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Emergency resources are an important basis of effective emergency response. But there are many disadvantages of the Chinese traditional material reserve method in which the resources are separately reserved in different regions and sections according to the kinds of disasters. So there comes the Multi-formal and Information-based Emergency Resource Reserve System (MIERRS) in China. The reserve body and method change from the single into the multiple forms, that is, the main reserve body changes from the single government agency into the organizations combining with the military, enterprise and society, and the reserve method changes from single material reserve into the reserve combining with market reserve, talents and technology reserve, and production capacity reserve. The content of the reserve change from material to information means to develop the Emergency Resource Management Information System realizing real-time control of resource characteristics and relevant reserve information. The MIERRS leads to a reserve system with rapid response and flexible schedule. It provides a convenient platform for resource sharing, thus avoiding duplication and waste, improving the utilization of resources, reducing the reserve loss and optimizing the structure of resource reserve.  相似文献   

旨在揭示油气产业集群竞争力形成机理,据此展开讨论。首先基于成熟的资源整合观RIBV(Resource and Integration-BasedView)和价值链理论在产业集群层面的拓展,通过融合形成集群资源价值链整合VBCRI(Value chain-Based Cluster ResourceIntegration)思想,表明产业集群资源以产业集群价值链为基本格架实施整合,从而培育产业集群竞争力;然后,从VBCRI出发,基于油气集群资源及其竞争力构成,以及油气集群资源价值链整合能力的分析,构建了油气产业集群竞争力形成机理概念模型,并运用结构方程模型,以我国油气产业为例加以验证。结果表明:基础资源、人力资源、社会关系资源均通过油气集群资源价值链整合(能力)的完全中介作用间接地对油气集群竞争力形成产生正向影响,资本资源则通过油气集群资源价值链整合(能力)的部分中介作用对油气集群竞争力形成产生影响,从而显示了油气集群资源价值链整合(能力)在油气产业集群资源作用于油气产业集群竞争力形成中的充分中介作用,揭示了油气产业集群竞争力形成机理。  相似文献   


The natural supply of land resources is limited, but the economic supply may change along with social and economic development, and its size is decided bye nature and social and economic body conditions. When the supplying ability of land resources threatens the development of society and the conflict between people and land becomes tense, it forced people to improve land utilization and to increase the effective supply of land resources. The paper made an overall consideration on the characteristics of the irrigated farming and the frail ecological environment in Fuhai County, Altay Area, Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region and explored land arrangement planning as well as water resource planning and environmental protection. The paper evaluated natural resources, land utilization and water resource of the case study areas and focused on the spatio-temporal balance between the utilization of water and land resources. In the end the paper a feasible plan was made out for the land arrangement project.  相似文献   


The exploitation of mineral resources plays an important role in promoting national economic development. Mining is an essential component of China’s industrial economy. Using grey correlation method to analyze the correlative effect of mineral resources exploitation to relevant industries, using national income method to calculate the pulling effect of mineral resources exploitation to economic growth and using graphs as well as tables to analyze the income distribution effect, the article obtains active economic effect of mineral resources development in Bijie, Guizhou. Moreover, from the view of resources-cored effect, the article analyzes negative effects such as single industrial structure brought by mineral resource development. Through analysis, we find that mineral resources exploitation to some extent brings active effects including gross domestic product growth, local financial revenue growth and relevant industries development; however, its negative effects should not be ignored. The negative effect can be lightened by diversifying industrial structure and prolonging industrial chain.  相似文献   

