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Although invasive non-native species can adversely affect biodiversity in many ways, predation of native species by non-native species on islands can be severely damaging. Results of numerous studies document non-native birds preying on birds on islands, but our understanding of the number and type of species affected has been limited by the lack of a global review of these impacts. I identified the non-native bird species that have been recorded preying on birds, the locations where this predation occurred, and the bird species affected. Because the impacts of non-native birds can be particularly severe on small islands, I then identified the islands <500 km2 around the world that are occupied by predatory non-native birds. By taking into account their life-history traits and predation history, I also identified the near-threatened and threatened bird species on these islands that they may prey on. The results indicated that predation by non-native birds was primarily a concern for threatened bird conservation on small islands; almost all predation impacts (91%) on near-threatened and threatened birds were recorded on islands, and median island size was 106 km2. I also found non-native bird predation was a poorly known and widespread potential threat to avian biodiversity; worldwide, 194 islands of <500 km2 were occupied by predatory non-native birds, but information on their impacts was unavailable for most of these islands. On them, where the impacts of non-native species can be severe, non-native birds may be preying on approximately 6% of the world's near-threatened and threatened bird species. Four non-native bird species I identified have been successfully eradicated from islands. If they were eradicated from the small islands they occupy, 70% of the near-threatened and threatened bird species I identified would no longer be affected by nest predation by non-native birds on small islands.  相似文献   

汕头市海岸湿地自然保护区是我国三大候鸟迁徙路线涉及区之一;分布64种水鸟,约占汕头鸟类总种数的51.2%。汕头海岸湿地自然保护区给鸟类提供了广阔的活动空间和丰富的食物来源,每年都有超过了3万只以上的候鸟类在此停留或越冬,是重要的国际候鸟迁徙区及水禽繁衍区。  相似文献   

Abstract:   We studied the conservation status of Atlantic forest birds in 43 forest fragments ranging in size from 1 to 384 ha in the Viçosa region of southeastern Brazil. We compared data from 15 years of field work with historical records from the region, mainly originating from specimens collected by João Moojen during the 1930s. We used published studies associated with museum data and current field work to assess the decline of forest birds during the last 70 years and to relate their disappearance to forest fragmentation and destruction. At least 28 bird species have become locally extinct, 43 are critically endangered, and 25 are vulnerable, representing 60.7% of the original forest bird community known to exist in the region. Vulnerability to fragmentation differed among guilds, forest strata, and endemicity status. Birds that feed on fruit and seeds, and those that feed on insects, were more threatened than omnivores and carnivores. Nectarivorous species were less threatened than other guilds. Moreover, terrestrial and understory birds or birds using only one forest stratum also were more likely to have been threatened. Finally, Atlantic forest endemics were more likely to have become extinct than nonendemic species. In general, sensitivity to environmental disturbance at the local level was similar to the predicted vulnerability to regional disturbance derived from the literature. Our results indicate that a serious decline of Atlantic forest birds is underway and that many other species of birds, not previously recognized as threatened, are of conservation concern .  相似文献   

Habitat use pattern and status of shorebirds in southern India were investigated in six tidal flats comprising three mudflats and three sand flats on the east coast of southern India. Totally, 7757 shorebirds belonging to 21 species were recorded during September 2000–March 2002. The birds preferred mudflats over sand flats. Density, diversity and richness of shorebirds were relatively higher in tidal flats, especially in mudflats. The shorebirds preferred mudflats over sand flats as stopover sites and sites for refueling the required energy during migration. Rhythmic changes in tidal pattern also influenced the allochthonous nutrients and prey species, which also attracted the migratory shorebirds. However, the abundance of shorebirds with reference to tidal flats *season*tide and habitats*seasons * tide had strong variations (P < 0.001). During migratory season, bird density, diversity and species richness were observed higher than in other seasons.  相似文献   

