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青海省人民政府令第13号《青海省环境污染损害赔偿纠纷调处办法》,业经省人民政府第四十五次常务会议通过,现予发布,自1992年7月1日起施行。省长金基鹏 1992年6月23日##属性不符  相似文献   

关于完善环境污染损害赔偿法律救济的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济的飞速发展,环境污染的现象日益严重。目前我国解决环境污染损害赔偿责任纠纷的方式包括两种,即行政处理和诉讼解决。我国环境污染损害赔偿制度尚不完善。本文就完善环境污染损害赔偿法律救济提出具体建议,即修改、完善环境污染损害赔偿相关法律制度,使其适应经济和社会可持续发展的需要。  相似文献   

简要分析了当前环境污染纠纷调处工作所面临的困难和存在的问题并提出相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

分析了污染纠纷其外延包括赔偿损失纠纷和排除危害纠纷,由于存在排除危害这种纠纷形式,因而规定污染纠纷执行行政调解处理有明显局限性。受害方向不同的国家机关反映,排污方将承担不同性质的法律责任。建议应该重新明确是赔偿损失纠纷适用调处,不能笼统地规定对污染纠纷实行调处。  相似文献   

袁国宝 《四川环境》1989,8(3):25-28
本文根据农业对生态环境条件的特殊要求,结合国内外法律在有关农业环境损害赔偿、事故调处、行政处罚等方面的规定,论述了建立农业环境损害赔偿制度、事故调处制度、行政处罚制度的必要性。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国环境保护法》第三十八,四十一条规定,县以上环境保护部门,对环境污染损害赔偿案应予受理,并负责调查处理。怎样才能正确处理环境污染损害赌偿案呢?笔者认为,关键是取证,本文就这一问题谈谈个人浅见。一、取证的重要性环境保护行政主管部门处理环境污染损害案件,首先必须查明案件的事实真相,对案件事实作出符合实际的结论。而案件的事实真相,要由证据来证明。因此,环境污染损害赔偿案件,从立案、调查、处理,主要围绕着收集证据,判断证据,运用证据,  相似文献   

分析了污染纠纷其外延包括赔偿损失纠纷和排除危害纠纷,由于存在排除危害这种纠纷形式,因而规定污染纠纷执行行政调解处理有明显局限性。受害方向不同的国家机关反映,排污方将承担不同性质的法律责任。建议应该重新明确是赔偿损失纠纷适用调处,不能笼统地规定对污染纠纷实行调处。  相似文献   

我国西北地区面临着加速经济发展与加强环境治理保护的双重课题。但仍有部分地方政府与企业重发展、轻环保,造成环境污染事件频发,生态环境破坏严重。通过分析西北地区生态环境污染的典型案例,结合《生态环境损害赔偿制度改革方案》与试点的实践经验,从明确诉讼主体资格、赔偿范围、实施诉讼和磋商多种纠纷解决方式等方面,提出我国西北地区完善生态环境损害赔偿制度的建议。  相似文献   

我国现行环保法律、法规规定:对环境污染事故的处理由环境保护行政主管部门或者其他依照法律规定行使环境监督管理权的部门处理;对环境污染引起的赔偿责任和赔偿金额的纠纷的处理,上述部门可根据当事人的请求居间处理,当事人对处理决定不服,可以向人民法院起诉。另外,也可直接向人民法院起诉。应该承认这些法律规定,对污染事故、纠纷的处理曾经和正在起着很多积极的作用。但在工作实践中,涉及到有关举报责任、调处地位、制裁力度等方面的情况时,往往显得不够完善,或者说是不够清晰,不够明确。这主要表现在以下三个方面;一是举报…  相似文献   

在各类环境污染损害赔偿案例中,环境污染事故造成的损害赔偿案件,常因案由清楚,因果关系明显,直接经济损失比较易于计算等原因,赔偿处理方案双方易于接受。而由非环境污染事故引发的环境污染损害赔偿案件,因排污单位处于常规排污状况.或者由于各种自然的、人为的和暂不可知的原因造成污染的这类案件调解难度较大,易产生错案或失误。因错案或失误产生的消极影响,可能形成隐患,影响到社会的安定,值得认真对待。那么为什么会造成错案或失误呢?笔者认为存在以下几个误区:一、案由和立案材料中的“盲目参照”是最常见的误区之一这类…  相似文献   

张耕 《四川环境》1995,14(4):56-60
本文阐述了污染赔偿纠纷行政处理的基本原则,重点讨论赔偿责任的认定和赔偿金额的确定,并对进一步完善行政处理制度提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

生态文明建设的进程受到诸多因素的制约,如生态环境意识、环境立法、行政执法和司法缺陷、法律政策等,同时生态文明建设中面临诸多的难题,如公众参与、生态补偿、环境责任及环境纠纷等,应通过完善立法、执法及司法建设,以及完善公众参与机制、生态补偿机制、环境公益诉讼制度等保障机制来解决这些问题。本文首先通过比较分析生态文明与环境法制的关系,结合我国生态法制建设困境,提出了完善生态文明建设的一系列的环境法治保障措施,即从立法、执法、司法角度,从而实现科学发展观,构建和谐社会,最终实现环境—社会—经济协调发展的任务。  相似文献   

