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A monitoring program based on an indirect method was conducted to assess the approximation of the olfactory impact in several wastewater treatment plants (in the present work, only one is shown). The method uses H2S passive sampling using Palmes-type diffusion tubes impregnated with silver nitrate and fluorometric analysis employing fluorescein mercuric acetate. The analytical procedure was validated in the exposure chamber. Exposure periods of at least 4 days are recommended. The quantification limit of the procedure is 0.61 ppb for a 5-day sampling, which allows the H2S immission (ground concentration) level to be measured within its low odor threshold, from 0.5 to 300 ppb. Experimental results suggest an exposure time greater than 4 days, while recovery efficiency of the procedure, 93.0 ± 1.8%, seems not to depend on the amount of H2S collected by the samplers within their application range. The repeatability, expressed as relative standard deviation, is lower than 7%, which is within the limits normally accepted for this type of sampler. Statistical comparison showed that this procedure and the reference method provide analogous accuracy. The proposed procedure was applied in two experimental campaigns, one intensive and the other extensive, and concentrations within the H2S low odor threshold were quantified at each sampling point. From these results, it can be concluded that the procedure shows good potential for monitoring the olfactory impact around facilities where H2S emissions are dominant.

Implications: Passive samplers are very attractive tools to experimentally tackle a number of air pollution problems, especially those related to odor impact. Their small size and cost permit a denser sampling design and thus a more detailed spatial characterization than other techniques. On the other hand, the large inherent variability in passive sampler measures requires an uncertainty analysis of the chemical species and analytical procedures used.  相似文献   

高效沉淀池广泛应用于市政污水处理厂,其表面负荷是沉淀效率的关键指标。为将实际工程表面负荷稳定提升到12 m·h−1,采用计算流体力学方法,模拟优化了高效沉淀池的负荷。结果表明,污泥特性和几何构型的协同关系是提高沉淀池表面负荷的关键。宽下降区、长挡墙有利于提升流场的均匀性,但远端出水堰的污泥流失风险限制了表面负荷提升。优化的挡墙长度、上升区/下降区(1/2.65)之比等几何构型特征,能够减少积泥斗污泥扰动,改善总体流场均匀性,从而将表面负荷提高到11~12 m·h−1。污泥沉淀过程中的流变特性和流动本构认识不足,限制了表面负荷的进一步提升。上述结果提升了高效沉淀池工程负荷,深化了对高效沉淀池流态的认识,亦为污水处理系统的减污降碳协同增效提供运行优化工具及案例参考。  相似文献   

Seven metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni and Pb) were monitored at the Seine-Aval wastewater treatment plant during 6 sampling campaigns in April 2004. Particulate and dissolved metals have been measured in 24 h composite samples at each treatment stage (primary settling, secondary activated sludge and tertiary flocculation by FeCl3). In addition, the diffusive gradient in thin film technique (DGT) was used to determine the dissolved inert and labile metal fraction. Although all treatment stages were able to decrease particulate metals concentrations in wastewater, most dissolved metals concentrations were mainly affected during primary settling. This unexpected result was attributed to tertiary sludge filtrate recirculation. Metals added via the FeCl3 reagent at the tertiary treatment were shown to lower the overall Cr removal from wastewater and to enrich Ni in effluents. The plant operating conditions (recirculation and reagent addition) appear therefore as important as treatment processes for the metals removal. Total metal fluxes were highly decreased by the whole treatment plant for Cd, Cr, Cu and Pb and to a lesser extend for Co and Ni. However, the labile metal fluxes were poorly decreased for Cu (18%), not significantly decreased for Ni and increased for Fe. The labile fraction of Cd, Co and Cr was not detectable at any stage of the plant. Discharged labile fluxes, at least for Ni, were potentially significant compared to the labile metal fluxes in the river measured downstream the plant. Treated urban wastewater discharges should be carefully considered as a possible source of bioavailable trace metals.  相似文献   

城市污水厂污水污泥的热值测定分析方法研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
高旭  马蜀  郭劲松  范莹 《环境工程学报》2009,3(11):1938-1942
建立热力学指标是污水生物处理过程热力学分析的基础工作,目前仍缺乏污水污泥化学能测试的标准方法。采用IKA C5000型自动热量计对某城市二级污水处理厂进水、出水、初沉污泥、剩余污泥、混合污泥和脱水污泥进行了热值测定,样品前处理采用103~105℃烘干获得干燥基,用苯甲酸进行加标回收。参照煤的发热量测定方法得到样品的高位热值。试验结果显示:出水干燥基的热值为05 kJ/g,进水干燥基的热值为4 kJ/g以上,各工艺段的污泥干燥基热值较高,基本都在12 kJ/g以上,接近右江褐煤水平。测定结果的标准偏差≤±0.452%,相对标准偏差≤±0.136%。通过同一批样品的元素分析及Dulong公式理论推算,发现2种方法可得到相似的结果。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Treatment of textile wastewater using ultrafiltration membranes was carried out in this study. Since membrane fouling is a major operational problem...  相似文献   

