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It is difficult to manage the manufacturing hazardous waste (MHW) which is generated from a huge amount of complicated sources and causes very serious pollution. Therefore more and more attention has been paid to MHW pollution. Shanghai, as an industrial and economic center and an international metropolis in China, has a vast industrial system spanning a multitude of sectors, which generates MHW not only in a huge magnitude but also in a large variety of types from complicated sources, resulting in severe pollution. In 2003, the production of MHW in Shanghai is about 3.96 × 10^5 ton, involving 33 indices. Most of MHW in Shanghai is treated and disposed of, but a significant portion is not handled properly and effectively. This paper carries out infield investigation on the current status of MHW production and treatment in Shanghai, and puts forward scientific proposals that Shanghai should facilitate cleaner production and minimize haz- ardous waste; strictly enforce hazardous waste registration system, strengthen monitoring the certified enterprises; strengthen intent disposal center construction and realize hazardous waste reclamation; accelerate establishing the technical criteria and the management policy, promote the research and development on the treatment and disposal technology, and strengthen information management, thus realizing integrated management on MHW pollution.  相似文献   

三峡库区危险工业废物的现状及清理处置分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,三峡库区沿江堆存有大量的危险废物,这对蓄水在即的长江三峡水利枢纽工程极具威胁,对库区生态环境,水资源及人群的身心健康有潜在的危害性,必须进行全部清理处置。库区堆存的危险废物近1.5万t,种类多,成分复杂,毒性大,清理处置困难。分析了典型危险废物的危害性,同时根据三峡库区库底废物清库要求和规范,结合库区实际情况,提出库区库底堆存危险废物的清理处置方案:危险废物中约578t可进行化学中和稳定化处理,焚烧处理,综合利用等无害化处理,其余不能进行无害化处理的危险废物,在坝前177m水位以上选择合理的地点进行安全,可靠的临时贮存处置,待库区危险废物处理处置中心建成后再进行最终的处理处置。  相似文献   

BackgroundWaste treatment plants release toxic emissions into the environment which affect neighboring towns.ObjectivesTo investigate whether there might be excess cancer mortality in towns situated in the vicinity of Spanish-based incinerators and installations for the recovery or disposal of hazardous waste, according to the different categories of industrial activity.MethodsAn ecologic study was designed to examine municipal mortality due to 33 types of cancer, across the period 1997–2006. Population exposure to pollution was estimated on the basis of distance from town of residence to pollution source. Using Besag–York–Mollié (BYM) regression models with Integrated Nested Laplace approximations for Bayesian inference, and Mixed Poisson regression models, we assessed the risk of dying from cancer in a 5-kilometer zone around installations, analyzed the effect of category of industrial activity, and conducted individual analyses within a 50-kilometer radius of each installation.ResultsExcess cancer mortality (BYM model: relative risk, 95% credible interval) was detected in the total population residing in the vicinity of these installations as a whole (1.06, 1.04–1.09), and, principally, in the vicinity of incinerators (1.09, 1.01–1.18) and scrap metal/end-of-life vehicle handling facilities, in particular (1.04, 1.00–1.09). Special mention should be made of the results for tumors of the pleura (1.71, 1.34–2.14), stomach (1.18, 1.10–1.27), liver (1.18, 1.06–1.30), kidney (1.14, 1.04–1.23), ovary (1.14, 1.05–1.23), lung (1.10, 1.05–1.15), leukemia (1.10, 1.03–1.17), colon–rectum (1.08, 1.03–1.13) and bladder (1.08, 1.01–1.16) in the vicinity of all such installations.ConclusionsOur results support the hypothesis of a statistically significant increase in the risk of dying from cancer in towns near incinerators and installations for the recovery or disposal of hazardous waste.  相似文献   

Industry has become an essential part of modern society, and waste production is an inevitable outcome of the developmental activities. A material becomes waste when it is discarded without expecting to be compensated for its inherent value. These wastes may pose a potential hazard to the human health or the environment (soil, air, water) when improperly treated, stored, transported or disposed off or managed. Currently in India even though hazardous wastes, emanations and effluents are regulated, solid wastes often are disposed off indiscriminately posing health and environmental risk. In view of this, management of hazardous wastes including their disposal in environment friendly and economically viable way is very important and therefore suggestions are made for developing better strategies. Out of the various categories of the wastes, solid waste contributes a major share towards environmental degradation. The present paper outlines the nature of the wastes, waste generating industries, waste characterization, health and environmental implications of wastes management practices, steps towards planning, design and development of models for effective hazardous waste management, treatment, approaches and regulations for disposal of hazardous waste. Appraisal of the whole situation with reference to Indian scenario is attempted so that a better cost-effective strategies for waste management be evolved in future.  相似文献   