我国水事纠纷解决机制探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水事纠纷解决机制是一系列水事纠纷解决方式所组成的整体,该机制是民事主体或行政区域水资源权利受到侵害,以及遭受水污染侵权损害的重要救济途径。虽然我国相关法律对水事纠纷的解决方式已作出规定,但是这些法律规定较为分散、不系统,还没有形成一个有机的整体,造成运用该机制解决水事纠纷的效果较差。为了保障水事纠纷及时、有效地得以解决,完善我国的水事纠纷解决机制已迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

民事司法手段的局限性限制了司法手段在环境纠纷解决中的地位和作用。民事司法改革进程的深入发展和多元化纠纷解决机制的兴盛为环境纠纷的多元化解决途径带来了新的发展契机。环境纠纷行政处理的专业性、便捷性、可接近性决定了行政处理在环境纠纷解决中的独特作用和适用空间。在借鉴发达国家和地区环境纠纷行政处理的立法经验和灵活多样的纠纷解决途径的基础上,从环境纠纷行政处理专门立法、纠纷解决机构设置、纠纷解决方式、行政处理的纠纷范围、行政处理救济的程序保障等方面,提出完善我国环境纠纷行政处理制度的思考和建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This article discusses the implications of accepting various standards of scientific evidence in disputes arising over the dumping of potentially hazardous materials into public waterways and drinking water supplies. Standards based on the types of risks and levels of benefits suffered and received by adjacent populations are evaluated within the context of the several pieces of federal legislation which relate to water quality. A case study of Reserve Mining Corporation's dumping of taconite wastes into Lake Superior is presented to illustrate the ramifications of decisions based on differing perspectives of the problem and its impacts by the courts, the affected public, RMC, and the regulatory agencies involved.  相似文献   

This paper applies a property rights framework to federal mineral lands in the western United States from the enactment of the Mining Law in 1872 until the enactment of the Mineral Leasing Act for fossil fuels in 1920. There are two principal findings. First, the Mining Law appears to have been an effective means for assigning rights to mineral stocks on public lands (at least through 1920). This conclusion is supported by evidence from claim disputes in the West. Second, the impetus for the Mineral Leasing Act did not derive from the different physical characteristics of hardrock minerals and petroleum. The relevance of these conclusions to contemporary mineral policy is also discussed.  相似文献   

2 greenhouse gases in assessment studies. For the cases studied, we identify variability in the assessment reports in the Netherlands during the pre-IPCC period. In the Netherlands arena, the assessments in this period can be seen as exponents of two different lines, a Netherlands line and an international line. We seek to identify what factors were decisive in the selection processes that resulted in the closure of visible disputes (visible in or across the assessment reports) for both cases. Our analysis reveals a remarkable difference in the adoption behavior of two Dutch assessment groups despite a large overlap in membership. We provide evidence that it is not the paradigmatic predisposition of the experts in the committee that was decisive for the closure of visible disputes, but it was the context in which the experts operated and the commitments they had made in each setting.  相似文献   

This article offers a different perspective to the well known problems of water scarcity in the Middle East. It is argued that there are strong linkages between prevailing national ideologies and intraregional water disputes. Domestic political necessities and commitments often limit foreign policy choices open to countries with regard to the settlement of water disputes. This tends to exacerbate existing conflict. Reasons given include ideologically intertwined issues related to national security, including food security and national independence in conjunction with a deep socio-cultural commitment to a prospering agricultural sector. Any proposed solution to Middle East water disputes needs to take ideological-political factors into account in addition to the physical, social, cultural and economic aspects.  相似文献   

The courts have provided the traditional battleground for conflicts between environmental interest groups and those whose actions in some way have an adverse impact on the environment The judicial process is a time-consuming one in which all sides usually must concede to some points. Environmental disputes involve complex scientific issues which the court system is not set up to comprehend, so that the process gives the parties to a dispute the sense of having lost control of their own destinies. An increasing number of parties to environmental disputes are turning to negotiation, or mediation, as an alternative in which they can be active parties in the settlement-making process rather than the victims of a court-imposed solution When do the parties to a dispute choose a negotiated settlement over a court battle? To what extent does each party make the concessions necessary to reach an agreement? These questions can be answered by the game theory that provides a model for analyzing the negotiation process. This paper will apply game theory to two environmental conflict cases A series of questions pertinent to the analysis of all environmental disputes will be raised  相似文献   

During the 1990s the social scientific literature on local opposition to proposed developments has moved from a focus on individual motives to a concern with the social causes and significance of such protest. However, the language of NIMBYism is still widely used by researchers. Drawing on data from a case study of local responses to a proposed new road the central role that the language of NIMBY plays within siting disputes is illustrated, and it is concluded that academics interested in understanding the dynamics and process of local development disputes might usefully study participants' use of NIMBY, but should distance themselves from the activity of attributing NIMBYism to certain parties. In addition those concerned with managing, mediating or resolving local disputes should also steer clear of the language of NIMBY and engage with the diversity and complexity of local concerns and interests.  相似文献   

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