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For the adverse impacts of climate change, China government should place the problem of adaptation to climate change on the agenda. It is time to institute and implement a state adaptive strategy to reduce the adverse impacts on economy, community and people's health and life by international cooperation and our own endeavor. A state strategy of adaptation to climate change should be closely linked with other current interrelated national strategies, and they should be supplemented and improved by each other. This paper discusses the roles of the state strategy of adaptation to climate change in the state climate change integrative strategy, the environmental protection strategy, and the sustainable development strategy in China. Furthermore, it proposes the main aims of the state adaptive strategy of China.  相似文献   

中国生物多样性保护适应气候变化的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于气候变化对生物多样性影响的总结分析,初步提出了我国生物多样性保护适应气候变化的对策。气候变化对生物物候、分布、迁移活动、群落结构、栖息地质量、生态系统和景观多样性都产生了一定影响,未来将产生更深刻的影响。我国生物多样性保护适应气候变化需要从物种有效保护、自然保护区规划与管理、灾害防御等方面进行。  相似文献   

中国适应气候变化技术分类研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近百年来,全球气候变化呈现出变暖的主要特征,气候变化所带来的影响日趋严重,其所造成的经济损失在全球范围内显著上升。适应气候变化是现阶段应对气候变化行动的重要方面,适应气候变化的技术分类研究是清晰认识适应气候变化的基础,是实现适应技术集成并构建合理有效的适应技术体系的手段。本文通过对适应气候变化技术分类问题的分析,提出了不同的适应气候变化技术分类方式,气候变化影响过程、区域、领域、适应目的、适应机制、适应时效、适应程度、适应层面等,针对气候变化及其影响梳理了中国不同区域与不同领域的适应气候变化技术清单。从气候变化影响过程来看,可以将适应气候变化技术分为气候变化影响发生前、发生过程中、发生后三类;从区域与领域气候变化影响来看,可以将适应气候变化技术分为八大区域与七大领域;本研究重点针对八大区域与农业、水资源、生态环境三大领域进行了分析。通过研究发现,现阶段适应气候变化技术分类研究尚存在一些问题,适应气候变化技术分类的导向不明确,造成对适应技术认识的不清晰;适应气候变化技术的分类往往与分层混淆在一起,导致人们对适应气候变化技术的认识和理解出现偏差;适应气候变化技术分类对适应行动的指导作用存在不足。综合来看,对适应气候变化技术进行精细分类,可以为适应气候变化技术的筛选、集成、效益评估奠定基础,推进适应气候变化行动高效有序开展,为适应气候变化技术体系构建提供支撑。  相似文献   

基于气候变化下部分珍稀濒危物种脆弱性分析,初步提出了适应对策,探讨了部分物种适应措施。气候变化下,珍稀濒危物种脆弱性表现在物种分布范围减少、破碎化和失去原分布范围、丰富度下降、种群数量减少、物种灭绝、栖息地退化或消失等。珍稀濒危物种适应气候变化需要分析物种自然适应机制,加强就地保护,增加种群数量,开展迁地和遗传保护,减少其它干扰,保护和恢复栖息地,建立自然保护区适应对策等。每个物种需要分析目前濒危程度和气候变化下的脆弱性来提出适应对策。  相似文献   

气候变化已成为不争的事实.减缓和适应是人类应对气候变化的两类主要措施,在气候变化减缓行动难以很快奏效的情形下,采取具有针对性的适应战略已经成为世界各国更为紧迫的选择.一个有效的适应行动机制需要全社会的广泛参与,而公众和决策层对气候变化的认知是适应行动机制的形成基础.本文以银川阅海湿地适应气候变化能力建设为研究案例,从政府部门和社会公众两个层次进行讨论,比较其对气候变化的认知程度及其对适应措施的评价和需求,以期对适应气候变化策略的认知基础研究提供依据.研究结果表明,无论社会公众和决策层,适应气候变化的意识基础均已基本形成,但公众的认知基础要弱于决策层,并且在认知的准确程度上低于决策层;公众和决策层对气候变化适应政策的实施都做出了正面的评价,但决策层的评价普遍显著高于公众;对于适应政策的需求,公众的政策需求主要集中在公共服务方面,而决策层的适应策略是多方位的,也包括通过限制个人行为来获得公共利益.  相似文献   