完善的自然资源资产负债表编制体系,能为国家和各级政府摸清“家底”,进行宏观经济管理、资源配置等工作提供重要的数据信息。党的十八届三中全会提出探索编制自然资源资产负债表之后,与此相关的理论研究迅速增加,但针对自然资源资产负债表编制和运用的理论与实践仍存在一些模糊认识;诸如自然资源负债等难以确定的问题。着眼于此,本文对我国自然资源资产负债表的编制现状进行了认真的思考,总结出自然资源资产负债表编制和运用的六个关键问题,即对国际规范SEEA2012和SNA2008的认识问题,对以县级单位为起点的编制主体的认识问题,对单式和复式表格根本区别的认识问题,对实物量和价值量转换难点的认识问题,对自然资源资产负债表信息渠道与平台建设的认识问题,对自然资源资产负债表编制中各部门权责关系的认识问题。以此为基础,本文从国际做法和国内实践两个角度进行了分析,并提出了本文观点:编制和运用自然资源资产负债表,应全面理解、充分借鉴SEEA2012和SNA2008的国际规范;确立以县级及以下政府层级为起点的编制主体;转变为“从单式到复式”的编表思路,坚持使用复式表格;迈出实物量向价值量转化的重要一步,重视价值量核算;建设自然资源数据收集的信息渠道与平台;处理好自然资源资产负债表编制中各部门间的权责关系。本文研究有利于推进自然资源资产负债表编制与运用工作,发挥自然资源资产负债表在我国的生态文明建设中的重要作用。  相似文献   

湖南省温泉资源开发潜力评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
温泉旅游的日趋大众化,使得各地温泉开发蓬勃发展,温泉资源开发潜力的科学评价可为合理、有序地开发区域温泉提供指导意义。以旅游系统的资源禀赋、资源环境、可进入性和客源市场构建了区域温泉旅游资源开发潜力评价体系,并结合熵权法确定的权重建立了区域温泉潜力评价模型。以湖南省温泉为例,测算出湖南省温泉旅游开发潜力指数,在此基础上把湖南省温泉资源开发潜力区划为高、中、低、无4个潜力区,发现较高级别的潜力区分布在湘西北和湘东南,低级别的潜力区分布在湘东北和湘西南。根据4个潜力区的空间分布格局状况,为合理开发温泉资源的需要,从交通规划、开发模式、地质断裂带协同三方面提出了温泉开发相应的对策  相似文献   

资源环境承载力研究进展:基于地理学综合研究的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资源环境承载力作为连接社会系统、环境系统与经济系统之间的纽带,是协调人口、资源与环境相互联系、又彼此相对独立的矛盾统一体的关键所在。资源环境承载力是地理学综合研究的重要方向。综合性与区域性、人地关系是支撑其发展的重要理论框架。本文对国内外资源环境承载力的研究进展、存在问题和发展趋势进行了详尽的综述。国内外资源环境承载力研究经近百年发展,从最初的单一的土地资源承载力、水资源承载力甚至农业资源承载力发展到资源承载力、环境承载力以及生态环境承载力。近几十年,生态足迹、虚拟水、能值分析等综合研究理论与方法兴起,极大地推动了资源环境承载力研究的定量化和模式化。目前,资源环境承载力的研究面临着一系列新的要求和挑战。主要表现在:资源环境承载力理论基础、学科范式和方法体系尚需继续完善;若干关键科学问题(包括:尺度效应、关键阈值、变化机制等)亟待解答;基础研究需要与实践应用加强联系等等。在此基础上,本文主张从地理学综合视角重新审视资源环境承载力研究的理论框架和今后研究的优先主题。通过建构资源环境承载力的地理学综合研究范式,能够拓展资源环境承载力的理论深度和广度,有助于提升资源环境承载力在国民经济社会发展中的应用水平。本研究提出未来相关研究应围绕以下优先主题开展:(1)资源环境承载力关键要素的变化及驱动机制;(2)资源环境承载力综合评价的理论与方法;(3)资源环境承载力的动态监测与预警;(4)基于资源环境承载力的国土功能区划与管控;(5)重点区域的资源环境承载力的恢复与提升途径。  相似文献   