The management and operation of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) usually involve the release into the atmosphere of malodorous substances with the potential to reduce the quality of life of people living nearby. In this type of facility, anaerobic degradation processes contribute to the generation of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), often at quite high concentrations; thus, the presence of this chemical compound in the atmosphere can be a good indicator of the occurrence and intensity of the olfactory impact in a specific area. The present paper describes the experimental and modelling work being carried out by CEAM-UMH in the surroundings of several wastewater treatment plants located in the Valencia Autonomous Community (Spain). This work has permitted the estimation of H2S emission rates at different WWTPs under different environmental and operating conditions. Our methodological approach for analyzing and describing the most relevant aspects of the olfactory impact consisted of several experimental campaigns involving intensive field measurements using passive samplers in the vicinity of several WWTPs, in combination with numerical simulation results from a diagnostic dispersion model. A meteorological tower at each WWTP provided the input values for the dispersion code, ensuring a good fit of the advective component and therefore more confidence in the modelled concentration field in response to environmental conditions. Then, comparisons between simulated and experimental H2S concentrations yielded estimates of the global emission rate for this substance at several WWTPs at different time periods. The results obtained show a certain degree of temporal and spatial (between-plant) variability (possibly due to both operational and environmental conditions). Nevertheless, and more importantly, the results show a high degree of uniformity in the estimates, which consistently stay within the same order of magnitude.  相似文献   

The management and operation of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) usually involve the release into the atmosphere of malodorous substances with the potential to reduce the quality of life of people living nearby. In this type of facility, anaerobic degradation processes contribute to the generation of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), often at quite high concentrations; thus, the presence of this chemical compound in the atmosphere can be a good indicator of the occurrence and intensity of the olfactory impact in a specific area. The present paper describes the experimental and modelling work being carried out by CEAM-UMH in the surroundings of several wastewater treatment plants located in the Valencia Autonomous Community (Spain). This work has permitted the estimation of H2S emission rates at different WWTPs under different environmental and operating conditions. Our methodological approach for analyzing and describing the most relevant aspects of the olfactory impact consisted of several experimental campaigns involving intensive field measurements using passive samplers in the vicinity of several WWTPs, in combination with numerical simulation results from a diagnostic dispersion model. A meteorological tower at each WWTP provided the input values for the dispersion code, ensuring a good fit of the advective component and therefore more confidence in the modelled concentration field in response to environmental conditions. Then, comparisons between simulated and experimental H2S concentrations yielded estimates of the global emission rate for this substance at several WWTPs at different time periods. The results obtained show a certain degree of temporal and spatial (between-plant) variability (possibly due to both operational and environmental conditions). Nevertheless, and more importantly, the results show a high degree of uniformity in the estimates, which consistently stay within the same order of magnitude.

Implications: Estimating emissions to the atmosphere is usually considered a complex task, especially when such discharge comes from diffuse or uncontrolled sources. In any approach to air quality control, just from the point of view of increasing knowledge or as a management problem in order to reduce present levels of pollution, accurate estimation of emission rates is revealed as a fundamental step. Evaluation from an indirect method provides a useful methodology in such cases. Combination of dispersion modeling with experimental air concentration measurements permits one to obtain a first estimation of H2S emission rates at several wastewater treatment plants. In a subsequent refinement of the process, the initial constant average emissions calculated were improved, leading to the formulation of a time-varying emission model, as a function of environmental quantities.  相似文献   

A new bioassay proposed in the patent P201300029 was applied to a pre-treated wastewater containing a mixture of commercial pesticides to simulate a recalcitrant industrial wastewater in order to determine its biodegradability. The test uses a mixture of standardized inoculum of the lyophilized bacteria Pseudomonas putida with the proper proportion of salts and minerals. The results highlight that biodegradation efficiency can be calculated using a gross parameter (chemical oxygen demand (COD)) which facilitates the biodegradability determination for routine water biodegradability analysis. The same trend was observed throughout the assay with the dehydrated and fresh inoculums, and only a difference of 5 % in biodegradation efficiency (E f) was observed. The obtained results showed that the P. putida biodegradability assay can be used as a commercial test with a lyophilized inoculum in order to monitor the ready biodegradability of an organic pollutant or a WWTP influent. Moreover, a combination of the BOD5/COD ratio and the P. putida biodegradability test is an attractive alternative in order to evaluate the biodegradability enhancement in water pre-treated with advanced oxidation processes (AOPs).  相似文献   