由于产业发展正处于转型阶段,我国畜禽养殖污染治理中的管理问题比技术问题更加突出,选择适宜的组织管理模式尤其重要。融合了效果分析、效率评价和适应性分析,尝试构建一个养殖废弃物资源化利用管理模式综合评价框架,并选择太湖流域4个不同类型的典型案例进行方法例证。研究表明,传统的养殖企业主导型管理模式应用于小型、分散养殖废弃物资源化利用时面临着经济效率低、适应性差难题;农村废弃物处理中心、种植企业和有机肥企业的参与可以改善小型、分散养殖废弃物资源化利用的经济效率;综合考虑效果、效率与适应性,种植企业、有机肥企业主导型模式的适宜推广范围更广。应根据不同地区种植-养殖产业关系、污染治理需求、经济发展水平与政府投入能力等,灵活组合应用不同管理模式。  相似文献   

工业废水排放的影响因素量化分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
工业废水排放量的大小受工业发展水平、产业结构、产品结构、技术工艺及设备水平、管理政策、环境法规等多因素的综合影响。选取长江三角洲典型地区的主要污染排放指标,重点分析工业经济规模、工业行业结构、工业技术进步以及环境治理投资等因素与工业水污染排放之间的相互关系。研究结果表明:随着长江三角洲地区产业结构的调整、工业技术进步、工业废水达标排放政策的实施,工业规模的扩大并没有引起工业废水的显著增加。从制造业结构看,有些行业的废水排放量对其结构调整比较敏感; 相反,有些行业的废水排放量对其结构的调整不敏感。工业技术进步和环境治理投资与工业废水排放量呈现负相关,说明工业技术进步、环境污染治理对于减少工业水污染排放起重要作用。  相似文献   

Solid waste disposal poses a significant problem, as it leads to land pollution if openly dumped, water pollution if dumped in low lands and air pollution if burnt. Moreover, the scarcity of land and increase in land prices especially in Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh create the problems of developing new landfill sites. Realising the existing and future impacts of waste disposal issues, the analytic hierarchy process model was applied to select an appropriate Waste-to-Energy (WTE) conversion technology for household waste of Dhaka-Mirpur Cantonment area. Three alternatives, namely, anaerobic digestion, pyrolysis and plasma gasification (PG) technologies and nine criteria under three aspects (technological, environmental and financial) were chosen for comparison. The analysis revealed that PG is the most appropriate WTE conversion technology in the study area. The selected PG technology has a relatively small footprint; it can treat unsorted waste and can produce good-quality synthetic gas without generating extremely toxic by-products.  相似文献   

Information on the type and quantity of industrial pollutants from major land-based sources entering the marine environment through direct coastal discharges or indirectly through rivers, as well as on the present status of industrial waste management (treatment and disposal) practices, are provided for the West African region. Most of the data utilized in this analysis were collected by six UNIDO experts who visited the eighteen countries of the West African region during the period of January through August 1980. Industrial operations were visited and information was collected from the various ministries involved with industrial development and environmental protection. Estimates of the mass of pollutants discharged to the ocean were based upon production rates used in conjunction with actual measurements made by the industries located in the countries visited; studies reported in the literature; and an extrapolation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Effluent Standards for various industrial sectors. The West African region was divided into five zones closely approximating the major currents of the Atlantic Ocean. The estimated pollution discharged by the industrial sector was calculated for each of the zones by adding the contribution from each country assigned to a zone.  相似文献   


As the main organic pollutant in municipal living waste, kitchen waste causes secondary pollution in the course of its being gathered and transported to the landfill by mixing with other refuse and by decomposition. This makes pollution prevention more difficult and raises the cost of landfill engineering. However, the amount of solid waste to be treated can be decreased and such pollution burden lessened by disposing of the solid waste in local municipal areas. The program in Beijing also shows that this works well with our situation in China and can accelerate marketization and public participation.  相似文献   

There has been ever-increasing international interest in investigating the long-term emissions of chemicals in products (CiPs) throughout their entire life cycle in the anthroposphere. Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) is a contemporary example of special interest due to the recent listing of this hazardous flame retardant in the Stockholm Convention and the consequent need for parties to take appropriate measures to eliminate this compound. Here, we conducted a scenario-based dynamic substance flow analysis, coupled with interval linear programming, to forecast the future HBCDD emissions in China in order to assist with the implementation of the Stockholm Convention in this current world's predominant HBCDD manufacturing and consuming country. Our results indicate that, under a business-as-usual scenario, the cumulative HBCDD production will amount to 238,000 tonnes before its phase-out, 79% of which will be consumed in domestic market, accumulate as stocks in flame-retarded polystyrene insulation boards, and ultimately end up in demolition waste. While the production is scheduled to end in ca. 2021, emissions of HBCDD would continue until after 2100. For the entire simulation period 2000–2100, 44% of total cumulative emissions will arise from the industrial manufacture of HBCDD-associated end-products, whereas 49% will come from the end-of-life disposals of HBCDD-containing waste. The most effective end-of-life disposal option for minimizing emissions we found was, a pre-demolition screening combined with complete incineration. Our study warns of the huge challenges that China would face in its eliminating HBCDD contamination in the following decades, and provides an effective methodology for a wider range of countries to recognize and tackle their long-term emission problems of hazardous CiPs.  相似文献   

