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Based on comprehensive analysis of the impact of population aging to social and economic development,a comprehensive evaluation system including 18 indexes was constructed for evaluating regional pressure of population aging on social and economic development.Using statistics data of 31 regions in China from 2004 to 2008,the pressure of population aging on social and economic development,was comprehensively evaluated by using the factor analysis method.The spatial distribution of population aging in China was also analyzed.This study is to provide scientific basis for government to make strategies of coping with population aging according to regional pressure of population aging on social and economic development in China. 相似文献
上海市人口分布变动的空间特征分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
空间自相关分析是一种空间统计的方法。可以揭示区域变量的空间结构形态。通过对2000-2003年期间上海市乡镇人口密度变化率的空间相关性分析,发现上海市近几年人口分布空间变动格局表现为以中心城区为中心的环状分布模式,中心城区和远郊区人口密度变化小。人口增长缓慢,而近郊区人口密度变化大,人口增长迅速。全市人口密度变化率存在着显著的空间集聚现象。四种类型的空间关联在空间分布上具有明显的规律性。研究结果表明,目前上海市人口郊区化趋势明显。高人口密度区域在不断向外扩张,人口分布与经济、交通等社会发展因素的关系日益密切。这些研究结果说明利用空间自相关统计方法能够扩展和加强对人口分布空间模式的研究.从而为经济总体布局和城市化建设提供辅助参考作用。 相似文献
Abstract In this paper, an approach to simulate the spatial distribution of urban population is proposed using urban land use and population statistical data through the geographical information systems (GIS). Then, the spatial population distribution of Urumqi as a case is simulated by the approach mentioned above and its varying patterns are analyzed by the raster population surface. As a result, producing raster population surface is more accurate and natural than the traditional choropleth map of population density. Concerning the spatial population distribution of Urumqi, the population density declines from south to north and the population distribution mainly presents “T-type”, the population distribution presents multi-centre agglomeration and the population distribution of the districts shows different features. The population density varies significantly with the increase in the distance from central business district (CBD). Finally, it is found in this paper that the development history of districts, terrain and traffic road are main factors that have an influence Urumqi's population distribution. This paper tries to provide more accurate population data for the plan and management of urban land, traffic and public facilities in order to enrich the researches on urban population distribution. 相似文献
Chen Xuegang Yang Zhaoping Zhang Xiaolei 《中国人口.资源与环境(英文版)》2007,5(3):31-36
In this paper, an approach to simulate the spatial distribution of urban population is proposed using urban land use and population statistical data through the geographical information systems (GIS). Then, the spatial population distribution of Urumqi as a case is simulated by the approach mentioned above and its varying patterns are analyzed by the raster population surface. As a result, producing raster population surface is more accurate and natural than the traditional choropleth map of population density. Concerning the spatial population distribution of Urumqi, the population density declines from south to north and the population distribution mainly presents' "T-type", the population