Migrating birds often alternate between flight steps, when distance is covered and energy consumed, and stopover periods, when energy reserves are restored. An alternative strategy is fly-and-forage migration, useful mainly for birds that hunt or locate their prey in flight, and thus, enables birds to combine foraging with covering migration distance. The favourability of this strategy in comparison with the traditional stopover strategy depends on costs of reduced effective travel speed and benefits of offsetting energy consumption during migration flights. Evaluating these cost-benefit effects, we predict that fly-and-forage migration is favourable under many conditions (increasing total migration speed), both as a pure strategy and in combination with stopover behaviour. We used the osprey (Pandion haliaetus) as test case for investigating the importance of this strategy during spring and autumn migration at a lake in southern Sweden. The majority, 78%, of passing ospreys behaved according to the fly-and-forage migration strategy by deviating from their migratory track to visit or forage at the lake, while 12% migrated past the lake without response, and 10% made stopovers at the lake. Foraging success of passing ospreys was almost as good as for birds on stopover. Timing of foraging demonstrated that the birds adopted a genuine fly-and-forage strategy rather than intensified foraging before and after the daily travelling period. We predict that fly-and-forage migration is widely used and important among many species besides the osprey, and the exploration of its occurrence and consequences will be a challenging task in the field of optimal migration.  相似文献   

湖南隆回打鸟坳迁徙鸟类资源的调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用路线调查、样方调查法、鸟类鸣叫声音统计法和走访调查等调查研究方法,对湖南隆回打鸟坳迁徙鸟类资源进行了调查研究,发现该地计有迁徙鸟类10目21科56种,其中留鸟有22种,占39%,夏候鸟有7种,占13%,旅鸟有27,占48%.同时分析了打鸟坳鸟类扑火的原因,并对打鸟坳鸟类资源保护提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

2012年5月至2013年4月,在苏州工业园区选择了4种生境,设置了17条样线、24个样点,逐月对鸟类群落进行了研究。共记录到鸟类130种,隶属12目41科,雀形目鸟类占主要地位,其中留鸟、夏候鸟、冬候鸟和旅鸟分别占鸟类总种数的26.15%、25.38%、27.69%和20.77%。区系以广布种和古北界种类为主,兼有东洋界种类,具有南北过渡的明显特征。从季节动态变化上看,园区鸟种数由多到少表现为春季冬季秋季夏季;密度由高到低表现为冬季秋季春季夏季。湿地生境鸟类种数最多,分布均匀;道路生境鸟类种数最少,分布不均,但优势种突出,以常见的伴人雀形目鸟类为主。聚类结果显示,环境条件是影响鸟类组成的重要因素。  相似文献   

Kumasir lake is located next to towns of Donuklu and Fatih, nine km west of Kahramanmaras city center the region of east Mediterranean, Turkey This lake is of crucial importance from the point of native and immigrant birds. We located 17 birdspecies in this area during our observations carried out in the spring and autumn of 2005-2006. These were Ciconia ciconia L., Anas platyrhynchos L., Accipiter nisus L., Accipiter brevipes L., Fulica atra L., Columba palumbus L., Merops apiaster L., Upupa epops L., Alauda arvensis L., Motacilla flava L., Turdus merula L., Acrocephalus scirpaceus L., Regulus regulus L., Garrulus glandarius L., Corvus corax L., Fringilla coelebs L., Hirundo rustica L.. Among observed 17 species; 6 of them were immigrant and remaining 11 of them were native birds. Kumasir lake is surrounded by wetland of Amik and Gavur lake. Since it was greatly dried, it was transformed to farmland. Consequently the birds lost most of theirnests and settlements. However not taken in the care of environmental ethic values, the wastewaters of the villages drain to lake reservoir; herbicides and insecticides used for agriculture are polluting the water reeds have been burned, the lake's reeds are getting dry by the irrigation for the farmland. So, the wetland ecosystem is being affected negatively by these factors. On the other hand, the birds are exposed to illegal and unlawful hunting. For this reasons, this lake must be taken into a management regime of sustainable wetland (protection profiting balance) and used techniques of participation planning via the process of sustainable natural resources and planning.  相似文献   