A detailed characterisation of the incoming wastewater and a performance evaluation were carried out for the domestic wastewater treatment plant of Erzincan City. Conventional characterisation results showed that Erzincan has a medium strength wastewater quality. Structural characterisation of the chemical oxygen demand (COD) indicated that the biodegradable fraction of the total COD was 64.7%. The soluble inert fraction was computed as 10.9% of the total COD. In Erzincan, an activated sludge plant provides secondary treatment using Carrousel treatment units. Because some operational problems, such as sludge bulking and foaming, have been experienced, and performance failures related to carbonaceous matter removal have been recorded many times, a new operational strategy suitable for this type of treatment plant was developed. In the new strategy, the sludge age was kept at 22 days, intermittent aeration was abandoned and replaced by continuous aeration, and the sludge recycle ratio was increased to 1.35 from 0.85. The developed operational strategy showed its merit in that previous operational problems largely disappeared and COD concentrations remained below the Turkish discharge limits of 100 mg/l and the NH4 removal rate was in the range 87–95%.  相似文献   

在中国“3060碳达峰碳中和”的战略背景下,绿色低碳成为污水处理厂运行评价的重要指标,污水处理厂减污降碳是大势所趋。聚焦通过电碳生态圈及数字化平台支撑,用数字化电碳管理减少污水处理厂的间接用电二氧化碳排放,在时间、空间和经济性3个维度上,为污水处理、碳管理、电网3个行业的“水-碳-电”协同减污降碳提供了新的合作模式与技术支持。针对污水处理厂碳排放及碳减排管理问题,以江苏省某污水处理厂为例,从实时碳排放核算管理、日度电碳协同减碳运行管理和绿色电力交易减碳管理3个方面,解析了该污水处理厂冬季和夏季24 h用电功率曲线,探讨了污水处理厂电碳协同的日度减碳运行策略,核算了日度电碳协同减碳运行和绿色电力交易减碳管理的效果。结果表明,通过实时碳排放核算管理可以核算污水处理厂每日间接用电碳排放量,结合日度电碳协同减碳运行策略和绿色电力交易减碳管理2个减排措施,可为污水处理厂夏季日度减少间接用电碳排放30.63%,为污水处理厂冬季日度减少间接用电碳排放30.71%,每年可为江苏省某污水处理厂节约电费十余万元。该研究结果表明基于电碳协同的污水处理厂减碳管理效果较为理想,可为水务行业推进双碳战略提供参考。  相似文献   

Katsoyiannis A  Samara C 《Chemosphere》2007,67(7):1375-1382
Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) and conventional active sampling methods were used for the sampling of wastewater from the wastewater treatment plant of Thessaloniki, northern Greece. The occurrence of 22 POPs was shown by both sampling methods. The most abundant compounds were heptachlor-exo-epoxide and PCBs-52; -101 and -180. Concentrations of POPs detected by active sampling and those estimated by the SPMDs matched very well in some cases, but significant mismatches were also observed. Regression analysis of the results detected by both methods showed moderate correlations. The highest uptake rate of hydrophobic compounds by SPMDs was observed for analytes with log K(OW) between 5.5 and 6.0. Our data suggest that active and passive sampling are complimentary, and that at least for the outflow of a WWTP, SPMDs could be used for the routine monitoring of compounds that are listed at the Water Framework Directive of the European Commissions.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The aerosols harboring microorganisms and viruses released from the wastewater system into the air have greatly threatened the health and safety of...  相似文献   

污水处理厂污泥干化焚烧处理可行性分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
李博  王飞  严建华  池涌 《环境工程学报》2012,6(10):3399-3404
以绍兴污水处理厂脱水污泥为研究对象,通过实验分析了污泥进行干化焚烧处理的可行性。对污泥泥质进行分析,采用桨叶式污泥干化机对污泥的热干化特性、干化过程污染排放特性进行研究,使用流化床污泥焚烧试验装置对污泥焚烧工况及焚烧过程中污染物的排放特征进行研究,结果表明,绍兴污水处理厂脱水污泥的泥质特征与大多数污水污泥类似,灰分较高、发热量较低,需干化后才可实现稳定燃烧;污泥在小型桨叶式污泥干化机内的干化速率最高达到0.6kg/(m2·min),并随污泥干化的进行而逐渐降低;干化过程产生的常规污染气体中氨气浓度最高,可达170 mg/Nm3;污泥干化冷凝水的COD高达820 mg/L,氨氮等指标也很高。污泥干化系统的设计需充分考虑污泥热干化过程中气体和液体污染物的排放,设置相应的处理设施。污泥干化至含水率30%时,可在不投加辅助燃料的情况下实现流化床焚烧炉内的焚烧处理,干化污泥焚烧时需关注烟气中常规污染气体和重金属的控制,焚烧灰渣浸出毒性未超过国标限值。  相似文献   