国际上对气候因素引致人口迁移的直接关联性和重要程度一直存在争议.2010年我国西南地区遭受的特大千旱给探索极端气候事件和气候变化移民之间的复杂关系提供了研究背景.在此特大干旱影晌下,当地农村居民是否、以及怎样采用迁移的方式来应对?本文以2010年8-9月在受灾严重的云南省昆明市寻甸县所进行的田野调查为基础,揭示了特大干旱背景下当地农村人口的迁移行为及特征.调研结果表明在所调查的村组并未因此极端气候事件而引起大规模的气候变化移民活动,无论是暂时的还是永久的.为了解释灾后当地农村人口的迁移选择,本文引入“气候变化一人口迁移响应”的基本理论框架模型,考虑公共和私人两个层面的作用,对当地政府、村集体和农户自身的灾后适应行为进行深入分析和效果评价.结果表明在公共层面的各类帮扶和救助下,农户自身亦采取了多样化的适应措施,两个层面适应行为的共同作用缓解了特大干旱给农户生计带来的压力,使得农户家庭成员的迁移并不成为必须的选择.  相似文献   

This paper describes a training course on climate change vulnerability and adaptation assessment. The course, developed in partnership with the CC:TRAIN Programme of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), aims to enhance the capacity of developing countries to make their national communications to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The paper focuses on a simulation model called VANDACLIM, which was developed as a pedagogical tool to facilitate the training. Four sectors are modelled within VANDACLIM (agriculture, public health, water resources, and coastal zone) and are used as a basis for helping to conduct an integrated, multi-sectoral assessment for the imaginary, sub-tropical country of Vanda. The learning-by-doing approach, encapsulated in the application of VANDACLIM to complete a mini-assessment for Vanda, proved to be very successful when trialled at a training workshop in Zimbabwe. Both the training course and VANDACLIM have been adapted subsequently for application in small island states and plans are underway for extension to other environments and regions of the world.  相似文献   

中国的能源发展与应对气候变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国当前经济社会发展既受到资源环境的瓶颈性制约,也受到全球应对气候变化、减缓碳排放的严峻挑战.我国大力推进节能和减缓CO2排放,GDP的CO2强度下降速度为世界瞩目,但由于工业化阶段GDP快速增长,CO2排放仍呈增长快、总量大的趋势.我国把国内可持续发展与全球应对气候变化相协调,实现绿色、低碳发展.加强产业结构的战略性调整,进行产业升级,促进结构节能;大力推广节能技术,淘汰落后产能,提高能源效率;积极发展新能源和可再生能源,优化能源结构,降低能源结构的含碳率,中近期以大幅度降低GDP的能源强度和CO2强度为主要目标,到2030年前后要努力使CO2排放达到峰值,到2050年再有较大幅度的下降,以适应全球控制温升不超过2℃长期减排目标下国际合作应对气候变化的进程和形势.“十二五”期间将进一步强化措施,进行能源消费总量控制,建立CO2排放统计、核算和考核体系,积极推进碳交易市场机制,这也将成为加快转变经济发展方式的重要着力点.  相似文献   

This article proposed the concept of"climate capacity"as a way of measuring human’s adaptiveness to climate change.This article also focused on the related concepts like ecological carrying capacity,water resources carrying capacity,land carrying capacity as well as population carrying capacity.The concept of climate capacity was articulated against a background of global climate and environmental change.Essentially,China’s efforts to adapt to climate change was a matter of improving climate capacity,which is the ecosystem as well as the frequency,the intensity and the scale of human’s social activities that the climatic resources of a particular geographic area were supposed to support.The climate capacity has two components.One is the natural climate capacity,which includes temperature,sunlight,precipitation,extreme climatic events,etc.The other is the derived climate capacity,which includes water resources,land resources,ecological systems,climatic risks,etc.The climate capacity can be developed or be transferred between regions by taking engineering,technology or regime-based adaptive measures.However,these adaptive measures must be implemented under the principle of economic rationalism,ecological integrity,climate protection,and social justice.It is expected that by combining the climate capacity and its threshold value with the assessment of climate change risks,we are able to predict the optimal population carrying capacity and the scale of socioeconomic development,and furthermore,provide policy support for the socioeconomic development strategy and adaptive planning.In the regions with high climate capacity,there is a symbiotic relationship between adaptation and socioeconomic development.But,in the regions with limited climate capacity,irrational development may further damage the environment.Taking the Yangtze River delta,a region with high climate capacity,and a region of Ningxia,a region with limited climate capacity,as illustrative examples,the authors of this article analyzed the policy implications of climate capacity and further made suggestions on the problems of capacitylimited adaptation and development-driven adaptation.This article argued that the concept of climate capacity can not only be used as an analytical instrument of climate change economics,but also it can provide research support for planning regional adaptation and development with climate change impact and risk assessments.  相似文献   