During migrations, birds have to cope with varying meteorological conditions, which shape their migratory routes and affect their performance. Amongst these, wind is the main meteorological agent influencing behaviour of birds in their migration journeys. Here we analyze the effect of winds during migrations of adult individuals of two raptor species tracked with satellite telemetry, the Montagu’s harrier (Circus pygargus) and the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni). While harriers use mostly soaring flight, kestrels principally use flapping flight and thus, wind can differently affect these birds. We found that both forward and perpendicular winds significantly affected the movements of the Montagu’s harrier, which were drifted from their intended direction but also took advantage of tailwinds. On the contrary, lesser kestrels moved more regardless of forward winds, despite they were highly drifted by crosswinds. Our results also support that the drifting effect of winds at the onset of the spring migration may explain the loop migration observed for both species, with birds compensating later the effect of crosswinds to arrive to their breeding areas. Results presented here illustrate how winds can differently affect migrating birds according to their flight modes.  相似文献   

闽江口湿地的鸟类研究   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
1998-2000年对福建省闽江口湿地的鸟类资源进行了调查,共记录鸟类86种,隶属11目23科,其中古北界鸟类59种(68.6%),东洋界鸟类27种(31.4%),区系组成呈现南、北鸟类混杂分布,以古北界鸟类为主的特征,留鸟12种,占鸟类总数13.9%;迁徒鸟74种,占86.1%。该湿地鸟类的多样性表现出明显的季节性,迁徒季节鸟类的各类和数量都最多,繁殖季节则最少,该湿地有国家二级保护鸟类9种,中日修鸟保护协定名录中的鸟类49种,并对鸟类资源的保护和管理提出了建议。  相似文献   

Abstract: Budget constraints require the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to prioritize species for recovery spending. Each listed species is ranked according to the degree of threat it faces, its recovery potential, and its taxonomic distinctness. We analyzed state and federal government expenditures for recovery of threatened and endangered birds ( n = 85 species) from 1992 to 1995 to determine if the priority system was being followed. Although recovery spending correlated with priority rank, priority rank explained <5% of the variation in spending. A small number of the same moderately ranked species dominated expenditures each year (41–79% of total annual budgets). Species with wide distributions, high recovery potential, and captive breeding programs received the most funding, and more funding than their priority ranks dictated. Island species received significantly less funding than expected based on priority rank. Twelve species, 10 of which resided on islands, received <$5000 at least once from 1992 to 1995. Recovery spending was unrelated to degree of threat, taxonomic distinctness, and migratory status. There also was no relationship between land-purchase expenditures and priority ranks. To improve the relationship between recovery spending on threatened and endangered birds and their priority rank, significant changes need to be made within the private sector ( less litigation and special-interest lobbying  ), U.S. Congress (increased budget and reduced earmarking  ), and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (restructuring of regional offices and increased accountability).  相似文献   

Abstract:  Although it is known that changes in land use and climate have an impact on ecological communities, it is unclear which of these factors is currently most important. We sought to determine the influence of land-use and climate alteration on changes in the abundance of Central European birds. We examined the impact of these factors by contrasting abundance changes of birds of different breeding habitat, latitudinal distribution, and migratory behavior. We examined data from the semiquantitative Breeding Bird Atlas of Lake Constance, which borders Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. Changes in the regional abundance of the 159 coexisting bird species from 1980–1981 to 2000–2002 were influenced by all three factors. Farmland birds, species with northerly ranges, and long-distance migrants declined, and wetland birds and species with southerly ranges increased in abundance. A separate analysis of the two decades between 1980–1981 and 1990–1992 and between 1990–1992 and 2000–2002 showed that the impact of climate change increased significantly over time. Latitudinal distribution was not significant in the first decade and became the most significant predictor of abundance changes in the second decade. Although the spatial scale and temporal resolution of our study is limited, this is the first study that suggests that climate change has overtaken land-use modification in determining population trends of Central European birds.  相似文献   

Conserving migratory species requires protecting connected habitat along the pathways they travel. Despite recent improvements in tracking animal movements, migratory connectivity remains poorly resolved at a population level for the vast majority of species, thus conservation prioritization is hampered. To address this data limitation, we developed a novel approach to spatial prioritization based on a model of potential connectivity derived from empirical data on species abundance and distance traveled between sites during migration. We applied the approach to migratory shorebirds of the East Asian‐Australasian Flyway. Conservation strategies that prioritized sites based on connectivity and abundance metrics together maintained larger populations of birds than strategies that prioritized sites based only on abundance metrics. The conservation value of a site therefore depended on both its capacity to support migratory animals and its position within the migratory pathway; the loss of crucial sites led to partial or total population collapse. We suggest that conservation approaches that prioritize sites supporting large populations of migrants should, where possible, also include data on the spatial arrangement of sites.  相似文献   

