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This study is to investigate what factors and how they affect tours (trip chains) behavior. The key issue is the understanding and definition of tour and tour level mode. Also, these definitions should fit for the data. A semi-home based tour definition is stated, and a competing mode based tour mode is defined. Based on the definition, this study used Madison Area Data from National Household Survey to estimate a MNL structured model. It is found that travel distance could be a positive factor for car mode. Meanwhile, the number of trips is also a positive factor for choosing car.  相似文献   

论徽州软体文化旅游资源的元价值与生存困境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先界定了软体文化旅游资源的概念:即以“非物化”的形式承载并惠及子孙。具有潜在的巨大经济含量,以适当的方式可以开发成旅游产品的文化存在。接着.探讨了软体文化旅游资源在徽州文化旅游开发中的元价值地位。指出软体文化资源是徽州文化旅游产品的灵魂.因而也是其生命周期之长短的决定性因素。在此认识的基础上.文章基于徽州文化旅游资源开发的现状.论述了徽州当前原生性软体文化资源存续的四大困境:生存环境逼仄、文化认同危机、研究与发掘滞后、制度制定不足等问题;最后.提出软体文化资源开发的有关对策:梯度开发、建章立制、去商业化、培养社区情感等。  相似文献   

稻田种养结合循环农业模式生态环境效应明显,其主要体现在节肥、节药、抑草、改善土壤和水体等方面上。本文根据对南方稻区的入户调查数据和2001-2009年中国统计年鉴、中国农村统计年鉴、中国农业统计年鉴相关统计数据及化肥农药使用量的技术标准,实证分析了稻田种养结合循环农业模式的节肥、节药的生态环境效应。调查分析显示,稻-鱼模式下农户化肥使用量比常规水稻种植模式的使用量要减少15.21%,农药使用量要减少40.17%;相关性分析表明南方稻区稻-鱼种养结合模式的稻田面积占水稻生产总面积的百分比与化肥、农药使用量之间呈负相关关系,相关系数分别为-0.407 2和-0.979 9。可以看出,在稻-鱼的稻田生态系统中,土壤和水体的改善以及有害生物的减少,形成了鱼类对化肥和农药的替代关系,在稻谷产量不变甚至增产以及增加鱼类产出的情况下,农户大幅度减少了化肥和农药的使用量,因此实施扶持稻田种养结合循环农业模式策略,是改善稻区农业生态环境的重要途径。  相似文献   

People and culture coexist and human resources development and regional cultural ecology integrate.The present thesis for the first time puts forward the integration mode of human resources development and cultural ecology,argues that personnel innovation should be attracted by motive injection,open culture,resources integration,culture dilution,thinking blending and people-orientation and discusses the transmission mechanism for functions of integration mode of human resources development and cultural ecology from the aspects of cultural values,living styles and cultural industry.  相似文献   


People and culture coexist and human resources development and regional cultural ecology integrate. The present thesis for the first time puts forward the integration mode of human resources development and cultural ecology, argues that personnel innovation should be attracted by motive injection, open culture, resources integration, culture dilution, thinking blending and people-orientation and discusses the transmission mechanism for functions of integration mode of human resources development and cultural ecology from the aspects of cultural values, living styles and cultural industry.  相似文献   

中国城市包容度与流动人口的社会融合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前中国流动人口规模、流向、结构、流动模式和群体利益诉求都在发生深刻变化,滋生出一系列经济社会发展的重大问题,其中社会融合问题受到各界最广泛关注。社会融合问题从城市层面看就是"城市包容度"问题,该命题新、难度大、范围广,国内外研究成果较少。本研究以此为核心,创新性构建了以社会保险参加情况、劳动权益保障程度、公共服务享受范围为主要准则的城市包容度综合指标体系,运用主成分分析法合成"城市包容度综合指数",进而通过非线性离散选择模型探讨流动人口长期居住意愿、落户难度、就业稳定度与城市包容度指标之间的相关关系。基于国家卫生计生委流动人口动态监测数据(2013—2014年)开展研究,主要结论为:中国城市包容度水平越高的城市,流动人口长期居住意愿越强、落户越容易、就业越稳定。进而提出政策建议:建立完善的城市流动人口服务和安置政策体系,直接和间接促进流动人口社会融合;形成有效融合机制,实现居民福利最大化及城市协同发展;制定科学的产业政策和户籍制度,引导匹配城市产业结构的人口流入,实现合理布局;结合顶层设计与基层探索,实现城市包容性增长与制度改进。本文归纳总结出"两个新体系":建立了城市包容度综合指数测算体系,及应用城市包容度指数定量研究的范式体系。  相似文献   

To promote modern agricultural equipment level is one characteristic of constructing and developing modern agriculture in China.This paper makes up stepwise linear regression analysis model of influence factors of modern agricultural equipment level,and chooses rural labor,per capita income of rural residents,rural investment,proportion of people at secondary education level and at higher level in per hundred rural labor force and arable land area as independent variables,and total power of machine as induced variable.The major results show that the relativity of modern agricultural equipment level,rural investment and education level of peasants is remarkable,and they are the major influence factors of modern agricultural equipment level.Raising investment level of rural infrastructure construction as well as and research and development and promotion of advanced and applicable modern agricultural equipment,improving quality and education level of peasants can accelerate the development of China’s modern agricultural equipment effectively in the process of agricultural sustainable development.  相似文献   


