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The article puts forward the process and means of regional water and land balance research, and then from two scenarios which are the balances under natural regulation and human intervention, calculated and analysed the balance between water and land on Ningxia Plain. For the balance under natural regulation named farmland water balance, using farmland water resource balance equation, the research estimated the monthly farmland" water balance of 8 major crops for all of the 12 counties on Ningxia Plain in the period of 1960-2001; for the balance under human intervention, the research estimated land-use water balance equation of the counties in 2000, and calculated the balance between land use and water resources including irrigating water of all the 12 counties on Ningxia Plain. Results showed that ①precipitation can not meet the water demand of the crops for growth and development on Ningxia Plain, and water shortage is the primary character of farmland water balance under natural regulation. ②the diversity of water and land balance of different counties is distinctly influenced by the crop structure, water quantity for irrigation and irrigation level. ③Irrigation water could meet the crop water demand on Ningxia Plain in 2000, but there was not much space to expand irrigating cultivated land.  相似文献   

石家庄市主要农作物灌溉节水潜力研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用田间作物灌溉试验数据,对作物单产产量与需水量的关系进行了模拟,并据此以县域为单元,计算了1984~2001年石家庄市主要农作物冬小麦、夏玉米和棉花获得逐年实际产量的理论总需水量、理论灌溉总需水量、实际灌溉用水量,测算了3种作物灌溉节水的空间。结果表明,1984~2001a。按照节水高效试验所得的产量需水模式。获得石家庄市3种主要作物产量的理论需水总量为23-29亿m^3/a,理论灌溉需水总量为8.8-13.8亿m^3/a,实际灌溉用水量平均约为17亿m^3/a,农业年均超采地下水5.67亿m^3/a。按照目前的种植结构和产量水平,石家庄市今后作物灌溉节水的理论上限为9亿m^3/a。即使加大节水投入,实现最大节水潜力的一半。仍不能弥补目前地下水的超采量。在2010年实现南水北调,部分城市用水归还农业用水,且实现最大节水潜力的一半的情况下,水资源方能勉强维持平衡。因此,石家庄市今后应一方面加大农业节水投入和管理。另一方面,也应根据水资源承载力适当减少高耗水的冬小麦播种面积,同时全面建设节水型社会,方能实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

采用农田水量平衡模型,结合GIS技术,通过构建作物水分亏缺风险指数,对汉江流域上游区小麦、玉米等主要作物的水分生态适应性进行了系统研究。结果表明:就全生育期而言,自然降水不能满足作物生长发育的需求,水分亏缺是汉江流域上游区农田水分平衡的主要特征;就不同作物来讲,水稻多年平均水分亏缺风险指数达23.26%,是全流域生态适应性最差的作物,麻类、薯类生态适应性较强;作物生长发育不同时段,各作物水分生态适应性差异较大,春旱应引起足够重视。  相似文献   

三峡库区坡耕地利用与水土保持种植制   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
三峡库区耕地资源十分有限,且坡耕地占有相当大的比重,陡坡地多,在不良的耕作方式下肥力低下,水土流失十分严重在分析三峡库区自然条件与坡耕地资源特点的基础上,讨论了坡耕地种植制度与土壤侵蚀的关系,提出通过合理搭配作物种类进行多熟制间套作,一年生农作物与多年生经饲作物间作及农作物与木本植物等高间作等手段来建立坡耕地水土保持种植制,从而达到减轻土 蚀之目的。  相似文献   

通过在湖南省祁东县紫云材进行的土地利用及农户经济行为调查,从土地状况、从业选择、农具、农田设施、耕作方式和效益等方面,分析了湘南红壤丘陵区农户社会经济行为对土地质量的影响。结果表明:紫云村农户重“品种”轻“土壤”,水田土壤有机质含量减少,理化性状变差,土壤自然肥力降低,旱地、林地粗放经营,质量退化。改变农户只重“品种”而忽视“土壤”的观念、提高耕地复种指数、建立合理的轮作体系和水土保持型高效集约持续的耕作制度、加强林业管理和经营、加大农业投入、搞好农田水利建设是防止本区土地退化和保证本区农业可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   


