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1INTRODUCTION Human Capital Theory(HCT)'s idea origin recalls westernclassical political economics in the eighteen century.HCTcame into being in the middle and later periods of the20century,sprang up in the1960s and1970s,was introducedinto China in the1980s and is still one of the hotspotsin economic research.Foreign and domestic scholars havemade a lot of deep researches and important achievements.2FOREIGN RESEARCHIn the1950s,facing many"economic enigma"such as"Solow residual"an…  相似文献   

农地选择价值研究的进展与趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为全面评估农地总价值、进一步深入研究农地城市流转过程中的选择价值,采用文献回顾法和归纳法综述了国内外有关选择价值的研究进展与趋势。研究发现,国内外关于选择价值的研究侧重点有所不同,研究成果也有差距。国内学者将选择价值、存在价值、遗产价值三者进行综合研究,研究内容较为单一,研究方法也以定性分析为主。而国外学者偏重于将选择价值单独进行研究,研究内容包括选择价值的概念、内涵及估算方法,并将选择价值应用到是否保护资源以及是否进行投资等一系列的现实问题当中。可见,国外对于选择价值的研究比较成熟,我国学者应在研究方向及研究方法上吸取国外的研究经验、借鉴国外的研究成果,并将其应用到我国土地价值评估的研究中去,为农地城市流转决策奠定坚实的理论基础.  相似文献   

城市化与城市生态环境关系研究综述与评价   总被引:28,自引:4,他引:24  
国外自19世纪末期开始开展城市化与城市生态环境关系的研究,经历了起源阶段、展开阶段和多元化阶段。主要从环境经济学、环境科学和卫生科学、可持续和生态学角度展开研究。国内的研究从20世纪70年代开始,进展较快。主要研究内容包括城市化引起的城市生态环境效应。城市社会、经济、环境的协调发展。可持续城市、生态城市和健康城市等。文章归纳和分析了东西方的界入视角和关注重点。并指出研究中仍存在不足。  相似文献   

水权水市场改革是我国水资源管理改革的重要内容,也是当前我国资源环境研究领域的热点之一。我国水权市场尚未发育完成,水权交易还未成体系,更缺乏水权交易的制度体系和技术支撑。国内外的研究表明,有效运作的水权市场,需要具备产权明晰、计量监测技术支撑、监管制度完善等多方面的条件,同时也会受到交易成本、第三方效应、社会文化等多方面的影响;从已有的水权交易模型来看,国内学者基本上是沿用了西方发展起来的水权交易模型,很少考虑中国国情因素。总体来看,国内水权水市场研究目前存在三个方面的主要缺陷。第一,在水权市场发展的规律研究方面,过于强调市场的作用和市场制度本身,对水权市场运作的内在机制认识不足;第二,在水权市场的国际经验借鉴方面,过于强调个别国家的"先进经验",对水权市场发展的教训和伴随的问题认识不足;第三,在水权交易和市场制度建设过程中,过于强调理想意义上的自由市场模式,对国情条件的制约和中国特色的因素认识不足。当前亟需开展更为深入的研究,系统探索中国国情因素对水权市场构建的影响,重点揭示中国特色的水权市场制度体系特征,提出中国情境下的水权交易模式、交易规则、水权监管制度以及与国情条件相适应的水价政策。通过理论集成和知识创新,增进对中国特色水权市场制度的理解,为水资源管理体制改革和水资源的可持续利用提供研究支撑。  相似文献   

如何控制人力成本以使组织降本增效一直是国内学者研究的热点。本文主要对国内近5年人力成本管理的300多篇相关文献从研究领域、研究思路等进行综述和评论,并在此基础之上与国外人力成本管理的文献进行对比分析。研究表明:成本收益法是未来人力成本管理研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

湿地景观格局演变研究评述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
湿地景观格局演变研究是湿地生态学领域研究的热点问题。由于湿地具有独特的生态结构与功能并蕴涵丰富的生物多样性价值,其生态变化备受关注。同时,湿地资源作为一种重要的自然资源为人类的生存与发展提供了物质保证,深入了解湿地演变时空特征及其驱动机制是了解湿地生态演变规律和制定湿地保护对策的基础。通过分析近年来国内外湿地景观格局演变领域的主要研究理论、方法和成果,对包括景观格局指数、景观动态变化模型等湿地景观格局演变特征的研究方法和成果进行了探讨,分析了目前湿地景观格局演变驱动力研究的制约因素,对驱动因子的选取及定量表征驱动力的模型研究等各个方面的优缺点进行了评价,并在此基础上,进一步指出了本领域相关研究的研究趋势和发展方向。  相似文献   