南京地区农业资源的综合评价研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
客观、准确地评价地区农业资源,对于农业资源的开发和利用具有重要意义。本文从系统论观点出发,将地区农业资源分成自然资源和社会资源,在能够较好地反映系统结构特征、不同样点差异及满足易于收集、便于数量表示和定量处理等基本要求的基础上,选择了若干评价指标。利用综合指数法、区位商法等评价方法,对南京地区的主要农业资源(土地资源、气候资源与社会资源)进行了定量分析,并在此基础上,利用资源优势度分析法进行了综合评价。结果表明,南部小区的农业资源具有整体优势,南部和中部的资源利用较为合理,北部小区则具有较为丰富的后备资源。最后,根据各地资源要素的不同组合,简要给出了较适宜的开发途径,为该地农业资源的进一步开发与利用提供了依据。  相似文献   

农作物秸秆资源调查与评价方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国作物秸秆数量大、种类多、分布广,是一种多用途可再生资源。由于缺乏统一的评价指标和调查方法,阻碍了秸秆综合利用进程。本文从总量、经济性、空间和时间分布等角度评价秸秆资源,建立农作物秸秆评价标准体系,将农户问卷调查与的农作物收获时直接采样测试草谷比等方法结合起来,提出了秸秆资源调查与评价范围、内容和方法。通过在实际调查中的应用,表明该方法可以指导我国作物秸秆资源的调查与评价工作,有利于我国秸秆综合利用进程。  相似文献   


As the protected areas of land and coastal environment, nature reserves are designed to address how to reconcile the conservation of biodiversity, the quest for economic and social development and the maintenance of cultural values. This paper establishes a framework for nature reserve development that seeks to incorporate ecotourism into its strategies. The overall purpose was to identify the information needs required for a comprehensive nature reserve that incorporates ecotourism related values. It also illustrates the utility of this framework in the context of the Wuzhishan Mountain Region of China. A literature review, the first phase of a visionary strategy and a subsequent gap analysis for available management information were undertaken in order to achieve this paper's purpose. Finally, recommendations are presented for integrating ecotourism into nature reserve development in the Wuzhishan Mountain Region.  相似文献   

A combined approach utilizing GIS, Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) has been developed for resource mapping in a rural poverty-prone area of Bangladesh. This model integrated GIS and participatory tools to include the voices of the stakeholders in assessing available resources and needs. The resource mapping framework, developed using PRA with local community people and community gatekeepers, was aimed at sustainable resource management, and ArcView GIS was used to digitize the resource maps as a Decision Support System (DSS). A detailed assessment and analysis of the quality, quantity and physical status of resources was first mapped in the field and then digitized using GIS. FGD-based interaction with community people at each union in a subdistrict of Bangladesh revealed stakeholders’ opinions on land and water body management. The present paper demonstrates the power of this model as a policy-making tool for sustainable development and poverty eradication. It also recognized the need for collaboration between interdisciplinary policy planners and researchers to develop and implement a policy on agricultural resource management for poverty-prone areas.  相似文献   


The rare deposition of water resources conflicts with its limitless demand. This determined the existence of the water rights transaction system. The implementation of the water rights transaction system requires clarifying the definition of water resource right above all distinctly. At present, it is a kind of common right system arrangement which needs the Chinese government to dispose of water resources. Though a series of management systems guaranteed the government’s supply of water resource, it hindered the development of the water market seriously and caused the utilization of water resources to stay in the inefficient or low efficient state for a long time. Thus, we should change the government’s leading role in the resource distribution and really rely on the market to carry on the water rights trade and transaction. In this way, the water rights could become a kind of private property right relatively, and circulate freely in the market. As a result of this, we should overcome the defects of common right, make its external performance internalized maximally and achieve the optimized water resource disposition and use it more effectively.  相似文献   


