyzed.The results indicate that four types of small towns have obvious 'core-periphery' spatial structure but with different functional orientations and evolution mechanisms.Based on this,the different development strategies for each type of small towns are summarized,providing a scientific reference for the differentiating planning and development strategies of these small towns.  相似文献   

环境问题备受关注,环境污染严重影响中国经济的增长质量.本文采用治理成本法测算了1989 -2008年中国环境污染造成的经济损失,利用环境污染经济损失数据,采用协整理论研究了中国环境污染损失与经济增长之间的关系.研究表明,我国经济总量与环境污染之间存在长期均衡关系,经济增长是造成环境污染的基础性原因,并且环境污染状况随经济增长仍有扩大的趋势,至今尚未出现环境库兹涅茨曲线拐点的迹象.然后,本文从产业结构、能源结构和效率角度揭示了环境污染的结构性成因.研究认为,高污染行业在整个国民经济中比重过大是造成环境污染的产业结构方面的成因;以煤炭为主的能源消费和高耗能产品增长过快是造成环境污染的能源结构成因;能源效率低下是造成环境污染的技术性成因;资源能源价格长期偏低和法律法规滞后是造成环境污染的制度性缺陷.最后,针对问题提出,只有切实转变经济增长方式,突出技术创新、健全市场机制、完善环境法规才是解决环境污染问题的根本出路.  相似文献   

中国正处于经济转型的交叉路口,水环境日趋恶化已成为中国经济发展的最大障碍。跨行政区水污染问题为资源环境有效配置、地区经济可持续发展、上下游地方政府及人民之间矛盾解决及社会稳定等问题提出了严峻挑战。以江苏浙江边界水污染治理为例,结合国外跨行政区水资源管理经验,研究适合中国国情的跨行政区水污染治理管理机制。研究发现,当前中国跨行政区水污染治理面临的最主要问题,是流域管理与行政区域管理间的矛盾。解决跨行政区水污染治理较为可行的方案是:保持以条块结合的政府层级结构基础上的管理体制,通过机构、机制、法规等综合性改革来协调当前管理体制中流域及区域中不同部门、不同层级间的矛盾。  相似文献   

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