distribution presents multicentre agglomeration and the population distribution of the districts shows different features. The population density varies significantly with the increase in the distance from central business district (CBD). Finally, it is found in this paper that the development history of districts, terrain and traffic road are main factors that have an influence Urumqi's population distribution. This paper tries to provide more accurate population data for the plan and management of urban land, traffic and public facilities in order to enrich the researches on urban population distribution. 相似文献
浙江省人口分布的空间格局及其时空演变 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
改革开放以来,随着经济社会的快速发展,浙江省各地区人口分布发生了明显的变化。文章运用空间自相关、不均衡系数、人口重心和偏移增长法,对浙江省69个县级行政单元人口分布的空间格局及其在1985-2007年间的时空演变特征进行了深入分析,并得出以下几点结论:①浙江省人口密度分布具有"点—带—区"结构特征,即以经济发展水平高的地区为高值点,通过杭甬高速和甬台温高速将各高值点连接成带,其他地区则形成人口密度低值区;②浙江省人口分布存在一定的空间关联性,在浙东北环杭州湾地区和浙东南沿海地区呈现高高集聚,在浙中和西南内陆地区呈现低低集聚;③浙江省人口呈不均衡分布状态,并且人口不均衡系数不断增大;④浙江省人口偏移增长在三大区域之间具有明显差异,浙东南沿海地区人口总偏移量为正,浙东北环杭州湾地区基本稳定、浙中和西南内陆地区为负,人口重心逐渐向东南沿海偏移。 相似文献
城市规划中人口空间分布模拟方法研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
城市人口空间分布是影响社会经济活力、基础设施建设、公共服务配置以及城市交通、住宅、生态环境问题等方面的重要因素之一,是科学开展城市规划的基础与前提.传统的等值区域图法只能描述一个地区总体城市分布状况,难以准确反映城市内部人口的实际分布.本文通过综述国内外23篇研究成果,将城市人口分布空间模拟方法总结为城市人口密度模型、内插法空间分布模型、地理因子相关性模型(包括光谱估算法、土地利用密度法、居住单元估算法、夜间灯光强度估算法、硬化地表估算法)3大类7种,分析了它们各自的特点及改进措施.人口空间分布模拟在我国城市规划体系中有较大应用价值,重点讨论了在城镇体系规划、城市总体规划以及详细规划等不同规划层面人口空间分布适用模拟技术.最后指出为提高我国城市规划的科学性和预测精度,综合运用多种方法对城市人口空间分布进行估算模拟将成为该领域研究趋势,以期为城市规划管理提供技术参考. 相似文献
童玉芬 《中国人口.资源与环境》2006,16(5):78-82
新疆是典型的内陆干旱半干旱地区。全面了解新疆各区域水资源对人口的承载力以及实际存在的人口压力状况。对于深刻认识干旱区人口与环境的关系。制定有针对性的分区域可持续发展战略和决策,有着重要的意义。本文通过定性和定量的研究,对新疆不同区域的水资源人口承载密度指数以及人口承载压力指数进行了计算和区域对比分析,得到了一些基本结论:①不能一概而论机械照搬联合国关于干旱区和半干旱区人口密度的临界标准。各地应该有适合当时资源环境条件和经济技术水平的人口承载密度标准,而且这些标准是动态的而非静态的。②新疆当前平均的水资源人口承载密度是11人左右,大于联合国制定的干旱区人口密度临界标准,但小于半干旱区临界值。整个北疆的人口承载标准是23—26人/km^2,南疆的人口承载密度介于7.3~8人/km^2之间。各个地州之间也有较大差异。③目前新疆总体上看已经略微超载,人口对水资源和生态环境的压力比较大。而人口压力最大的地区在南疆塔里木盆地以南三个地州,人口严重超载。④从干旱区生态环境的保护利用来说。必须对生态用水予以充分考虑。才能在承载量研究中兼顾资源与环境对人口的双重约束。 相似文献
人口问题是我国的基本问题,人口老龄化是人类的必然发展过程。随着人口老龄化的加剧,关注老年人、发展老龄产业逐渐成为社会发展的焦点。与此同时,互联网的普及使人们对电子商务由陌生到熟知,互联网已不再成为年轻人的专利,越来越多的老年人也加入到网民的行列。随着社会的进步和科技的发展,人口老龄化与电子商务作为两种必然趋势,备受人们关注。人口老龄化与电子商务之间究竟有什么关系,它们怎样相互影响的?本文将通过建立二者的关系模型,从定性的角度对此问题进行分析。 相似文献
Abstract According to Statistical Yearbook of Jiangxi Province (2001~2006), We analyze the time-space variation of population distribution of Poyang Lake region from the two points of view. The former is quality of population, which involves culture structure, occupational structure, age structure and sex structure of population. The latter is quantity of population, which only involves the amount of population. Furthermore, we can reveal the internal relations and action mechanism of variation of population distribution by analyzing the regional economic development, population urbanization, land use and ecological landscape of Poyang Lake region. It is important to provide help for region planning, ecological landscape planning and environmental protection by correct understanding the man-land relationship of natural-human ecosystem in Poyang Lake region. 相似文献