Regional vegetation pattern dynamics has a great impact on ecosystem and climate change. Remote sensing data and geographical information system (GIS) analysis were widely used in the detection of vegetation pattern dynamics. In this study, the Yellow River Delta was selected as the study area. By using 1986, 1993, 1996, 1999 and 2005 remote sensing data as basic information resource, with the support of GIS, a wetland vegetation spatial information dataset was built up. Through selecting the land-scape metrics such as class area (CA), class percent of landscape (PL), number of patch (NP), largest patch index (LPI) and mean patch size (MPS) etc., the dynamics of vegetation pattern was analyzed. The result showed that the change of vegetation pattern is significant from 1986 to 2005. From 1986–1999, the area of the vegetation, the percent of vegetation, LPI and MPS decreased, the NP increased, the vegetation pattern tends to be fragmental. The decrease in vegetation area may well be explained by the fact of the nature environment evolution (Climate change and decrease in Yellow River runoff) and the increase in the population in the Yellow River Delta. However, from 1999–2005, the area of the vegetation, the percent of vegetation, LPI and MPS increased, while the NP decreased. This trend of restoration may be due to the implementation of water resources regulation for the Yellow River Delta since 1999.  相似文献   

近10年中国可持续发展研究进展与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可持续发展概念的提出以来,我国从学术界到社会各界分别进行了相应的研究和实践。可持续发展是一个涉及到自然、经济、社会三个子系统组成的动态、开放复杂系统,其研究内容涉及到地理学、资源管理、生态学、环境科学、人口学、系统工程、经济学、社会学等许多相关领域。为了实施闺家可持续发展战略.国寒加大了对可更新资源保护的力度、愿域生态环境建设工程的布局、区域综合减灾规划制定与工程的建设。与此间时。图家有关资源、环境、灾害管理等职能部门。从制定可持续发展途径出发.开展了大量的区域可持续发展研究。这些工作为区域可持续发展的理论和方法论建设提供了足够丰富的案例研究。利用中国知网网络平台和Google搜索引擎工具。检索并分析了我国可持续发展近10年的主要研究内容。即:可持续发展的理论研究、可持续发展的信息分类和指标体系以及评价的模型方法。在此基础上对今后的研究趋势进行了分析。认为可持续发展过程与机理研究、尺度问题、区域要素和地域结构的整合、区域综合集成以及区域要素变化、区域整体关系研究需要进一步加强。  相似文献   

天目山国家级保护区加入世界生物圈保护区网络已经10年,为了更好地保护其生物多样性和文化多样性,并可持续地利用好该保护区的自然资源,需适应客观形势发展的要求,把天目山国家级保护区建成为名副其实的生物圈保护区。采用现场实地考察、社区居民访谈、保护区管理者和政府人员座谈、历史资料查询等方法,了解到天目山保护区在自然资源保护、科研监测、教育培训、资源持续利用和生态旅游等方面取得了不少的成绩,但也存在诸如保护区面积尚欠不够、毛竹林资源能否合理利用和柳杉林的衰亡与病虫害的防治等问题。按照生物圈保护区的管理理念并参照以上的调查和思考,提出下列3条建议:一是扩大保护区的面积,二是建立一个完善的保护区共管机制,三是建立学术顾问委员会协助推动保护区各方面的工作。  相似文献   

四川省自然资源丰富。但其开发潜力具有两重性:合理开发,资源可永续利用;不合理开发,会导致资源危机或枯竭。该省石油、煤炭后备资源不足,应引起重视。还就黑色金属、有色金属、非金属、能源、水源、耕地、森林、草地等资源的开发前景作了预测。  相似文献   

水资源在社会经济发展中的重要性逐渐显著,强化水资源综合管理是当今世界各国实现水资源可持续利用的重要途径。目前针对水资源资产负债表的基本表式、相关概念、核算方法还存在一定争议,研制水资源资产负债表,实物核算是基础,价值核算是目标。水资源价值化方法是水资源资产负债表编制的关键和难点,这一问题一直制约水资源的价值认同及其纳入国民经济核算的可行性和准确性。按照水资源负债表核算基本原理,遵循"水资源资产-水资源负债=水资源资产净值"编制思路,构建反映经济社会用水导致的水资源过度消耗、水环境损害以及生态用水挤占的水资源资产负债表。在水资源实物量资产负债表编制的基础上,根据水文循环和水资源自身特性,通过能值分析方法,把水资源多用途转换成同一标准的能值进行定量化价值研究,从而在一定程度上改进或弥补水资源价值测算方法存在的判断标准差异的不足,尝试在一张表中实现水量和水质统一核算,从水资源、水环境、水生态三方面阐明经济体对环境体产生的水资源价值量债权关系。结果表明:成都市2015年水资源耗减量不存在负债,但水环境损害和水生态用水挤占分别存在1.52亿元和1.15亿元负债,这为水资源有偿使用和水生态保护和补偿提供了依据,为真正实现编制价值型水资源资产负债表提供了新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