污水处理厂除臭工艺选择及工程设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着无锡市城北污水处理厂二期工程的扩建,污水处理厂除臭问题日益突出.针对目前常用的化学、活性炭吸附、氧离子基团、燃烧、纯天然植物提取液喷洒和生物等6种除臭方法,重点说明了除臭工艺的选择及除臭系统的工程设计,最后结合运行情况总结了除臭系统的设计特点.  相似文献   

对4种填料进行了挂膜试验,选择出3种挂膜性能良好的填料.并在自行开发的固定生物床反应器中,比较了这3种填料对炼油废水处理的效果.试验结果表明,F-Ⅲ型陶粒填料挂膜速度快,是一种理想的炼油废水处理生物填料.在炼油废水COD平均不大于700 mg/L,酚含量平均不大于100 mg/L,处理2 h的条件下,COD和酚的平均降解率分别可达68.5%和90.4%,COD的负荷及降解速率分别可达5.98 kg COD/m3·d和3.89 kg COD/m3·d.  相似文献   

炼油废水处理生物填料的选择与优化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Gao P  Ding Y  Li H  Xagoraraki I 《Chemosphere》2012,88(1):17-24
Occurrence and removal efficiencies of fifteen pharmaceuticals were investigated in a conventional municipal wastewater treatment plant in Michigan. Concentrations of these pharmaceuticals were determined in both wastewater and sludge phases by a high-performance liquid chromatograph coupled to a tandem mass spectrometer. Detailed mass balance analysis was conducted during the whole treatment process to evaluate the contributing processes for pharmaceutical removal. Among the pharmaceuticals studied, demeclocycline, sulfamerazine, erythromycin and tylosin were not detected in the wastewater treatment plant influent. Other target pharmaceuticals detected in wastewater were also found in the corresponding sludge phase. The removal efficiencies of chlortetracycline, tetracycline, sulfamerazine, acetaminophen and caffeine were >99%, while doxycycline, oxytetracycline, sulfadiazine and lincomycin exhibited relatively lower removal efficiencies (e.g., <50%). For sulfamethoxazole, the removal efficiency was approximately 90%. Carbamazepine manifested a net increase of mass, i.e. 41% more than the input from the influent. Based on the mass balance analysis, biotransformation is believed to be the predominant process responsible for the removal of pharmaceuticals (22% to 99%), whereas contribution of sorption to sludge was relatively insignificant (7%) for the investigated pharmaceuticals.  相似文献   

培养方式对废水脱氮与沼气脱硫污泥驯化影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验研究了底物、接种污泥和微生物生长方式对猪场废水脱氮和沼气脱硫耦联污泥驯化及活性恢复的影响,以解决快速富集培养废水脱氮与沼气脱硫微生物的问题。研究发现,就脱氮脱硫均达到60%的时间而言,接种厌氧污泥反应器为9 d,比接种好氧污泥反应器(18 d)和不接种污泥加填料反应器(21 d)更短。以含氮含硫废水为底物驯化时,接种厌氧污泥更有利于脱氮脱硫污泥的驯化;而同为接种好氧污泥时,以含氮含硫废水为底物的驯化方式更有利于脱氮脱硫污泥的驯化。污泥活性恢复实验中,以含氮废水+沼气(H2S)为底物培养驯化的污泥,硫转化活性恢复所用的时间为15 d,比含氮含硫废水为底物驯化污泥的活性恢复时间更长。  相似文献   

探讨了微生物絮凝剂处理二级出水过程中投加量和pH值对溶解性有机碳和浊度处理效果的影响,及将微生物絮凝剂与聚合氯化铝按不同比例复配后的去除效果及pH值对最佳投药量下去除效果的影响。并使用三维荧光光谱(3DEEM)分析了不同种类的絮凝剂在去除水中溶解性有机物(DOM)时的差别。实验结果表明:微生物絮凝剂的最佳投药量为20 mg·L-1,最适pH值为7.5,此时TOC去除率为17%,浊度去除率为45%。最佳复配投药量为微生物絮凝剂10 mg·L-1聚合氯化铝20 mg·L-1,最适pH值为7,此时TOC去除率为33%,浊度去除率为51%。复配使用对腐殖质有很好的去除效果。  相似文献   

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