According to Statistical Yearbook of Jiangxi Province (2001-2006), We analyze the time-space variation of population distribution of Poyang Lake region from the two points of view.The former is quality of population, which involves culture struc-ture, occupational structure, age structure and sex structure of pop-ulation. The latter is quantity of population, which only involves the amount of population. Furthermore, we can reveal the internal relations and action mechanism of variation of population distribu-tion by analyzing the regional economic development, population urbanization, land use and ecological landscape of Poyang Lake region. It is important to provide help for region planning, ecological landscape planning and environmental protection by correct understanding the man-land relationship of natural-human ecosys-tem in Poyang Lake region. 相似文献
北京市人口老龄化的时空变化特征 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
人口老龄化现已成为当今主要的人口问题之一,并引起越来越多的关注,人口老龄化进程与老年人口空间分布特征研究是未来人口问题研究的一个重要分支.本文基于ESDA全局和局部空间自相关分析,利用北京市第四次和第五次人口普查数据以及1995和2005年1%人口抽样调查数据,对北京市县域尺度老龄人口分布总体和局部空间差异的变化趋势、特征进行了初步探索.结果表明,北京市老龄人口空间分布各区县差异较大,且呈现出明显的圈层结构特征,中心四城区老龄人口比重较高,近郊区老龄人口比重较全市平均水平低,远郊区老年人口比重又有所回升;同时,北京地区老年人口各区县的空间分布差异随着时间的推移而不断扩大,中心老城区呈现不断增强的集聚趋势,而远郊区的老年人口扩散效应明显大于集聚效应. 相似文献
面对人口老龄化对经济发展的影响.应以养老和健康保障为先导.逐步加大对社会保障基金的投入.充实基本养老保险和医疗保险基金.建立和完善与生产力发展水平相适应的社会保障制度.继续推进社会保障社会化和产业结构调整的力度.建议政府应大力发展老龄产业。政府必须从实际出发.坚持科学发展观.逐步建立和完善老年社会养老制度和福利制度.根据老年消费市场状况.规范、引导投资.调整、优化产业结构用产业化、市场化、社会化的新运行机制.推进安老、养老产业的发展.根据老年人的不同需求,有计划的发展老龄产业、开发老年用品.增设老年服务项目.满足老年人在物质和文化方面的发展需要.以促使人口老龄化与经济的协调发展。 相似文献
Based on the exploratory spatial data analysis(ESDA) technique and geographic information system(GIS) platform,with statistic data of counties in 2005,this paper confirms that there is a large population density gap between counties in 2005 because the Gini coefficient is 0.55.Population distribution does not change a lot during the past decades,and the southeast China is still much more densely populated than the northwest China.The global spatial autocorrelation of population distribution is obvious because Moran’s I scores 0.42 and local spatial autocorrelation is partly significant.Climate and elevation are still the main natural influencing factors.Meanwhile industrial structure and transportation significantly influence population distribution.Different combinations of natural factors have different effects on population distribution.For a long term,climate and terrain factor stability affect population distribution.But its influence will be weakened by progress of technology.Economic development is the main factor that changes population distribution for a short term. 相似文献
人口分布的空间演变是人口发展过程中在时间和空间上的表现形式,人口的集聚与扩散是诠释区域人口空间分布格局与形态的重要方面.对其研究有助于揭示人口分布现状的本质、理解区域空间结构特征及演变趋势.本研究运用局部空间自相关方法,并结合GIS技术,以县域为基本单元,人口密度为衡量指标,对西藏"一江两河"地区1990-2008年间人口分布空间格局的演变进行了分析.分析结果表明,"一江两河"地区各县市(区)人口总量和密度均有明显增长,人口分布总体上呈现出不断集中的态势.局部自相关分析揭示"一江两河"地区开始显现以拉萨市和日喀则市为中心的两个显著的人口高密度区,显示出该区域人口分布的多中心空间结构特征.对以拉萨市、日喀则市和乃东县为中心的区域密度函数进行拟合.多中心区域密度函数的估计结果显示,"一江两河"地区空间发展正逐步由20世纪90年代单中心(拉萨市城关区)阶段,向目前的多中心向心集聚阶段转变,除拉萨市城关区外,日喀则市和乃东县集聚能力开始显现. 相似文献
中国人口集疏格局与形成机制研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
人口集聚和疏散是人口空间分布格局最直观和最集中的体现,基于人口集聚度的中国人口集疏的空间格局和形成机制的研究,有助于准确把握中国人口空间分布的基本脉络,具有重要的学术价值和实践意义。研究采用了人口集聚度分级评价的方法,依据人口集聚度的不同,将各个地区划分为不同等级的人口集聚区,并对其分别讨论。在此基础上,结合中国人口分布格局、自然条件的空间分布格局、人居环境自然适宜性评价结果以及经济发展格局和城市化格局,对中国的人口集疏的空间格局进行了归纳,并进一步对相应的形成机制进行了探讨,得出了我国人口分布的空间不平衡日益加剧,并呈现沿海、沿江、沿线集聚的态势的基本结论,并对我国人口分布集疏格局的形成进行了探讨,提出了自然因素奠定我国人口分布的基本格局,而经济发展不平衡与城市化成为人口集聚的动力的观点。 相似文献