上海海域海洋资源丰富,对于现今频发的溢油事故,开展相应的生态环境风险区划研究,对事故周边生态敏感资源采取及时有效防护,特别是饮用水源地的保护是尤为迫切和重要的。结合上海海域生态敏感资源分布情况和溢油特征信息,利用灰色模糊综合评价法,对海域生态敏感区敏感系数进行模糊评判,综合分析历年溢油事故及船舶流量统计资料,基于GIS平台对事故高发区污染源周边生态敏感区进行风险等级划分,以大比例尺上海海域溢油生态环境风险区划图直观反应溢油影响范围、高风险区和生态敏感资源保护顺序等信息,为事发后海域应急响应工作提供简便快捷的基础性分析依据。  相似文献   

The new WIOD database allows for improved empirical analysis on a wide range of important environmental research questions.In this paper we demonstrate the scientific power of the WIOD database and analyze very urgent policy questions on the impacts of international trade and structural change on the environment.We apply recent econometric approaches to show the impact of international trade on the environment via its different channels as for instance to increase welfare and potentially affect environmental regulation as well as countries’sector.This approach has become known as the econometric structural decomposition method.In addition to these guidelines by the literature,an econometric panel data approach is offered to shed some light on the impact of structural change and international trade on environmental pressure,where we especially address and solve several endogeneity issues that add further complexity to the analysis.  相似文献   

Some 44% of the world's population lives within 150 km of the coast and mass migration towards the coast will continue in the decades ahead. Degrading and exhaustive uses of land, water and other coastal resources and disruption of environmental processes through degradation of environmental quality and loss of critical terrestrial and aquatic habitats can lead to serious deleterious impacts on the health and productivity of coastal ecosystems. Following the Arusha Resolution (1993), the Seychelles Statement (1996) and the Colombo CZM Workshop (1999), the need for integrated coastal zone management has become critical because of the limited land resources and unproportional domination of coastal areas in the wider Caribbean and Indian Ocean/ Pacific island states. The coastal zone of Mauritius (1,850 km2, 20°S, 58°E, south-western Indian Ocean, 1.12 million inhabitants) was redefined in 1997 in the Environmental Protection Act of 1991 [Part VII (Act 34)] to include all islets within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ; 1.7 million km2). During the 1980s, the Mauritian economy underwent major structural changes successfully, with a rapid phase of industrialization diversifying into two major activities, textiles and tourism. Existing reports and data in a common framework have to be synthesized and organized to fill existing gaps in knowledge with data collection and scientific inquiries, to identify social and economic drivers and to relate socioeconomic change to demands for environmental resources (land use, water resources, marine systems) and environmental impacts as proposed under the MERMAID (Mauritius Environmental Resource Management and Industrial Development) project. Nutrient flux and sediment trace metal contamination studies are currently underway to investigate different watersheds impacted by agricultural, urban and industrial activities in the north-west of the island. There is a pressing need to integrate the natural sciences with socioeconomic disciplines as proposed by the International Human Dimensions Program (IHDP) for an integrated management of coastal zones. Three integrated pilot projects in the Pacific-Indian Ocean and wider Caribbean as identified by Land Ocean Interaction in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) in the future, including current status and changes in material fluxes from drainage basins, transboundary impacts from the ocean and atmospheric inputs, could elucidate the land–sea interactions and human dimensions of change on small islands. The sustainability of marine resources and the conservation of biological diversity will depend on a critical understanding of linkages between human activities and ecological responses and upon a citizenry that assumes ownership of these regions. Case studies would also help in investigating how humans affect transport pathways and biogeochemical cycles in small island states. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

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