The natural supply of land resources is limited, but the economic supply may change along with social and economic development, and its size is decided bye nature and social and economic body conditions. When the supplying ability of land resources threatens the development of society and the conflict between people and land becomes tense, it forced people to improve land utilization and to increase the effective supply of land resources. The paper made an overall consideration on the characteristics of the irrigated farming and the frail ecological environment in Fuhai County, Altay Area, Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region and explored land arrangement planning as well as water resource planning and environmental protection. The paper evaluated natural resources, land utilization and water resource of the case study areas and focused on the spatio-temporal balance between the utilization of water and land resources. In the end the paper a feasible plan was made out for the land arrangement project.  相似文献   

The natural supply of land resources is limited, but the economic supply may change along with social and economic development, and its size is decided bye nature and social and economic body conditions. When the supplying ability of land resources threatens the development of society and the conflict between people and land becomes tense, it forced people to im- prove land utilization and to increase the effective supply of land resources. The paper made an overall consideration on the characteristics of the irrigated farming and the frail ecological environment in Fuhai County, Altay Area, Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region and explored land arrangement planning as well as water resource planning and environmental protection. The paper evaluated natural resources, land utilization and water resource of the case study areas and focused on the spatio-temporal balance between the utilization of water and land resources. In the end the paper a feasible plan was made out for the land arrangement project.  相似文献   

中国作为农业大国和自然灾害最严重的国家之一,自然灾害会对农作物和耕地造成严重影响。基于1978~2017年中国31个省(自治区、直辖市)农作物受灾面积与灾毁耕地面积等灾情数据,结合气温、降水等气象数据和地形数据,采用计量分析、Morlet小波分析和空间分析等方法,分析我国农作物和耕地受灾的时空分布特征,并探究农作物受灾面积的周期性以及农作物受灾面积、灾毁耕地面积与气温、降水和地形之间的关系。结果表明:1978~2017年农作物受灾主要以旱灾和水灾为主,农作物受灾面积和灾毁耕地面积均呈下降趋势,且农作物受灾面积有30年左右的显著变化周期;不同灾种的空间分布存在差异,其中农作物受灾较大的区域主要是华北平原、东北平原和长江中下游平原等农业较为发达区域,灾毁耕地面积主要分布在毗邻胡焕庸线两侧的省份(直辖市、自治区),且以西南地区为最,洪涝、滑坡、泥石流是造成灾毁耕地的主要原因;农作物水、旱灾害与降水,农作物冷冻灾害与气温,灾毁耕地与平均坡度、坡度大于15度面积比在置信区间呈现正、负、负、正、正的相关关系。在政策设计上掌握农作物和耕地受灾的时空特征和发生规律,将对减少农业自然灾害损失和提高防灾减灾能力具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

皖江城市带农作物碳储量动态变化研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据近20 a(1991~2010)主要农作物产量与耕地面积的相关数据,结合主要农作物的含碳率、经济系数、根冠比、果实水分系数,利用农作物产量与碳储量转换模型计算法对皖江城市带主要农作物碳储量、碳密度进行了估算,分析该区农田生态系统植被碳库的总量和构成的动态变化。结果表明:近20 a来该区农田植被碳储量和植被碳密度都有一定程度的提高,且2010年研究区农田植被碳储量占当年安徽省能源消耗总排碳量的2306%,具有十分明显的碳汇效应,但农作物碳储量和碳密度呈现一定的波动性。研究区中农作物碳储量以水稻作物为主(占总碳储量的6659%),各市农作物碳储量、碳密度表现为:六安、滁州农作物碳储量最大,铜陵最小;滁州、马鞍山农作物碳密度最大,铜陵最小。最后根据该区农作物碳库的构成特点和动态特征,为其进一步提高农作物碳库的碳储量和碳密度提出一些建议  相似文献   