区域人口集聚是主体功能区优化布局的要求和重要指标。人口发展功能区规划是国家主体功能区规划的基础依据。本文以哈尔滨市人口功能区规划为例,根据国家人口发展功能分区指标体系,采用模糊综合评价方法测算了哈尔滨市人口功能分区,并提出了相关政策性建议。研究结果对于发挥哈尔滨市中心城市带动作用,引导城市化进程中人口有序流动,推进国家及省人口发展功能区规划工作具有借鉴作用。 相似文献
中国农村生活能源消费的空间格局变化 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
本文以1996年、2000年2、003年、2006年中国29省(市、区)(上海市和西藏数据缺失)农村生活能源为研究对象,应用因子分析、聚类分析和回归分析,借助SPSS和ArcGIS软件,对中国农村生活能源消费空间格局及空间格局变化的影响因素进行分析探讨。结果表明:在1996-2006年间,我国农村生活能源消费水平的空间格局基本形成以华北-西南地区为轴线向两边逐渐递减的态势,且趋势愈加明显;华北地区和西南地区高水平特点不断强化;轴线两侧区域差异不断扩大的同时,各自区域内的一致性趋向明显。经过经济发展水平、人口分布与能源消费水平的叠加显示:西北地区属于贫困型低消费地区,华北和西南地区属于人口规模型高消费地区,东南沿海地区属于高效型低消费地区。回归分析结果表明:影响农村生活能源消费空间格局变化的首要因素为能源消费强度,其次是能源消费增长速度和能源消费结构,其中前两者为负向影响,后者为正向影响。 相似文献
Popular regional inequality indexes such as variation coefficient and Gini coefficient can only reveal overall inequality, and have limited ability in revealing spatial dependence or spatial agglomeration. Recently some methods of exploratory spatial data analysis such as spatial autocorrelation have provided effective tools to analyze spatial agglomeration and cluster, which can reveal the pattern of regional inequality. This article attempts to use spatial autocorrelation at county level to get refined spatial pattern of regional disparity in Chinese northeast economic region over 2000-2006 (2001 absent). The result indicates that the basic trend of regional economy is an increasing concentration of growth among counties in northeast economic region, and there are two geographical clusters of poorer counties including the counties in western Liaoning Province and adjacent counties in Inner Mongolia, poorer counties of Heihe, Qiqihar and Suihua in Heilongjiang Province. This article also reveals that we can use the methods of exploratory spatial data analysis as the supplementary analysis methods in regional economic analysis. 相似文献
Results of stationary studies on the spatial location of sables (Martes zibellinaL.) belonging to different age and sex groups are summarized. Mapping the sites where 388 animals were taken, it was found that young animals tended to live near floodplains; adult animals, on watersheds. Analysis of sables taken by commercial hunters (n= 1833) made it possible to estimate the age composition and the degree and spatial distribution of the hunting pressure on sable populations in three areas of the Ob region. The spatial separation of young and reproductive animals is interpreted as a group adaptive response to the specific distribution pattern of different habitats typical of this species and to the pattern of animal elimination. It is proposed to use the specific pattern of animal distribution for maintaining the size of the population that is subject to hunting. Specifically, reserve (reproductive) territories should be organized in watershed areas. 相似文献
世博后上海经济社会发展转型、现代化城市基础设施和全面调整优化空间载体战略布局等因素将对上海人口分布产生重要影响.该文利用灰色理论模型对人口分布变动进行预测,结果表明:2010-2020年期间,上海市人口继续向郊区集聚,近郊区是人口集聚和流动的最显著区域,同时远郊区常住人口集聚的增长速度开始超过近郊区,成为人口迁移和流动的主要区域.今后一段时期内近郊区和远郊区为上海产业发展和人口布局调整提供空间,近郊区和远郊区的新城镇将成为重点建设区域,上海将加快形成城乡一体化发展的新格局.建议:加强人口发展战略和规划研究,解决土地规划、产业规划和人口规划的问题,统筹考虑土地、产业、人口之间的协调发展;实施城市人口发展功能区战略,引导人口有序流动和迁移,使上海城市人口空间布局与城市形态、区域功能和资源环境协调发展;加强流动人口均等化服务,建立健全流动人口基本公共服务均等化投入保障机制. 相似文献