To determine the climate changes that are due to natural variability and those due to human activities is quite challenging, just like delineating the impacts. Moreover, it is equally difficult to ascertain the adaptive strategies for coping with the climate changes and in particular for developing countries like Kenya. While climate change is a global phenomenon, the impacts are more or less specific to local areas such as observed in Kenyan case. Therefore climate change impacts adaptation strategies are appropriately applicable to a given local perspective. The study investigated the main indicators of climate change and effective adaptive strategies that can be employed in Kenya. Based on online questionnaire survey, the study established unpredictable rainfall patterns as the major indicator of climate change in the country, while water harvesting and change of cropping methods are the best adaptive strategies.  相似文献   

While many national governments struggle to maintain global climate change as a high priority issue, many local governments are taking action to fill the policy gaps. This study examines how local governments across the United Kingdom of Great Britain are reframing climate change. We compiled a dataset of newspaper publications covering climate change over a 10-year timeframe, plus survey and interview responses from local governance practitioners, to identify a shift in national discourse that has changed the priority level of climate change in UK local governance. This paper argues that many local governments are strategically reframing climate change as alternative issues in order to make progress in climate adaptation planning.  相似文献   

通过梳理现有文献表明,全球气候变化对社会经济和自然生态系统造成了重大影响,气候变化将显著地改变森林生态服务的供给水平和质量,对森林和以林为生的人口都会造成重要的生态、经济和社会影响,甚至威胁到人类的生存.我国是受气候变化影响较大而适应能力较弱的发展中国家,森林适应气候变化的科学、社会经济及对策研究相对滞后,因此,笔者从气候变化对历史上森林生态系统的影响着手,阐述了气候变化对森林分布、森林演替、森林生产力、生物多样性、森林火灾、森林水文调节和水质、森林生态系统的未来、森林生态服务的水平和质量等方面产生的影响,分析了现有气候变化对森林影响的研究存在的不足:忽略了其它环境因子的作用;忽略了不同物种之间的竞争机制;缺乏对极端气候事件的考虑;缺乏森林自身变化对气候变化的反馈;缺乏森林生态系统对全球气候变化相应机制更深入的认识;研究模型及数据的不完善性.文章最后提出了可将气候变化对森林造成的危害降到最低限度的政策建议.  相似文献   

走向更为积极的气候变化政策与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国目前应对气候变化的策略表现为:将气候变化政策视为可持续发展政策的一部分;在参与全球气候变化的国际协议方面有着鲜明立场;重视气候变化方面的科学研究;把气候变化问题作为环境外交的重要部分;努力吸引公众参与等方面。但在政策的制定和执行中仍缺乏应有的积极性、主动性和前瞳性。我国的气候变化治理结构存在的问题主要包括:缺乏明确的决策机构和执行机构。科学研究对政策制定的支持能力不足,公众参与薄弱.企业减缓气候变化的动力不足。针对这些问题.提出了以“走向更为积极的气候变化政策与管理”为核心的改进治理结构的政策建议。  相似文献   

中美应对气候变化的政策过程比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国应对气候变化的政策过程具有明显的自上而下特征,美国应对气候变化的政策过程则呈现出自下而上的特点.中美之所以形成两种截然不同的气候变化政策过程,主要原因在于两国政治制度和经济基础的不同.中国集中式民主使中央政府具有绝对的政治权威,中央政府的决策能够迅速地传递到各级政府并得以实施.作为一个代议制国家,美国中央政府的决策受各种利益集团的影响较大,立法过程更为复杂和漫长.在以经济增长为基础的政治锦标赛下,中国的地方政府更关心经济增长;美国的经济已经高度发达,民众对气候变化的关心程度更高,同时,美国的地方政府在环境立法上拥有更多的自主权,这导致美国的地方政府纷纷出台各自的应对气候变化政策.美国的应对气候变化政策过程过于缓慢,但自下而上的政策形成体系使地方政府提出的减排目标更适合于自身情况,有助于实现较低的减排成本;中国应对气候变化的政策过程具有高效性,但自上而下的政策形成体系忽视了地区差别,对各地方政府造成了较大的减排压力,从而不得不付出更高的减排成本.  相似文献   