Science parks have developed greatly in the world, whereas empirical researches have showed that science parks based on linear model cannot guarantee the creation of innovation. Hi-tech innovation is derived from flow and management of information. The commercial and social interactions between in-parks and off-park firms and research institutions act as the key determinant for innovation. Industrial clustering is the rational choice for further developing Chinese science parks and solving some problems such as the lack of clear major industries and strong innovation sense, etc.  相似文献   

土地利用变化对生态系统服务的影响研究综述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
土地利用/覆被变化是全球环境变化的重要组成部分和主要原因之一,不仅带来了地表结构的巨大变化,而且对生态系统服务也造成重要影响。土地利用变化和生态系统服务研究已成为国际上生态学和地理学等跨学科研究的热点之一。从土地利用变化和生态系统服务的概念及其影响因素分析入手,综述了土地利用面积变化、土地利用方式变化和土地利用空间格局变化等对生态系统服务的影响,归纳了土地利用变化对生态系统服务的影响研究的主要方法和模型,分析了相关研究的不足,并提出了加强生态系统服务动态评估方法和时空动态评估模型的研究、强化土地利用变化对生态系统服务影响的生态学机制研究和注重土地利用变化下生态系统服务评估结果的集成应用研究等建议,以期对我国的土地利用变化与生态系统服务评估研究提供科学参考。  相似文献   

BackgroundClimate change may affect mortality associated with air pollutants, especially for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone (O3). Projection studies of such kind involve complicated modelling approaches with uncertainties.ObjectivesWe conducted a systematic review of researches and methods for projecting future PM2.5-/O3-related mortality to identify the uncertainties and optimal approaches for handling uncertainty.MethodsA literature search was conducted in October 2013, using the electronic databases: PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, ProQuest, and Web of Science. The search was limited to peer-reviewed journal articles published in English from January 1980 to September 2013.DiscussionFifteen studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Most studies reported that an increase of climate change-induced PM2.5 and O3 may result in an increase in mortality. However, little research has been conducted in developing countries with high emissions and dense populations. Additionally, health effects induced by PM2.5 may dominate compared to those caused by O3, but projection studies of PM2.5-related mortality are fewer than those of O3-related mortality.There is a considerable variation in approaches of scenario-based projection researches, which makes it difficult to compare results. Multiple scenarios, models and downscaling methods have been used to reduce uncertainties. However, few studies have discussed what the main source of uncertainties is and which uncertainty could be most effectively reduced.ConclusionsProjecting air pollution-related mortality requires a systematic consideration of assumptions and uncertainties, which will significantly aid policymakers in efforts to manage potential impacts of PM2.5 and O3 on mortality in the context of climate change.  相似文献   

区域经济增长与环境质量之间的关系研究是目前学者们探讨的重要学术议题之一.其中较多的是对EKC曲线的验证,近几年部分学者从国民经济各部门中的产业自身特征、产业结构、技术进步、FDI效应等方面考察产业发展对污染物排放的影响.然而以上研究议题中学者均没有讨论污染物的发生主体-各产业部门与排污的直接关系.故本文将从宏观尺度下的综合水平测度区域经济发展与环境质量关系、中观尺度下的产业属性特征与排污关系的研究视角转移至分析具体产业部门的污染物排放效应,同时将产业置于产业链的结构形式中,研究产业链上产业发展与污染物排放的关系.发现:第一,通过借助复杂网络思想的社区划分方法,将山东省39个产业部门分为3个社团.其中社团I主要由制造业部门组成,共有18个产业部门,社团II包括了15个部门,主要是第三产业,杜团III由6个产业部门组成且内部异质性高.第二,选择其中以制造业为主的社团I,并在社团I内识别出一条彼此间联系最为紧密的产业链,包括农林牧渔业、食品制造及烟草加工业、化学工业、纺织工业、服装皮革羽绒及其制品业、通用/专用设备制造业和交通运输设备制造业.以一种定量的方法获取了通过价值流传递而串在一起的产业链条.该产业链的经济规模、污染物规模在山东省均有重要地位.第三,采用岭回归分析方法,构建了6个制造业与产业链工业废水、固体废弃物排放的关系模型,6个制造业中对工业废水、固体废弃物排放相对贡献度最大的部门分别为服装皮革羽绒及其制品业、食品制造及烟草加工业.这是由于上游产业排污的链式传递效应与产业自身污染物排放效应的共同叠加作用.  相似文献   