借鉴会计学复式记账核算的优点,在国际资源核算体系的基础上,根据我国自然资源资产核算需求,提出土地资源资产核算的复式记账体系和报表编制框架。研究认为,基于复式记账的土地资源资产核算和报表编制要以“摸清家底、反映自然资源负债、提供土地资源审计和绩效考核信息”为目标,明确区、县级自然资源局为土地资源资产受托管理和进行土地资源资产核算与报表编制的核算单位。在界定土地资源资产、负债和权益相关概念的基础上,提出土地资源资产属性变化的核算内容和每次土地资源资产实物量变化必须遵循占补平衡的基本原则,进行过程核算。以YC县土地资源资产变化为例,对土地资源资产变化进行了基于复式记账的土地资源资产核算与报表编制实证研究,确定核算的事项类型和特征及其借贷核算流程,编制出土地资源资产负债表,并同时进行实物量核算和价值量核算的报表编制,结果表明:YC县土地资源资产实物量1485 km^2,2018年末价值量5639874.22万元、经济权益5271874.22万元、生态权益367991.6万元,土地资源负债8.40万元,通过土地资源资产用途调整,土地资源资产价值量增加21319.42万元,但在调整过程中,形成了土地资源负债0.07 km^2(8.4万元),在以后土地整治中需要增加园地。  相似文献   

湖北省土地利用变化格局的区域分异研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用遥感、GIS一体化技术,利用1989~1990年和1999~2000年获取的LANDSAT卫星影像,对湖北省土地利用变化的区域分异特点进行分析。结果表明,自然地理环境因素对土地利用格局起主要控制性作用;城市化与工业化、社会经济的发展及国家有关土地利用政策对土地利用变化格局的形成起进一步调控作用。分区而言,鄂西、鄂东北、鄂东南等山区是耕地、林地与草地相互转换区;武汉、鄂州、黄石等沿江城郊区和从宜昌到沙市区沿江带是城镇扩张区;荆州、汉江下游和鄂北岗地丘陵是水域缩减区;江汉平原区是水域扩张区。另外,农村经济结构调整和有关耕地政策的出台是耕地、林地与草地相互转换区土地利用变化的主要驱动因素;中心城市对周围区域经济的带动作用和沿江区域特殊的交通优势是城镇扩张区的主要驱动因素;经济利益的驱动是水域扩张区的主要驱动因素;耕地政策是水域缩减区的主要驱动因素。  相似文献   

Irrigated production in the Guadalquivir river basin in Spain has grown significantly over the last decade. As a consequence, water resources are under severe pressure, with an increasing deficit between available supplies and water demand. To conserve supplies, the water authority has reduced the volume of water assigned to each irrigation district. Major infrastructural investments have also been made to improve irrigation efficiency, including the adoption of high technology micro-irrigation systems. Within a context of increasing water scarcity, climate change threatens to exacerbate the current supply-demand imbalance. In this study, the impacts of climate change on irrigation water demand have been modelled and mapped. Using a combination of crop and geographic information systems, maps showing the predicted spatial impacts of changes in agroclimate (climate variables that determine the irrigation requirements) and irrigation need have been produced. The maps highlight a significant predicted increase in aridity and irrigation need. Modelling of irrigation water requirements shows a typical increase of between 15 and 20% in seasonal irrigation need by the 2050s, depending on location and cropping pattern, coupled with changes in seasonal timing of demand.  相似文献   

湖北省关键生态系统服务供需状况的时空变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态系统服务是改善自然生态和维持土地可持续利用的关键。该文基于生态系统服务的供需视角,从时空两个维度量化了城市化过程中生态系统服务的赤字和盈余,据此提出土地优化利用建议。以湖北省为例,选取水源涵养、PM10去除、固碳和休闲娱乐4种生态系统服务,评估了2010~2015年湖北省生态系统服务供需的盈缺情况及演变过程,并测算其平衡阈值。结果表明:(1)除了水源涵养服务供给充足外,PM10去除、固碳和休闲娱乐服务均处于赤字状态;(2)水源涵养服务的供需趋向平衡,而PM10去除、固碳和休闲娱乐服务的供需差异逐步扩大;(3)各类生态系统服务的供需空间异质性较大;(4)生态系统服务供需达到平衡所要求的绿地比阈值普遍上升,建设用地比阈值普遍下降。上述研究对生态系统服务供需的直观量化,为优化土地管理提供了科学依据;建议湖北省应重点关注城市化过程中PM10去除和碳排放控制的问题,适度增加城市绿地,合理控制建设用地扩张。  相似文献   

