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Hilmi A  Luong JH  Nguyen AL 《Chemosphere》1999,38(4):865-874
Glass plates coated with TiO2 were used in a photocatalytic process to collect mercury, lead, copper and cadmium from aqueous solutions containing individual metals and mixtures. Stripping voltammetry, verified to achieve 1-10 ppb detection limits, was used to show that individual metals at concentrations of 1000 to 5200 ppb were reduced to undetectable levels in 3 to 55 min. Capillary electrophoresis (CE) with 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid as complexing agent was used when appropriate, since it could quantitate all four metals under study in one run although it was less sensitive. It was demonstrated that 100 mL solutions containing 10 ppm of each of the four metals could be treated with a 10 cm2 TiO2-coated plate to leave undetectable metal concentrations in one hour. Stripping voltammetry using carbon electrodes coated with mercury films was estimated to generate daily about 1.1 L of aqueous waste containing 0.1 ppm of each metal. The results indicate the feasibility of assembling an apparatus capable of treating the waste generated by stripping voltammetry to render the latter suitable for routine on-site analyses without environmental concern. Data were also obtained to show the effectiveness in treating silver containing solutions, indicating suitability of the photocatalytic process in treating photographic processing wastes.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Cement is an essential material used in constructional activities. An emerging concern in the industry however is the CO2 emissions, which are...  相似文献   

医疗垃圾是一种对环境危害极大的危险废弃物.用一种固定炉排炉热解焚烧系统,对广州市部分医院的医疗垃圾进行了热解焚烧及尾气净化试验,并对焚烧工况、烟气中主要的污染物含量及灰渣的灼减率进行分析.分析结果表明:稳定运行时炉膛平均温度在850℃左右,二燃室平均温度在1000℃以上;尾气中CO、NOx、HCl和SO2浓度分别为:71mg/m3、125 mg/m3、27.8 mg/m3和21 mg/m3,灰渣的灼减率为2.7%.均远远低于标准限值.  相似文献   

医疗垃圾热解焚烧实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医疗垃圾是一种对环境危害极大的危险废弃物。用一种固定炉排炉热解焚烧系统,对广州市部分医院的医疗垃圾进行了热解焚烧及尾气净化试验,并对焚烧工况、烟气中主要的污染物含量及灰渣的灼减率进行分析。分析结果表明:稳定运行时炉膛平均温度在850℃左右,二燃室平均温度在1000℃以上;尾气中CO、NOx,HCI和SO2浓度分别为:71mg/m^3、125mg/m^3、27.8mg/m^3和21mg/m^3,灰渣的灼减率为2.7%。均远远低于标准限值。  相似文献   

分别应用管式炉反应器和热重分析手段对印刷线路板废弃物的热解行为和热解动力学进行了实验研究.在管式炉中,研究不同的热解温度:700~950℃,对产物分布和气体成分分布的影响.实验结果表明:PCB热解气体的主要成分是H2和CO2,气体的热值较低,仅为2.09~5.41 MJ/m3,PCB不适合以气体产物为目标的能源利用方式.应用Friedman方法对PCB的热解动力学进行了研究,求得PCB的热解动力学参数分别是:表观活化能190.92 kJ/mol,反应级数5.97,指前因子lnA47.14 min-1.  相似文献   

在小型固定床热解炉内对部分固体废物进行的热解实验 ,目的是研究所得的热解产物中焦油 (含水 )的产量及其物理化学特性。结果表明 ,物料挥发分和水分含量越高 ,焦油 (含水 )的产量就越多 ;焦油 (含水 )的产率随热解终温的升高呈先升后降的趋势 ;焦油 (含水 )密度很大 ,但其随热解终温的升高而下降 ;同时 ,部分废弃物的焦油 (含水 )热值较高 ,饱和烃的含量很高 ,有很高的利用价值。  相似文献   