China has experienced considerable urbanization in the past 60 years,especially since the implementation of the Economic Reform and Opening-up Policy in 1978.In 1949,there were only 132 cities with an urban population of 27.4 million,while in 2008 China had 652 cities with a total urban population of 606 million.Such urbanization is attributed to the boost in the number of cities and the urban population.Urban expansion enhanced geographic inequality between the three major regions in China.Compared with the eastern and central regions,western China only has 19%of the total cities and 18%of the urban population.The urbanization rate was 37.2%for the western region in 2008,while it reached 53.3%for the eastern regions and 45.3%for central China.Using a geographic information system(GIS)and statistical analyses,this study aims at explaining the structure and spatial development of urbanization,and highlighting the current issues of urban inequality in western China during the past two decades.The paper drew following conclusions:(1)Urbanization disparities between eastern and western China have become increasingly obvious,but seem to be evolving slowly since the establishment of the government’s Western Development Priority Policy in 2000.(2)Cities of various sizes were expanded in western China,and the main factors affecting the urbanization are population numbers and density,government investment and geographic conditions.(3)Current patterns of urbanization in the western region are distributed unevenly between provinces.  相似文献   

长江经济带研究文献分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长江经济带是我国国土空间开发最重要的东西轴线,近年来推动长江经济带发展逐步上升为新一轮的国家战略。而自长江经济带初步构想于20世纪80年代提出以来,我国学者对长江经济带进行了诸多方面的研究。通过相关研究的文献分析,了解分析文献来源规律,梳理总结文献研究内容,有利于相关学术研究的推进。在查阅了大量相关文献的基础上,首先对文献来源进行分析,接着对长江经济带的概念与范围进行了辨析,再从发展战略、产业发展、交通建设、区域经济差异、区域空间结构、区域协调与合作、地区与长江经济带关系与生态环境等8个方面的对文献内容进行归纳总结与探讨,最后从加强交流合作、宏观微观结合、经典理论应用、关注交通研究、流域联动机制及视野动态开阔等方面对新时期长江经济带研究进行展望。  相似文献   


In this paper, human capital is considered a kind of goods in terms of investment. Basic consumption and profit margin are the two important components of human capital goods value. Compared with that of the material capital, the human capital consumption has the following features. The importance of human capital investment determined by the supply-demand mechanism, is growing gradually; The course of investment and return takes a long period of time; Human capital is characterized by strong technicality and weak negotiability; The investment profit margin is changeable and discriminating.  相似文献   


With the development of science and technology, the researches and application of water resources including the gas water have been constantly developed. Through an analysis on the flaws of the water right theory, and by executing reconstruction and renewal of the theory and system of water right in modern society, the water right position of the gas water will be established, leading to the maturity of the whole law effectiveness and substantial results of water right.  相似文献   


Picea neoveitchii is an endemic species in China. It had been listed as an endangered species in red data books. It scatters in several locations of south slope of the Qinling Mountain of China. Upon reviewing the related literature, discussing with leading scholars on gymnosperm, ecology and plant conservation, the field survey was carried out in four locations. There are eleven mature individuals and two seedlings surviving in its natural habitats. With the survey of quadrat method in four locations, related community index were calculated such as relative important value (RIV), species richness, similarity index, diversity index and evenness index etc. The community could be sorted and characterized as three groups based on the community parameters. The analysis of vegetation table elucidates that Picea neoveitchii is a dominant species with low grouping rate in most surveyed sites.

The RAPD analysis shows target species has intraspecific genetic variability. The estimation of Shannon's phenotypic diversity index (Ho) also explains the difference of genetic variations of different locations.

Due to the lack of enough knowledge and professional guide of conservation biological perspective, Picea neoveitchii had been clear-cut for timber production. The extent of occurrence and area of occupancy declined rapidly from 1950s to 1990s. According to the Conservation Category guideline proposed by the World Conservation Union, the conservation status of Picea neoveitchii was reevaluated as Critically Endangered (CR) B2b C2a D. Upon research in areas of ecology, molecular biology, cluster analysis of environmental parameters, a practical conservation strategy is recommended in this research.  相似文献   