One of the targets of the United Nations ‘Millennium Development Goals’ adopted in 2000 is to cut in half the number of people who are suffering from hunger between 1990 and 2015. However, crop yield growth has slowed down in much of the world because of declining investments in agricultural research, irrigation, and rural infrastructure and increasing water scarcity. New challenges to food security are posed by accelerated climatic change. Considerable uncertainties remain as to when, where and how climate change will affect agricultural production. Even less is known about how climate change might influence other aspects that determine food security, such as accessibility of food for various societal groups and the stability of food supply. This paper presents the likely impacts of thermal and hydrological stresses as a consequence of projected climate change in the future potential agriculture productivity in South Asia based on the crop simulation studies with a view to identify critical climate thresholds for sustained food productivity in the region. The study suggests that, on an aggregate level, there might not be a significant impact of global warming on food production of South Asia in the short term (<2°C; until 2020s), provided water for irrigation is available and agricultural pests could be kept under control. The increasing frequency of droughts and floods would, however, continue to seriously disrupt food supplies on year to year basis. In long term (2050s and beyond), productivity of Kharif crops would decline due to increased climate variability and pest incidence and virulence. Production of Rabi crops is likely to be more seriously threatened in response to 2°C warming. The net cereal production in South Asia is projected to decline at least between 4 and 10% under the most conservative climate change projections (a regional warming of 3°C) by the end of this century. In terms of the reference to UNFCCC Article 2 on dangerous anthropogenic (human-induced) interference with the climate system, the critical threshold for sustained food productivity in South Asia appears to be a rise in surface air temperature of ~2°C and a marginal decline in water availability for irrigation or decrease in rainfall during the cropping season.  相似文献   

重庆市2000~2015年土地利用变化时空特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究区域土地利用变化及其时空特征,可以为将来的区域土地利用规划和管理提供基础。基于2000年、2005年、2010年和2015年4期土地利用遥感影像解译数据,结合GIS空间分析方法,从土地利用变化速度、转移方向、利用程度3个方面定量分析了重庆市2000~2015年土地利用变化的时空特征。结果表明:(1)研究期内,耕地、草地和未利用土地持续减少,且耕地减少速度呈增大趋势,主要减少区域分布在主城及周边区县;林地、水域和城乡建设用地面积增加。(2)区县之间各类土地利用变化的相对速率差异较大,其中草地的相对变化率相差最大,其次为水域、耕地和林地。耕地变化最大的区域主要集中在主城区,城乡建设用地在各区县均有较大变化;水域发生较大变化的区县均与大型水利工程的修建有关。(3)重庆市在2000~2005年土地利用变化最剧烈,随后朝着越来越稳定的方向发展;区县间土地利用变化剧烈程度差异明显,但这种差异朝着缩小的方向发展。(4)渝东北、东南区域耕地、林地、草地之间转换活跃,但活跃度随时间后移递减;耕地一直是其他地类最主要的转入来源之一,城乡建设用地越来越成为其他地类的主要转出方向。(5)重庆市土地利用水平总体上处于发展期,土地利用程度的区域分布格局基本上保持不变,但差异明显,越往东北、东南区域,土地利用程度越低;全市土地利用程度变化量的分布格局呈现为以渝中区为核心从内到外依次为“弱变化——剧烈变化——较强变化——较弱变化”的圈层扩展形态。  相似文献   