Chilika Lake, the largest brackish water lagoon in Asia, is a prominent biodiversity hotspot along the Indian east coast. The geomorphology, water quality and biological productivity of the lake had undergone significant changes over the years under the influence of natural events and anthropogenic interventions. Decades of research have shown that the ecological changes of the lake system and its fisheries were influenced mainly by the water exchange between the lake and the sea that controls the salinity, siltation, macrophyte infestation and recruitment of marine forms. Depletion of fisheries and loss of biodiversity in 1980s and 1990s have been linked to the northward shifting of lake’s inlet and silting up of the outer channel. In order to improve the health of the lagoon and restoration of its biodiversity, a new mouth was dredged open in September 2000. Opening of the new mouth has resulted in some improvements with substantial increase in capture fishery, reduction in weed infestation, growth of seagrasses, appearance of dolphins and increase in the population of migratory birds. But, many stake holders claim that the problems associated with the lake ecology and its contribution to the socio-economic development of the stake holders still persist which could escalate in future.  相似文献   

To assess the role of celestial rotation during daytime in the development of the magnetic compass course, pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca Pallas, Muscicapidae) were handraised in Latvia under various celestial and magnetic conditions. Tests were performed during autumn migration in the local geomagnetic field (50 000 nT, 73° inclination) in the absence of celestial cues. A group of birds that had never seen the sky showed a bimodal preference for the migratory southwest-northeast axis, whereas a second group that had been exposed to the natural sky from sunrise to sunset in the local geomagnetic field showed a unimodal preference for the seasonally appropriate southwesterly direction. A third group that had also been exposed to the daytime sky, but in the absence of magnetic compass information, also oriented bimodally along a southwest-northeast axis. These findings demonstrate that observing celestial rotation during daytime enables birds to choose the right end of the migratory axis for autumn migration at the Latvian test location. This transformation of axial behavior into appropriate migratory orientation, however, requires the birds to have simultaneous access to information on both celestial rotation and the geomagnetic field. Received: 19 September 1997 / Accepted after revision: 22 November 1997  相似文献   

Conservation actions, such as habitat protection, attempt to halt the loss of threatened species and help their populations recover. The efficiency and the effectiveness of actions have been examined individually. However, conservation actions generally occur simultaneously, so the full suite of implemented conservation actions should be assessed. We used the conservation actions underway for all threatened and near‐threatened birds of the world (International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species) to assess which biological (related to taxonomy and ecology) and anthropogenic (related to geoeconomics) factors were associated with the implementation of different classes of conservation actions. We also assessed which conservation actions were associated with population increases in the species targeted. Extinction‐risk category was the strongest single predictor of the type of conservation actions implemented, followed by landmass type (continent, oceanic island, etc.) and generation length. Species targeted by invasive nonnative species control or eradication programs, ex situ conservation, international legislation, reintroduction, or education, and awareness‐raising activities were more likely to have increasing populations. These results illustrate the importance of developing a predictive science of conservation actions and the relative benefits of each class of implemented conservation action for threatened and near‐threatened birds worldwide.  相似文献   