To promote modern agricultural equipment level is one characteristic of constructing and developing modern agriculture in China. This paper makes up stepwise linear regression analysis model of influence factors of modern agricultural equipment level, and chooses rural labor, per capita income of rural residents, rural investment, proportion of people at secondary education level and at higher level in per hundred rural labor force and arable land area as independent variables, and total power of machine as induced variable. The major results show that the relativity of modern agricultural equipment level, rural investment and education level of peasants is remarkable, and they are the major influence factors of modern agricultural equipment level. Raising investment level of rural infrastructure construction as well as and research and development and promotion of advanced and applicable modern agricultural equipment, improving quality and education level of peasants can accelerate the development of China’s modern agricultural equipment effectively in the process of agricultural sustainable development.  相似文献   

中国城乡居民消费隐含的碳排放对比分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
可持续消费研究是产业生态学的重要内容.居民消费包括城镇居民消费和农村居民消费.本研究首先采用综合生命周期分析方法(Hybrid LCA)核算 1997、2002和2007三年的居民消费隐含的二氧化碳排放总量,发现2007年的碳排放量已经达到18.01亿吨.城镇居民消费已经成为居民消费的主要组成部分,到2007年城镇居民消费的碳排放量达到总量的76.44%.采用结构分解分析(SDA)方法对影响居民消费碳排放量变化的五项驱动因素进行分析,发现排放强度因子是"减缓"居民消费碳排放量增加的主要力量,而人均消费水平因子是推动碳排放量迅速增加的主要因素.同时,发现居民消费结构的变迁对碳排量的增加有一定促进作用.在未来应该通过持续降低能耗强度和加快研发低碳能源技术,来持续降低碳排放强度.另外,要充分挖掘居民生活方式和消费行为的减排潜力,引导消费结构,提倡适度消费,促进居民消费模式向低碳方向转变.  相似文献   

Characteristics of Carbon Emission in China and Analysis on Its Cause   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
From the history of human economic development, it is known that there is a close relationship between economic development and environment quality. Thus, in this study a factor decomposition model of carbon emission in China is built and the contributions that economic scale, industrial structure, and carbon emission intensity make to carbon emission quantitatively from 1990 to 2005 are analyzed, in other words—scale effect, structural effect, and technical effect—using the decomposition method of average distribution cushion which is based on the environmental Kuznets curves model is studied. The result suggests that the average of the effect changes of carbon emission in China is 19.55%, the effects brought by economic scale, industrial structure, and carbon emission intensity are 15.76%, −0.86%, and 4.65%, respectively. In general, the relation between carbon emission and China's economy was more like an “N” curve; Economy scale is a primary drive factor and has incremental effect to carbon emission. Since otherness of different industry is getting bigger, the industrial restructure has certain decremental effect to carbon emission, but the restrictive function is not obvious, the industrial structure still need to be further optimized; the technical effect is positive and its volatility is large. From the perspective of reducing carbon emission, the current technology has not played to its advantages. This study will promote the understanding of the theory about the relationship between carbon emission and economy development and provide reference value by all means to the adjustment of industrial development.  相似文献   

生态地租是衡量生态资源利用带来的社会经济效果的重要指标.以投入产出表和生态足迹为基础,分析中国1997 - 2007年生态地租变化情况.结果表明,1997-2007年中国各产业单位经济产出的生态地租量呈减少趋势,农林牧渔业,电、热及水生产和供应业单位经济产出的生态地租量明显高于其他产业;生态地租总量呈不断增加趋势,构成上以工矿业和农林牧渔业生态地租为主,生态地租在行业间转移越来越多;以2007年为对照组,总产出量、生态足迹和生物承载力以及农地面积等参数的变化引起生态地租显著变化,其中以农林牧渔业生态地租变化最为敏感.如果考虑生态地租的影响,人类消费产品价格将大幅增加,这相当于人类因过度攫取自然资源而应当支付的用于环境治理的高昂代价.  相似文献   

Transportation is a sector with high energy consumption as well as high emissions. Generally speaking, economic growth will inevitably lead to the increase of travel demand and vehicle population, which in turn results into the augmentation of environmental and social costs. For metropolis like Beijing under rapid development, there exist various possibilities and options for transport development policy instruments. But there is no guarantee that they will be suitable for Beijing, although they are effective in their local places. This article assesses what kind of policy can most effectively improve the traffic conditions in Beijing in the future. After literature reviews on the practices of foreign policy and we established several feasible scenarios. Then, we used the Long Range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LREAP) analyzed their corresponding results of reduced energy consumption and emissions. Finally, by simulating and computing the realistic Beijing transportation scenarios, this paper scientifically assesses what kind of policy can most effectively improve the traffic condition in Beijing in the coming decade.  相似文献   

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