上海的水资源管理和保护   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
上海市具有丰富的水资源,但由于受环境和水资源浪费等因素的影响。水危机日益受到人们的广泛关注。在系统分析上海市水资源和水质状况,城市用水现状和存在的主要问题的基础上,根据上海市社会,经济,环境的发展目标,提出了上海市的水资源管理和保护的原则,认为水资源管理和保护应重点采取以下措施:(1)制定有效的水质标准和监测指标体系;(2)确定合理的水价体系,(3)重视水域保护;(4)加强水资源保护的宣传教育。  相似文献   

The crude palm oil industry plays an important role in the economic development of Thailand and in enhancing the economic welfare of the population. Despite obvious benefits of this industrial development, it also significantly contributes to environmental degradation, both at the input and the output sides of its activities. On the input side, crude palm oil mills use large quantities of water and energy in the production process. On the output side, manufacturing processes generate large quantities of wastewater, solid waste/by-products and air pollution. Current industrial wastes and recoverable materials are empty fruit bunches, fibers, shells and ash. It is estimated that in 2003, a total of 2.1 million ton of solid wastes/by-products and 2.5 million m3 of wastewater were generated. The concept of the industrial ecosystem points at the potential of industrial waste recycling resembling food chains, food webs and nutrient cycles of nature. Following the notion of industrial ecology crude palm oil mills can develop a number of waste recycling and reuse systems. This paper analyzes the nature of these industrial ecosystems, divided in in-plant ecosystems (clean technology options) and external waste exchange between crude palm oil industries and other economic activities in Thailand.  相似文献   

Environmental management of pesticidal POPs in China: past, present and future   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
China, the largest developing country in the world, has been undergoing rapid economic growth in the past two decades. Synchronously, large quantities of persistent organic chlorinated pesticides have been used in agriculture and non-agriculture areas. Accompanying with incomplete management framework, the improper use and disposal of pesticides have caused serious pollution problems. In this study, we discussed: (1) ten persistent organochlorine pesticides in terms of historical production, consumption and number of manufacturers, import and export; (2) the current management framework of pesticidal persistent organic pollutants (POPs) with respect to legal system and government administrative system; (3) the existing problems in the management of pesticidal POPs; and proposed recommendations for countermeasures. Based on the available information, it can be concluded that records on the historical production and consumption quantities of pesticidal POPs are incomplete which makes a difficulty in the management. Although China has come a long way in developing a modern legal system, the current system is still considered weak and inefficient; and many challenges are ahead. The government administrative system has also been reformed and improved, but over-lapping jurisdictions still exist and are ineffective in managing pesticidal POPs program. To address these existing problems in pesticidal POPs management, it was suggested that more investigations should be conducted to collect information on pollution sources of pesticidal POPs, to evaluate their environmental risks, to identify new alternative chemicals and to complete management framework of pesticidal POPs in China. Furthermore, the public should be encouraged to participate in managing hazardous pesticidal POPs in China, and international cooperation and communication should be established and strengthened imperatively as well.  相似文献   

An investigation was made of the sources and degree of pollution of Ogunpa lake, situated in Ibadan, Nigeria. It was shown that the lake receives a variety of waste effluents from domestic and industrial sources which discharge into the Ogunpa stream. These waste effluents have caused an odour nuisance in the lake, and little or no dissolved oxygen is present. The discharge of nutrients (N and P) to the lake has resulted in excessive growth of aquatic weeds. All these impacts on the lake have resulted in a reduced fish production. Some suggestions for the prevention of pollution and the recovery of the lake are presented.  相似文献   


In recent years, high-polluting industries have been gradually shifted from the eastern developed regions to the central and western underdeveloped regions in China. Certain environmental regulations have been in place accordingly in various regions, but the pollution in the central and western regions has risen sharply. Based on the data of interprovincial panel in China from 2006 to 2015, this paper calculates high-pollution industry dynamic agglomeration index, environmental pollution agglomeration index and relative environmental regulation intensity index, and uses Generalized Method of Moments to carry out the regression analyses of the whole samples, regional heterogeneity and temporal heterogeneity. The results show that there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between relative environmental regulation and environmental pollution concentration in China. The concentration degrees of industrial wastewater pollution and industrial waste gas pollution are deepened, which are mainly caused by the transfer of highly polluting industries. However, the concentration of industrial solid waste pollution caused by the transfer is not obvious. Furthermore, the deepening of industrialization intensifies the concentration of regional environmental pollution. Environmental Kuznets Curve does exist in China, but it is not significant. The increase of labor cost and quality will reduce the concentration of environmental pollution.  相似文献   