以中国科学院资源环境数据库为基础,利用2005和2007年获取的遥感数据,结合地面调查,对湖北省2000~2007年的耕地动态变化进行了监测,并进行了制图分析。研究结果表明:2000年以来湖北省耕地面积在不断下降,7a间净减少125 387 hm2;水域扩张是耕地流失的最主要原因,占到耕地流失面积的54.6%,其中又有88%是转变成坑塘;耕地资源变化存在明显区域差异:江汉平原水域的扩张导致超过湖北全省的一半耕地流失发生在江汉平原,建设用地占用耕地主要发生在湖北中东部和平原地区,湖北中西部耕地减少则是生态退耕造成;2005年以来,建设用地扩张明显,是2005年以来耕地流失的主要原因。因此,今后湖北应继续实行严格的耕地保护政策,着力解决粮渔争地问题和加强对建设用地的控制,以实现湖北省耕地资源的可持续利用。〖  相似文献   

本文在分析长江三峡工程用地特点的基础上。对大型水利水电工程实施耕地补偿制度中的问题和困难进行调查研究,认为应从新的视角来认识大型水利水电工程的耕地占补平衡问题。进而探索耕地补偿制度实施的新途径和新方式。应在耕地总量动态平衡政策适当调整的基础上.将“以地补地”和“缴费补地”的方式相结合。既通过土地整理.在提商土地质量的前提下增加耕地的有效面积:又要落实耕地开垦费.扶持库区的土地整理。从而使库区的耕地占补制度顺利实施。  相似文献   

湖北省近期土地利用变化的遥感分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
土地利用,覆盖变化研究是全球变化研究的前沿和热点之一。采用遥感、GIS一体化技术.利用1989~1990年和1999~2000年获取的陆地资源卫星图像,建立了湖北省近10年来两个不同时期的同比例尺土地利用动态变化数据库,并对变化的时空特征进行了分析。结果表明,耕地减少了0.68%,林地减少了0.18%,各类建设用地总计增加了。7.92%.水域面积增加的幅度为3.01%。土地利用与土地覆盖变化的转型主要发生于上述4类之中.尤其是耕地与水域相互之间的转变比较频繁。动态度计算表明,土地利用变化最快的区域均处于大中城市及其周边地区;江汉平原、鄂东的大部分地区及鄂西的宜昌.土地利用变化较快;鄂西山区绝大部分、大别山区部分县及鄂东南幕阜山区的通山县,土地利用变化不大。  相似文献   

A 2-year field experiment was conducted in an Ochric Aquic Cambosols on a 1-ha field with rotation of winter wheat-summer corn located in Fengqiu County in North China Plain from 1 October 1998 to 30 September 2000 to quantify water balance and evaluate soil water loss by deep drainage and nitrate loss by leaching out of the root zone under the current agricultural practices. Considerable deep drainage was found especially in 1999-2000, during which period up to 273.9 mm of water, accounting for 60.6% of total amount of irrigation and 24.7% of total surface input (rainfall+irrigation), was lost by deep drainage. Even in both wheat cropping seasons when total amount of surface input was less than total actual evapotranspiration, 84.0 and 121.3 mm water was lost by drainage in 1999 and 2000, respectively. Soil NO3(-)-N was transported to deeper soil layers during the growing seasons and considerable amount of NO3(-)-N accumulated at 170 cm soil layer (the bottom of root zone) during the September-October period (the harvest time of summer corn) every year. About 28.6 kg N ha-1 was lost by leaching out of the root zone in 1998-1999 and 81.8 kg N ha-1 in 1999-2000, accounting for 5.9% and 15.7% of total nitrogen (N) inputs, respectively. The significant deep drainage and nitrate leaching loss were attributed to excessive and inappropriate irrigation and nitrogen (N) fertilization, which may result in severe groundwater pollution if current agricultural managements are not changed.  相似文献   

Producing goods and services all needs water consumption. The water used in the process of an agricultural or industrial product is called the "Virtual Water" contained in this product.Through international trade, water-scarce countries and regions could purchase water-intensive products--especially foods, from water-rich countries to balance their water deficits and achieve water safety. China is one of the 13 most water-deficit countries whose water safety have been severely challenged. This paper generalized the recent global research development and made a brief introduction about the methods calculating virtual water content in specific products. As a case study, we qualified China's annual virtual water flows from year 2000 to 2002 with trade in crops, and ended with some policy advice for application and practice of virtual water strategy.  相似文献   

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