气候变化是当今人类社会面临的最严峻的全球性环境挑战之一,气候变化谈判关乎各国在气候秩序中的权力与义务,涉及到各国经济发展的根本利益,已经成为国际政治博弈的新舞台.根据联合国气候变化框架公约和巴厘路线图精神,发达国家应承担起历史责任,向发展中国家提供新的、额外的、可持续的、可预测的资金支持,帮助其应对气候变化的不利影响.但是,由于发达国家缺乏履行公约义务的政治诚意,长期以来在资金问题上同发展中国家展开了艰苦的斗争.哥本哈根会议后,全球应对气候变化资金呈现出资金来源多样化,资金规模逐渐缩水,资金治理机制对发达国家出资约束力近一步降低的趋势.各利益集团围绕资金机制谈判展开激烈博弈,欧盟与美国正在逐步突破“共同但有区别的责任”原则,争夺气候变化谈判领导权并力图将我国拉入出资国之列,发展中国家阵营逐步分化为“基础四国”、“小岛屿国家”、“最不发达国家”等,保持共同立场难度日渐增大.尽管绿色气候基金在德班会议后正式启动,若无资金注入,也只能为未来资金机制谈判带来不确定性.面对上述形势,我国应坚持公约基本原则,坚持发展中国家定位,加强综合研究及前瞻性判断,以积极的姿态和务实的态度参与应对气候变化的国际谈判,以争取自身的发展权益,维护国家核心利益.同时,探索在当前发展阶段下发展低碳经济和建立低碳社会的路线图,不断提高减缓和适应气候变化的能力,实现自觉减排,为全球应对气候变化做出积极贡献.  相似文献   

对当前全球气候变化问题的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全球气候变化问题已经超越了一般环境问题的范畴,而成为国际政治经济外交关系的重要考虑因素。随着《京都议定书》的实施以及气候变化问题谈判进程的加快.对我国未来经济社会发展提出了挑战。文章分析认为.要求主要发展中国家承诺减限排义务的压力与日俱增,而我国开始进入工业化中期.应对气候变化问题的能力还比较薄弱。因此.提出应对全球气候变化问题的一些思考:(1)充分认识全球气候变化问题的重要性和严峻性,准确把握国际谈判进程;(2)加快制定适应和减缓气候变化的国家战略。采取适合我国国情的有力措施积极应对气候变暖;(3)加强气候变化领域的能力建设.提高我国参与全球气候变化活动的能力;(4)充分利用国际合作机制,提高我国应对气候变化的技术水平与经济能力。  相似文献   

Equity Concerns over Climate Change Mitigation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As a complicated concept with ethical implications, equity or fairness in the field of climate change mitigation concerns the relations not only between individual human beings but also between human beings and the nature. In this paper, after the review of equity between individuals, market and non-market attributes of emissions rights are distinguished and discussed. Based on the argument of equal per capita emissions rights, three types of emissions rights and the concept of minimum emissions rights as social security are proposed.  相似文献   


As a complicated concept with ethical implications, equity or fairness in the field of climate change mitigation concerns the relations not only between individual human beings but also between human beings and the nature. In this paper, after the review of equity between individuals, market and non-market attributes of emissions rights are distinguished and discussed. Based on the argument of equal per capita emissions rights, three types of emissions rights and the concept of minimum emissions rights as social security are proposed.  相似文献   

Climate change is a significant global risk that is predicted to be particularly devastating to coastal communities. Climate change adaptation and mitigation have been hindered by many factors, including psychological barriers, ineffective outreach and communication, and knowledge gaps. This qualitative study compares an expert model of climate change risks to county administrators' “mental” models of climate change and related coastal environmental hazards in Crystal River, Florida, USA. There were 24 common nodes in the expert and the combined non-expert models, mainly related to hurricanes, property damage, and economic concerns. Seven nodes mentioned by non-experts fit within, but were not a part of, the expert model, primarily related to ecological concerns about water quality. The findings suggest that effective climate outreach and communication could focus on compatible parts of the models and incorporate local concerns to find less controversial ways to discuss climate-related hazards.  相似文献   

This paper responds to calls for greater clarity about the application of theory and method in research on mediated communication about climate-change. Specifically, it identifies conceptual and methodological challenges for researching visual representations of climate change. We suggest current research is impeded by a lack of methodological explication and an unclear relationship between theories of visual meaning and the application of social science methods such as content analysis and frame analysis. As a first step towards addressing these issues, we review existing research to identify the methodological procedures that require explication in order to support the replication of studies and the comparison of findings. We then draw on the seminal work of Roland Barthes to examine how theories of visual meaning may be integrated into social-scientific research methods. Specifically, we demonstrate how Barthes’ concepts of denotation, connotation and mythology may be related to research concerns about the selection of visual content, the classification of image frames, audience responses, and analyses of ideological meaning. The conclusion highlights further possibilities for developing a robust form of visual analysis that meets the standards of social scientific research while addressing the fundamental insights about visual meaning derived from cultural theories of meaning.  相似文献   

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