21世纪以来中国产业扶贫研究脉络与主题谱系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反贫困历来是发展研究中的最重要议题之一,尤其是进入21世纪以来,产业扶贫已日趋成为具有中国特色的反贫工作重心任务,受到学界和社会的热切关注,因此有必要对其研究脉络与热点主题等内容进行深入探索,以更好地促进产业扶贫实践的发展。本研究以2000—2015年间CNKI数据库收录的1 982篇产业扶贫研究的期刊论文为样本,采用文献计量分析法和可视化知识网络分析工具Cite Space,首先对中国产业扶贫研究总体现状进行了概述,然后着重分析了产业扶贫研究历经的四个演进阶段:初创期、探索期、爆发期和深化期,并描述了研究的整体发展脉络所沿着的四条轨迹,即产业扶贫主体由政府主导逐渐演变为政府主导、市场力量和社会参与并重;扶贫对象由农村贫困地区和人口逐步转向城市贫困人口,农村和城市扶贫两者并重;扶贫渠道由财政资金扶持逐步扩散到科技扶贫、智力扶贫、旅游扶贫等多元化方式;扶贫思路由农村推进向城市扶贫过渡,再到协调区域发展的精准扶贫战略。在此基础上挖掘和探讨了当前研究的热点主题,包括产业扶贫的发展历程、内涵与理论基础、模式与机制、现实困境与对策,以及经济效应等五个方面。最后指出当前研究成果在理论深度与体系构建、实践模式提炼、研究视角和地域、实证研究方法等方面存在不足,并提出了未来重点研究方向需要从高度重视产业扶贫与精准扶贫和参与式治理之间的内在逻辑,加快推进产业扶贫的本土化特色研究,以及鼓励跨学科视角的研究、注重规范研究与实证研究的协同三大方面展开探索。  相似文献   

基于2003~2016年中国285个城市数据,讨论了人力资本和技术创新对环境污染的影响机制。主要研究结论为:(1)人力资本和技术创新可以显著降低环境污染;(2)人力资本和技术创新对环境污染的影响存在协同作用,在人力资本的影响下,技术创新显现出明确的减污效应,同时在技术创新的影响下,人力资本也显现出明确的减污效应;(3)人力资本和技术创新跨越各自的门槛值后,二者的协同效应会增强,减污效果更明显;(4)人力资本和技术创新对环境污染的影响是通过“产业清洁效应”、“外资清洁效应”和“金融清洁效应”3类中介途径实现的。研究结论为我国环境污染的治理提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   


Based on data of trade, foreign direct investment (FDI), economic development and environmental conditions in China's 30 provinces between 1990–2002, this paper deals with the impact on Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) of trade and FDI in China. The results show no direct impact on EKC of trade, on the one hand. However, trade contributes significantly to economic growth, and has played a positive role in introducing advanced pollution prevention technology and environmental management methodology to China. Therefore, a proactive trade policy will help solve the environmental pollution problem brought by economic growth. On the other hand, there is a positive correlation between FDI and pollutant emission, which proves that FDI does have some negative influence on environment in China due to hasty introduction of foreign capital and inadequate environmental management system in China.  相似文献   


The overlapping generation models the western scholars have designed from various perspectives to address different kinds of issues do not reflect Chinese emerging political and economic problems, and cannot be entirely and blindly applied to Chinese practical situation. In this paper the authors endeavor to incorporate some western scholars' research results into their own research findings to present overlapping generations model theory in a new perspective through establishing an overlapping generations theory on population including articulation of concepts and theorems of biological generation, economic generation and social generation and the overlapping periods in biological generation and two overlapping periods in economic generation among three generations. This management model with equilibrium distribution of resource wealth includes overlapping generations length model (δ), equilibrium transfer model (?) and a complete model on equilibrium distribution among generations (δ-?). The model provides quantitative basis for the creation of resource management system, and fills in a theoretical gap in this discipline in China. Besides, it furnishes a new methodology and manipulate tool for Chinese government to establish a comprehensive management information bank for many sectors such as economic trade, population, science and technology, education, human resource, natural resource and environment, agriculture, forestry, industry, mining and energy.  相似文献   


China’s domestic oil production has lagged the growth in domestic oil consumption since the beginning of the 21st century, leading to a growing reliance on imports. In response, the Chinese government has introduced a number of policies, including import license constraints, to support domestic suppliers. In an effort to measure the economic impact of these policies we develop a short-run equilibrium model of China’s wholesale oil and gas market at the provincial scale. We construct counterfactual scenarios that suggest that relaxing policies that prioritize domestic production in 2016, when the average price of Chinese oil imports was US$42 per barrel (bbl), could have increased China’s import demand by 0.29 million barrels per day (MMbbl/d). This results in a substitution of 9% of China’s domestic production in 2016, and a reduction of US $2.8 billion in crude supply costs including transportation as the imported oil has more direct access to the country’s pipeline network, compared to the displaced domestic production. In addition, rising import prices since mid-2017 may provide a window of opportunity for Chinese policymakers to proceed with further deregulation of the domestic oil sector, as the short-term impact on domestic producers is reduced.  相似文献   

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