Dairy and brewery industries are considered to be major pollution sources of Tigris River in Mosul city in Iraq. A daily flow of 3000 m3 of raw waste of these industries which carries a considerable level of solids, organic load, and other pollutants is discharged without any treatment into Tigris River through two ponds. During flood season the washout of the wastewater of these ponds causes a sudden local drop in the dissolved oxygen level of the river water; consequently the river suffers from a great damage demonstrated normally by mass fish kill. The waste also has an adverse effect on the agricultural productivity of the adjacent land. No study has been made previously to assess the impact of these wastes on the quality of the river water. In this study a quantitative and qualitative evaluation was made to determine the characteristics of the wastewater discharged throughout the year by these two industries. The change in the waste strength due to mixing and ponding prior to its final disposal to the river was studied. Additionally an attempt was made to define the change in the river water quality due to the industrial discharge.  相似文献   

The air quality impacts of hazardous waste disposal sites can be assessed on the basis of their contribution to each of the toxic contaminants. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the available methods of air quality assessment and their drawbacks. The need of air quality assessment is to assure that ambient concentrations of specific contaminants resulting from emissions will not exceed the acceptable levels for protection of public health and the ecosystem. Ambient concentrations of toxic contaminants are generally obtained by field measurements or air monitoring. However, field measurements and air monitoring of low-level toxic contaminants are costly and time consuming. As a result, most hazardous waste land disposal sites have not been adequately assessed. This paper describes current regulatory requirements in the United States for air quality assessment of hazardous waste land disposal sites. Emphasis is directed toward air quality assessment methodology. The paper also discusses emission predicting models based on the waste quantity and composition, scientific analysis of the waste conversion process together with meteorological conditions. The emission models are especially useful where emission cannot be reliably monitored or where a new disposal site is proposed.  相似文献   


The atmospheric mercury pollution in Beijing is a serious problem. Atmospheric mercury has three sources: natural emission, anthropogenic emission and previously deposited mercury reemission or recycling, composing elemental mercury, divalent mercury and particulate-phase mercury. Many studies showed that mercury in Beijing’s air was higher than the general level of mercury concentration in the atmosphere. Mercury emission sources were discussed. Industrial emissions, coal burning, vehicle exhaust emissions and waste incineration were thought to be the main sources of atmospheric mercury pollution in Beijing. And also meteorology has an effect on atmospheric mercury concentration in Beijing. Measures have been taken to control the emission of mercury into the air in recent years.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method of estimating the “true” internal costs of industrial waste, aimed at promoting environmentally friendly waste management. The study employs contribution margin analysis and a model – The Model for Efficient Use of Resources for Optimal Production Economy (EUROPE) – introduced by the author for assigning industrial costs to waste. In a business sense, waste is regarded as having the same basic status as any normal industrial product – the equality principle. Application of the method is suggested to create incentives for environmental improvement and profitability improvement in companies. Although the results of two case studies show the generation of waste to have a substantial negative impact on the final operating income, due to the internal shadow price costs it creates, this is regarded as an unavoidable consequence of the companies' acting in accordance with the principle of sustainable development. Readers should send their comments on this paper to: BhaskarNath@aol.com within 3 months of publication of this issue.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代开始,我国启动了公用事业市场化改革,民营资本特别是外资流向自来水供给、污水处理、城市生活垃圾收集与处理、燃气供应等行业。私人部门的介入激活了公共产品供给市场,有利于社会福利的增进,但也招致了诸多问题。公共产品供给民营化,并不意味着政府的完全退出,政府始终负有向社会公众提供公共产品或服务的原始责任,民营化只是在提供的形式上完成了向私人部门的转移,政府应完成从公共产品直接提供者向规制者的角色转换。本文以城市生活垃圾产业为例,进行了系统的分析。认为有效的规制应建立在真实的规制环境上,在城市生活垃圾产业民营化的规制中,面临着现有规制者与合约方一体、规制机构与企业信息不对称、政府部门承诺有限等规制约束。基于目前的规制环境,我国城市生活垃圾产业在推进民营化的同时,应建立起独立的规制机构,加强监管,逐步纵向一体民营化以降低交易成本,在合约中采用指数化价格分享企业租金。  相似文献   

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