印刷线路板废弃物的热解与动力学实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别应用管式炉反应器和热重分析手段对印刷线路板废弃物的热解行为和热解动力学进行了实验研究。在管式炉中,研究不同的热解温度:700~950℃,对产物分布和气体成分分布的影响。实验结果表明:PCB热解气体的主要成分是H2和CO2,气体的热值较低,仅为2.09~5.41MJ/m^3,PCB不适合以气体产物为目标的能源利用方式。应用Friedman方法对PCB的热解动力学进行了研究,求得PCB的热解动力学参数分别是:表观活化能190.92kJ/mol,反应级数5.97,指前因子lnA47.14min^-1。  相似文献   

固体废物在固定床式热解炉内热解产气特性的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
垃圾热解技术以其较低的污染排放和较高的能源回收率在固体废弃物处理领域里占有重要地位。利用小型外热型热解炉对城市垃圾、生物质及有害固体废弃物进行热解实验 ,分析发现 ,物料的挥发分、加热方式以及热解终温等对产气影响大 ,随温度的增加产气中H2 含量逐渐增多 ,C2 H4和C2 H6 的含量逐渐下降 ,气体热值有一个最大值。  相似文献   

Ko TH  Chu H  Tseng JJ 《Chemosphere》2006,64(6):881-891
In this study, seven natural soils were tested for the sorption of hydrogen sulfide from coal gasification gas at high temperature. Results indicate that the LP natural soil has the best performance and the highest sulfur sorption capacity. After extracting free iron oxides, most natural soils have no sorption efficiency. The free iron oxides, therefore, proved to be the major components that react with hydrogen sulfide to form iron sulfides. The sulfur sorption capacity, either determined by EA or breakthrough time, is very close to the theoretical value based on the stoichiometric calculation with the content of free iron oxides. Moreover, the presence of CO is a positive effect while H2 is a negative effect. This can be explained via the water-shift reaction. On the basis of the results of temperature-programmed sulfidation (TPS), the starting temperature for the sorption of hydrogen sulfide is between 623-673 K. From the analyses of temperature-programmed oxidation (TPO) and XPS, the iron polysulfides are the major products and approximately 90% regeneration efficiency can be theoretically achieved while the temperature is controlled higher than 813 K. In the regeneration tests, the results show that the LP natural soil can be regenerated and thus reused after the oxidation process. No significant degeneration occurs on the LP natural soil after five sorption/regeneration cycles. The sulfur sorption capacity of the tenth regenerated soil can be achieved at least 80% compared to the fresh one. The experimental analyzed SO2 concentration from the regeneration process is almost identical to the theoretical calculated equilibrium concentration of the process. Maghemite is the main product after the regeneration process.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The study proposes a novel and sustainable method to appropriately utilize wastes from granite as well as glass industries in brick manufacturing. An...  相似文献   

随着城市建设的发展,城市道路改建时产生的大量的废弃混凝土块的有效利用成了一个亟待解决的问题。结合宜昌市东山大道改建项目,将废弃的混凝土面板加工形成再生集料用作水泥稳定碎石基层,达到节约资源和保护环境的目的。实验分析了再生集料的颗粒级配、压碎值、针片状颗粒含量、表观密度和吸水率等工程性质指标,同时对水泥稳定再生碎石的级配、最佳水泥掺量进行了设计,并对水泥稳定再生碎石的无侧限抗压强度指标进行了研究。研究表明,废旧混凝土经加工形成的再生集料具有良好的路用性能,其颗粒级配、压碎值以及主要指标均达到了路面基层材料的要求;掺3%、5%和7%水泥稳定再生集料7 d浸水抗压强度均达到路面基层的要求,水泥稳定再生集料用作路面基层是可行的;掺3%水泥稳定的再生集料可以用在公路的底基层,掺5%及7%水泥稳定的再生集料可以分别用作路面下基层和上基层。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The self-compacting concrete (SCC) mix design is much more complex than that of ordinary concrete. Increased testing on fresh concrete and a...  相似文献   

