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The development of everthing follows its own law, which does not change at people’s own sweet will. Therefore, we must study the development of things so as to grasp the essence of things in their deep meanings, explore the direction of their de- velopment, and make them better serve the people. As a part of the thought of sustainable development, city environment art will be of active significance to the perfection of the thought and will also be the concrete embodiment of the synthetic index of economic development. Such a thesis, starting from the macroscopic angle, and relying on the leading thought of sustainable development, takes hold of the development trend of city environment art, and explores the various problems that have arisen in city environment in the process of city management by combining thoughts on city planning, so as to guide urban harmonious development theoretically. The present paper expounds on the views comprehensively and, through the synthetic analysis on city planning, city environment, art esthetics and the thought of sustainable development, makes a detailed analysis of the effects of the present rapid city development on city environment.  相似文献   

文章论述了城市生态化及其发展对策 ,提出可持续城市发展的概念及其生态原则 ,以期推动我国城市生态化和可持续城市建设工作的开展  相似文献   

苏州市位于长江三角洲经济区的核心部位 ,1980年代和 1990年代 ,依靠乡镇企业和开发区建设 ,经济迅速发展。但这种高投入的增长也使苏州市新世纪的持续发展面临着资源与环境的双重压力 ,尤其是地表水水质下降、地下水过度开采、湖泊富营养化以及耕地数量锐减、质量下降等一系列问题 ,直接导致苏州市水质型缺水和土地资源危机。在分析这些问题的基础上 ,从乡镇工业发展、城市化、化肥农药使用以及科技能力等方面阐述了资源与环境危机产生的原因 ,并有针对性地提出了 (1)树立可持续发展观 ;(2 )科学编制环境保护和资源高效利用总体规划 ;(3)优化产业结构 ,建立资源利用和环境逐步改善的良性循环机制 ;(4)提高土地利用效率和生活污染治理能力 ;(5)加快农业科技进步步伐等若干对策和建议。  相似文献   

城市绿色廊道的生态规划是当今国际上重要的城市可持续发展途径之一。本文界定了绿色廊道的概念、特征、类型与作用;然后概述了城市绿色廊道在中西方的发展历程,重点分析了西方绿色廊道各发展阶段的表现形式和规划思想;最后,在此基础上探讨性地提出一套切实可行的适用于当前我国城市绿色廊道的生态规划方法。绿色廊道的生态规划将利于构筑城市绿色生态网络,有效改善城市环境并引导城市健康发展,促进城市可持续发展。  相似文献   

大庆市可持续发展的问题与对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大庆是高度专业化的矿业城市,在我国经济建设和石油工业布局中具有重要的战略和基础地位。在原油长期高产稳产之后,大庆迈入了矿区经济与城市经济混存的发展阶段。随着资源开发规模扩大,原油持续开发能力下降;尤其在经济转型过程中,大庆市的可持续发展面临许多亟待解决的问题。本文重点分析了大庆资源持续生产能力和城市转型的持续发展问题,论述了产业结构调整优化途径,并提出了几点政策性建议。  相似文献   

As a significant issue, mining cities, especially the resource-exhausted mining cities have already been given intensive attention by academia and government. This article discusses the intrinsic and extrinsic reasons for problems of the mining cities from the perspective of sustainable development, quantitatively analyzes the economic benefit of the mining cities with statistical data, and presents the strategies and measures for sustainable development of the mining cities based on the theoretical discus-...  相似文献   

Environment and health have been more and more jointly addressed in recent years,thanks to the efforts of several public and private institutions.In this scenario,a leading role has been played by the World Heath Organisation(WHO).A specific attention was devoted to the issue by the European Union(EU)EU institutions and the WHO Office for Europe,which lists 52 countries(including Europe,Eastern European Countries and Turkey, former Yugoslavia and part of the former Soviet Union).The objectives of the present paper are to give an overview of the main developments in this area,and to underline the progress made towards a common understanding of health and environment issues,the advantages and limits of these developments and the challenges for the future,to be tackled at a global level.  相似文献   

上海人口郊区化与城市可持续发展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
人口郊区化是大城市发展的必然趋势。本文分析了上海人口郊区化的特征及其动因 ,并阐述了人口郊区化对上海人口与经济、社会、环境的相互协调和实现可持续发展的作用。  相似文献   

城市可持续发展与城市政府职能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市作为我国行政区划中重要单元和区域经济活动的中心,城市经济、社会发展直接关系着全国的发展水平,城市可持续发展在我国可持续发展中占有重要的地位。城市政府是推动城市可持续发展的首位力量。本文分析了城市可持续发展面临的主要问题,阐述了城市政府五大主要职能,探讨了城市可持续发展与城市经济社会职能的关系。  相似文献   