Many bird populations have recently changed their migratory behavior in response to alterations of the environment. We collected data over 16 years on male Great Bustards (Otis tarda), a species showing a partial migratory pattern (sedentary and migratory birds coexisting in the same breeding groups). We conducted population counts and radio tracked 180 individuals to examine differences in survival rates between migratory and sedentary individuals and evaluate possible effects of these differences on the migratory pattern of the population. Overall, 65% of individuals migrated and 35% did not. The average distance between breeding and postbreeding areas of migrant individuals was 89.9 km, and the longest average movement of sedentary males was 3.8 km. Breeding group and migration distance had no effect on survival. However, mortality of migrants was 2.4 to 3.5 times higher than mortality of sedentary birds. For marked males, collision with power lines was the main cause of death from unnatural causes (37.6% of all deaths), and migratory birds died in collisions with power lines more frequently than sedentary birds (21.3% vs 6.3%). The percentage of sedentary individuals increased from 17% in 1997 to 45% in 2012. These results were consistent with data collected from radio‐tracked individuals: The proportion of migratory individuals decreased from 86% in 1997–1999 to 44% in 2006–2010. The observed decrease in the migratory tendency was not related to climatic changes (temperatures did not change over the study period) or improvements in habitat quality (dry cereal farmland area decreased in the main study area). Our findings suggest that human‐induced mortality during migration may be an important factor shaping the migration patterns of species inhabiting humanized landscapes.  相似文献   

采用固定样带法和样点法对梅江流域的鸟类群落进行了研究,共记录到201种,隶属16目49科127属,其中留鸟81种、冬候鸟67种、夏候鸟40种、旅鸟13种,分别占40.1%、33.3%、19.9%、6.7%;古北界种类95种(占47.3%),东洋界种类64种(占31.8%),广布型种类42种(占20.9%);国家I级保护种类1种,国家II级保护种类21种(占10%);《国际湿地公约》指定种类24种(占12%),《中澳候鸟保护协议》指定种类22种(占11%),《中日候鸟保护协议》指定种类76种(占38%),《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)指定种类19种(占9%),有益的、有重要经济价值的、有重要科学研究价值的物种155种(占77%)。该流域的鸟类群落多样性指数3.7617,均匀度指数0.7093。  相似文献   

Indicator groups may be important tools with which to guide the selection of networks of areas for conservation. Nevertheless, the literature provides little guidance as to what makes some groups of species more suitable than others to guide area selection. Using distributional data on all sub-Saharan birds and mammals, we assessed factors that influence the effectiveness of indicator groups. We assessed the influence of threatened, endemic, range-restricted, widespread, and large-bodied species by systematically varying their number in indicator groups. We also assessed the influence of taxonomic diversity by systematically varying the number of distinct genera and families within the indicator groups. We selected area networks based on the indicator groups and tested their ability to represent a set of species, which, in terms of species composition, is independent of the indicator group. Increasing the proportion of threatened, endemic, and range-restricted species in the indicator groups improved effectiveness of the selected area networks; in particular it improved the effectiveness in representing other threatened and range-restricted species. In contrast increasing the proportion of widespread and large-bodied species decreased effectiveness. Changes in the number of genera and families only marginally affected the performance of indicator groups. Our results reveal that a focus on species of special conservation concern, which are legitimate conservation targets in their own right, also improves the effectiveness of indicator groups, in particular in representing other species of conservation concern.  相似文献   

Knowing how much biodiversity is captured by protected areas (PAs) is important to meeting country commitments to international conservation agreements, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity, and analyzing gaps in species coverage by PAs contributes greatly to improved locating of new PAs and conservation of species. Regardless of their importance, global gap analyses have been conducted only for a few taxonomic groups (e.g., mangroves, corals, amphibians, birds, mammals). We conducted the first global gap analysis for a complete specious plant group, the highly threatened Cactaceae. Using geographic distribution data of 1438 cactus species, we assessed how well the current PA network represents them. We also systematically identified priority areas for conservation of cactus species that met and failed to meet conservation targets accounting for their conservation status. There were 261 species with no coverage by PAs (gap species). A greater percentage of cacti species (18%) lacked protection than mammals (9.7%) and birds (5.6%), and also a greater percentage of threatened cacti species (32%) were outside protected areas than amphibians (26.5%), birds (19.9%), or mammals (16%). The top 17% of the landscape that best captured covered species represented on average 52.9% of species ranges. The priority areas for gap species and the unprotected portion of the ranges of species that only partially met their conservation target (i.e., partial gap) captured on average 75.2% of their ranges, of which 100 were threatened gap species. These findings and knowledge of the threats affecting species provide information that can be used to improve planning for cacti conservation and highlight the importance of assessing the representation of major groups, such as plants, in PAs to determining the performance of the current PA network.  相似文献   

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