对赤泥的理化性质进行了分析,探索了以赤泥为晶种磷酸铵镁(MAP)结晶法从模拟废水中回收磷工艺。结果表明,经过研磨的赤泥颗粒属无孔物质或者大孔物质;将赤泥溶于水时有碱液和离子溶出,赤泥的主要化学成分为Ca、Al、Si和Mg等元素。投加赤泥晶种有利于磷酸铵镁结晶的形成。在初始磷酸盐浓度为90 mg/L、N∶Mg∶P摩尔比为1∶1∶1、不调节pH值、搅拌时间30 min、搅拌速度180 r/min、沉淀时间30 min条件下,赤泥粒径为60~80目、投加量为8 g/L时,以赤泥作为晶种诱导磷酸铵镁结晶回收磷的效果最优。干燥晶种的使用次数对磷酸根离子的回收率影响不大。所得结晶产物是一种很好的缓释肥。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Increased water demand due to population growth and industrialization has led to increased water consumption. Hence, it is required to find an...  相似文献   

使用生态水泥、再生骨料制备再生混凝土.分别通过快速浸出实验和长期连续浸出实验对混凝土中的重金属进行浸取,并采用原子吸收光谱法检测浸出溶液中的重金属含量,对比研究再生混凝土与普通混凝土重金属浸出性能差异.研究发现,快速浸出实验条件下,再生混凝土浸出液各重金属浸出浓度高于普通混凝土浸出浓度,但仍低于《危险废物鉴别标准浸出毒性鉴别》(GB5085.3-2007)标准规定的限值.快速浸出实验条件下重金属浸出量与重金属总量相关性不显著,说明快速实验方法有局限性.长期连续浸出实验结果表明,再生混凝土各重金属元素的扩散系数高于普通混凝土(除Zn外),这是由再生混凝土独特的显微结构引起的.  相似文献   

为研究冻融-碳化耦合环境下自燃煤矸石混凝土耐久性能,通过冻融-碳化与碳化-冻融2种耦合环境实验,分析其质量、动弹性模量、抗压强度及碳化深度等损失特性,揭示冻融-碳化耦合环境作用机理。结果表明:冻融-碳化环境下质量、相对动弹性模量损失率均与循环次数、水灰比呈正相关;小于63次,碳化-冻融环境劣化其质量能力强于冻融-碳化环境;超过63次,冻融-碳化环境劣化能力强于碳化-冻融环境;冻融-碳化环境劣化动弹性模量能力高于碳化-冻融环境。初期碳化反应在一定程度上能促进强度增长,但冻融100次且碳化14 d后,冻融-碳化环境下强度损失率与水灰比呈正相关。冻融-碳化环境下碳化深度与时间、水灰比呈正相关,冻融环境是加速其碳化腐蚀的催化剂,碳化-冻融环境劣化碳化深度强于冻融-碳化环境,2种耦合环境碳化差值0.87~2.10 mm。为深入研究煤矸石混凝土在复杂环境中的耐久性提供参考。  相似文献   

平板玻璃工业窑炉烟气中低温SCR脱硝中试研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国平板玻璃工业正面临严峻的NOx控制形势,研究并推广玻璃窑炉高效脱硝技术对玻璃工业发展及大气环境保护均具有重要意义。选择性催化还原(SCR)脱硝技术是国内外公认效率最高的脱硝技术,然而该技术在玻璃窑炉中推广应用还面临诸多技术问题。本研究设计并建设了10 000 Nm3/h的平板玻璃工业窑炉中低温SCR脱硝中试装置,分析了玻璃窑炉烟气组分波动规律及其对SCR脱硝系统的潜在影响,考察了烟气温度、喷氨量控制和烟气处理量等工艺参数,开展了为期6 d的连续运行实验。这些在实际烟气中开展的研究为玻璃窑炉SCR脱硝技术研究分享了大量一手数据和经验。  相似文献   

上海石洞口第二电厂拟建设粉煤灰分选系统生产国标等级灰,但其粉煤灰的游离氧化钙偏高.研究表明:游离氧化钙在细灰中没有明显富集的趋势,即源灰游离氧化钙含量指标合格,那么分选所产细灰的也合格;供分选用的源灰细度和粒度分布较利于提高分选效率,生产国标Ⅱ级灰的分选产率可达70%左右;建设分选系统在技术上是可行的,且可获得较大的综合效益.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In recent years, the research direction is shifted toward introducing new supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) in lieu of in place of Portland...  相似文献   

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