Sustainable Development and Environment: a Renewed Effort in the OECD   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The importance of sustainable development has been clearly recognised by the OECD Council at Ministerial Level. The Communiqué of the 1998 Ministerial Meeting states that Ministers agreed that the achievement of sustainable development is a key priority for OECD countries. They encouraged the elaboration of the Organisation's strategy for wide-ranging efforts over the next three years in the areas of climate change, technological development, sustainability indicators, and the environmental impact of subsidies.... Further, Ministers asked the OECD to enhance its dialogue with non-member countries in these areas and to engage them more actively, including through shared analyses and development of strategies for implementing sustainable development (OECD, 1998d).To help countries achieve the transition to sustainable development, a framework is required for the integration of economic, environmental and social policy. This was the main recommendation of the report in November 1997 to the OECD Secretary-General, Donald J. Johnston, of the High-Level Advisory Group on the Environment (OECD, 1997b). The OECD and its affiliates (including the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), the Development Centre and the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT)) are well equipped with the broad, multidisciplinary expertise to assist Member governments in this task. Work on sustainable development encompasses the full range of activities of the Organisation: macro and micro-economic analysis; environmental policy; labour markets, education, health and social policies; agricultural and fisheries policies; energy policy; technology policy; regional, local and urban policies; and development co-operation. Activities with non-members add an essential global perspective. The challenge is to move beyond a sectoral approach to integrated policies, and to exploit potential synergies and interrelationships between this wide range of competencies. The aim is to move as far as possible towards the harmonisation and integration of policies within an overall economic framework.  相似文献   

目前,中国煤炭城市普遍面临城市产业结构迫切需要转型、城市生态环境问题严重、城市人口就业形势严重等挑战。在低价高硫煤资源丰富、石油和天然气资源缺乏、经济发展水平适中、产业结构亟待调整的典型地区实施以多联产为支撑点的“合成气城市”规划,是这类煤炭城市实现经济、社会、环境、资源相互协调的可持续发展之路。本文初步探讨了“合成气城市”规划研究的内容,并以山东省济宁市是为例分析了实施“合成气城市规划”的收益。  相似文献   

城市未来发展持续性评价决策支持系统构建和设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市作为一定区域内的政治、经济和文化教育等中心,具有明显的集聚能力和辐射带动作用,其可持续发展是区域及整个国家可持续发展的前提。开发和构建城市未来发展持续性评价决策支持系统(UFDADSS),对加强城市发展可持续性动态监测和科学评价、提高城市可持续发展战略规划及决策水平具有重要意义。本文主要根据城市可持续发展的系统性、多样性、空间性、动态性等特征,从体系结构、功能模块、集成方式等几个方面,对UFDADSS的构建和设计进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

价值核算是环境核算的关键   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
实行环境核算是将其纳入国民经济核算体系 ,是实施可持续发展战略的一项重大措施 ,而价值核算则是环境核算及其纳入国民经济核算体系的关键。本文阐述了环境价值构成和核算问题。  相似文献   

南宁市可持续发展评价指标体系及可持续发展度研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
本文在对南宁市社会、经济和环境三个子系统研究的基础上,采用层次分析、专家咨询等方法,建立了城市可持续发展指标体系,运用指标体系和分析方法,对南宁市可持续发展水平进行了综合评价分析。  相似文献   

良好的生态环境是可持续发展的重要前提条件,为了实施好《全国生态环境建设规划》,本文从组织层面、管理层面、法规层面,提出了实施的基本措施  相似文献   

中国脆弱生态区可持续发展指标体系框架设计   总被引:41,自引:3,他引:41  
本文分析了我国脆弱生态区人口—资源—环境与发展的矛盾,探讨了我国典型脆弱生态区可持续发展指标体系建立的指导原则和方法,提出了我国典型脆弱生态区可持续发展指标体系  相似文献   

我国人居环境现状和改善对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了我国人类环境现状及面临的主要问题,提出了改善人居环境的对策,研究制定法规政策和发展规划、计划,并切实实施,把住宅建设和城市基础设施建设放在重要位置,加强科技工作和国际合作工作。  相似文献   

环境产业兴起与我国的政策选择   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文讨论“环境产业”的概念,概述了国际上尤其是发达国家环境产业发展的特征及与经济的互动关系,提出了发展中国环境产业的有关政策建议。  相似文献   

数字城市与城市可持续发展   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
“数字城市”是当前研究的热点问题,数字城市的研究和建设将满足城市可持续发展的信息共享、综合决策、技术集成的需求,是一个理想的平台,本文较为详细的阐述了城市可持续发展的内涵,并在研究数字城市产生背景、国内外现状之后,提出了支持城市可持续发展的数字城市研究框架,并对数字城市所包含的关键技术和研究内容进行了阐述。  相似文献   

我国居民消费水平提高对资源、环境影响趋势分析   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
当人们将注意力集中在如何刺激消费拉动经济增长的时候。却很少有人关注消费规模的扩大对我国资源、环境和生态构成的压力。未来20~30年。中国13亿人中的大多数要从目前的温饱走向小康生活,物质生产与消费的规模将持续扩大,由此将带来的资源短缺与增加的环境压力。应引起政府、企业界和消费者的广泛重视。本文仅对近年来国民物质消费增长导致的资源环境问题以及未来的变化趋势进行分析。以提醒人们在中国走向现代化的今天。适度消费、过节俭的生活还应广泛提倡。  相似文献   

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